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YDS is a shithole and an embarrassment to Toronto


Not as embarrassing as renaming it to Sankofa Square. Lmfao


That name got officially denied by counsel recently


sadly that seems to be incorrect? [https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/its-sankofa-square-period-renaming-leaves-millions-on-table](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/its-sankofa-square-period-renaming-leaves-millions-on-table)


Why is that sad? There’s nothing about Sankofa that is of significant historic or cultural value to the city of Toronto overall.


ok so he said the name Sankofa got denied. I responded sadly that seems to be incorrect. Meaning: IF ONLY Sankofa got denied. It's sad that it Did Not in fact get denied. u get me yet


Ahh yes. You are right.


I think there was an April Fools article saying that. Edit: it was this article. Honestly it was way too believable for April Fools. https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/04/toronto-sankofa-square-gord-downie-yonge-dundas/


It’s actually a great place to see Toronto for what it is.


Ouch...so ALL of Toronto is reflected in what YDS has to offer?


Heck yeah


Man went and killed an entire city with one comment, absolutely brutal


Omg we are all dead


YDS is the toilet of Toronto. Incredibly loud and smells like hot fermenting piss.


An embarrassment that Dundas square is the main pickup location for those double decker bus tours. Those poor tourists.


I don’t understand why we’re trying to replicate London with those. London has actual sights to see. I don’t understand what attracts any tourists here




Toronto has a name recognition - I think once the word of what shithole it became the stream of tourists and business travelers to conferences will come to a trickle.  Check some recent tourists comments on Tripadvisor.  This is what called a doom loop.


Yeah a lot of Europeans who visit are like I can’t believe Toronto (and Canada) are hyped so much.


I saw the same shit at Kingston and Morningside like 2 months ago, big fat dude with dreads wiping his ass with what looked like the shirt he just took off.. like 3 in the afternoon right on the sidewalk.


I saw some homeless guy at st. Clair and Bathurst station Donald ducking it. He had a jacket but no pants. Ass just hanging out there


BlogTOs next top ten sights in Toronto!


Ik that lady I’ve also seen her riding the 505 without pants or underwear


Yep. I see her least once a week. Yesterday she SCREAMED in the face of this older lady in the two-seat blue seat, so the lady would move. Proceeded to lie down and yell periodically. It felt unsafe


That place is a bit of a dump. Can only imagine it went even more downhill after the pandemic but I don't hang around there.


No, but did anyone see the guy at 8pm at Shuter and Victoria standing in the middle of the intersection with his shirt torn open screaming at the top of his lungs that he was going to turn the buildings around him into dust


Did he have the power of anime and god on his side?




What the fuck.


I work near there. It’s a living fucking nightmare


It is soooo bad now. Just chaos.


Dundas Square was great Sankofa Square is a shithole


>Sankofa Square is a shithole Im so glad no one actually calls it that lmao. What a stupid fucking decision that name change was


That name was just a suggested change of name that was proposed, it was officially declined recently actually


was it declined? google says it’s official https://www.ydsquare.ca/sankofa-square


Ah I didn't know that. I'm glad they decided not to go with a name that bears 0 significance to Toronto


it’s ironic that they chose a word from a culture that hates and represses LGBT… for the square at the heart of the city that hosts internationally-recognized Pride events


also a culture that built itself up via slavery


That also still sexualy mutilates woman & young girls, as well as kills disabled people & has massive amounts of human rights violations, has been officially sanctioned by both the UN, & Human Rights Watch, numerous times.. Great choice..... /S


I'm worried people will start calling it that eventually. I remember no one called the sky dome the rogers center when it was first changed and now everyone just calls it the rogers center no one calls it the skydome anymore


Yes the name CHANGED everything!!!! /s


It is sooooo bad. And it's getting way worse.


The cops ain’t arresting crackheads or the mentally ill for taking shits in public.


And if they did its not like anything of Consequence happens to them


In and out of jail in a night


Some parts of our city is fucked up, other parts are less fucked up. I tend to stay in the less fucked up areas until that area becomes more fucked up and then I move on. In the past 10 years I have moved ALOT. That sums up living in Toronto for me. It doesn't get better... just more expensive and more fucked up.


*escape from toronto*


Dundas Square is a huge joke of a design..


Sad thing is it’s our fault as a city. If police and government were to do anything we would cry about abuse etc. If we want this solved we need to put on our big boy/girl pants and realize the solution is not pretty but necessary.




Are you suggesting empowering citizens to have the ability to deal with this problem


I would like one of the riot trucks with a water cannon like they have all over Europe. Thanks.


Yes let's throw the local neighborhood watch at human traffickers and MS13 because that makes sense.


lol our cops don’t do shit. Sit ur ass down


I have seen that over by Moss Park, doesn't surprise me about YDS...


Enough is enough fund the police I’m tired of this shit


As the others have commented, funding isn't necessarily the issue. The issue is that TPS is made up of people that live in Mississauga, Vaughan, and other satellite cities. Because of this, they have no real vested interest in the city. It's not theirs. Their family doesn't live there. It's not about raising up the community, but about getting the paycheck and getting out with minimal confrontation.


They’re already funded; they’re just not doing their damn jobs.


Lol I hope you meant defund cause they ain't doin SHIT


Funding the police isn't the issue - it's our backed up courts, and lack of proper facilities to take care of severely mentally ill people. Plus ridiculously low sentences being given out.


“bUt dUnDaS sQuArE hAS a nEw nAmE !”


I saw a lady taking a pee, right out in the open, between two parked cars. She was also menstruating. Needless to say, it was an absolute mess. She said that McDonald's wouldn't let her in to use the washroom.


I’m at Gord Downie Square right now and can confirm it’s NSFL today as well.


You mean Sanfoka square... get it right!


Asking for TPS to deal with the crazies one day, then the next day ppl bitching to defund the police lol. Typical Toronto.


You are really missing the point. If people are asking the TPS for help it’s because they are *no where to be seen*. If they’re not going to do their damn job, then yes, defund them as they’re are useless.


Well maybe if they did something, like maybe their fuckin jobs, we wouldnt bitch about defunding them?


They used to do their jobs, then y’all bitched about how you didn’t like it lol. You get what you deserve


Regardless if we bitch or not, they get paid with OUR money.


Ok Boomer


Don’t worry Chow’s on it! Once they change the name to Shakshuka square, or whatever the fuck they’re calling it, it should solve everything.


I wouldn’t complain nearly as much if they legit called it Shakshuka Square


Oh good, casual bigotry about a foreign word. That should really prove your point. Jesus.


Hahaha not liking a busy area of Toronto named after some shit nobody has ever heard of on the other side of the world = bigotry Holy shit people will virtue signal on ANYTHING lmao


Man, you don't get it at all. It's not his objection to the name, it's the casual way he mashed that name into a random word. That is, in fact, racist. If you take an African word and then say "oh these crazy foreign names, who even gives a shit about them, I'll just call them all GUMBO". That's solid racism. If an African came to your workplace and called all the white people "Oatmeal" because he didn't even give a shit about your names, that would be the same thing.


Why not report my comment and let Reddit decide? I think you’re just upset that not everyone loves the new name for the square. Anyone who disagrees with you is racist. Right…


Right? Naming our main square after something that has nothing to do with our city, history or culture with no public consultation. Naming our square in a language of a homophobic people who collaborated in the slave trade. But I’m the bigot…ok… Edit: To tie it in with the subject, if we took a bit more pride in our square and made it less of a circus, it might at least cosmetically look better. Happy the needle exchange is moving. That’s a start. Main squares like this will always attract crazies though. Times Square is a sketchy place too.


Yeah that WAS bigoted. You took a normal foreign word and decided it was too "weird" so you mush mouthed it into a food you know. That's the kind of shitty "joke" Archie Bunker used to make in the sixties and that was sixty fucking years ago. If you met someone named Mohammed would you call him "UHHhH mo-ham-sandwich or whatever"? To his face? Just be normal. No need to belittle other cultures.


Are you aware of what it means for an action to be weighted? In this case, the point of my remark is to highlight how fucking disrespectful it was to remove the name of someone who actually contributed to our Canadian history and identify (Dundas advocated for an end to slavery and was seen as a radical at the time by his contemporaries) because some fingerpainting idiot decided a quick read through his Wikipedia page was offensive. Our municipal government then decided to replace it with a foreign word that has absolutely nothing to do with our culture or history and represents a people who believe homosexuals aren’t human beings. Ironically the only connection Ghana has to this renaming is the fact that they did actively participate and profit from the Transatlantic Slave Trade. There was no public consultation. There was no thinking behind it - just a knee jerk action. So, no the renaming of this square does not deserve my respect.


Ok so in protest to the Municipal government "disrespecting" your culture, you decided to mock an african word? Great, yeah. Not racist at all. Also that historical bullshit about "Ghana profiting from the slave trade" is amazing. I've never seen 'historical victim blaming' before. In case you were wondering - colonialism often involves the corruption and use of local governments who profited from payment by colonial masters. Are you one of those "american slaves benefited from slavery" kind of people too?


You seem really dedicated to finding racism in everything, eh? I was originally mocking the decision to give such a stupid name to the square - not the African word. It’s unmemorable. It doesn’t represent our city, culture or city. You added weight to it. But since you tried to make this into a history lesson, I then decided to unpack the ironic stupidity behind the name change. For the record: The Ashanti people were absolutely not victims lol they literally dealt slaves wholesale to Europeans for guns and gold. And then continued to sell slaves well after the actions of people like Dundas helped stop the trade in British waters. At the end of the day, I have a strange name myself. People stumble over it and make fun of it. You know why I don’t care? Because I’m an adult. I suggest you try being one as well. If you want to know what real racism was like, I’d suggest looking up what “white” immigrants from Italy, Eastern Europe and Ireland used to deal with on the daily.


I'm not "dedicated" to finding racism. It's just that everything you say sucks and seems to be racist. Like the fact that you said that only immigrants from Italy, Europe and Ireland know what "REAL racism" is? That sucks. It's just dumb. All the things you are saying suck and are dumb. It's not even that I'm picking low-hanging fruit. You're literally THROWING fruit at me. Why don't you just be a better person?


See how you’ve managed to make this about you? And see how you’re making assumptions about absolutely everything I say based off personal bias? No one is attacking you. By real racism in Canada, I’m referring to the open racist attitudes and public acts that existed as part of every day culture in recent generations. We literally had segregated communities - Protestants and Catholics. Christy Pits literally had a neo-Nazi rumble vs Catholic and Jewish immigrants. Gangs of New York shit like this doesn’t happen in Canada anymore. The majority of us don’t hate people who are different than us. Unless you’re Indigenous, which is a whole other story, I’d suggest maybe checking your own bias and finding a new shtick for dealing with people who you disagree with. If you think my comment about Dundas Square’s new name is racist - then you have a really low bar. Better person? You don’t know anything about me other than I think the new naming concept for Dundas Square is ignorant and stupid. If you don’t like what I say, block me and retreat into your echo chamber. Edit: For the record: if you want to talk about “throwing fruit,” you’ve directly attacked me, called me dumb, racist and ignorant throughout this exchange. I haven’t attacked you once so stop trying to play victim.


Not even close to nsfl


Thank you


Pics or it didn't happen


Fuck that. I'll take their word for it on this one.


Yes yes, it was a joke anyway.


Gotta tell you. It really didn't come across as a joke.


😞 Idk how anyone can think I expected OP to post any pics. I don't think anyone would even be taking pics of such an incident but ok, if it didn't come across as a joke then woe is me & I'm sorry if anyone took it seriously. I'll just have to work on my jokes & delivery then 😩


“Mini Times Square”, “Canada’s Time Square”, “Toronto’s version of Times Square”. 🙃


With everyone living like livestock that's the most action some guys are going to get. So...