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Enjoying the San Francisco views


I felt this. We need more places like this in London


Big up the Crackney slums


Beautiful :'3


How would anyone enjoy their phone when they're so tired they're falling asleep standing up. These folks must be working themselves dead tired. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


The infected in left 4 dead before they spot you:


My first though lol. Just chillin until you bump into one of then, then the horde chases you


⚠️You’ve Alerted The Horde


Grabbin’ pills.


Pov, you took the escalator to the Limbo Convention


How low can you go?


Rock bottom


Oh, cool. Flash mobs are a thing again.


flesh mobs ^^


Is it safe to move around them like that? Are they more like stationary objects?


They don’t look very alert


Usually stationary. Might get the occasional mumbling approacher along the way that you gotta bob and weave


Kinda like NPCs when they are that high.


At one point, all of those people were someone's baby. Probably wanted to be an astronaut or a firefighter or a doctor when they grew up :(


They made their own choices. The one’s who wanted be an astronaut, a doctor, a fire fighter made different choices. We hopefully learn from our mistakes.


Material conditions often dictate the most insidious choices 🫤


Wow…poverty, abandonment, abuse, neglect, lack of proper schools, parents working 3 jobs…why not choose that!? Moral superiority and lack of understanding of addiction as a result of multiple pains and a mental health condition is what makes people say things like this.


All the people I’ve known who died from fentanyl and heroin between about 2007 and right before the pandemic all came from the suburbs in traditional middle class families, so it’s naive to say everyone addicted is from poor backgrounds and were abused.


Lots of neglected children in the suburbs, parent working non stop and make no time for their kids.


No, no don't you know: middle class parents are all perfect and never abuse their children in any way.


My son lost his best friend to Fent a year ago. The kid had the best of everything. Loving and involved family(Christians and all that) supporting and involved grandparents. Strong friend group, and pretty much anything he wanted, including private school education and stable living environment. He started his addiction at 18 and after multiple felonies and destroying his life, his friends and family intervened, got him into rehab multiple times and he was clean for 16 ‘months, but the. did “just one more” and that was an almost pure fent blue. He made choices. He was arrogant because he KNEW the risk of death. He liked the feeling of being high. He made a choice and it cost him his life.


You know the state of the middle class, right? Or general suburban family tropes that definitely lean towards abuse and poor backgrounds… there are very few people who are well off in this world (mentally as well) from their upbringing.


I forgot the suburbs are a paradise where nothing bad happens


I was depicting the extreme situation compared to the vain judgment regarding the decision. I, for a fact, am a recovering addict, clean for some 24 hours and never missed a meal, studied in a private school, and almost lost my life to addiction, so no judgments, just realities trying to explain to someone that addiction is not a decision. Just for today, happy 24 hours :)


Congratulations on 24 hours! Thats still a big deal.


Some grew up privileged and loved but chose drugs. Others grew up w sisters in the struggle, but their sister made the choice to get an education and go to college, get a good job and thrive. While the other chose drugs. It takes a few bad choices to get to that point. Doesn't happen overnight. I do feel for them but I also agree w the comment above. I used to be addicted to drugs myself and I blamed nothing but the choices I made.


Hey man who knows? Maybe in their minds they are astronauts or whatever


This is a painfully narrow viewpoint.


If life was exactly as you think it is then everyone would be fit and go to bed on time.


It's the #1 killer of people in my age group and the numbers are still increasing (18-45). That's far beyond individual choices. That's a societal problem/poison where the root causes need to be addressed.


Each one is independently consuming of their own volition. No one is forcing them. Personal responsibility, their choice.


I like how you can tell it’s San Francisco


You can tell because of the way it is.


I’m sad I had a feeling it was SF. I was thinking about visiting again but the last time I went I got bombarded by bums for cigarettes and I don’t even smoke. I had to check out the hotel I was staying because of the hordes of em all over the street. Was such a beautiful city.


Bet that is some freaky shit. Bump one startle the rest.


It's like the horde from left 4 dead


They are playing "red light, greenlight" 😅 or doing this 2015 challenge of not moving hahahaha


Mannequin challenge


That!!! 😂




Such freedom


Why do they huddle together like that?


This is so fucked


This shit can’t be real..


The cheapness of fentanyl makes it very real.


Fent is not cheap unless you’re dealing it




A great Left For Dead map


Even as an x-junkie myself this is som e sad sad shit 😢


This looks like the 16th Street mall in Denver


Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment 😌


Whenever I see vids like that I‘m glad to live in Europe


Only a matter of time until fentanyl hits Europe tbh


As I understand it, the opiate epidemic in the USA is also due to the healthcare system. People who need surgery can't get it because they don't have insurance and cana't afford it, so they're given painkillers to compensate. In Europe, we don't have this problem: with our healthcare systems, everyone is treated.


I don't think it will be on the same scale as the US but certainly I could see fentanyl replacing heroin in Europe, as it has done in America. Fentanyl is just vastly easier to produce, easier to smuggle, and offers much larger margins to drug traffickers. Capitalist logic basically guarantees it will arrive on the European continent.


Europe is not one country. If fentanyl would come to Europe, it is almost certain that not all countries will be affected immediately/to a similar extent. Also, there is no sign that fentanyl will make it to Europe. We don't have any cartels or Mexican drug gangs with us. In addition, there is much less drug use in Europe (on average) than in the USA. For example, the consumption rate of opiates is lower. With the tipping culture for example, everyone was afraid that it would soon come to Europe, but not all American trends make it. The Europeans aren’t stupid.


“Europe is not one country” Proceeds to talk about Europe as if it’s one country.


You’re the one who first said Europe as if it were one place lmao


Are there really no drug gangs/ cartels in Europe? Like isn’t the mafia a thing and Russian mob? Do they not really do much drug related crime? I guess I always assumed there would be something like that


There are some minor gangs but no cartels


That must be nice! Along with affordable healthcare


This person is talking nonsense, Europe has major organized crime groups, particularly in the south of Italy and in Albania.


What city you live in? In my experience wll large cities in Europe have similar thing going on around the train stations


Go to Hamburg main train station, walk for like 10 minutes and you’ll almost get the same result. It’s fucked


Who has the world monopoly on pushing dope through the USA?




China couldn’t even keep it out of China. :( https://www.britannica.com/topic/Opium-Wars


Yeah glad europe isnt falling apart ATM


Ahhh San Francisco, isn't it beautiful?




I think it’s San Francisco, but I could be wrong.


Looks like deep loin


Zombies by the bay


The videos I've seen of people in this condition makes me wonder how they remain standing. Well sort of standing. But how are they not falling over?


Good ole Market St. SF.


You ever heard of cow tipping? Well let me introduce you to tweaker tipping.


You got off BART at 7th and Market, what did you think you were gonna see??? And to all the people saying how bad SF is I’ll drop a pin and you can see for yourself what it’s like in the daytime. Totally different. The Tenderloin is not a place to stay for foreigners or people traveling to SF. It’s not a fun place to walk either. You want the beautiful SF, go where the tourists play at fisherman’s wharf and find a hotel there. You want the full on drugged out experience and you’re cheap you stay in the TL, or better known as the L’s for good reason. It’s always been bad, this ain’t new to SF. It’s low rent hotels daily, weekly, monthly, and there’s tons of buildings that subsidize rent for a reason. You won’t find that shit in the Sunset, Cow Hollow, Noe Valley, Lakeshore, Pacific Heights, Lincoln Park, Forest Knolls, Marina or Richmond districts. Don’t believe everything you read or see, do some research before you regurgitate nonfacts.


This has to be an American thing right?






Amazing how many people want to pay to remove these people from their sight. Would you really hand over money every day to someone because you are that annoyed? I have been through the tenderloin district recently, wasn't bothered by anyone a bit, they mind their own business in a daze. If you don't like seeing this, I think that's fine, but I don't want to be forced through taxes to pay for the removal. It is their choice, let's quit fighting this endless battle and waste of money.


Why can’t we have some type of camp where we can store all these creatures without sustenance, until they’re all dead? Imagine a camp made of wooden buildings that could be lit on fire when it’s all done.


I’m no lawyer but I believe that’s called murder


that's called a concentration camp you subhuman


Would be a permanent solution, no?




Because our society is brain dead, they rather spend tax payers money on them instead of just putting bullet in their head, oh and they downvoting you too 😂. People are retarded as hell, I think that if you so stupid and weak to get to this point you should not be allowed to live. Maybe fear of death would make a lot of people think before using drags and become homeless. And don’t bullshit about there life situation, I have been working my whole life , because of that I’ve changed 3 countries and now in Canada. After almost a year bought got a loan for Tesla and have a job. I’m completely fine with my life and I hate paying 2k a month in taxes for these zombies been supplied with drags and food/money.


You’re trash :)


Come on dude, tell me how would you fix rotten people on the street who doesn’t give a single fuck about you, who using this stupid system to get free drugs so they can stay high and literally shit in side walks.


Ok Hitler. This is your Final Solution Maybe you should throw yourself into the flames too.


Yes, the final solution. Excellent


Can you explain your thought process? Why am I hitler, and why should I throw myself into the flames?


i mean two seconds ago you were advocating for the genocide of multiple swathes of the population. Do you really need someone to explain to you what's hitlery about that lmfao


They’re already dead and literally rotting on the street, you would do them a favor lol.


...okay? why are you telling this to me? im just explaining why you got compared to hitler


Idk it’s just funny that people actually want to see more zombies on the street 😂




Simply read the comment I responded to ;)


You have literally 0 understanding and it's gross


Of what ? I do understand that I need to watch out for human shit and needles why walking on the street.


This would hit harder if it wasn't full of grammatical errors. Should we also shoot people who waste taxpayer money on education by not paying attention in school?


English isn’t my first language sorry.


LOL so you want me to accept your apology on your shitty grammar… but you also want to annihilate people just because they were dealt addiction genetics. PRIORITIES am I right 🤢🤢🤢


These people make me sad and drug use is not glamorous. But you’re disgusting bro. Get some help.


Should we shoot immigrants then? I mean, they spend taxpayer money on the naturalization process. Do you see how dumb you sound either way? Sometimes we spend money to improve our communities, not murder its residents.


Immigrants paying taxes as we all do, what exactly we improving? The quality of drag that they getting for free?


Bro I'm literally just trying to show you that it is good to have some compassion for your fellow human being. You do not know their life and yet you call for murder. I'll bet your mother would be very disappointed in you if she read that you want to kill people over money.


“Life stories” bruh, not this shit again.


You are a judgmental ass hat who would kill people over a small amount of money. I say it's people like you who are the drain on society. Please read up on something called ethics. Might do you some good.


Maybe if society killed all of the sadistic fucks who think this way, society would be perfect and no one would torture others, kill or do crimes, right?


A lot of people feel this way about homosexuals.


Your grammar and spelling is atrocious, you must be really low IQ. Let's put a bullet in your head!


Okay okay relax brain dead redditors, I’m going to bed, be careful tomorrow not to get any needles into your feet, and hold you breathe while going in and out metro. And work as hard as you can so zombies can grow in numbers. Peace.


I could feel the same way about you, but you wouldn't like that, would you? (:


Not enough drugs are legal guys ,ignore how only cities that are liniant on them get this problem .


At least no one is asleep on the escalator like that video from the other day. That was terrifying


Mannequin Challenge Winner


geekeeekeekeeekeekeed up


What happens if you push them over? Sorta like cow tipping?


Addiction is a serious problem for them and their families, it’s a full time job to get high, I pray 🙏🏿 for them and their families, A waste of life and precious time 🙏🏿🙏🏿


This is like some weird sci-fi movie


That's scary af bro.


Dishonored weepers


So is it safe to be walking around here??


Where is this?


Resident evil


What kind of Psyop are we witnessing now?


they doing the mannequin challenge


This is crazy


Mannequin challenge


God I miss philly