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Only ymir knows that one Jk, anyways i'll try to answer them all from what i understood 1. The titans'll probally get their power, or the titans'll transform into the sand from PATHS a.k.a Mystery answerer 2. Pretty sure the founders couldn't do this because Eren could only do this because Ymir went ape shit against the world 3. They originally didn't have an conscience, but after the Alliance went into PATHS and was like 'Wake tf up' the titan holders became woke and joined the alliance


number 3 is easily the worst part about the whole thing. How the fuck did Armin managed to convince all these people he's never met to fight for the alliance if not even they themselves have any context of what in fucks name their fighting for nor what is even going on since they all died ages ago


Yeah, exactly. And if they did have an actual conscience then wouldn’t they most likely align themselves with Eren because he is restoring the fallen empire of Eldia by destroying the rest of the world. Just a random thought….


Grisha and Kruger mission was to first free the Eldians around the world with or without the cooperation of the person who was holding the founder in Paradis. The restorationist would’ve taken the founder by force if they choose not to help them. It makes sense for them to want to stop the rumbling if only to save all other Eldians outside of Paradis. Grisha went through it growing up and later basically ruined his entire first families lives because of his mission so if faced with a choice I don’t think he’d abandon all Eldians outside of the walls. Also I don’t think even the restorationist thought about rumbling the entire world but having their place/nation in the known take power. Having a world with nations to rule over. Mostly the same mindset Kyomi had. She wanted her peoples status in the current world hierarchy to be risen and validated.


Yeah, I can see this especially from the Restorationists side of things. But base on what you said that means Eldians will basically be the world-superpower again which would continue that cycle of hatred the world had towards Eldians and plus there’s a chance that another nation can rise and take the Powers of the Nine and rule… just like Marley did. But this just shows that the Rumbling was necessary because it would’ve broken that cycle of hatred that the Eldians had to endure and to stop that history from being repeated.


I don’t think the restorationist wanted to end the cycle of hatred but more in the lines of getting revenge, raise to power, and start the whole process over again. Their goal was never to kill off the entire world but remind them who was once on top and hold a seat of power. I always found it off that the people on Paradis(The Yeagerist) were so about the islands freedom claiming it was for Eldians when it was solely who those who lived on Paradis. A lot of their struggle came about because of its own government and through no real fault of their own getting their minds wiped. Technically the government on Paradis knew a bit more about the world and allowed the survey crops to exist when it never needed to/killed it’s own people who wanted to move technology forward. Even the raid on Liberio, the houses Floch was setting on fire might’ve housed Eldians. Already showing us the divide between the two different factions. Eren is technically the only one who knows the true history of the world, while previously the Eldians on Paradis had zero idea people existed outside the walls. It’s such a hard turn to decide everyone has to go in a span of four years while for hundreds of years the Eldians outside the walls weren’t shown to even by that extreme.


While I do agree with the points you made like how before the government in Paradis were deposed, they were basically corrupt and selfish individuals and how the Eldian Restorationists just wanted to be back on top. But the only thing I do somewhat disagree with is the last point. To explain why I said that, in chapter 123, where the Scouts were trying to have friendly relationships with people outside the walls. They found out that a group of Eldians basically said ‘FUCK THEM PARADISIANS and that we deserved to live ’ so technically they were already kinda extreme. Now granted, the Paradisians did abandoned them first through the actions of Karl Fritz (because he left the continent and settled on the island) but they still threw their own under the bus, by wishing their deaths. So, those outside the walls already picked their side even though I understand why they would do that, that just gave the Yeagerists like Floch and Eren a reason to not care about them and kill them. Now for a disclaimer: I don’t know if the Eldians outside the walls before were like the ones in 123 but I can only assume. So, yeah. *If there’s anything else you like to say then please do so because this discussion is pretty interesting…


only one imo it makes sense for is Bertholdt and Ksaver but even than, again they died ages ago by literally being eaten alive and have no idea what the fuck is even going on. They saw Armin preach about life and then they wake up in a battlefield. And don't even get me started on all the other plotholes it creates, like Bert immediately not wanting revenge, how they knew who was on who's side and whatever other shit I can think of


Became woke 💀💀💀


Is there **anything** that makes sense in the last few chapters? Isayama was like that Moon Knight meme “*random bullshit, go!”* while writing the last volume.


I agree with you. The only sense it makes is that Cucksayama was high on Marvel shit and wanted his very own Avengers version of AoT. While being high on that Marvel weed, the bozo probably thought he can raise the stakes by bringing all these ancient titans back & the Cringevengers fighting them all will be cool stuff. Its basically cool visuals, zero substance.


Yeah, but that’s the another thing that doesn’t make sense is how the hell did none of the Cringevengers DIE during that battle? There seem to be like an endless amount of Ancient Titans but yet they all survived?? Like damn Isayama, I know you’re the author but damn! I thought plot armor was only reserved for Reiner stupid ass


reiner must have distributed half of his plot armour to all the cringevengers off-screen


Yep. I thought Eren took Zeke with him to protect himself. He shows to Zeke why Grisha gave him the titan power. Finally understand the life have senses and fight on Eren's side. Eren controls CringeAvengers and Zeke fights with Levi and Mikasa. I think it's perfect


The entire final battle is throwing out all established lore and logic so you can have a cool movie set piece like Marvel




Yeah… it’s like what I said earlier: it was cool to see but it just doesn’t make sense when you think about it.


Avengers: Endgame fucked AoT
