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YIL. There is such a thing as too much interstitial fat


That super expensive Kobe beef sometimes looks like interstitial muscle in cuts of fat.


Indeed. And that’s why you often have 80-150g of it (max), cut into small pieces, cooked on a teppan. And you are very, very happy.


TIL OP's mom is Kobe


I just had Kobe beef in Kobe a couple days ago. It was tasty but disgusting as I was left with a giant wad of fat in my mouth


Yeah, was not delicious


The fuck are people down voting you for? Not everyone likes meat like that.


I don't get it, especially since just two posts down, someone is heavily upvoted for saying the same.


Same, but I just don’t enjoy fatty meat in general. I nearly always get filet when ordering steak. I don’t care for anything about beef fat. I dislike both the flavor and the texture. That super fatty wagyu seems like nightmare town to me


Cooked properly (Japanese style), it's *very* delicious. I've lived in Japan for 4 years now and it's still one of my favorite.


7 years for me. I cannot eat the stuff.


it's like foie gras, if you don't like it you don't like it, but if you do it's amazing.


I've tried foie Gras, and I've had plain old goose liver. I like the plain goose liver better. It's meatier, more flavor. It just doesn't melt in your mouth and have that texture to it.


I get that and I appreciate you sharing your experience. People hype up wagyu too much. The first time I had it (in a proper Kobe restaurant specializing in Kobe beef) people had made such a big deal out of it that I was expecting a life-changing experience. At the end of the day, it was still just beef. I can eat wagyu and I do like it, but the internet makes too much of a big deal out of it. Personally, while I will sometimes cook wagyu at home as a treat, I am generally much happier with the experience of eating a couple of lamb chops, and those usually cost a lot less when I can find them.


But fats the best part


I'm with you. At a minimum there's a significant diminishing return once you get up above Prime. If I want fat I feel like the pig is the superior animal. Beef should taste beefy.


Idk, I enjoy angus x wagyu quite a bit more than prime. Anything above that like 100% wagyu is a bit much though imo


Have you tried it?  I personally haven't, it's too expensive and I can't justify half a days wages just for some small cuts


If you or a friend has a costco membership and live near a major metro area in the US, keep an eye out. They've occsionally sold frozen A5 for around $100 a pound. Get a 1lb steak and 3 friends because four ounces will get you full. Then everybody gets out for the price of a normal steak at a cheap restaurant and you won't ever forget the taste.


Will this work if I have a costco membership but don't live near a major metro area? Is that a big requirement? 


Maybe. I've just only ever heard of it bring available in larger cities and suburbs. But looks like somebody got a good deal on a package in Kansas City recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/s/xnYeevwV2X You can order online from Costco.com but they seem to hike the price up to $150 a pound and require a 3lb minimum for most cuts.


Kansas city is a major metro tho. What about a smaller one but still has a costco. Something like Bozeman. Would that work


In unfamiliar with YIL






Why not?


I see


I didn't eat the overly fatty super high grade wagyu today


You say that till you put a piece of beautifully seared A5 wagyu in your mouth. That shit will change the way you look at beef.


I had a top grade piece, literally had a hand written certificate etc. I just found it too fatty. Shrug, to each their own.


you can't eat too much, 4oz is enough for me. But that 4 oz is heavenly.


You will get the same experience from a seasoned grill cook with a substance abuse problem with access to good beef that is way less expensive than wagyu. Wagyu is a marketing scheme which the west fucking devoured, just like “bushido” and “honorable samurai” lol.


Incorrect. Japanese A5 Wagyu is nuts and anyone who hasn’t tried it doesn’t know what they’re talking about


You're both correct. "Wagyu" has become a marketing term to sucker people into paying a premium. (I.e. the "Wagyu Beef Patties" sold at Costco are more expensive and not much better than the regular beef patties) Real A5 Wagyu is something different.


Wagyu is a breed of cow, nothing more nothing less. That cow has better marbling on average, and some people say a different flavor as well. Really doesn’t make sense for burgers but I’d be very surprised if they’re lying. American wagyu is just a cross of black angus and wagyu cows in order for larger steaks to better fit American palettes


You're talking about what "Wagyu" means. I'm talking about how the term is used. "American Wagyu" or just "Wagyu" is different than "A5 Wagyu". The difference is the "A5". But they don't want you to know that. So they sell what is technically "wagyu" and market it at a premium (implying A5-esque quality) since it had the word "wagyu" in it. Then people not famiar with the distinction try non-A5 Wagyu and write off all "Wagyu" as "not that much different" or whatever.


Yeah even in Japan the difference between Wagyu you can buy on skewers on the street and A5 Wagyu in a high end restaurant is insane.


People who think they could discern between Wagyu and American prime cooked by a qualified chef are literally fooling themselves.


You haven’t even tried it, shut the fuck up lol


Wrong. A5 wagyu is fucking incredible. 


I wonder how many who down voted have actually ate it. 


I was a steak fiend for a while. How much? *I literally started to dry age my own steaks.* At one point I was eating a couple ribeyes a week trying to perfect my technique. Bought a sous vide, got really into cast irons. Oh and seasoning. (I was also trying to see if I could come up with some combination of seasoning to simulate the taste of dry aged steak) The first time I ate A5 wagyu I didn't eat another steak for like 3 months. I just *did not* have the desire. It ruined other steaks for me for so long. Even now I eat steak like a few times a year, way less than I used to. 


This thread is just chaotic. A few posts above that one has someone being heavily downvoted for saying they don't like it. Lol


Call me crazy, but I like meat in my meat.


That's probably because you haven't had japanese beef. First time I had it, i didn't eat any steak for about 2 years, because the taste I remembered of regular beef was not attractive any more and can't afford japanese beef. I remember once I had it at korean bbq where you grill your own meat and I timed it wrong and went past well done, it was all fully dark brown. Was still jucier than any regular beef medium rare.


Nah it's probably because people like tasting the meat in their steak. The fat is there to enhance the flavor and to provide better texture but at A5 levels it's just too greasy for anything larger than 6 oz. Ppl see the price tag on Wagyu and associate more fat = better steak when the price is just inflated due to limited domestic production and strict export quotas. A5 Wagyu in Japan is only about 2x the price tag of USDA prime Angus. The fat content of a steak is all personal preference but imo A 12-14 oz aged prime Angus ribeye is where it's at. This is coming from someone who had A5 Miyazaki in a restaurant in Miyazaki that raises their own cows, with Miyazaki beating Kobe in the national Wagyu competition the year prior for the 3rd time in a row(competition held every 5 years). Also if you're eating Wagyu anywhere outside of Japan and paying less than 40$USD/ounce it's probably not Japanese Wagyu, but a domestic cross between Angus and Wagyu to lower the cost as well as make it more palatable in larger portions. There were only about 50 restaurants with imported Japanese Wagyu in 2017 and I doubt it has increased much beyond that as the import quota for Japanese beef into the US has not been increased much since then.


Lol this is such bs. Like jiro dreams of sushi. Gate keeping nonsense. 


Tbh, in Japan, I did get a bit sick of it by the end. And tried to buy the cheapest steaks to get less fat haha


I don't understand why some Americans are so obsessed with meat fat


It literally says Japan. What the hell does America have to do with this


It also says “USDA” and “the US” in the title, so it’s not exactly unrelated like you think.


Except that the title specifically says that the fattiest variety of meat typically found in US stores only rates a “4” on Japan’s 1-12 system.


Because I haven't seen much Japanese food media, but I have definitely seen American people go crazy about what's fundamentally a piece of fat, so instead of assuming about Japanese people I'm talking about what I have actually seen


But that’s why there’s an article on a subreddit about learning things today. It’s talking about increase in quality related to marbling. So fat in Japanese meat is very relevant


Wow, doubling down.


Yet McDonald's Japan does not publicly disclose the specific grade of meat used in their products. Why? Probably because McDonald's Japan primarily uses Australian beef for their burgers. haha The grade of beef you, I, and whomever consumes means squat if we don't have any idea where it is coming from, and just because a person lives a certain place does not necessarily mean that the beef they're consuming actually came from the same location as the one they reside in. It is interesting to learn about nonetheless. I will say that.


For reference. A 10 Oz ribeye of A5 Kobe steak would run you about 350 dollars. And here in America we still call it prime. The minimum classification for prime beef in the USA is just lower. We make grade 6-9 beef here in America because we have Wagyu cattle here. Edit: I'd also like to add this. You would not want to consume hugh-grade Japanese Beef the same way you would want to consume American Prime beef. The flavor profile of Angus and Wagyu/Kobe is not similar. It's why Angus is served as a whole steak where-as Wagyu is usually served in much smaller strips. Comparing these two beefs is like apples to oranges.


AFAIK American wagyu is hybrid at best and usually more of a marketing gimmick. I've seen a lot of things in the US labeled "wagyu" and unless it's Japanese A5 it's definitely *not* actual wagyu. Also you can easily get A5 ribeyes for way less than $350. Costco sells it. I have a butcher shop near me that sells it for $140 a pound. 


costco has a5 for $75/lb when its on sale, its pronably aussie a5 but its just as well marbled


It's actually Japanese.


It's definitely "actual wagyu." Wagyu is a breed. If it is that breed then it's wagyu. There's absolutely some really low grade wagyu on the market. By no means is all wagyu good. But how good it is doesn't impact what the breed is.


The Wagyu we have now are 5% wagyu at best. They're not going to have the mabeling that real ones have


It has to be 48% or so wagyu to bear the name. On average wagyu has more marbling, but it is by no means a guarantee of excellent marbling. How it's raised matters much more than genetics, though genetics do have an impact. And again, they're all "real ones." What breed they are in no way depends on the amount of marbling.


There are around 5000 pure-breed Wagyu in America.


Just to clarify your point - wagyu is a breed of cattle which is raised in Japan and the US although Japan no longer allows the export of live Wagyu cattle so the American herds are relatively small, but growing. Then, there is the grading of the beef. As mentioned above, a US raised Wagyu cattle, which could be genetically identical to a Japanese raised Wagyu cattle, could only ever be graded on the US scale - meaning prime is the highest rating a US raised Wagyu cattle could ever be. This means that US raised Wagyu are not given the same treatment as Japanese raised Wagyu and would likely never score as high as an A5 under the Japanese rating system. The other note is that if the beef is labelled as A5, that inherently means that the beef was raised in Japan as that is a Japanese-only rating. Japan obviously has many other, lower ratings, but those don't get exported to the US as they are closer to Prime and below.


These same terms are used largely for marketing in many tourist trap spots in Japan as well. Pretty much if its a street vendor, you're getting lured in by marketing ploys in hopes they can get you to overpay. Its a tactic not exclusive to the US lol


That's not really relevant or the same thing. Wagyu just means cow. It's the A5 that's important. That's the marbling score. If you're using A5 when it's not actually A5, that's not a marketing ploy that's just straight up fraud.


...except it is relevant. "Wagyu" is used like a marketing term in more than just one country because its a marketable word. People that don't know see it and think its special immediately. Like "genuine leather" products. Obviously people that are knowledgeable know the difference, but street vendors want to sell products for crazy premiums.


I thought they just used the semen of a Japanese cow, but they did not include any of the care practices. The flesh will never be good if they only consume corn feed.


I live in Canada, so grass fed is standard. Eating American beef is straight up off putting, the taste is so starkly different. I went to a Ruth's Chris once and got the American steak for novelty - instant regret.


Gonna let you in on a lil secret after having worked in restaurants all over for over a decade. Wagyu is itself a marketing scam.


It seems I need to repeat myself. American Wagyu is hybridized so as to appeal to an American dietary preference. We like to eat out steak as a whole steak, not as thinner strips of beef. Doing that with pure-bred wagyu is not something that is done. It's much too fatty. If you want American Purebred Wagyu you can get it because there are thousands of pure-bred Wagyu cattle in America.


Australian beef? Lucky people.


Purebred Australian Wagyu, as an example, have at least 93.75% pure Japanese Wagyu cattle genetics. So, it makes sense why they'd source it elsewhere given their shared history towards beef production. I was more so saying it because Australia, too, has it's own meat grading standards which differs from that of Japan's; therefore, it's really all just a mess without a global rating system and knowing where the beef is actually coming from that's being consumed. Bet the burgers are fire though; haha. [They have](https://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/en/menu/burger/) a large variety of things you can't find in the states, too. In contrast, [McDonald's Australia](https://mcdonalds.com.au/menu/beef) has basically the same boring stuff you could find in the United States. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m in Japan right now and the McDonald’s burgers are definitely a lot better than they are home in Australia! Ton of different variants, and they have different specials every month it seems. They just introduced a range of European cuisine inspired burgers as a limited special


Oddly enough most Japanese I know (myself included) say the Aussie patties are nicer. I also agree, though I find that in Japan, ingredients are generally fresher and burgers made with more care - just the patties are yummier in Australia.


The big brekkie burger needs to be in America right fucking now.


Australian beef is shit. It's mostly grain-fed instead of grass-fed.


3% is "mostly" to you? I have never met anyone with this same opinion as you... Methinks you might be a kiwi with a chip on their slouched shoulder...


If you go to McDonalds, you should have to suffer the same experience I go through at the small town one in Crete, NE. The fries are cold. The burger is wrong. The drink is wrong. I didn't ask for fries. I don't think this is my order. Oh shit, did I just cut that big truck and steal his order? What the hell is a 13%er. That sounds like a prison gang. I better just eat this filet of fish extra mayo and get the hell out of here. Is he looking at me? Oh shit, he's coming over here.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


It's okay, I'm on ambien.


This is me literally every time I go to McD.


I said it before in another thread that in Japan the very rich had historically invested their money in expensive food due to cultural/religious reasons. If europeans like to categorize sports cars with all the minute details possible, to the japanese it goes down to the ripeness,texture,smell etc. of food.


Here in Canada most places use Canadian beef so it's not a concern. That being said, there's usually a lot of cows mixed in to each burger so when there are disease concerns among cattle it can become a big issue very quickly.


When I send my mom photos of the steaks in department stores here, I typically have to take a few photos of the different grades as the highest grade doesn’t necessarily look like a steak at that point


I'm going to guess that this standard is stacked in such a way that it's basically impossible for non-domestic meat to score higher than 6 or 7. I don't eat meat and as far as I'm concerned, the closer to home people can source their meat, the better for everyone, but national standards like this are typically 50% health and safety and 50% marketing by national food promotion authorities. Foreign produce are always rated lower, regardless of their objective quality.


Actually, no. Australia, Canada and the UK have sizeable herds which are capable of producing meat that rival domestic wagyu herds from Japan. The US even has some, though their grading tends to be lower than the aforementioned countries, because its cross-breeding programmes with local herds tend to lower the quality of the meat.


Anything else would just be bad business


I live in Thailand, for some reason all their beef is atrocious. Probably a Japanese 1


Born and live in Thailand, and can confirm about how our beef is comically bad. Part of it is because we don't really produce that much beef here compared to pork or chicken, and it is also noticably more expensive than other types of meat due to this fact. Not to mention that there are also cultural factors, with some parts of Thailand's buddhist majority abstaining from consuming beef too.


A major factor is that most cattle breeds were not designed around being eaten for meat, but rather as working breeds. Beef breeds, for lack of a better word, were very much a development primarily from UK cattle raising, a cultural tradition the US inherited. By contrast, even a lot of European continental breeds weren't really designed around optimization for meat well into the 20th century. It's why many traditional French beef recipes, for example, call for lardons -- having to sew in fat into the meat to make up for the lack of marbling. It makes sense for Southeast Asian beef to suck. Until extremely recently oxen were the primary source of extra power on the farm and it's not like there's a ton of empty grassland for ranching. So all of your local cattle herds are working breeds.


Yea but you pay 150thb for it at MK.


I live in Argentina and I'm a massive beef fan. One of the few perks of living here is the quality of the beef.


Kobe beef is extremely, EXTREMELY overhyped. Specially when they turn it into "burgers" you know, the food item that you can already control the fat content..? It's completely useless and tastes exactly the same as any other burger, as you watch your mega expensive burger meat expel all the fat while it cooks lmao.


It isn't overhyped. It's pretty great. But turning Kobe beef into burgers is like using the Mona Lisa to wipe your ass and then complaining you overspent on crusty toilet paper.


brb going to Japan to have them grade my meat


I’ll take a good USDA ribeye over Wagyu any day. Fat is good but more fat than meat looses flavor. Protein is also delicious and ohhh that slight char


Just for reference, we raise 100% grass-fed and range free beef. We never feed grain or anything that comes from outside our valley. Our cattle range around 1000 acres their entire lives and are never confined. We grade out at a 2 on the Japanese scale and a 2 for USDA. Before you buy 100% grass fed know what you're buying. It neither cooks nor tastes like feed lot beef.


Whose we in this scenario?


Me and the fam


Do they have a grade for mercury in dolphin meat too?


That's where I got my PSA 10 New York Strip.


When we were in Japan a few months ago I was amazed at the quality of meat in the grocery stores. $20 for what would have been a $140 piece of meat here in the states. Made me wish were at a place that had a stove to cook on.


Kobe is burned tho


They like their meats extra fatty cause their flavors are so subtle. If you’re gonna cover your meat in sauces that cover the whole flavor less marbled is better


and it's almost impossible to buy a roast before they just grind it into burger.


Fk up in j


Prime is a 3 on the scale not a 4 Select 1 Choice 2 Prime 3


Incorrect. Prime is 4-5. (Really, it's up to about 7, but the US doesn't have the grading system to accommodate anything above 4-5. But American cows don't have the genes necessary to reach higher than ac7, regardless. Australian cows do, but nothing is hitting a 12 other than purebred wagyuu. Fyi: select is 1, choice is 2-3. The grading isn't as stringent as Japan's, and the 1-12 bms system isn't recognized directly by the USDA.


Had Kobe beef once. Everyone started freaking out when I asked for ketchup to put on it.


It doesn't matter. The best meat you can find is in Argentina. Anywayyyy


Wagyu is a scam


What’s the scam here?


It's not like, special or rare. 


The fact that you don’t think it’s worth it doesn’t make it a scam though.


Japanese wagyu is definitely rare, that’s why it’s so expensive


You’ve obviously only ever had American Wagyu. Japanese Wagyu is a completely different animal (literally).


Yes well i live in America. Everything I see is a scam. It's like saying that Katana I can buy off wish dot com for $19 isn't a scam because real Katanas are in fact effective weapons.


Living in Japan. Even the cheap grades of Japanese beef are typically better than the premium cuts I’d get back home.


And the US FDA just lost all its power.


USDA regulates beef, pork, poulty and lamb. Everything else is FDA though.


My bad. All US govt agencies just lost their teeth anyway.


Bobby san: 私たちは述べます!




The fat is half the flavor. an unmarbled steak will be tougher, and have less flavor than a marbled one.


You do realize that marbling in beef IS fat right? Wagyu has a lot more marbling than regular beef.


You ever consider that maybe you just dont like steak? If you are eating food you dont like because youre trying to impress "manly men" then you got a lot of other things going on in your life outside beef quality...


> full of tasteless fat. The thing that absorbs the flavor of the spices and smoke and also contributes heavily to the flavor of the beef is flavorless?


He's talking about the big strips of exterior fat on cheap steaks. It is comparably tasteless (I can taste it, but it isn't a positive flavor).