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Of course they do! But I would think that people with chill, likeable toddlers aren't posting on reddit for moral support.


my 3 yo has his tough moments but overall he is the best little person.


Same. Even with the tough moments I absolutely love this age. So much fun to have real conversations with him, tell jokes, etc. He’s like a real person now!


Fact ☝️Mine is very dramatic but I like this age. No promises that I won't be on the Parents sub complaining at a later age/stage 😅


I come here to read stories to feel better about my own situation


It’s a possibility they could have imposter syndrome — where they feel that they’re not doing a good enough job as a parent when in reality they’re totally adequate. I know I had that with my son within the first couple of years, I just had the moral support of my partner. They may no no one.


Yup! And we definitely aren’t commenting on someone else’s post who is struggling with “nope my 3yo is great!” Cause that would be a dick move lol


Does she wear me out and challenge me daily? Absolutely, yes. But tonight, she exclaimed- “Mommy, I love you, and I love water parks!!!!” She’s never been to a water park 😂 but her love and enthusiasm was simply splendid.


Having a 3 year old is either the best feeling in the world or the worst feeling in the world, there is no in between. She’s my greatest source of joy and my absolute worst tormenter.


The first sentence is a real truth.


Very relatable 😂🙏🏼


My three year old is super easy. She’s had 1 timeout ever. She doesn’t throw tantrums. She’s obsessed with her baby sister, goes to preschool or dance without any issues at drop off or pickup. She’s just a super easy fun kiddo. I don’t post about it because it tends to make people feel bad about their also developmentally normal children, or they assume I just let her run the house. My mom literally told me to lie to my brother (who has a daughter the same age) and tell him “well she has her moments just like any other kid.” Except she doesn’t. But I also was a nanny for 15 years and know that this is mostly just luck that she’s so awesome and easy.


No, please don't hide. This gives me hope. In 3 weeks I'll give birth. Our 3,5 y old threw a tantrum today because he wanted to turn on the light for the bathroom, he just cannot reach it. Then he ranted on the toilet, we should turn the light off then. Well, sit and sh** in the dark then, little guy.


My daughter is the same way. Never tantrums, rarely gives me trouble for anything, I've always been able to take her to restaurants, etc. She goes into time-out occasionally. I'm pregnant with my second and I'm afraid things might be different this time, like I just got really lucky with her. But we'll take things as they come and I'm sure everything will be fine no matter what.


Have the same fear here at 6mo pregnant! I hope I get as lucky as I did with my first. She’s a dream.


My first has also been super easy going and I’m worried for the next one 🤣


Mine is also like this and I also used to working childcare. There's a lot of false narratives that bad parenting is what creates "difficult" kids, which is true sometimes, but also totally erases the idea of kids being individuals with their own personalities. I thank my lucky stars everyday that my kid is chill because I have seen plenty of parents who do all the right things, read all the right books, seek out all the right support and still have a danger-seeking tantrum machines 😅


Mine is 2.8 months and I also had to lie a few times at work when my coworkers and boss mention their kids behavior, the picky eating, the tantrums, the sleep... I just don't relate at all, my daughter has always been so easy in all aspects. Even tantrums, she had a couple when she turned two and then they stopped. So I have to nod and pretend my kid is the same in conversations to not sound like I'm rubbing it off on them.


Ha. Don't lie to your brother!


Same here. Never an issue at school with drop off or any situation with another kid. Gets along with everyone. Goes to a drop off gymnastics and swim class no issue. Grandma can come take her on errands and be out of the house no problem. Like totally go with the flow kid. What our issue is she's constantly fighting with her little sister but I feel like that's pretty normal. The number of times I've seen barbies flying at someone's head is astounding.


Mine is also a very easy going 2.3 year old. But she has always been that way. Sleeps through the night since 4 months old, no issues with drop off/pick up, no tantrums that last longer than 2 minutes, does well in public. She is a picky eater though. If that is my battle, I will gladly take it! We’ll see how long this lasts 🤪😂


Adding my daughter to the list here to show there’s plenty of children like this! She’s 4 now but has always been the absolute sweetest, kindest child. So gentle and caring, only a very rare tantrum (almost always from being overtired). Doesn’t get into anything and is the most joyous little person to interact with.


Wait until she’s 3.5ish that’s when it all went downhill for me


I have a 3 year old and this is my favorite age so far!! She's still small and cute, but now she says hilarious stuff. Yesterday she saw a barge going down a river and she says "I SEE A TRAIN ON THE OCEAN!!" She's also started quoting Anna in frozen, "I can't live like this anymore!" She says it when she doesn't get her way. It's fucking hilarious. She also welcomes car naps when she's tired - she's even asked for a car ride because she was tired lol.  I might consider having another kid if I could skip to age 3! But I can't, so nope! Those first years were a doozy lol


My 3yo is obsessed with Frozen and said the other night (literally in the middle of the night): «The sky is up and so am I!» 😂


4 has overall been worse than 3. I do not like 4 year olds in general. They’re unbelievably exhausting. On the other hand, I love _my_ 4 year old very much and I know he’ll grow out of it. And he has good days and bad days. The good days are magical


Sammmmmeee 2 and 3 was a breeze, I might not make it past 4 though lol


Currently going through this. Good lord it's tough.


4 is absolutely wildin'. Holy crap. I've never questioned how I parent until now lol.


A four-year-old tried to bully me in the playground last week. I was afraid she'd hit me and/or throw a bucket of muddy water at me...


My LO will be 4 soon and over the past year I’ve regularly thought “wow, this is such a fun age!” She’s articulate, and I love to hear about what’s rolling around in that growing brain of hers. She’s fun and at the age where we can go on “dates” and enjoy hobbies together. She’s made her own friends and I melt watching them play together. And she’s still so cuddly and loving. She’s also exhausting and unpredictable and surprisingly sticky, but the good definitely outweighs the bad!


I think every child has times when it’s difficult to be their parent. It can be as early as newborn, as late as getting married to their 4th partner at 43… In general toddlerhood is prone to outbursts and having to deal with a little human that’s almost all “id”, so it makes sense that it can be a struggle. I was also a very easy kid, the whole extended family’s made comments on it.


Honestly its a tough age because they are all agency and no regulation. They are able to do things, new things all the time. But they have limited self-control and know little of consequences. I think some parents ride the chaos better than others.


“All agency and no regulation” is something I really needed to hear this morning, thank you. My youngest was the easiest kid in the world up until she hit two. It was like someone explained the concept of ‘terrible twos’ to her, and she said, “Oh, that sounds great!” Now she’s three, and I think that same evildoer came back and told her about threenagers because…yeah, all agency and no regulation!


They are not all crazy tyrants. I have twins. One is a breeze, eats well, plays quietly, likes to color and look at books, listens to direction and has a tantrum maybe once a week. She is a joy. The other one is a chaos demon. He is a whilrwind of energy that can not sit still, nothing I buy him lasts more than 5 mins, first thing he does when you hand him anything is to break it. He still doesn't sleep through the night, has potty accidents 2+ times a day, is constantly doing something he shouldn't be. He still runs into traffic if I let him, throws food, kicks, hits, bites, he is a very picky eater too and I can not take my eyes off of him even for a second. He always has a couple of bruises going from how actively suicidal he is. I love them both absolutely but one of them definitely makes being a mom much more difficult. If I only had the easy one, I could get arrogant and chalk it up to me being a great parent. If I only had the difficult one, I could believe that I am truly failing as a mom. But these two kids have been exposed to the same exact parenting, had all the same amount of attention did the same activities and everything since day one. Some kids are difficult, some are easy. It's just how they are.


This is so fascinating to read. It really does come down to the child’s personality doesn’t it. Glad you have one chill one (I have the boy myself 🫠)


No. I’m drowning over here.


3.5 was one of the worst ages for my son. Everything was a screaming fighting meltdown over seemingly nothing. They go through a major development at 3 where they learn they are separate from you. This is part of what makes it especially hard for some kids I think.


This is interesting. We’re experiencing insane bedtime battles and I assumed it was a separation issue, but didn’t really read too much into it. Makes sense!


3 is an awesome age. Just need to be patient and set clear boundaries. Honestly it’s such a fun age. More independence but lots of curiosity and affection


This. We're only one month in but I love 3. It's definitely a roller coaster but ours can still be rationalized with. He's emotional and can be demanding, but he benefits from firm and kind setting of boundaries. He's loving, curious and makes us laugh and smile all day long. 


This is how I feel. I have loved every age but 3 is so fun!!


I’m really enjoying my three year-old, more so than when they were an itty-bitty baby. He is really funny – and he thinks he’s funny too which just adds to the charm. It’s nice to have conversations with him; he doesn’t really have full body tantrums but he does act out and/or cry. He’s quite particular about what he wants, but is able to communicate that with us at a three year old level.


I love my 3-year-old. He's a lot to keep up with but very enjoyable too. His older sister was easier at this age.


I enjoy my 3 year old most of the time. He is still so cuddly and funny. He is searching for his independence while still being my baby. He is smart and loves to learn. I love watching him smile.


The 3 year old version of my son is my favorite so far, because every new version is my favorite even if they’re unhinged. They’re not gonna get less intense, it’s a person!!


people only post online to complain. its not reflective of real life.


3 seemed pretty easy. 4 is amazing, but there are more tantrums and tough reasoning sessions + she has now discovered emotional "blackmail" or playing one parent against another. I think age 5 will probably be the best ever because she'll be so self-sufficient, and then it will descend from there. lol


It's true.


I have the best time with my three year old. He is hilarious, fun and has an insane imagination. He’s wonderful and just a joy. Is he annoying sometimes? Sure. But he’s human and name me someone who isn’t annoying sometimes. But yeah, I love having a three year old right now. It’s my favorite age (granted, he’s also my oldest so I don’t know much more)


Once I learned the term rooster orchid child I felt a lot of validation about different temperaments for kids. And this is the type of kid I have. I love her so much yes but it is challenging to parent some days


My son is four and my daughter *just* turned two and I can’t say I’ve had any trouble with them albeit some challenges when it comes to setting boundaries and sticking to them. Also makes it easier that our kids see my wife and I every day and I’m a stay at home father so pick them up and drop them off from school and try and let them be involved when I cook dinner. At that age, they want to do things themselves and want to participate, so I let ‘em. Are they going to fuck it up? Is there going to be a mess? Yeah, possibly. My patience has been tested but strengthened because of it.


Mine is nuts, like absolutely a crazy tyrant sometimes. But she is SO hilarious and enjoyable. She just turned 4 and the crazy isn't stopping. She's just intense and I love it. I think her birth order helps bc im a much more chill parent now, I have so much more patience.


3.9 year old son. Good days and bad days. The bad days are really effing bad tho. He’s also my best friend, loves me unconditionally and makes me laugh every day.


My 3 year old is at an extremely rough age and is working through all sorts of emotions that force us both to learn patience. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy her. She is hilarious, kind, generous(on a good day lol) she loves playing with her sister and seeing her handsome boy(5 month old brother) every morning. I love watching her learn new things. And she’s remembering things now! We pass the place she will be having dance lessons at every morning and randomly she started pointing it out. Stuff like this just makes me absolutely adore her. We still have challenges every single day but she’s teaching me to have more patience and I just appreciate that little girl so much


My 3-year old is so brilliant and also a total nut job but I really like her! She started screaming at the top of her lungs today because… well, I can’t even remember now but it lasted a solid 5 minutes and I was pretty sure the neighbors were going to call the cops. She also discovered her “big girl bark” and uses it whenever she remembers to.


I enjoy parts of having a 3yo. She's funny and tells hilarious jokes. She's smart and imaginative. She repeats stories back in the best ways. She can answer my questions about her day easily and semi accurately now. I love watching her learn new things and become a whole ass human being. I love seeing the techniques I've spent time teaching her start to take effect. I love that she can entertain her brother for brief intervals. She is sweet and cuddly. She will randomly come up to me and tell me she loves me. She gives the best hugs. She no longer cries at preschool drop off and can see me in the halls at school without freaking out. But her emotional regulation skills still need a lot of work. Everything is the end of the world to her. She doesn't have any volume control. She can be too rough with us and her baby brother. And she has sass levels to rival a teenager. But most of the time the good outweighs the bad and I also know this is just one part of her childhood and it will be over before I known it.


my brother and I were easy too. My 2.5 year old girl? holy shite


It depends how tired I am and how much time I spend with him. I have a 4 month old too so I’m on maternity leave and we spend most of every day together. I like him a whole bunch more the days he has pre school and I have a morning with just the baby to decompress. Right now it’s 5.33am my partner has just left for work, both kids are awake and I don’t much like anyone.


Yes!! But for the last week he’s been throwing SO many tantrums and being violent. But he’s usually not that way he’s so much fun


How is he being violent? Mine hit or push others for no reason...


Oh sure. He can be a pain but he’s a delightful trip. Chatty, asks great questions, comes up with funny games. They are crazy tyrants in the best of ways.


I do! His personality is coming out so much more lately as his vocabulary develops and it's so amazing. Our adventures are getting cooler and cooler. I'm honestly so happy about things with him :)


I have 3 year old twins and I would take 3 more years of them being 3, over 6 more months of them being 2. Two was awful for us, three has been much much better.


I do! Mine is 3.5 and he's so sweet and helpful and hilarious. He definitely has his hard moments but overall he's pretty easy.


I loved working in the 3 year old room when I worked at a daycare. It was one of my favorite ages. It was the 2 year old room I couldn’t handle haha!


“Easy” or “difficult” are relative and a matter of perspective. If *you* think *your* child is difficult, you are most likely much more vocal about it than someone who’s experience and perception has been easier. 


I thought 3 was fun because that’s where they start having more complex thoughts and preferences.


I do! I love every second with my girl. She is funny, silly, inquisitive, compassionate. I can go on and on. She makes me laugh and beam with pride everyday. She is my entire heart. I love this age! I have fun with her just being at home together.


I think this also varies based on how prepared we are as parents for meltdowns and tantrums. Like, I expect one meltdown every other day no matter what... wirh a very can't control the weather attitude, so I think my 3 is easy. But to an onlooker I am probably going through hell


I love my three year old so much even when he's being an impossible tyrant. Today he fell down and scraped his knee. We put a bandaid on it and he's been hobbling around all day like he lost a leg. it's hilarious and we are trying so hard not to ruin his solemn vibes by laughing at him constantly but he is so funny with his little limp. He tries to tell me stories all the time now and they are wonderfully nonsensical and garbled. But it's fascinating to see how he perceived the world And things that happen to him. He has his tantrums and he has his tyrannical moments but I know he's just trying to process the world. It's all good


Um. I wasn't aware until this post that I was supposed to hate it! I love every second of it and my common refrain to my husband is "I'm going to miss this age". It's the combination of being able to talk to him (finally!) and getting to hear the hilariously irrational thoughts that he has. And of course the "I love you"s that are fully heartfelt at this age are amazing.


Mine (3.5f) asked me for kisses all over her face. Was belly laughing the whole time. She’s very easy thank goodness. She helps me a looooot


2 boys. 3 and almost 5. My oldest was a dream at 3! He did a 180 and completely changed for the better when he turned 3! My current 3 year old???? DO NOT GET ME STARTED. I love him with all my heart but he reallyyyyyy makes me rethink having a possible other baby lol


My son is 3.5, and he's absolutely the best. He does have his days, but mostly, he just enjoys playing, singing, dancing, and riding his bike. He's our one and only, so he's a little spoiled, but he is so sweet. Tonight, he told me, "Look at you, little cutie, wewewewewewewe." Earlier, he punched me in the boob, though. It's the nature of the beast.


Yes! Omg I get soooooo many kisses and cuddles often upto 30 minutes a stretch. We easily cross 100 kisses on an average day. She kisses me like I kiss her, on the forehead and on the elbows and fingers as well. She rubs my back and pets my hair. Such a loving affectionate child who reflects back the affirmations I tell her.


I love my 3 year old. She’s such a joy. So polite, reasonable, loving, funny. She’s growing up so fast and my heart aches every time I get a glimpse of her as a baby. I frequently remember this quote from modern family *”You know, it's... Thing about babies, you... you fall in love with a baby with the cutest little fat folds, and then... bam... they're gone. But it's okay, because in its place is this... toddler with the greatest laugh on Earth. And then one day, the toddler's gone, and in its place, a little kid that asks the most interesting questions you've ever heard. And this keeps going on like that, but you never get the chance to miss any of them, 'cause there's always a new kid to take the place of the old. Until they grow up. And then... in a moment, all those kids you fell in love with walk out the door at the same time.”*


I call mine a threenager but he's the best. This is my favorite age so far even though it's challenging.


I would hate to brag (or jinx) about how wonderful my daughter is. She’s 3.5 and I’ve been waiting for the shoe to drop and it just hasn’t. She’s empathetic, so imaginative, can play independently, is social, cuddly and the absolute sweetest. She is an absolute pleasure to be around 98% of the time. She does have tantrum here and there but they’re manageable. I enjoy spending time with her so much I can’t understand my friends who count the minutes until the weekend is over to ship their kids to school/camp. Agree with top commenter that most people come to Reddit to complain.


Heck yes we do!! Sure she is a lot sometimes, but every toddler is. She brings so much laughter and happiness to us the few tough moments are worth it 10× over.


No. I hate it. Two years old was a cake walk compared to three.


I have a 3 year 9 month old and I have thoroughly enjoyed 3! I now call 2 and 3 the terrific 2s and terrific 3s. Everyone had so many negative things to say about these ages! But I prefer a 2 and/or 3 years old over a baby any day! We never had big tantrums and my daughter is a great communicator. She’s even really great and adjusting well to her newborn brother. She’s doing so well she even asked for another brother! I was not expecting that. Fingers crossed are son will be similar with the tantrums lol.


Does anyone really remember when they were three? It’s all in your mind OP.


I do! I vividly remember when I was three actually far better than other older ages. All types of very clear memories. What I remember generally and the most, was that I was painfully shy and never wanted to do anything to attract attention to myself. I think that was the root of why I was likely an easy kid.


Very interesting


Right!!! How are more people not saying this. There’s no way they remember what kind of kid they were at 3 😂


Two years old was a breeze for us! And the closer we got to three at the end the worse it was.. It peaked once we turned three and we are almost halfway there and it’s gotten much better. She’s an amazing fun kid and always has been. But we both are learning to regulate our emotions still. (Who know raising a kid could be so triggering?!). We’ve been in a great little groove lately. I’m hoping it sticks!


I do. But it is still the hardest age so far (for me).


Obviously I only have 3 other years to compare, but age 3 is my favorite so far by a lot


My son's attitude and meltdowns got really wild at three (I think becoming a big brother played a role), and it can be hard to deal with sometimes, but he's so phenomenal and cool and funny and sweet every day. I love hanging out with him. It can feel like nothing gets through to them when they're banging on a door howling NO MOMMY GO AWAY but then a little time passes and you realize that they are learning and retaining lessons, it just takes practice before they can put their new skills into play when emotions are high. I go to bed every day feeling like it's a gift to be his mom. There are moments where I want to straight up walk out the door and into traffic, but overall I can't imagine anything I'd rather be doing.


I love it. My son is awesome


3 has been my favorite year and I can’t believe he’s turning 4 tomorrow 🥹


I love my three year old but I think I would have more fun with him at this age if I wasn’t 6 months postpartum with his sibling.


Mine is crazy but hilarious. We are enjoying it a great deal. But yes, sometimes very hard.


My 3 year old rules. She's hilarious. We went to a brewery and did a little shopping today.


My kid isn't quite three yet, but preschool age, around 3-4, is one of my favorites in general! They're still little, but you can have conversations with them! So fun.


My favorite age!!


Three was amazing. Four has been even better. It hasn’t always been easy — at times it’s been downright miserable, to be completely honest — but not once at any point since my son was born have I actually not enjoyed this wild ride. ❤️


I was thinking the other day that this (turned three this spring) is by far my favorite age. She’s super funny and you can have a conversation with her, the books we read are starting to get pretty wordy and in general it’s a pretty good time (apart from the tantrums which we’ve experienced since like two)


3 had been the absolute hardest, but we are getting closer to 4 and some things seem to be getting better lol


My 3yo has been pretty great. 


My daughter was a great 3 year old. She's going to turn 4 but she was great.


They are like sour patch kids. You love em but some days holy shit.


My twin boys are almost 3.5. It's very very tough these days. I'm also a stay at home mom. Some days I don't know how I got thru the day. We try to go outside and find little activities to do, throw rocks in the stream, parks, go for walks..anything to tire them out. I love them so much, but I'm so tired.


My kiddo is awesome. She’s an absolute wonder to be around, even if she wears me out! If she’s throwing a fit, it’s rare and easily diagnosable. I’m genuinely lucky to see such an amazing little person grow up and learn more every day


I miss 3


Mine is an absolute terror but she's so damn funny and sweet that I still love it. She also drives me mad, but overall I love toddlers. I think a lot of people love the baby stage more so a lot of the toddler years can be difficult regardless of how 'easy' the child is. Even the easiest of 3 year olds will still act like a tyrant in certain cases. I personally hated the baby stage a lot more but honestly I feel like it very much depends on the person a lot of the time.


3 is my favourite age so far!


My son just turned three and i just went back to work. I want to quit every day to go home and be with him 😭😭😭


Mine is like 5 weeks short of 3 years old and god I love this phase. He's his own little person, but he's my little buddy. He can take instructions and generally listens. Not saying he's some wonder kid, but if I present him with the opinion of "Either you hold my hand as we walk to the park or we turn around and go home" he's able to pick holding my hand as we walk to the park most of the time. He got over most of his fussy eating and learned some independent play. He can mostly articulate what's wrong and what he wants. Even when it's completely unreasonable we can often find an amicable compromise (like he wanted to go to the hospital because he scratched the scab off a 2 week old scrape that would have healed had he not picked on it constantly. We agreed we could put on a pokémon bandaid and if the wound got worse I'd take him to the hospital lmao). He's a real goofball and has me guffawing some real donkey laughs every single day. This is the first phase that has me loving parenthood and coming into my own as a mother. A little boy I nannied from age 3 to 4 years old is also my all time favourite nanny kid so it's not that I've not seen the true face of 3 years old. I don't think there's a single answer to which part of parenthood is most difficult because people, both parents and children, are so different. That's why I think it's both inaccurate and dumb to try to rate the ages for difficulty. 3 has a bad rep, but I love 3.


I love my 3 year old son, much much more than I loved having a baby. Don’t get me wrong babies are cute and cuddly, but having a toddler is so much fun. I have found every age gets more and more fun. Sure each age has their challenges but I think that’s just going to be apart of life.


If my whole dead baby grief trauma thing wasn’t happening, I would delight in my three year old. I often hear her say hilarious things or do some amazing thing every day,


I do! Three is best age (so far). My boy sleeps better, communicates better, is hilarious, and just easier all around. Maybe 4 will be even better, idk, but 3 is pretty darn good compared to 1 or 2.


I’ve been enjoying my daughter now more than ever. Some days are insanely exhausting (insert internal screaming), but for the most part I have a very sweet, affectionate, intelligent, and curious 3 year old. I love that she can communicate with me now and we can have fun/interesting conversations. She’s a momma’s girl and I love that, even though it’s exhausting sometimes.


My daughter is amazing most of the time, but it still didn’t prevent her from randomly throwing her little people toys at my face tonight…for no reason. She felt bad later (I think). I think most of us are doing the best we can. TBH I’ve loved following the toddler sub because it’s given me some great ideas, mental camaraderie, etc. I think a lot of the problems that pop up are relatable to a degree (for mostly everyone) and the answers others give are useful.


nope, can't wait till he's 5 or 6. Hardest thing I have ever done.


Love my kid but this almost 3 is a completely different beast …


It’s been my favorite so far. Potty trained and telling jokes…. Having opinions, more independence


Every age my child has been has been the best age. I love her personality now, and the way she surprises me with some random new knowledge, interest or skill every single day. She’s just learned how to draw pictures that resemble actual real things rather than shapes or letters and being given them every day makes me burst with pride. I love that she can communicate with me when something’s wrong and tell me exactly what she needs. I love that her independence gives me time to have a hot coffee or make a nice dinner without stress. I love that her preschool teachers tell me a hilarious new story about her every day. I love that we can explain confusing things to her in terms that she understands and it allows her view of the world to grow while also avoiding completely unreasonable meltdowns. 3 year olds are honestly the best. So far.


I loooove three-year-olds. Mine is definitely crazy - I had to carry him home kicking and screaming from a farm visit the other week because he wanted to ride a cow - but he's also hilarious, adorable, and fascinating. Honestly I've enjoyed every stage with my children so far, even though they aren't what you'd typically call "easy" kids.




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My three year old is the light of my life. I enjoy about 99% of the experience with him.


We just now crossed 3.5 and I see the light!


My 3.5 year old is generally an easy kid, although we obviously have our rough days.


I love my daughter very much and she can be amazing. But she can also be a tyrant. I would also say your memory gets foggy of the bad stuff when it's just dealing with the usual toddler bad stuff so your mum might not remember it is great detail by now. Doesn't mean the terrible threes didn't happen 😂😂


3 was a great time, I absolutely loved it. 2 was terrible, and now 4 hasn’t exactly been wonderful but 3 was definitely a nice break in between


Love my 3 year she's the absolute best


2 yrs 11 months here. I love having my toddler. He is silly and funny and kind and mischievous (and yeah has occasional monster tantrums). Maybe something will change sometime when he’s 3 that will make it harder but right now he’s really great (I say this as someone who did not like infant / baby stage).


I’m over it. He’s incredibly difficult.


I feel the same, our 3 yo is a savage and is driving us nuts.


I’m obsessed with my 3 year old. I’m constantly hugging and kissing him and throwing him onto the bed. Also he says the silliest things that make no sense. Unfortunately he just learned how to properly say “banana” and no longer pronounces it as “bana” so that’s a little sad


3 has been the absolute best for us. The beginning was challenging but she outgrew the tantrums and such pretty quickly and has been such a joy. She's sooo communicative, funny and sweet. Her personality really came forward this year.


With a newly minted 3 year old who is probably average in terms of manageability, I think the biggest thing for me now is that I want to make sure we don’t develop any bad habits, so trying to guide him into a fully functioning human being feels so important right now.  What’s cute or understandable at one or two may not be so ok at three.  At school he’s learning about how to stand in line, at home we are working on manners…it’s a lot for both me and him because I am very much let kids be kids but at the same time I have to very much be a parent and guide. 


My almost 3 year old is exhausting at times with all the confusing emotions he has and how he's learnt he can say "no mama"... But it's also the best stage for me so far as a parent, little more independence= more time for me to chill and they can be so funny, often find myself just watching him in amazement as he does silly things or such grown up things like putting his shoes on, cleaning or washing himself with soap 🥺


A kid can’t be a “tyrant” that’s such a pet peeve of mine lol. 3 is the hardest age IMO. My kid didn’t really have tantrums until then. This morning he had a meltdown because I wasn’t letting him drag the chair along the rug to draw on it 🤷‍♀️ But he also is extremely cute and funny and sweet and we can have more of a conversation right now which is wonderful. So yes I enjoy having a three year old. It’s just an effortful age is all. 


I really like parenting three year olds! There are some sassy moments for sure, however, overall they're awesome.


I enjoy both my 3 year olds. Sometimes though, they can be a little... Rough. My boy has been literally yelling at the top of his lungs when he gets a little upset. Every day. Since December.  "Just leave me alone!' ok sorry dude, I didn't know you wanted your goldfish separated from your cheese its.


Mines is 2 and a half, and he has so much personality and wit that he gets us rolling every day. But that personality and wit comes with a dark side when it's mixed with a toddlers range of emotions. I love my little tyrant too pieces


3 years old was my favorite age! ... so far!


My son is 3 in November so we aren’t quite there yet but he is a pure joy, we have so much fun. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop 😂. He was hard work before he could talk though, being able to communicate has changed the game completely.


I'm going be honest my 3 (almost four) year old is a terror sometimes. I think if I only had her, she would be much more chill. She is the oldest sister with her younger sisters being 2 1/2 and 1. She very much still acts like an only child lol


Mine is 3 and 8 months and it's been a great age, but I have a very easy-going child. I think 2 was harder than 3 for us.


Best age so far, in my opinion. She talks nonstop and has actual coherent ideas and thoughts. She's not the most rational person around, but I feel like when I explain things she kind of gets it, even if she decides to do the exact opposite. She dropped the nap, so now we can do real full day activities on the weekends, which is so much nicer than squeezing stuff into either the morning block or the afternoon block and makes the day go by faster. Definitely has its challenges, but I'm really enjoying this age.


My first is hell. Second baby is polar opposite. I’m happy to have one of each because the first humbles me and the second reminds me that I’m not crazy.


Getting them off a playground is WW3.


I'm going against the grain here, but my 3yo twins are NOT fun or enjoyable right now. It's one thing to have one 3yo at a time, I've done it twice and found it enjoyable. But two at once is a biiiit much most days. They actively try to hurt themselves and each other. I have climbers and they have a plethora of climbing choices but prefer the unsafe, unallowed options, as per toddler law 😂


My second is turning 3 end of this month. I’ve been through this phase 5 years ago with my first one (she’s now 8) and I cannot wait to experience it again hahahaha


My 3 year old is so sweet and loving! She’s got such a vibrant personality…but she can also be an absolute tyrant lol. She is stubborn and knows how to pitch a fit like no other. It’s definitely a challenging age, but we love her all the same.


I enjoy having a 3 year old, he is almost 4 now, but it's been great. He has his own personality and is a sweet boy. I did not enjoy 2.


My som turns 3 soon. I am obsessed w him. He has his moments but they are few and far between. Hes such a happy smiling beautiful boy and almost every time I look at him I think about how grateful I am.


My first 3yo was “easy,” and my second one went through both the “terrible twos” and the most intense case of “threenagerdom.” Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed having both, even if the second one was significantly more exhausting. That second kid taught me more and made me the chillest motherfucker around.


Depends! Some days are hard but some days are easy! But overall, my son is amazing! It’s easy because he talks too.


3 was my favorite age for my niece


My dude is a few months from three and he's definitely more whiny than before, and he's fiercely independent about things. It's tough because I'm a solo parent and I get it constantly, and I'm neurodivergent so the repeated noise and tantrums can be tough. He also has these incredibly sweet moments of stopping mid play and saying "mama... I so happy. Love you" and it makes my heart totally melt.


My 2.5 year old is really fun. Sure, she's unreasonable sometimes, but I don't take it personally. It's way better than the baby stage.


I love my little 3 year old boy, we have so much fun everyday! he is a joy to raise and see him grow


Having a 3 year old and a 9 month old really puts it into perspective, at least for me. Can the 3 year old be hellish and so so frustrating? Absolutely. And can the baby be easier at times since I can just plop him in swing/stroller to give myself a break? Sure. BUT, at the same time, I never ever have a thought of “oh how I wish the 3 year could be a baby again”, but I do get excited about the baby getting to be a toddler soon. 3 year olds are powerful forces, but to watch them (slowly) become more independent and efficient at doing things makes it all worthwhile.


At 3 my daughter was amazing. My next son was a maniac. Son after that was chill would walk right by me but very energetic still. My last one is 2 now and we are on tantrum hell and it’s super embarrassing. Can barely go eat anywhere.


>I have a pretty good memory of myself when I was 3 and I was a pretty easy kid Lol... You as a child would not remember all the exasperated moments your mom had having to pick up after you, cleaning up yet another spill, answering the 20th "why" question, cleaning up potty accidents, hovering while you climb that rock structure, making a second breakfast because you no longer want the one you asked for or not making that second meal and having to just watch you go defiantly hungry.. 3 in general is an exciting age because they're growing so much, but it's also a huge boundary pushing age with very little rational understanding of the boundaries being set and limited physical capacity. That being said, as my son grew into each age, I liked it more than the last so I didn't hate it when my son was 3, he was by no means a tyrant and obviously understood more than when he was 2 so I was an improvement, but when he turned 4 I was like "daammmnnn this is a good age" and I could let down my guard a bit.


I love my 3yo toddler. I find this age very fun tbh. Yes there are meltdowns from time to time but they aren't many and the funny and cute moments are a daily occurrence.


love my child A LOT (def obsessed) but she has no chill so i come here to not feel alone lol . I was a very easy going child but from the stories I hear my husband and my child are one in the same lol . I rarely meet any other people in real life that have kids similar to mine. it's silly, high energy, sass, talkative 24/7. I'm pregnant with baby #2 and very curious as to what their personality will be like


My oldest was so easy at 3. I loved that stage so much. My youngest will be 3 next month and holy cow I don’t think I can do another day of this.


My son is just over 2.5 and has been struggling with certain boundaries and rules we’ve set, and though he talks well for his age, he becomes frustrated when he’s mad, and tries to hit. We’ve made a house rule and boundary of no hitting. He tries so hard, bless him and when he tries to hit we pull back, and we gently put his arms to his sides and we talk calmly, but firmly and we look him in the eyes and we tell him “it’s time to use our words, can you talk to me? I see you’re mad, what is bothering you buddy?” And he will usually say “I want / need ________.” Or if he says “I don’t know”, we ask him to show us. If it’s a dessert in the fridge or freezer we calmly tell him if it is or isn’t time for a sweet treat, and if he throws a fit, we gently remove him from the situation, and when he inevitably cries we offer a hug. If he wants to hit we tell him we understand he’s so sad right now, but that we don’t hit. We tell him if he wants a hug we can have a hug. Sometimes he doesn’t want to be touched when so upset, so we let him cry it out for a few minutes and we get on his level and try to play, or we give him a toy or activity that we know will distract him and make him happy. One rule we’re even struggling with is our 1 big toy, 1 small or medium toy at a time rule so our house doesn’t look or feel cluttered… It’s a challenge! But, I’m up for the task, most days. I need to be more firm with it, for sure. I am working on his room to get it fully ready for him (he’s STILL nursing, but I refuse to just take it away 100%, after his last 2 year molar is in I’m enforcing only night time and not first thing in the morning sessions… He likes to climb in our bed and just helps himself, so I’m trying to fix that, but I’ll wait for that molar since he’s been miserable from it). My son isn’t 3, but what I said above, those are the only issues we run into with him. He holds our hands to walk around, he listens to directions, he is patient, he is super polite and says hi to people and waves, and he has mastered hand shakes and high fives and “double-fives” and “bump” (fist bump). He sings his alphabet, phonics tunes, and some basic little songs wherever we go and always tries to make a friend! He is super gentle with animals and is very interested in them, and he is obsessed with cars. He’s so easy and simple, and we feel blessed, he’s our best bud! We do feel we may not be as lucky next time, and wonder if our second child will be wild or mild lol. I’ve helped raise my little cousins and have seen it all, but I’m strapping myself in and playing the waiting game! 😅😂


I love the toddler stage even if my kid waited a year to begin the terrible 3s.


Here’s an extremely important take on your question. Usually if it’s going really really well, people won’t resort to Reddit to make a positive post. Generally, the internet is for negative things. So when a parent is having a hard time they need help, and answers. When a parent is doing really well, they don’t need help or answers because they already know generally what do to or they have proper supports in the real world like family or friends. That being said, that’s why you see more negative posts than positive ones. I myself have a 3.5 year old daughter and I love her to bits. Yes it’s extremely difficult but I do love it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I’m M28 and I’ve had a rough life so far, lost my vision due to an eye disease when I was 20. Slowly gaining it back but still only at about 30-40% out of 100% for vision. Never will be at 100% again like it was for the first 20 years of my life. Parents divorced extremely messy with 3 really young siblings. And many other things that have made me so sad over time. Childhood was made to be good but then the real world smacked me the f***k up. The only thing that can really genuinely bring a smile to my face anymore is my daughter. And I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING in the world. No amount of money, no amount of anything would get me to give her up. We just need to always be reminding ourselves to love them, physically and emotionally. And to be supportive. Yea most of the time I sit there and I’m like “wtf are you doing?” Cause it makes no sense to me. But it does to her. And she’s innocent and learning and developing. And realistically, we were the same when we were kids. Wanting to touch everything and do everything and explore everything. We all just want love and to be supported, and especially by our parents and family.


At this age it’s more about the in-between moments than how it’s going all day every day. This age is so much boundary pushing, most days are a challenge. But there’s these little blips throughout the day where I’m stopped in my tracks because of something really sweet my son did or said and it’s like “ah, there you are 😊”. It’s hard but it’s soooo temporary.


My three year old is a terror and also so much fun. Their minds are so fascinating.


I love my 3 year old. He says funny things. He’s very talkative but things are still new to him so he’s fun to take places. Like we rode the bus the other day and he was “we’re on the bus mommy!” And he was asking me about things out the window.


So right when he turned 3 it was brutal. He was your typical threenager. He’s recently chilled out a good bit. Still has his moments like any three year old.


I loved my 3 year old. She’s 5.5 and still lovely but 1-3 was my favorite favorite age because she was just so adorable and sweet. 5 is more of an little adult who I can discuss various topics but she doesn’t mispronounce words like when she was 3.


Well the fact that you think you remember as you acted as a 3yo is hilarious. At best you have some memories of feelings or important events. if you think you remember is because your parents told you memories and you think that you remember them but they were told to you. Lastly and thankfully body forgets pain. We tend to remember only the good things. I have an 18mo baby. The first few months were really hard fatigue was. But I barely remember them. I know for a fact but I don’t remember her cries and my lack of sleep as much. (Just look it up, how memories are formed). Also people come here to ask for advice and support and not to brag how well behaved is their 3yo.


Three was so fun! I legitimately enjoyed three! I’m enjoying four as well even though it’s come with more big emotions than 3, or even 2. I’ve legitimately loved every age in its own way except the four months in the NICU, though once he could walk, talk, and self feed I feel like it’s just gotten better and better


Meee! I love the independence 😍


Your mom doesn't remember lol my mil says the same thing about my husband but then they'll slip and reveal a horror story about it that doesn't align. My mom swears she "didn't let us" have tantrums. All lies and gramnesia.


My 3 year old is the best, and so was their sibling. No reason to post online about it :)


Yes! I absolutely love this age. Big emotions and tantrums sometimes? Yes. But also so much fun, imagination, giggles. I love it.


How tf do you remember being a 3 yr old hahah


I don’t remember two weeks ago but I have very clear memories starting at three. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s 50/50 😂


There were FOR SURE a lot of tough moments in three, but overall having a little person who was stubborn and hilarious and loving and creative and seemed to be coming into his personality day by day was a delight.


I have a crazy one, but we still laughed a lot today and it was lovely.


Mine are really chill. I got real lucky with very well behaved toddlers. They say their please and thank yous. Always share and take care of one another. They give people baby fever because they are so sweet and good in front of everyone. I tell people their results will vary and they may get a way different result. Lol! I have a 1, 2, & 4 year old. I take them around in the Wonderfold and I feel like Mary Poppins.


I read reddit to feel superior (/s) because I won the jackpot and got the best baby, and then toddler ever. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. You may see me posting in 12 years begging for help. That being said, the closer to 3 she gets, the less superior I feel. 😉


Ours was relatively easy until about a month before 3. Then it was like she went insane. Still amazing kid, just add some insanity.


Lol. I see little hints of craziness peaking through. I've got 3 months left.


Haha there's definitely a developmental explosion around that age that makes everything a lot harder to manage. The previous major leap was gaining language skill which really only made things easier (IMO). Around 3 is more social/emotional and that's where things can get a little weird.


The parents are the problem, not the children. Depending on how you approach parenting, you can either have a fun time, or you can complain that your child is somehow failing to meet your expectations of what a toddler is supposed to act like. I had 2 so far, a 3rd on the way. Peaceful parenting all the way, and everything has been a lot of fun.