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And this is what happens when you spend decades breeding for looks and not health.


And all that to make the ugliest alien-looking monsters possible


But for some reason, they think the uglier the better


Sorry, people actually like the way pugs look?


They like to look at it, suffering


I don't get it either. Like I like the way wolves look so as close to that as possible looks best (normal snout, pointed ears, normal length tail, and fluffy).


Yeah,  I don't like them either.  They're wrinkly and strange looking, not to mention all the health problems caused by their body / breeding  I do kind of get it, though.  A lot of times we see something cute, and we want to squeeze its face at least a little. People will push babies' cheeks together, making their mouth pout, and I do something like that to my cat too, I squeeze his little face sometimes.  I think they like that they have that cute-and-squished thing, except it's permanent.  


Large head vs body breeds like frenchies also usually can’t fuck or give birth naturally. They need to be artificially inseminated and then c-sectioned. If ever there was a clearer message from nature that something shouldn’t fucking exist


Fucking inhumane creating these breeds


Time to fix the genetic pool.


There are people taking it upon themselves to breed out the deformities and I believe trying to change dog show regulations to support health instead of looks so that hopefully the inhumane deformities aren’t in demand for dog shows and they fall out of style with good reason


Just stop these breeds. Spay and neuter them all and let this be the last generation. There are plenty of dog bloodlines right now that can breathe just fine without a bunch of intermediate steps that can sort of breathe but not really enroute to a hypothetical fixed version.


Completely agree but unfortunately breeding out the health issues is probably the easier option, I knew a girl who absolutely loves pugs and I guarantee she would riot at the notion of ending the pug breed and it’s safe to assume others would feel the same way about pugs and other breeds, it’s really annoying that so many can’t see how much better it would be to just stop breeding these particular breeds and also you’ll get the assholes who won’t comply and will continue to breed inhumanely


I love pugs. Long haired pugs are adorable. Because I love them, however, I don't want them to exist.


Yup, they are absolutely adorable but it’s just not worth it to support as a breed, would definitely rescue one from a shelter but never from a breeder. Also I did not know that long hair pugs were a thing, sounds ridiculously adorable


Some breeders are working on "retro pugs" that match what the breed used to be with a lot less health issues


I guess it's eugenics either way, but selective breeding seems like a better option than straight up sterilization/genocide.


They're dogs. Breeds are entirely manmade creations and some of them are mistakes. Continuing to create more creatures who are sick from birth on purpose is immoral


Which is why people are trying to breed out the hazardous/detrimental traits.


And that still damns the many generations of intermediate steps compared to just getting a different kind of dog


The difference is that one can be reasonably achieved. The other will never fucking happen.


The entire history of pet and work animals is eugenics.


Oh, I thought they meant of the human race. I suppose we could fix the symptom too.


Yeah! You tell em Hitler!


Fucking inhumane how we treat animals in general 


Pugs are a very old breed that only recently went flat-faced (like in the last 100 years). There's a movement now to breed them back to how they were! I imagine that's the future of flat-faced dogs, fingers crossed. 






>”…he’s alive, that’s what's more important to me,” said Oscar, adding that Buddy often plays with other dogs, but such a thing had never happened to him before. r/thefrontfelloff


Everyone acting like ending a breed means eradicating living beloved family pets... No. It's either a much stricter, legally bound spay/neuter campaign, or calculated crossbreeding to normalize and hopefully eliminate the health issues. And its not just pugs, plenty of "pure breeds" need to be reworked. A natural shaped dog is a happy dog. Closer to their ancestors.


The AKC holds a tremendous amount of responsibility here. Their breed standards are purely aesthetic at the complete exclusion of health. You have bulldogs who overheat because they can't cool down, you have Cavalier King Charles Spaniels who develop chiari-like malformation causing their skulls to be too small for their brains, you have multiple breeds with contents hip dysplasia, all because of inbreeding. But purebred dogs are big business. There's a lot of money to be made from breeding and selling. And that's not even mentioning the designer breeds, labradoodles, cockapoos, puggles. All the health problems to create a supposed "hypoallergenic" or cute dog.


And i thought that only happened to Poppins.


Just pop it back in with your knuckle.


Hahaha yes!! A fellow fan.


At first I thought it was called “Eye popoutis” and I was like finally they’re giving these conditions sensible names


"Pro" from the Latin for "bulging", and "ptosis" from the Latin for "all out the face like a big ol grape".


Those Latins thought of everything.


Don’t forget boxers too


Also Chihuahuas, Affenpinschers, Japanese Chins, and King Charles Spaniels. I'm an ER vet tech and cannot tell you how easy it is to pop out (proptose) an eye. Usually it's from another dog biting the head area but also happens from blunt trauma like being hit by a car or even drops/falls. We can *try* to (sedate and) replace it in the socket; give the eye a chance to recover at the risk of wasting all that money and having the eye fail, but you usually don't know it's failed until a week or two post op. Too many owners recoil in horror at the thought of having a one-eyed dog. $2200 up front to remove it may seem like an offensive price at first but it's usually the best, cheapest, most comfortable solution. Please Reddit, tell your animal loving family that one eyed pets are okay to love too 😻


Always wanted a King Charles. I think they are cute as a button but I can’t ethically own one what with the brain crushing and now apparently the detached eyes.


Amen 🥺 They're so lovable and sweet natured. However, heart disease should top your list of concerns when thinking about owning a CKC.. had to watch many heartbreaking cases struggle to breathe that oxygen and meds no longer help but the owners just can't bear to euthanize. Those are some of the hardest.


Was thinking about this yesterday, at vet's with my KC cross. He's fit, as fit as my Collie now, both about 10 years old. But he has the heart murmur. Vet said something about medication when it gets worse. I was wondering; when should I euthanise him - it's such a difficult choice. I want to be euthanise myself, if I start to suffer, and hopefully I'll be able to device and complete by myself, but who knows. 


I'm so sorry. 🫂 Heart disease sucks, but you'll definitely know when it's time. As his owner, you know him best and are the best person to assess his quality of life. When they're having to sacrifice being a dog just to be able to breathe(not eating/playing etc) despite being on meds long term, the choice is a lot more clear. From mild to worst, the stages of heart disease usually present as: Exercise intolerance, coughing, abdominal effort when breathing, neck extension, fainting(syncope) episodes, blue or purple gums Meds can buy you guys a lot of good years. We often have previously undiagnosed pups come in with various stages of respiratory distress. We'll confirm it's heart dz with x-rays and bloodwork, then treat the flare up with a hospital stay in an oxygen kennel and as many doses of furosemide(diuretic) as needed to clear the lungs of fluid coming from the heart. Then, send a couple doses but recommend talking to their regular vet about refilling furosemide, enalapril(ACE inhibitor) and pimobendan(inodilator, called a "magic drug") for the rest of the pup's life.


I'm so sorry. 🫂 Heart disease sucks, but you'll definitely know when it's time. As his owner, you know him best and are the best person to assess his quality of life. When they're having to sacrifice being a dog just to be able to breathe(not eating/playing etc) despite being on meds long term, the choice is a lot more clear. From mild to worst, the stages of heart disease usually present as: Exercise intolerance Coughing Abdominal effort when breathing Neck extension Fainting(syncope) episodes Blue or purple gums Meds can buy you guys a lot of good years. We often have previously undiagnosed pups come in with various stages of respiratory distress. We'll confirm it's heart dz with x-rays and bloodwork, then treat the flare up with a hospital stay in an oxygen kennel and as many doses of furosemide(diuretic) as needed to clear the lungs of fluid coming from the heart. Then, send a couple doses but recommend talking to their regular vet about refilling furosemide, enalapril(ACE inhibitor) and pimobendan(inodilator, called a "magic drug") for the rest of the pup's life.


I'm so sorry. 🫂 Heart disease sucks, but you'll definitely know when it's time. As his owner, you know him best and are the best person to assess his quality of life. When they're having to sacrifice being a dog just to be able to breathe(not eating/playing etc) despite being on meds long term, the choice is a lot more clear. From mild to worst, the stages of heart disease usually present as: Exercise intolerance Coughing Abdominal effort when breathing Neck extension Fainting(syncope) episodes Blue or purple gums Meds can buy you guys a lot of good years. We often have previously undiagnosed pups come in with various stages of respiratory distress. We'll confirm it's heart dz with x-rays and bloodwork, then treat the flare up with a hospital stay in an oxygen kennel and as many doses of furosemide(diuretic) as needed to clear the lungs of fluid coming from the heart. Then, send a couple doses but recommend talking to their regular vet about refilling furosemide, enalapril(ACE inhibitor) and pimobendan(inodilator, called a "magic drug") for the rest of the pup's life.


You know, you could probably contact a rescue group that specializes in them? Or even contact your local shelters. I know the shelter in my town actually takes requests and if you are serious about adopting, they will contact you when a specific breed comes in. You have to fix them and they don't do it for pit bulls.


What about French bulldogs?


Seen a few, just not as many as the smaller snub faced pups. Size of the skull counts for a lot even though they still don't have the appropriate depth of socket to protect the eye(due to our negligent breeding for short faced aesthetics), it's not as easy for the head to have full pressure applied to it from a bite. When bulldogs come in with a proptosed eye, it's usually from a higher impact force (like a car, horse kick, etc) instead of a dog fight.


How do dogs adapt to having one eye? Cats seem to get on quite well after a week or so of bumping into things.


Cats are so damn resilient! They have more sensitive sensory perception than dogs so they do adapt quicker. Dogs do a good job too though. Post-op they're usually in the cone of shame 7-14 days, which is always maximum bonk. Once the cone comes off there's still minimal bonk but they learn to rely on the remaining eye quickly. Double enucleations or things that cause sudden blindness(seizures, head trauma) are much more stressful. Often in the first week after, those pups are super sad..vocal, unwilling to eat or walk around. Seen some really creative ways owners will help those guys navigate life like crafting "feelers" onto a collar that surrounds the head or laying down rugs to line out the walkways in the house. (And never rearranging furniture again) ETA: For the lazy blind dog owners, they now also sell "bumper collars" 😁


Just fine! Their depth perception is forever off and they move their heads around more than a normal dog to see what's around them. As long as you don't intend to have a canine athlete they're no more effort than a normal dog post recovery. 


You sound like my mom when I’m packing for a trip.


The vet used her fingers to push it back into the socket, it took two tries. I took her to a veterinary ophthalmologist and he said if it happened again, she may need it removed. It didn't happen again but she was blind in that eye because the blood was able to enter the eyeball, but it couldn't leave the eye. It was red and swollen for a week or so.


So when this happens does the eyeball just dangles from the nerves .. ?


Nerves, blood vessels, maybe connective tissue. Whatever didn't tear loose when the dog sneezed, coughed, jumped...


Disgusting what we did to these animals


It doesn't hang out like a cartoon. It bulges way out of the socket. Source: vet tech. French Bulldogs and several other purposefully bred deformed breeds shouldn't be bred.


Humans are sculpting synthetic man-made animals using inbreeding. So creepy


That’s every breed of domestic dog we have, unless it looks just like a coyote or wolf.


I totally agree, it's like a neverending frankenstein genetics experiment meant to entertain our eyes (ironically)


It was originally meant to serve a purpose (most dogs worked), so many features (like short legs on dachshund, meant for getting into badger holes, or the long legs and narrow heads on sighthounds, thick wiry coats on many terriers) were the result of breeding for those purposes. And the original breeds were fairly healthy, because an unhealthy dog is not a working dog. It’s pets and shows that have fucked up dogs. Once we stopped thinking of dogs as having a purpose and instead thought of them as companions first, we wanted them to look a certain way, then we decided to parade them around and say what a “good dog” looks like based on that, rather than what keeps the healthy. I love dogs. I even love these bracho breeds. But they shouldn’t exist. We have made their existence misery because of our own vanity.


Even working dogs like dachshund have their share of issues from their morphology. Those elongated backs give out relatively quickly.


They didn’t used to be that long, another dog suffering because we thought a defect was cute. Same with the forward barrel chest that the AKC so favors as well.


You summed it up perfectly, agree with every word


Wolves don't have this happen to their eyes


Wait until I tell you about oranges




Breeding dogs like this is animal cruelty.


Mutts! Breed more mutts! Or honestly just get these dogs spayed/neutered.


mutt: like crossing a Chrysler and Toyota. you might have some good parts and some bad parts. unpredictability is high. ethically bred pure breeds: owner knowing exactly what they're getting into with generations of documented history. just don't support breeds making monstrosities.


While I think hybridization is a good idea, I do think some breeds should be excluded from the equation. Mutts are great, but not with some really bad breeds.


Yup! We use a harness instead of a leash to also reduce the chance of proptosis.


Can confirm. Came home to find my pug with her eye popped out. I still don't know how it happened. The vet said it may have happened because she sneezed.


Is it possible to fix or is do they just lose the eye?


It depends on how long it has been out and why/how it came out. If you catch it quickly, you can often just use a wet paper towel or something and pop it back in. If it's been out for awhile, it will have dried up and become damaged leaving removal as the only option.


🫣. Please nobody try and cram an eye back into the socket at home, especially with a fucking rough ass paper towel that can easily ulcerate an eye. That shit hurts!! When the vet does it, we give a pain med, sedative if needed, anti-inflammatory to help recover faster, antibiotics because duh, bacteria. I guess if you're completely broke and there's no chance of a vet visit but damn. At least get some fucking gloves and sterile eye lube. And maybe a muzzle cause I'd want to bite your ass for less.


Ah okay, thank you for the explanation. Poor pups


OP posted the answer elsewhere. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/6Jq4UJX2e6


I used to date a vet tech. Every time I'd go in the back with him there'd be another pug with a drainage tube sticking out of its eye socket. 


Not globe luxation?


And it's absolutely hilarious, because I imagine that's the only reason you'd do this to an animal; because you find it's suffering joyful. I don't, personally, but there's a lot of sick fucks out there.


So, you mean all the weird-looking inbred dogs? (Sorry to say it but that’s what they are)


What you do is just pop it in with your knuckle


Happened to my pug growing up...when the entire family was over. Absolutely ruined Thanksgiving dinner lol




Fuck me, could you put an NSFW over that photo please?! I didn't need to see that in my feed over breakfast.


So basically all dogs are messed up and just don't have dogs as pets anymore. Once my mom's dog dies I'll tell her she can't get another pet because it's cruel.