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Two lesser known Schott activities, more dealing with her car dealerships: If she saw a computer on and nobody sitting at the desk, she would turn it off. Employees had to resort to hanging signs on their computers to remind her not to turn them off. If she held a meeting with clients, she would get donuts for the meeting. If there were leftovers, she would charge her employees the normal donut price for them.


The donut thing is absurd. Good grief the donuts are already purchased, at that point you're just inventing reasons to be a jerk to your employees. 


"You think I got this wealthy giving stuff away for free? I had to born to a rich father and then married to a rich man who died to get this much money! That takes hard work unlike you freeloaders!"


already purchased, with a receipt tucked away for claiming on her taxes later on because it was a business expense, while not declaring the income from the full retail price she charged her staff... olympian level capitalist.


Ah ha! The one time you do need a receipt for a donut! I hope Mitch is reading this in heaven 


but you aren't appreciating how good of a capitalist she is. she can monetize anything, she's a true American hero(aka a narcissist that is addicted to money) /s because there's people that agree


Lol at that second one. So unbelievable! Like out of a sitcom! Did anyone ever buy the donuts?


I bet she threw away a ton of donuts too. F that noise.


knowing her, she probably took it out of their paychecks without their consent or knowledge


She just seemed incredibly cheap when I hear stories of her lol


Cheap… and racist.


She also used to let her dog shit all over the field before games too. When some of the players complained, this was her response: *"I get their chewing gum on my shoes," she argued. "They should be happy I don't have a horse, right?"* Class act. She also *really* loved Hitler too.


What a vile human being


She also once famously got pissed off that the Reds Opening Day game(the reds are famously the only team guaranteed to have their home opener on opening day as they are the oldest MLB franchise) got postponed after the home plate umpire collapsed due to a heart attack on the field and died. She was later quoted as saying “Snow this morning and now this. I don't believe it. I feel cheated. This isn't supposed to happen to us, not in Cincinnati. This is our history, our tradition, our team. Nobody feels worse than me."


That would be John McSherry, one of the better and more respected umpires of his time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McSherry


He was a good guy, and well-regarded as an umpire, but what is this bullshit in his bio: “Home plate umpire for the sixth and final game of the 1977 World Series, in which Yankees slugger Reggie Jackson belted three home runs off three different Los Angeles Dodgers pitchers at Yankee Stadium on the way to an 8–4 victory. After Jackson's first home run off Burt Hooton, Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda came to the mound to make a pitching change. Lasorda asked McSherry who he should summon from the bullpen; McSherry suggested that Lasorda go with right-hander Elías Sosa Sosa gave up Jackson's second home run in the fifth inning.” I mean, I’m a Yankee fan, and loved watching Reggie hit those three homers (yes, I’m old enough to have watched it as a teen), but that is really unethical, on both LaSorda’s and McSherry’s parts.


It was nothing like unethical. "Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda later told the story that, after Jackson’s first home run off Burt Hooton, Lasorda asked McSherry during a pitching change who he should bring in from the bullpen. McSherry said Lasorda should bring in Elías Sosa. Lasorda was going to bring in Sosa anyway -- it was just banter -- but for years he’d joke with McSherry that it was his fault that Sosa gave up Jackson’s second home of the night." By many accounts, McSherry was a guy with a good sense of humour. At the start of that opening day game where he died, he joked with Reds catcher Eddie Taubensee "Eddie, you can call the first two innings." [https://www.nbcsports.com/mlb/news/today-in-baseball-history-umpire-john-mcsherry-dies-after-collapsing-on-the-field](https://www.nbcsports.com/mlb/news/today-in-baseball-history-umpire-john-mcsherry-dies-after-collapsing-on-the-field)


Unethical? It’s clearly friendly banter on a baseball diamond😂


I assume she’s dead, but if she isn’t, I would like to see her run over by a steamroller. What a heinous awful person.


Yes, she's been dead for 20 years. Good riddance.


She's definitely one of those people that fit the Clarence Darrow quote: "I've never wished a man dead but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure"


Good deal. Here’s to that horrible old bag being dead. Something about that story and feeling sorry for herself when a guy fucking died on her fucking baseball field just really grinds my gears.


>"no one feels worse than me" Ummm maybe the man who just had a heart attack and died family feels just *a little* worse than you do


She died friendless and alone. Her own business partners were going to force her out if the league didn't. yeah, she died just a few years after that.


I witnessed a meeting in a coffee shop where a business partner was letting the other one go - handed him a check for his share and told him exactly why. My thought was, how big of a dick someone must be when they don't even want their money. There's a lot of things people will overlook when the checks are fat, but not everything.


Dead, and her name has been taken off UC’s baseball stadium and our zoo’s elephant enclosure.


Fall off the top deck of the stadium, then run over by a bus, steamroller, and marching band


The cutest little dog trots up and unleashes the biggest torrent of piss and shit after on her. Praise be. Okay, I feel better now.


A chihuahua let loose on a 5lb bag of sugar free Haribo


She's no doubt awful, but that's no reason to put any living creature through that ordeal.


Poor Nordberg!


My uncle died the same way


20 years now this Earth has been blessed with her absence.


I was at that game! We were in the nosebleeds and had no idea why the game stopped (it happened on like the second or third at bat of the game). We waited around in the blistering sun for what seemed like hours until everyone slowly started shuffling out of the stadium. We started to hear rumors spreading amongst the crowd as we walked outside. But we didn’t for sure know what happened until we got to the car and turned the radio on. Such a weird day.


What a scum bag


It is a common misconception that they are the oldest MLB franchise. Their name is an ode to the original Cincinnati Red Stockings, baseball’s first professional team which went defunct in 1871. The current Cincinnati Reds were founded in 1881, a few years after the Boston Red Stockings 1871 (founded by the owners of the original Cincinnati Red Stockings and now know as the Atlanta Braves) and the Chicago Cubs 1873


I mean, I guess it depends on how you define it. The Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and that organization turned into the Ravens. The Browns didn't exist for a few years until an expansion team started that used the Browns name, colors, and logos. That new browns team now uses the official records and history of the Browns team as their own although the original franchise is now in Baltimore. So a "Red's" team in Cincinnati that started in 1866 and was revived a few years after going defunct isn't the craziest claim to oldest professional team. Obviously not oldest organization or oldest continuous team. But, a team with that name in that city was the first all professional team ever - and a team with that name in that city still exists, with a little hiatus.


At least she was nice enough to do this shit in the open so everyone knew how much of a garbage person she was. Nobody would have known the same about Donald Sterling if it wasn't for the recordings being leaked and I bet a lot more owners we don't know about are just as vile, they're just better at keeping it under wraps.


Which is such a rare trait for the ultra-rich, she must have been an outlier






okay so ford was shitbag and he without a doubt supported the nazis. But Im gonna need citation on that specifically being the Windsor assembly plant, which is in Windsor Ontario lmfao. Now. The Cologne Factory. Yeah it had forced labor without a doubt. Its fine to point out when historical people are are shitbags. But its best to keep it factual. Otherwise you give the deniers ammo.




Two in fact. I wonder if the character from The Office (the Sabre CEO) is based on her in any way.


>She also really loved Hitler too.  Still remember when she told reporters that she didn't mean to offend anyone by insulting the Jews and wearing a Nazi armband. She sounded sincere /s


Did she actually wear the armband?


This bitch was a bona fide hater, oh my god LMAO. You'd think she ran on spite for her fellow human beings.


The horse line is hilarious, awful woman but that’s a banger.


Yep. If she was just a crabby old rich lady that owned a sports team, this would be hilarious. But her being a racist prick kinda ruins the rest of it.


Came here to say this. She was pretty much the worst in all of baseball in my lifetime.


> She was banned from managing the team by MLB in 1993 due to racist comments and again from [1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996_Cincinnati_Reds_season) through [1998](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Cincinnati_Reds_season) due to statements in support of German domestic policies of [Nazi Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party) leader [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler), amongst other controversies over her beliefs; I can only imagine what those 'other controversies over her beliefs" might have been if that was in addition to being an outright nazi.


So here are some fun tidbits from her Wikipedia page: * \[An Employee\], who is [Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jews), alleged that Schott kept a [Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party) [swastika](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika) [armband](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armband) at her home and claims he overheard her say "sneaky goddamn Jews are all alike."...Schott issued a statement saying she did not mean to offend anyone with her statement or her ownership of the armband. * Schott refer to then-Reds outfielders [Eric Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Davis_(baseball)) and [Dave Parker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Parker) as "million-dollar [niggers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger)."...Schott said the "million-dollar niggers" comment was made in jest * Schott aroused ire when she made statements favorable of Adolf Hitler, saying he "was O.K. at the beginning, \[...\] He just went too far." * Schott was quoted in [*Sports Illustrated*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_Illustrated) as speaking in a "cartoonish [Japanese accent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engrish)" while describing her meeting with the [Prime Minister of Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryutaro_Hashimoto) * Schott later stated that she did not like [Asian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_Americans) kids "outdoing our kids" in high school Not exactly subtle in her beliefs.


It’s okay, it’s was just in jest


It was just a prank, bro.


She was ok in the beginning, she just went too far


playin in the beginning, the mood all changed


So a black Jewish lesbian nurse with a club foot struggles into a bar in Berlin…


The punchline is some gibberish in an incomprehensible asian accent.


Go on?


Can’t wait to hear the rest…


The thing about Marge Schott is that she was unapologetically racist. She never even pretended it was a joke. She was rich, entitled, didn't give a fuck.


Classic lockeroom talk, nothing to see here s/


Why is it that every time some clown says, "I was only joking" no one laughs?


Because the statement that precedes it is very blatantly never a joke nor said with any humor or irony.


Ooooh, she made the comment in jest. Well that’s ok then. She was just kidding.


It's just dark humor


Her being banned for a simple harmless joke shows that cancel culture was a problem back then, too. /s


How fuckin hard is it for every single one of these people to just be rich quietly? I just don’t get it. You did it (or more likely inherited it), you’re set. You have a cool sports team. Shut the fuck up and live your life, and let others live theirs.


A friend of mine works in HR and listening to her stories about firings for cause, it seems like 99% of all people’s problems comes from not shutting the fuck up. It’s not a rich people thing, just a people thing.


I’m always a bit confused by this sentiment… do people really wish these demented fucks keep their positions of power and maintain respect from their peers / the public? Like i understand that in their practical self-interest it would be wiser for them to stfu, but in *my* self-interest I’d prefer to know if someone with that much money/influence is a piece of shit. Maybe someone can enlighten me why common folk would rather have covert racists/etc in our midst than have them exposed.


When you have a society in which bigots are encouraged to keep quiet about it, you have a society in which bigotry is more widely looked down upon and is not as widely tolerated, and in which bigots are more likely to be forced to reconsider their views. When you have one in which people are open with their bigotry, they embolden others to more fully embrace their own bigotry, too, create a society that is more tolerant of open bigotry, and make life harder for those who directly face discrimination. There will always, always be racists and bigots among us. Always. On the whole, it's generally better for everyone when they keep it to themselves. Does that mean you might work next to someone who secretly hates you for what you are? Yes. But the alternative is working next to someone who OPENLY hates you for what you are, emboldens others to be more open with their own feelings, and causes still others to soften on their resistance to bigotry. That would be, I'd think, far worse. It's better for all if they shut the hell up.


That is a perspective I had not considered in this context, I appreciate this well-articulated and coherent explanation


Thank you for being open-minded enough in the first place to consider a response. These topics are often fraught and touchy, so the fact that you seemed to be asking in good faith rather than as a "gotcha" was welcome indeed. Be well!


Well the perfect example to answer your question is Trump. It encourages them and makes everything worse. It takes generations of time to put the racist worms back in the can. We took like 30 steps back and get to start over. I'm 40 and have no doubt I will be hearing about the fallout and dealing with their cult long after his death. Oh and in case you haven't noticed, they don't actually get cancelled, they just move to a more like minded district and get louder.


Not hard for most. You just never hear about the quiet one's. 


Ya, for example John Mars (chairman of the Mars candy company) is worth 40 billion. When's the last time anyone's heard of him in the news for anything? His entire Wikipedia page fits on my computer screen without needing to scroll, that's how little is publicly available about him. There's over 2500 billionaires in the world now, and so many more ultra rich people with net worths in the upper hundreds of millions. You almost never hear about any of them, just a vocal minority of them.


She just went too far, really.


[Actual footage of Marge talking about meeting the prime minister of Japan.](https://youtu.be/HqzruCP7BDk?si=v0Wosf2kuuyBHfqD)


damn, i thought it was going to be Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's


They've been making the "it was just a joke" defense for years, it seems.


> Schott issued a statement saying she did not mean to offend anyone with her statement or her ownership of the armband. She... she just straight up admitted to it?


Jackie the Joke Man did a spot-on impression of her on The Howard Stern Show back in those days. Truly hilarious, also kind of sad.


Billy West did the Marge Schott impression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itSB50Hu0yA


Yes, my bad.


In 2024 she would’ve become a MAGA superstar as a speaker/contributor on the conservative media circuit for being cancelled by liberals.


She 100% would have served in Trump's cabinet.


She believed corn was the only true pizza topping and that mint and orange are a lovely flavor pairing.


She poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses.


She did!?


No, but are we just gonna wait around until she does???


You had me for the first part. Is there something wrong about liking mint and orange together? I wouldn’t advocate drinking OJ after brushing your teeth, but they pair well together in desserts and chocolate.


A lot of people don't realize how different the flavor of mint leaves tastes versus the peppermint oil used in toothpaste and breath mints. It's so good in all sorts of sweet and savory dishes.


Mmhm. If citrus and mint didn't go together, then what's a mojito for.


I once ordered a mojito at the bar of our super shit florida hotel and they literally threw an entire unpeeled lime into a blender with the rest of the ingredients and turned it on. It had actual chunks of rind getting stuck in the straw when I tried to drink it. When I pointed it out the bartender insisted it was supposed to be like that, with a wrinkly old barfly lady chiming in to confirm that "mohitos are chunky drinks". It's over 5 years now and I'm still upset.


I had to read that twice because I was like "surely this took place in, like, the 1930s or something?" but nope, she decided she wanted to publicly express support for Hitler in 1992 and then *again* in 1996. Lady really wanted to double down on her whole "Hitler wasn't all that bad, he just went *too far*" thing.


> she wanted to publicly express support for Hitler in 1992 She's simply ahead of her time. Should've waited another 30 years until it's fashionable again.


Odd since Hitler was not fond of Reds


She also believed Hydrox were better than Oreos


Hmmm. I don’t support her Nazi loving position but I do like her Hydrox loving position.


I'm not racist, but I've never actually had Hydrox so I don't know what the fuss is about either way.


So grateful that the name of those cookies sounds like drain cleaner, or else we might not have ever been exposed to Oreos.


I mean, Hydrox came first and were the more expensive option for a long time.


Ah yes, Hydrox. Those huge monsters in botw/totk that you get toenails from, right? That's either a zelda monster or a cleaning chemical....y'all are telling me that's a cookie!?


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY should look up the audio of the Howard Stern show having Billy West call in as a fake Marge Schott on YouTube. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT DO IT


Yea Cincinnati didn’t exactly have a day of mourning when she shuffled off the coil. Woman was a vindictive petty racist bitch. I still know fans who would piss on her grave over her treatment of Eric Davis alone.


Flipping a coin in the parking lot to decide Kal Daniels contract was both clever fun and so goddamn infuriating. Just pay him the $20 grand you assholes! Being a Cincinnati sports fan in the 90s was a lesson in humility.


...just in the 90s? As I used to say at the end of every football season "The Bengals just got statistically better next year due to draft picks"


"shuffled off the coil" lmao that's great


That’s Shakespeare.


Yep, *Hamlet* in fact from the famous ‘To Be or Not to Be’ soliloquy (First Folio): *To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye there’s the rub,* *For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,* *When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause.* Ol Bill had the way with words…


From her Wikipedia page:  > Levy, who is Jewish, alleged that Schott kept a Nazi swastika armband at her home and claims he overheard her say "sneaky goddamn Jews are all alike." **The next day, Schott issued a statement saying the claims of racism levied against her were overstated** and that she did not mean to offend anyone with her statement or her ownership of the armband.  Imagine being so shitty that your response to being called racist isn’t to deny it, but to say you aren’t *that* racist. 


And your ownership of Nazi paraphernalia, while absolutely true of course, is ok because it was not intended to offend


It's like the shitty kids in school that say something awful, then if you react they say you can't take a joke.


“Yes, I said the quiet part out loud, but trust a fucking Jew to be eavesdropping.”


“She was banned from managing the team by MLB in 1993 due to racist comments and again from 1996 through 1998 due to statements in support of German domestic policies of Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, amongst other controversies over her beliefs; shortly afterwards, she sold the majority of her share in the team” Her “controversies” section is so much longer than I expected


This woman deserves zero grace. She was awful to her employees as well as those who played for her. Her behaviors were not just mean spirited but targeted aggression.


>"Snow this morning and now this. I don't believe it. I feel cheated. This isn't supposed to happen to us, not in Cincinnati. This is our history, our tradition, our team. Nobody feels worse than me." Sounds a lot like trump.


You know you have to be downright evil to get banned from team activities by a sports commissioner pre-2010.


God, I miss owners like Marge Schott. Really unified the team with the fans against the owner.


Why do I feel like she was the real life inspiration for Major League even though it released in 1989


I thought that too so I took a look at the IMDB page. >Ward, who grew up in the Cleveland suburb of [South Euclid, Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Euclid,_Ohio), reflected on filming a movie about a Cleveland team that had not won a pennant since his childhood. “I figured I would never see the Indians win anything unless I wrote a movie where they did. That was the real genesis behind the movie."[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_League_(film)#cite_note-4) >Rachel Phelps' character is loosely based on that of [Georgia Frontiere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Frontiere), a past owner of the [Los Angeles / St. Louis Rams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Rams), in the way she took over the franchise and how she was initially perceived. She took over ownership and control of the Rams upon the death of her husband in 1979, and eventually moved the team to her hometown of [St. Louis, Missouri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis,_Missouri) in 1995. The Rams (at the time owned by [Stan Kroenke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Kroenke), who bought them from Frontiere's family after her own death) returned to Los Angeles in 2016.


"I hate this fuckin' song..."


John Fisher is right there


Thought you would gonna go with Angelos


Jerry Reinsdorf would like a word


Bob Nutting has entered the chat


Dan Snyder and the Glazers are working hard for that mantle


Synder sold off Washington though. Does he still own a team to be working on it?


I’m from Cincinnati, it wasn’t until 2020 that they removed her name from some buildings, though people had complained for years.


I moved to Cincy in 1996 and the joke was that when the apocalypse comes you want to be in Cincinnati, cause it won't come there for another 20 years.


A quote attributed to Mark Twain though there’s no evidence he actually ever said it.


Lots of random quotes have been attributed to Mark Twain where there’s no evidence he said them. I’m betting it used to be a joke when asked, “who said that” and people would respond Mark Twain. Most likely people started believing it was true instead of a joke.


Everything in American history was either said by Mark Twain, Henry Ford, or Abraham Lincoln.


[After some deep digging online I was actually able to find the source for that quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/cF0kgtLPBw)


Marge's name is still everywhere. She gave (and her foundation still does give) a ton of money to Scouting, parks, Cincinnati Nature Center, the Zoo, St Ursula, UC, etc. Sometimes shitty people also do good things, I guess.


I was raised at the Catholic Parish she attended, and they still have her name on the Parish center, and proudly display her ornate nativity each christmas.


They do those things for recognition and tax breaks. I get that it still means the organizations benefit from the extra dollars, but I can't think of it as her doing good tings. To me, it's more like she did selfish things that also happened to have a social benefit.


Reds fan here. Glad this bitch is dead.


Racist reject, she was


This woman and Leona Helmsley shared the news cycle for a while... Both absolute piles of human feces.




I'm not an MLB expert, but I'm pretty sure they have a rule against intentionally losing a game for the purpose of profiting.


Dude she fucking sucked, this was like the least bad thing she did


She also used the N bomb like people use toilet paper.


Right after coffee sip number 4?


Objectively one of the most awful people ever. Just a nasty, mean old hag.


Have a theory that Castellini (current Reds owner) gets away with being the cheap bastard that he is simply by virtue of being slightly less of a cheap bastard than Schott


Once had a team calendar made that didn’t have any players in it Just pictures of her dog.


I mean that's just objectively hilarious.


When her despicable behavior was made public I was shocked to the core. I worked at a local grocery chain in a poorer, mostly minority community. For a few summers, Marge would randomly show up to promote the Cincinnati Reds. She would give jerseys and tickets to random shoppers, usually people with kids, and she was always so friendly and kind. It was a blast seeing all those thrilled customers. She also capped the prices in the nosebleed seats at the stadium to something like $6 and ensured the hot dogs were affordable…all so poorer families could still afford to go see the games. I thought she was nice. I was genuinely horrified to discover she was also a racist who collected nazi memorabilia. I still have trouble reconciling those memories with who she actually was.


People are complicated and we don't make any sense.


I think she was a horrible human being…but I guess the crazy thing about human beings is their capacity for being more than just one thing. I also think the media always misrepresents things. If Marge was even half of the things they said, it is still despicable…but there is probably more to her that we don’t know, both bad and good. It’s not as if she was the devil incarnate. The media and public opinion also have a way of blaming a single individual and deciding that individual can never change or learn from their mistakes. Marge was a racist…that meant she was surrounded by racists who never confronted her or tried to educate her. She was raised by racist and went to work, school and church with racists. I lived in Cincinnati in the 80s and racism was everywhere. The same people that stomped their feet and shook their fists in anger toward her when that news started to break would go to their all white churches, and all white office buildings and tell their white friends what a racist she was.


Horrible woman for many reasons.


Billy west used to do a marge schott impression on Howard stern show 😂 YouTube it if you dare


Is this who the owner of the team in Major League is based on?


“Hitler had some good ideas” - Marge Schott is a shitty person. Plain and simple


What a bitch


That was among the more tame stories about this hateful cunt.


100% red hat guaranteed if she was around today.


She always wore a red hat.


She also said, "Only fruits wear earrings." Horrible person




I heard Eric Davis was once hospitalized on the west coast and Marge refused to buy his airline ticket back home.


There was an episode of Arliss where they based a character on her. They got the amazing Kathleen Freeman to play her and it was just so good. She played reprehensible human so perfectly.


My first thought was that the owners from Major League must have been based on her.


Rachel Phelps was more of a high society snob. Marge Schott was a straight up card carrying nazi. Literally referred to one black player as a “million dollar n-word”. The lady in major league was just greedy.


And it didn’t cause any downfall for the team and they went on to have years of success!


I was gonna say even I was shocked that an owner would openly punish her team for winning the World fucking Series too easily.


One of the best jokes I’ve never heard was this: at the start of the baseball season a writer asked Madge Schott who she thought would win the World Series “I think the Reds will but then again I’m prejudiced”


A player was injured and was taken to the hospital, the team left him behind and made him pay for his own flight home.


She also referred to a player whose name I can’t recall as her “million-dollar ni**er.” I hate when people do the censorship thing like that, but the way Reddit is, I assume they’d ban me for typing that slur even as a quote.


Dave Parker and Eric Davis