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Chicago Rockford International Airport is an 85-mile drive from the Loop.


On the other hand, Gary/Chicago Airport is only a couple of miles from the border of Chicago. Still 25 miles from State & Madison.


I flew into Gary once when I lived in Chicago. My buddy thought it would be fun to fly Hooters Air to Las Vegas. Super easy to get to from the Loop, and the terminal was modern and clean but didn't have much in the way of amenities. That was back in the late 2000s, not sure what it's like now


Gary hasn't had scheduled air service since 2013. That's the state of the airport


How's Hooters Air doing?


It went bust


Went out of business in 2006. Was only a thing for 3 years.


Came here to say that same thing


Even Stockton doesn't want to be known as Stockton.


Can you blame them?


I’ve been there, I blame them


Grew up there. I’m glad I left.


I drove through there. I’m glad you got out.


Wilson Way?


My favourite Utah Jazz Point Guard is John Greater San Francisco Bay Area.


And it’s greater San Francisco Bay Area… to Malone!


Everywhere within 150 miles of San Francisco calls itself “The Bay Area” 😂


Tbf some people commute from Stockton to Fremont, Hayward etc daily. I have no idea how they could stand it.


I once met a man who commuted daily from Maine to Boston, 3 hours each way. Didn’t want to sell the family home. Some people are out of their minds.


At that point rent a studio and go home in weekends. You would probably spend less on rent than on gas.


You know you'd think, but back in the day when I was one of those poor schlubs trekking 1.5hr+ one way to work every day, the cost of living in the city is unfathomable. It cost more than I made in wages to rent a studio apartment above a Quiznos off Harlem smh


I have done that for a one off day of work, but if you're working an 8 hour day, 6 hours of driving is insane.


My brother used to commute from Tracy to the East Bay. The Central Valley was the closest affordable housing.


That "affordible housing" will keep moving outward until eventually people will have to commute from Tehachapi.


Tracy is already getting expensive.


Lol, Tracy is at a median sale price 748k for a home. It's only affordable in comparison to Dublin at 1.2M median sale price. You can tell Stockton sucks as they are only 444K median home price, hence people living in other cities and commuting in. Manteca is 593k. It's all relative to Bay prices. Of course, those Bay prices are choking out the Valley. It's why our minimum wage prices are going up. The couple looking for a decent 1 bed rental apartment are getting priced out because Bay commuters are buying houses so people are renting houses because they can't buy and the domino effect is everyone's housing going up to where a young couple can barelg afford a studio. My city is a farm community and the new apartments just built are renting for nearly 2k a month for 1 bedroom units. I'm like, wtf am I supposed to do? Being a single adult is rough out here.


I met someone who did Modesto to Mountain View.


Cheaper to live in Stockton, higher pay in the Bay Area. I met someone who would commute from Sonora to work in Concord.


People do crazy shit in California commute-wise. I read about a lady that would commute by bus and train from Hemet to DTLA.


I worked briefly with a guy who commuted from Turlock to Walnut Creek. Until he dozed off one night on the way home and went off the road. He was fine, but he decided to seek more local employment.


I did the SJ to SF commute twice a week (company had offices in both locations and I was working on 2 projects, each based out of the other office). Thank God for caltrain, I got an extra 2 hrs of sleep a day on it.


My coworker commutes from Tracy to San Jose 2x a week ew


I knew someone who drove from Sacramento to SF every day for her job. Just fucking kill me before that happens.


Nobody serious who lives East of the Altamont Pass would tell you they live in the bay.


No we don’t. -Sacramento


Yeah, was gonna say this exactly…ain’t no way folks that far away would even want to claim Bay Area.


Seems ok. It's not the "The Bay", it's area surrounding the bay, which is pretty vague. But I am sure it annoys people like calling San Francisco "Frisco".


The Bay Area is pretty carefully defined as the 9 counties that have at least a toe touching the actual SF Bay.


I flew into the Stockton airport a few months ago. It is actually pretty nice from what I saw of it.


We have something similar here in Germany: If your flight lands at Frankfurt Hahn, you are landing more than 100 km from Frankfurt am Main somewhere in the deepest, darkest Hunsrück. EDIT: Earlier I guestimated the distance to be several 100km. That was wrong, and I am sorry. Thanks to everyone for reminding me. EDIT2: spelling


London ashford airport is closer to France than London


It's not even near Ashford, which is a pretty low ask.


Inb4 we learn it’s not even a fucking airport lmao


It’s actually just a barn owned by six cats in a trench coat.


*Six* cats?? So it’s international!


Six _British_ cats, sorry mate


I think some of the cats are Manx. Manx cats aren't British. They're crown dependency cats. So they don't count.


We actually have a bunch of airports around here that are just barns with an air strip because they used to do a lot of crop dusting. It's wild the first time you see a plane drop down below the tree line and you think it just crashed but there's actually a tiny tiny little airport next to some farmers field


"Since November 2018, after LyddAir ceased its sole route to Le Touquet – Côte d'Opale Airport, there are no scheduled services. LyddAir now only operates a charter service from the airport." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydd\_Airport#Current\_use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydd_Airport#Current_use)


So we’re halfway there


That silly old London Ashford Chicago Shanghai Airport!


Is it near *any* Ashford?


And London Luton is closer to hell than it is London.


Tbf, Luton is actually in its name though, so that’s not surprising.


Had a friend book a holiday from Heathrow because it was £200 per person cheaper than Dublin. He booked £30 tickets to Luton and thought a taxi between airports can't possibly be more than £50 and there's probably a bus or underground train. I thought he was mental. I looked it up online. It takes an hour and was £55.


So it did work out for your friend in the end costwise!


It did. Everyone who hasn't been expecting London to be a nightmare to get anywhere and to get ripped off.


And I thought ‘London Oxford Airport’ was bad!




Gatwick is only 39km, and arguably (if the Gatwick express were running, which I'm not sure about right now) it would nearly as quickly get to a much more useful station (Victoria as opposed to Paddington). Gatwick is also just a better experience as an airport. Heathrow always has queues but the last few times I've been to Gatwick I went straight through security and straight through the border on the way back without any queuing.


Both Gatwick and Heathrow have excellent train connection to the city, but I agree the Gatwick Express is very good and Victoria is much more useful because if you are heading west (which is what Paddington is for) it's almost certainly better to catch a train to Reading from Heathrow then change, rather than head in to the city and back out again.


London Oxford is just shy of 100km.


A better example would be London Southend, which actually has commercial flights and is 67km from London. See also: Paris Beauvais - 106km to Paris Paris Vatry - 162km to Paris Düsseldorf Weeze - 84km to Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hahn - 124km to Frankfurt Stockholm Skavsta - 107km to Stockholm Stockholm Västerås - 104km to Stockholm Oslo Sandefjord - 119km to Oslo Basel/Mulhouse/Freiburg - 75km to Freiburg, also not even in Germany.


Basel/Mulhouse/Freiburg (aka Euroairport) is a pretty interesting airport in general. when you land you have to choose into which countries arrival hall you want to go. it has three different airport codes and it‘s actually co-run by Switzerland and France. Freiburg is literally just there for the lols, they don’t really decide anything. and parking is much more expensive in the parking connected to the road from Switzerland than it is in the other, French parking. pretty shit airport overall.


This is part of why regulations exist, to stop dumb marketing shit from deceiving customers. Should everyone google where the airport actually is before buying tickets? Yes. Should an airport name itself after a more popular city it isn't close to in an effort to trick people? You're god damn right it shouldn't.


Wow and I thought Gatwick was far away from London proper. I cant imagine someone thinking they got an awesome deal on a ticket to London only to land there and realize they're about 70 miles from the city.




Heathrow express? Elizabeth line?


London itself is less than 150km from France. Even Maidstone is probably closer to France than London, and lots of people commute to London from there.


They Communte to London from France :O


Technically, you could live in the heart of Paris and hop on the Eurostar to Central London everyday. It would cost a lot, but feasible.


Back in 2013 I recall reading about someone who lived in Barcelona and flew to London for work every day on one of the budget airlines.


I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Flying everyday is terrible. Flying *budget airlines* every day is just hating yourself


Iive in Berlin, and at work I once two co-workers who commuted quite the distance: one from the border of Poland, the other from Hamburg (about 60% of the way to the Netherlands or Denmark)


Don’t forget London Southend airport


That was the whole Ryanair shtick (though I think most of them are not marketed as such anymore). Brussels-Charleroi: 50 km, Madrid-Valladolid: 160 km, Dusseldorf-Weeze: 60 km. Leipzig-Altenburg: 45 km, Stochholm-Vesteräs: 110km, and of course Frankfurt-Hahn, and those are the only ones I remember perosnally. The distance is not the only problem, but also the accessibility. At least when I still thought I could save by flying Ryanair, it was an absolute nightmare to get to those airport, Weeze was especially bad.


Paris-Beauvais is another one. 95 km away or so.


We flew in to beauvais on a school trip and back out from CDG. Even in a school group the coach trip was more pleasant than braving CDG


CDG is the absolute worst airport that I've ever been in. And the cherry on top is they have a penchant for putting you and your luggage on two different flights. It makes for a good time when traveling to areas with spartan shopping options and only the clothes on your back for over a week.


CDG is my barometer for shitty layouts of public infrastructure. It's a running joke I have with a friend in Paris when I tell her this place is worse than Charles de Gaulle.


Yeah my standard for bad airports is CDG, although my standard for bad airport staff is Atlanta Hartsfield


flying into CDG was fine for me. Flying _back_ was less so, almost missed my flight despite checking in 2 hours in advance due to massive passport checking queues


Any airport that relies on buses to scoot you around to wildly different parts of the airport needs to be bulldozed and started over


Don't forget Vienna-Bratislava. I mean they're close but they're in literally different countries




For when you want to land in a different country to the one you exit the terminal from!


Oslo Torp being 120 km from Oslo, Warsaw Modlin 50 km away


Yeah whenever you take Ryanair you’ve always got to take an hour long shuttle bus that costs €20 and leaves from somewhere incredibly inconvenient just to get to the airport. You definitely get what you pay for buying the world’s cheapest flight.


I instantly thought of this fucking airport as soon as I saw this post. I remember getting off the plane at this tiny airport surrounded by farmland thinking "what the fuck..?"


They did have £9 fares there though from the UK - and it’s actually pretty convenient if you’re heading to the Mosel Valley.


It is 125km from Frankfurt by car, maybe 100km straight. Not „several 100km“, though I agree with that being a problem.


Worst, you're 700 Kms away from Frankfurt an der Oder


I count that as a boon.


Hahn isn't even IN THE SAME STATE as Frankfurt. Munich west(memmingen) isn't much better. It's about 1.5hrs to actual Munich


I really wonder how long a transrapid train would need.




I believe before the new Berlin airport was built there were also ideas to renovate and rename the Leipzig airport to Leipzig-Berlin or something like that. It's almost 200 km away.


I was about to comment the same thing. I've flown from Hahn once ... I guess that's the additional punishment for flying Ryanair.


I took a flight from Stansted to Poitiers once on Ryanair. The pilot landed the plane like it was a sack of potatoes.


Yeah I made that mistake once….fuckers


Same, had to spend time at McDonalds with hundreds of other travellers from the same Ryanair flight waiting for the same bus out lol


Hahn was the first one I thought of. I remember driving by it when I'd go to Frankfurt and realizing I was nowhere near the city.


At least Barcelona-El Prat contains the geographical location of the airport itself, no the closest big city like the majority of the airports.


Ryan air got me with this. 


Oakland International Airport (OAK) is currently trying to rename itself "[San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport](https://apnews.com/article/san-francisco-oakland-name-change-51e806f2ecfe30e855b2a381f9eeb20f)". Despite San Francisco International Airport (SFO)'s opposition, if the renaming occurs the name would be accurate; OAK is on San Francisco Bay, and the airport itself is only slightly farther from downtown San Francisco than SFO is. Stockton Metropolitan Airport (SCK) is a bit further away. From the 2017 article on the cancelled renaming: >Stockton Metropolitan Airport, 83 miles from San Francisco, was seeking to follow the example of other U.S. airports (Hollywood-Burbank, Reno-Tahoe, Fresno-Yosemite, Melbourne-Orlando) that have — for marketing purposes — hitched their names to more famous destinations located, in some cases, a long way away. >But SFO was having none of it. >“The new name ... suggests to consumers that the Stockton Metropolitan Airport is closer to San Francisco than it actually is or that there is great and readier availability of transportation options between Stockton and San Francisco than there actually are,” Satero wrote. Such cases happen around the world. The airport in Lydd, England is officially London Ashford Airport [despite being closer to France than London](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbAal7jIWQ4). EDIT: I learned about Stockton from /u/darnbirch's [comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1btg1w4/san_bruno_based_airport_complains_that_oakland/kxm9zmw/?context=3).


>the airport itself is only slightly farther from downtown San Francisco than SFO is. The funny thing is that if you are taking the local train into downtown SF, it is about 10 minutes faster from the Oakland airport than if you land at SFO.


Can confirm as someone who lives in SF. OAK is so much more faster on Bart with less stops. There's a lot more stops heading to SFO, but i primarily use SFO as my main airport because of the access to more direct flights for domestic and international travel. Plus it's technically faster to get to SFO if you just Uber.


picking someone up at oakland is worse if you live in sf because you have to pay a bridge toll


SFO is at least near South San Francisco!


Is that where the San Jose 49ers fly out of for away games?


Santa Clara 49ers


I’m in Chicago (in the city itself) and Google maps says it would take 1 hour 37 minutes to drive the 85 miles (137km) to the Rockford Chicag… no, wait, it’s actually the “Chicago Rockford *International* Airport” (I have no idea if any international flight arrive or depart from the airport.) Similar “chutzpah” to put the far major city name first.


I believe allegiant serves destinations in the Caribbean during the summertime out of RFD. But I believe international airport mostly just refers to the fact that it does have a decent cargo facility that can accept international arrivals


I think if they have a customs facility there they can call in an International airport. The Peoria International Airport has one and they don't have any passenger flights out of the country.


Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is a similar situation.


Distance isn’t the only factor. The traffic is usually the worst going into SF from Oakland/Berkeley area. SFO has way more international flights as well.


Melbourne Regional Airport renamed itself a few ago, were sued by OIA and lost. Melbourne Orlando International Airport is 63.1 miles driving from OIA.


The amount of international tourists that get caught up in Melbourne without a good way to Orlando is mind boggling. Melbourne isn’t even kind of in the Orlando metro area. The false advertising lawsuits are valid imo


I'm from Melbourne, there was a woman behind me one flight while I was coming home freaking out that she wasn't actually in Orlando. Something about her ride I think, been a while.


It's weird that Orlando Melbourne International was unacceptable but they were still good with Melbourne Orlando International when all was said and done. Also, that city is run by clowns.


It's a matter of famousness and familiarity with the terms. For example, I'm from Alabama, just one state over from Florida. When you were talking about "Melbourne-Orlando" and "Orlando-Melbourne", I thought the fucking Australians had built a city next to Melbourne, and then were just taking the piss making jokes about Orlando being bigger than it, because *I've never fucking heard of Melbourne, Florida.* Yeah, it's okay when the airport in the bigger city puts the smaller city's name in it, because they're not trying to trick people flying into the bigger city to mistakenly fly to the small city, which is what happens in the reverse.


There's another reason to put a Brightline station in Melbourne: to get all the tourists who booked the wrong flights a way to Disney and Universal.


LITERALLY came to the comments to say this. I live in Melbourne and it’s always been weird to me lol


People really don’t look at where they are flying into. SFB is a great smaller market direct flight option but plenty of people fly into it not knowing it’s 45 minutes from Disney. Much less MLBs distance.


My only problem with that airport is the number of times I've accidentally put its name in when looking for travel to Australia! (That, and Berlin, New Hampshire.)


I was so confused at this comment since orlando is MCO


London Southend Airport is some forty miles from London. According to their website they’re *just* 52 minutes from Central London. To be fair, except for Heathrow most of London's airports are well outside the city. Distance matters less than available transport links and actual travel time between the city and the airport.


City Airport would like a word.


Ha! I totally forgot. London City Airport does indeed deserve it's name.


London City airport is a glorified helipad, I'm sure all 10 rich people who use it are very offended.


Rich? really? I flew out of it several times, it is my preferred port for regional / European travel. The prices to fly from there _are_ higher, but last I checked flights to Europe were only £20/30 more than from Gatwick. DLR links are superb, so getting there is easier / cheaper than to any other airports around town. The extra you pay for the ticket is offset somewhat by the transport cost. May still end up more expensive but hardly much.


Also they are one of the few airports that allow you to bring liquids on board. No, not 100ml containers in a 1l bag but straight up a full 2 litre bottle


To be fair, I wouldn't want to have a full-size airport smack in the heart of the city.


heathrow is pretty far out too arguably :b


It was originally but London just kept on expanding, now the outer west suburbs have reached it. It's also located in the borough of Hillingdon so technically within the border of Greater London so i think it counts as "in London" :-)


Just taking a page out of the "Ryanair airport" book: - Frankfurt Hahn Airport (HHN) is 122 km from Frankfurt - Stockholm-Skavsta Airport (NYO) is 108 km from Stockholm - Paris Beauvais Airport (BVA) is 107 km from Paris. - Brussels South Charleroi Airport (CRL) is 58 km from Brussels


My friends and I used to joke about this, like “I’m flying into Rome (Tunis).” I do remember a few were in different countries (Vienna was Bratislava I think).


Ha, that reminds me of when we flew into Trieste (Italy) to for our trip to Slovenia


Paris Beauvais is the worst, not even a train into the city. Had a cheap bus without even a bathroom for the 2 hours it took in traffic to reach the city. The slightly discounted flights aren't worth it. Never again.


>The slightly discounted flights aren't worth it. Sure, but the hugely discounted ones can be. It's difficult to beat a 10 € flight.


Hey it takes at least an hour from CDG to get to center Paris anyway. A 2 hour bus isn't the worst thing if you score a really good deal


Manchester-"Boston" Regional Airport (MHT) has entered the chat from 53mi away.


Don't get me started- I grew up in the town that had 80% or so of the land of the airport. Even as a kid I knew that change was dumb. For the love of God, can NH get its act together and allow commute rail through Manchvegas?


We'll never put in a commuter rail. It'll be seen as something we dont need and the right will have a field day with how expensive it would be.


Was just going to bring this one up. It’s not even in the same state as Boston!


"London" airports 🤷


Imagine your disappointment when you fly to London, only to realize you've landed in Luton


Virgin Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Southend Airports Vs. Chad London City Airport


Gatwick is actually pretty okay, it doesn't take long to get to the city center from there. Luton and Stansted are a complete joke though, they're nowhere near London.


Landing in Denver airport and driving into Denver feels like 83 miles.


TIL there’s a city also called Denver, in addition to the built-for-transfers airport located in Eastern Colorado.


That's because DIA is actually in Kansas


True. The whole “no weed at DIA because something something federal law” thing is a ruse. The real reason you can’t take weed into DIA is because Kansas hasn’t legalized it yet.


Inconvenient AF airport. Jesus, why is it so far away from everything. Also, TSA at DIA sucks.


Paris Beauvais Airport is REALLY far from Paris


Vibes of “Los Angeles angles of Anaheim”


Bozeman airport rebranded itself as “Bozeman Yellowstone” despite being 78 and 90 miles from two of the entrances to the Park. But it’s the biggest airport/town closest to the entrances so I guess there’s some reasoning there


Montana really wants to be known for Yellowstone despite all the cool parts not being in their state.


I don’t really agree with the airport renaming but have to stand up for Montana being the principal Gateway to Yellowstone more than Idaho or Wyoming even - 3/5 of the entrances are in Montana including the busiest, West *Yellowstone* which is in Montana. It has the biggest population centers closest to the Park compared to Idaho and Wyoming and is culturally, economically, and socially very tied in with it. Yellowstone’s preservation is due in part to the conservation efforts of SW Montana which is part of the same ecosystem. To infer Montana has a flimsy connection to Yellowstone is silly but I will concede that naming an airport an hour away after it is a bit of a stretch.


I reiterate that I said "the cool parts are not in Montana" not population centers, not travel access, but like the majority of the park, Yellowstone Falls, Artist's Point, Grand Prismatic, Old Faithful, etc. After the flood, me and my family went to all of it by driving through Jackson and Cody, and it was super empty (I mean there was still a lot of people, but like no massive busses full of folks)


The Arch is in Montana and pre flood Gardiner is a cute little town


Makes as much sense as the Santa Clara 49ers EDIT-the nitpicking on a hot take is ridiculous. Stockton may be an extreme to attempt to link it to SF. But Santa Clara is South Bay. It is NOT SF. Might as well claim Santa Rosa is.


Or the Arlington Cowboys, the New Jersey Jets, and New Jersey Giants. SFO, while legally within the jurisdiction of SF, is physically located in San Mateo County. Many airports are the same. Now Stockton is pretty ridiculous. Might as well rename the Sacramento airport San Francisco-Sacramento airport at that point.


and The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim


The The Angels Angels of Anaheim


The Bart, The


Sounds like the Reno Tahoe international airport. Riding on the Tahoe name despite being in an arid desert lol


I'll let that one slide - Reno is the closest major city, and closest major airport, to Lake Tahoe. Not like you're hopping on Delta or Southwest to South Lake Tahoe or Truckee.


Oslo is a tiny city in comparison, yet on google flights you will find it has 2 airports - OSL and TRF. TRF is 120km away from Oslo. OSL is only 50km, but apparently both are an hour and a half to drive right now due to traffic. OSL is only half an hour by train though.


The Cincinnati (Ohio) airport is located in Kentucky.


That airport is also like 10 minutes from Cincinnati… so I don’t think it’s really comparable to the article


Yeah but it's the principal. Its principality.


Yeah, the airport code is even CVG for Covington, Kentucky, the city where it’s located. EDIT: Deeper lore below


That airport isn't in Covington; it has an address in Hebron, but is technically in an unincorporated part of Boone County. The CVG designation was given because the nearest city at the time of opening was Covington.


Is the “Florence Y’All” water tower still there?


Kansas City Airport is in Missouri. But then again, so is (most of?) Kansas City itself.


Omahas airport requires you to drive through Iowa to get to Omaha


Kansas City, Missouri existed before Kansas had statehood. It makes a lot more sense when you look at it through that perspective.


The airport in Manchester, NH also calls itself “Manchester-Boston Regional Airport” despite being 50 miles away, and in an entirely different state.


Tbf Levis Stadium, Home of the “San Francisco” 49ers, is about 40 miles from San Francisco. At this point it’d be entirely fair to apply the same logic to a bunch of other shit that’s somewhat kinda not really near SF.


Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI, a.k.a. Thurgood Marshall Airport) is over 30 miles away from Washington, D.C. It doesn’t sound like much, but in D.C. traffic it can be an hour to an hour-and-a-half.


This airport more services Baltimore than DC though. Also the Amtrak train has a stop at the airport and can get you to union station in DC in 30 minutes.


To be fair — Reagan is a small airport with limited flights. Both BWI and Dulles are equally-far from DC and both pick up the slack.


I'll be that guy and do an AKTUALLY By passenger traffic IAD has DCA beat (due to the presence of wide body traffic) but DCA has nearly double the amount of aircraft movement over IAD. https://www.mwaa.com/sites/mwaa.com/files/2024-02/12-23%20ATS%20%282.28.24%29.pdf IAD is a ghost town for long periods of the day because they rely heavy on flight banks.


Brussels south airport is not Brussels at all. It’s Charleroi renamed. Will take you at least two hours to get to Brussels.


Düsseldorf-Weeze. Not near Düsseldorf.


Manchester-Boston Regional Airport has entered the chat… “First time?”


So like Denver airport?


It feels closer to Kansas than the front range.


Londoners: “First time?”


Fresno calling itself " Fresno Yosemite Aiport". It's between 69 and 93 miles away depending on your entrance to the park.


Yeah but how much closer can you fly commercially?


Sounds about right for the valley. A few miles away in manteca there is a giant mural up proclaiming the town "the gateway to Yosemite". 


Looking at you, Melbourne-Orlando international.


Yeah. And they call BUR "Hollywood-Burbank Airport". Hollywood is 10+ miles away. More like Burbank-Glendale Airport. But they wanna sell ~Hollywood~ tchotchkes.


Come to London, just make sure you don't go to 3 airports that are a 40 mile drive outside London.


SJC best airport in the bay


Tell that to SeaTac


Most uncomfortable shit I ever took was it Stockton. As a traveler I have seen shitscapes, pissing contests gone wrong, doors that can't close because the toilet is in the way. Never had I seen a toilet seat, toilet bowl, and sink, all carved by meth heads or some type of tweeker. The seat was in no way attached. It wasn't even a shitty gas station, just a shitty bathroom.