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I just noticed this. Without bending the narrative, when have 2 characters reciprocated feelings for each other? EDIT: main cast guys, and remember I said without bending the narrative


forgot to throw in shadis and carla as well. It's fucking ridiculous. this man isayama literally cannot commit to making a mutual-feeling relationship without it being a "these two are parents so they kinda need to be together to make a major character" typa deal. Even gabi & falco's thing you could still make an argument for Gabi's feelings towards him being somewhat dubious. Even Sasha & Niccolo still had enough leeway to just pull a "oh sasha didnt like him like that" Armin & Annie's relationship is the only confirmed mutual and it's so fucking inorganic. not to mention its stockholm syndrome on Annie's side and being mentally overriden by another person's memories on Armin's side. And even then Isayama didn't commit to them being explicitly together in the ending. Not even Mikasa's supposed new family after eren is confirmed.


I've said it before, so I like repeating it, it's *hilarious* that a guy who sucks at writing romance this much made the entire ending depend on a romance that he neglected the entire story until the final hour. Ridiculous.


Isayama is unironically shy


so beautiful isn't it


Armin x Annie isn’t even a bad concept either. Needed better execution


Armin should've ate pieck And they shouldve killed bertholdt without nobody eating him. What curse armin X annie is the bertholdt memories bullshit.


Instead of being in love with Annie, he would be in love with Porco, ngl I would watch that


I mean pieck and porco is fandom ship Not even one sided.


Oh yeah i forgot that, fuck, this fandom is obsessed with ships, even I got bamboozled, I really thought those two were oficial Edit: minor spelling mistake NOOOOOOOO


Tbh merch and Kodansha themselves pushed it. The anime removed their moments tho, like Porco arriving with Pieck to help her walk at the meeting or Porco attacking Eren because he was mad Pieck was hurt and him having a flashback of him and Pieck eating burgers.


Wait they had these scenes? When was the flashbacks of her and porco


> Even gabi & falco's thing you could still make an argument for Gabi's feelings towards him being somewhat dubious. Even Sasha & Niccolo still had enough leeway to just pull a "oh sasha didnt like him like that" Abt the sasha and niccolo thing, niccolo never confessed to sasha tbh It can't be one sided, unless kaya was right then its canon. Falco and gabi are kids but gabi know that he likes her then with time they most likely will start a relationship.


But that is technically bending the narrative. If it wasn’t written it’s not there. Yk?


I mean some things aren't written due to being unimportant to the plot and you know that Isayama was rushing the post time-skip hard due to bullshit symbolism of the number 139 (last manga chapter number) 13 years of curse and 9 titans and for being tired, he even rushed titan lore explanations. Like who cares if niccolo was with sasha? It doesn't help the plot and would waste panels showing their love story. the kaya line I don't think that yams would put it without reason, it would be kinda useless writing, then it's there, at least in Isayama perspective. Annie being shown with her dad wasn't there in the 3 years final post time-skip too but we all know that she visits him, same goes to pieck and her dad, or reiner still visiting falco and gabi etc... It's not bending the narrative, it's just interpretation of a thing open to interpretation but using the story as basis.


Idk bout Annie and Armin, there relationship was growing pretty rapidly until Annie got captured, people just forget cuz she was gone for a while


Gabi and Falco. Arguably the least controversial pairing to the fandom.


The cadet couple before Trost had one of them killed. Armin and Annie, although that pairing is a mess that shouldn't have existed to begin with. That's it.


Grisha and Carla! They had a kid even!


And even that came out of a one-sided love story later down the line.


How is it one sided?


Shadis loved Carla.


well I know that but comment says "Grisha and Carla" so the context is them two thats what I asked


shadis loved carla, shadis brings grisha, grisha gets carla, thats what i meant, sorry if i worded that weird.


There is Gabi and Falco. They are arguably the least controversial ship.


Eh, they're EM-lite for me. I wasn't moved.


It's more armin and eren no?


Nicolo and Sasha?


Grisha Carla, Grisha Dina


Eremika stopped being one-sided just because of Mikasa's fanfic (138-139)


The last chapter fr just destroyed it all😭


This reminds me of how Isayama said on an interview that he did not understand the Childhood friend romance trope because the children who grew up with him in his hometown were like siblings to him and he found the idea of dating them creepy. He later went on to marry a girl from his hometown. He also said Mikasa's appearance was based on a sketch he made of a female friend of his. This might explain why Mikasa is not as sexualized as other main girls or love interests in Shonen (it would be very awkward if she read the manga and saw heavily sexualized character who looks like her created by her friend). While it has not been confirmed, it is possible his wife is that female friend.


>This reminds me of how Isayama said on an interview that he did not understand the Childhood friend romance trope because the children who grew up with him in his hometown were like siblings to him and he found the idea of dating them creepy Idk if it's true but apparently he married with his childhood friend. 💀


"Mangaka who hates Childhood Friend Romance falls in love with Childhood Friend" sounds like an interesting plot for a romance manga.


The wife is confirmed from the same hometown and he did say the hometown was small and everyone knew each other, so it's plausible. The whole childhood friend romance is creepy was him saying what he felt when he was immature.


None of the female characters are sexualized in AoT. I'm pretty sure thats just an artistic choice on Isayama's part. He prefers to sexualize the male characters instead, although still very rarely.


i physically cringed when i read that Ymir loved Fritz


Do you think it could have made more sense if it was handled differently? Like making him a hansome and manipulative young conqueror who charms a naive girl into building his empire.


yea maybe but why even go with the love thing in the first place? seems pretty silly to me that the entire story takes place because of Stockholm syndrome. Story wise its fine that fritz is a fucked up guy, but it goes completely off the rails when its revealed that "well actually, ymir loved him!" like what, especially after the fact that she intentionally didn't regenerate herself and chose to die seemed pretty obvious to me that she wanted to rebel and seek freedom, which is something that is inline with aot's themes


The whole Stockholm syndrome plot point was poorly written and contrived to begin with, as Ymir had the power to easily erase Fritz and his cohorts from the face of the Earth and didn't have any reason to not do so. Moreover, Fritz and Ymir were never even shown interacting directly before the pig pen incident. Actual Stockholm syndrome is a nuanced and complicated phenomenon, and the story fails to do it justice. The whole ordeal felt like an excuse to avoid writing a coherent and compelling narrative for that part of the story. Making King Fritz a young ambitious conqueror who was simply using Ymir would unironically make a lot more sense. Like a dark reflection of Eren, who also used his friends and risked their lives to attack Marley. I would've made Fritz the third son of the current chief, who was bitter and resentful of his brothers, looking for a way to dispose of them and his father. He was promiscuous and feigned kindness to get close to the slaves. Ymir (older) was one of them, and he offered food to her and pretended to stand up for her and the other slaves on occassion. The pig pen incident still happens, and he joins his brothers in chasing Ymir through the forest, and he is the one who shoots her in the eye, a secret he takes to his grave. Later, Ymir merges with the Hallucigenia and turns into a titan. Fritz sees her transform back into a human, appalled. He meets up with her and pretends that he was there to check up on her and protect her, using this opportunity to form a bond with her, preying on her feelings. He then uses her powers to kill his two elder brothers and father, convincing her that it was an act of just vengeance against her tormentors. In the end, he becomes the king of the new Eldian Empire, making Ymir his 'Queen', but has numerous concubines and treats her poorly. His insatiable ambition causing thousands of years of suffering even after his death.


God… this is so much better.


>hansome and manipulative young conqueror We already had Floch


I actually think Eren fits more the "Charismatic and hansome young conqueror" idea (Lelouch vi Britainnia, Robb Stark, and Paul Atreides are other examples), at least in Season 4. This shows not only Isayama could write someone like this, and it would have made the parallels of the relationship between Founder Ymir and King Fritz with that of Mikasa and Eren a lot stronger. P.S.: Alexander the Great, Fidel Castro (he was seen as very handsome backin his youth), and Ernesto "Che" Guevara are examples of this archetype in real life.


Maybe if Fritz already had a son and he had Ymir be betrothed to him. It be less weird than Ymir falling in love with the wrinkly ass dude who is directly responsible for her enslavement, her tongue being torn out, and being punished by getting hunted by hounds and horseback archers. Sure you can make the son view her as only property and treats her better than Fritz because she is a useful tool. This relationship is still fuck up but at least he isn't the main source of all her suffering, making it somewhat believable for why she would be affectionate towards him.


i made a whole writeup dissecting that whole mess and how it couldnt be stockholm syndrome and how isayama sincerely fucked up portraying the life and mindset of a slave, like 'it's offensive he'd think this is how slaves lived and thought' fucked up. The only conclusion you can come to is that she actually loved him, which is somehow even worse. the worst love writing of all time amirite


Hey Hanna and Franz were the greatest love story in AOT


Everybody is a slave to something.


Doesn't Historia loves Ymir too? I mean she never really said it but they clearly care about each other (before Ymir went crazy and decided to abandon her).


As a friend maybe, as a romantic partner don't think so


That was queerbait


What makes you say that?


Bcz aot is published in kodansha There a minimum percentage of chance that it could be canon


I’ll bite, what’s up with kodansha?


Bcz aot is shonen And lgbt couples is hard to happen in shonen


I view it has Korra/Asami (Avatar legenda of Korra) situation, because of corporate decisions, they couldn't make it cannon, so they made really REALLY implicit


Historia loved Ymir as a friend. Saying she had romantic feelings for her is pure headcanon. I mean I'm happy to flame her relationship with Farmer kun but it's undeniable proof that Historia is canonically straight. Not even bi. Straight.


How is that pure head canon? When you watched the entirety of season 2, you're telling me you didn't get the sense that it was heavily implied? Even if it's not explicitly said, it's very clear Historia was also in love with ymir.


yeah idk what's up with this, in my interpretation they were always gay as hell and I remember there being a few blushes in between. Even if they were friends at the moment it doesn't mean it couldn't have been the start of a romantic relationship.


You can add the word "heavily" but you got nothing more than "implied". What is your explanation to Ymir saying she wants to marry her, more than once, but Historia ignoring that? I'm curious to hear what's your HEADCANON for that as well.


Historia clearly expresses that she wants to live her most authentic life together with Ymir in Season 2, Episode 12, from 5:01 to 6:00. This clearly implies how deep the bond is between Ymir and Historia. She does say that she wants to marry Historia, but I don't know where you get the idea that Ymir says it more than once. Maybe the anime cut it out from the manga—I'm willing to accept that—but based on what we've all watched, Ymir writes a love letter to Historia which is then received from Reiner and read by Historia in Episode 9 of Season 3 Part 2, from 14:13 to 14:36; that is where Ymir mentions marriage. Considering Historia's sentimental reaction in this scene, it is clear that there are mutual feelings between them. (You'd need to be autistic to not notice this in an animated show of all things.) Attack on Titan is a pseudo-shonen manga (I term it that way), so it's clear that it's not going to overtly state that dynamic to the viewer. However, if you read between the lines, you can clearly observe that the author is trying to play this off as more than just a platonic relationship where one side is totally oblivious, or it would be hard for the viewer to predict whether the love interest would share the same feelings if confessed to.


I don't remember the exact episode but she tells Historia (then Krista) to marry her after the mission is over in Season 1, I think. I don't know why you're so in denial about this. You don't have any proof, only "implications" and "reading between the lines", purely subjective concepts. Never in the story is it stated that Historia reciprocrated Ymir's romantic interest. There is affection, sure, but it doesn't have to necessarily be romantic, and the facts suggest it is friendship more than romance. On the other hand Historia got pregnant. Undeniable and solid proof that Historia likes men, and nothing about her liking women. And listen, yes, I'd agree that she showed more interest/chemistry with Ymir than the farmer she got knocked up by, but the canon is what it is. Anything else is headcanon.


I can't make clear syllogistic proofs for everything. They're something you're going to have to make educated assumptions on given the preponderance of evidence. Similar to a guy sentimentally sharing a majority of his time with a specific girl and without ever saying "I love you," I am going have to make general assumptions on their relationship based on how they behave.


You're still claiming something is canon and the only evidence you have is your interpretation, while the fact is it's something that's not confirmed. That's quite literally the definition of a headcanon.


Not sure why you're getting down voted lol. You're speaking facts. Historia friend zoned the hell out of Ymir. I don't get why fans are so delusional about their relationship when it was clear that Ymir's love was un-reciprocated by Historia. People will do all types of mental gymnastics for "inclusion." It's cringe.


Mostly agree. I think Historia loved Freckles though. More in the manga than the anime. Anime only it was portrayed more one-sided... unfortunately.


It was like a big sister/best friend love not romance, although it could have come to that if Ymir didn’t die


lmao no. they were in love with each other


You should have put puzzleheaded kun and Connie's mom at the top


Eremika is shit But the ending made it not one sided Odd writing but still... Reiner crush on historia was a meme, I'm surprised how ppl didn't noticed that it was made so Isayama can shit on reiner and are thinking that it was serious 💀 King shit doesn't love nobody tbh dude is straight up a psychopath. Ymie crush is queerbait and aot Is published in kodansha there no way that a gay relationship would be Canon.


Ending is Mikasa's fanfic


Plot twist last parts never happened, it was just Mikasa's wattpatt while she's visiting Eren's grave


It's 3 years bruh


Don’t think it’s out of the question to say Historia reciprocated.


oh right throw shadis and carla in too lmao Ymir and Historia is one sided. You can learn this by reading the story. Eren's dialogue was designed so awkardly but so precisely that he just manages to skirt around saying 'i love mikasa' in any way shape or form? And all of his behavior? it's one-sided love. It's a horrible parallel but Ymir's mikasa parallel falls even flatter if Eren holds even an iota of romantic affection for her lmao


>Ymir and Historia is one sided. You can learn this by reading the story. Been saying this for years, thanks op


Is canon and confirmed


no lesbo for you, sorry


You mad for you little blonde?


Why would i? She ended up happy with a man.


Please not the farmer kun,I know it’s canon but still screw him


But that doesn't mean it wasn't canon.


Ymir Historia was defo not one sided lol


Freckles Ymir and Historia did express mutual feelings openly toward each other ,and their relationship is more then just being friends


reread the manga


can you be a bit more specific? all the arguments against this seems to be "that wasn't my interpretation so no"


Look, maybe it's less clear in the manga, but I definitely felt like they romantically cared for each other with out there being an explicit confession by ymir towards the end. If anything, the author was clearly trying to create that type of lesbian dynamic.


Yeah but I do still see the romantic tension between them,sure it’s not like they love each other to death but their relationship is still much more then just being friends,they are practically soulmates,and honestly I get why people ship them so hard


i always thought historia loved ymir


Historia loved Ymir no?


Except Jean probably ended up with Mikasa, and Annie eventually got Armin.


This is the problem when the author left every relationship ambiguous so that he don’t need to deal with criticism,like tell me if he really is confident with the writing decisions of making Jean and Mikasa together why the hell in the anime is just two tiny figures ?


Pretty sure ymir and historias wasn't one sided :/


Historia loved ymir too


The only relationship that isn’t one sided would be between Eren and Armin




The fandom --------> Floch


Floch loves us all because he died for us.


few know this




Also Shadis with Carla. And I think Erwin with Nile Dok's wife also counts.


Marie? Would have been cool to get a glimpse into Erwin's past and see what she was like.


To me the most wholesome reciprocated relationship in snk is Hange x Levi. Im not saying its necessarily a romantic one, but those two really respected, understood and care for each other.


I love how Historia is the most loved character out of all of these


I think Eremika was definitely one sided. Keep in mind that the focus of Eren’s infamous rant is his unwillingness to accept the idea of Mikasa moving on from him. He isn’t any more upset about not being able to be with Mikasa than any of his other friends. As far as Ymir/Historia goes, I always read their relationship as “lesbian falls in love with her straight best friend”. It was clear that Historia cared deeply about Ymir but not in a romantic way. I like to joke that the real reason why Ymir gave herself up to the Warriors is because she knew she was getting “friend zoned” by Historia. It doesn’t make any sense for Ymir to let the Warriors take her back to Marley so that she can be executed considering that Ymir feels that Paradis is a viable life for Historia.


Ymir and Historia is canon


Then our cap'ncook the Falco Pinkman the g comes with heavy balls of steel


Hange and I love each other


Isayama grew up in FB era where One sided Relationship was the hype


Not Annie and Armin


Slaves to their desires.


It was weird None of the love story in story make sense


What is blud yappin bout?


No wonder they gave some interesting build ups of characters' chemistry only for nothing to happen between them, or even just death


Nothing gets out of my head that Isayama invented this "Bert in love with Annie" thing just to try to turn him into a stupid and pathetic character. The jokes that the fandom makes inferiorizing people because of this bad and toxic ship are sad.


Media literacy strikes again.  Yeah im sure war where people are dying every day close and far is gonna be the place with blossoming romance. We totally didn’t see that proved wrong in literally the first battle. Not only that but someone is still in denial about Ymir and Historia. Yeah, there was no shared love from her, that entire breakdown where she’s angry and sobbing about being left behind and pleading to have her rescued didn’t have a SINGLE grain evidence of shared love.


Actually if I were to recommend a series where romance and the war theme balanced well,their is always fullmetal alchemist,the hunger games etc. But I disagree with this list that Ymir’s feeling toward Historia is one sided,they are more like soulmates that deeply connect with each other


>Yeah im sure war where people are dying every day close and far is gonna be the place with blossoming romance. he went 7 for 7 with these. there's a difference between just not starting something because life is shit, i've done that before even with mutual feelings irl, the difference here is all of these are fucking one-sided. this is not 'oh it's war', he never even touches on that himself, this is the author's poorly disguised fetish. They had 4 years of 'peace' as well where nobody was really dying either so idk >Yeah, there was no shared love from her, that entire breakdown where she’s angry and sobbing about being left behind and pleading to have her rescued didn’t have a SINGLE grain evidence of shared love. Yes you're correct, nothing about that was really romantic. Re examine her character, her social dynamics, the context of what Ymir was to her, and you'll learn that her feelings are made ridiculously ambiguous at the very least, and her absolute refusal to vocalize or even think about her supposed feelings within her own mind makes it even less likely. either way the writing is shit


Soulmates.Doesn’t mean it have to be romantic,they still trust each other,share their thoughts and expose their own inner weaknesses towards each other,I get that Isayama sucks at romance but Ymir’s and Historias relationship is based on mutual understanding and respect for each other .


Just remembered Petra and Levi too, do you think they'd qualify? I think there was a strong indication that Petra had a crush on Levi, but hard to say if it was mutual...


Sorry but if people are gonna mention about Ymir and Historia then you may as well mention Historia and Eren


Not really fully confirmed one of them was into the other. If one of them was then it was also probably one sided given this man’s track record.


Yep exactly. Apologies if it seems like I'm referring to your post itself, I meant to those who supported Historia/Ymir. In fact, I can't even recall much moments of actual romantic development between any characters other than one-sided moments. Though I'd rather be on the Historia/Ymir wagon rather than accepting what happened to her at the end since Hajime did Historia dirty. Though it's more of "Krista" because that's how she was to Ymir, she was a different woman, a "fake." So I don't see the basis of this ship because anything from her side during these moments wouldn't count, because Historia hadn't even interacted with her as her true self, as Historia. In terms of romantic development, Historia and Mikasa/Eren had it terrible as far as I'm concerned.


You're one of the very few that has pointed out that Ymir's love for Historia was un-reciprocated... It always makes me roll my eyes when people say that Historia had a "lesbian relationship" with Ymir and that she's a "lesbian" or "bi, at least" when it was so obvious if you watched the series that Historia friend zoned her. Like are we watching the same series?


downvoted for gay erasure especially on pride month smfh




what in the manga suggests Historia’s feelings for Ymir were completely platonic btw? Still waiting


EreMika is only superficially one-sided to be honest because Ereh had to keep up the façade of hating those whom he loves so that his death wouldn’t hit as hard. If given the opportunity, Jaeger daddy would absolutely clap Hizuruan cheeks without a moment’s hesitation.


Well Too bad she ended up being a private cumdumpster for Jean for 60 Years at least