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Would've been better if the video showed the aftermath. For all we know he's got a jacked tolerance and really shitty meth.


He’s gonna be jacking it for sure 


Probably unsuccessfully too


Definitely. But he’s going to try and it’s going to be 2 days later when he realizes it’s futile 


This guy meths


Yea I wish we could see the aftermeth too


The shittiest meth in the US is the strongest ironically 😭




Before I got sober I was doing 1g+ hot rails and still couldn't stay awake for more than 12 hours. The tolerance was very real, and now a lot of the meth has fent in it so it's all trash anyways.


Yeah, I can say from personal experience that that wasn’t an insane amount of meth to smoke in one sitting. Last summer, I’d smoke about the same amount after work every day. I should add that this was in addition to my pre-work and lunchtime sessions.


When would you sleep?


I had such a high tolerance at the time, I still slept for 4-6 hours almost every night. I’d usually fall asleep around 2am.


Was it always like that? Like did it take a while for you to be able to sleep a few hours? Did you use any other drugs to help you sleep?


I never used any other drugs to help myself sleep, and it took a few months to get to the point where meth didn’t keep me awake all night anymore. What really did it was when I started working and smoking with my ex’s dad, who was nearly a 30-year meth veteran. Before that, sleeping was impossible.


Gotcha, thanks. I was just curious. In my prior life I got into s pretty terrible coke routine. I was basically manic all the time and I did therapy to help cover for my addictions etc.. I got a seroquel Rx and that totally often counter acted the stim. Though I eventually built up a high tolerance to that. Good riddance! It took so much work and money to maintain that shit.


That’s fascinating, because meth made me far less manic than I normally am. I tend to be a pretty emotional dude, and meth always toned me down in that regard. I called it “stoicism in a bag”. Ironically, spending so much time sober recently has made me want to get therapy to cover for my lack of drugs haha. I’ll be glad when I fully get past this chapter of my life.


That’s wild. I never tried it, but I can’t imagine being chill at all.. But best of luck to you! Therapy really helped me. I eventually got to a point where I could kick the anti-psychotics and weaned off therapy sessions. Now I’m doing better than I ever have. I think I just got lucky with a good therapist. He was awesome. Nerdy, big hiker, super fit. Maybe 6–8 years older than me. I think a former alkie like me. I have have had bad therapist experiences before so it’s def like dating. You gotta find the right one. And you gotta be honest with them. Once I was honest about how much I was drinking and buying blow, it was much easier to move forward.


It's just MSM


Penis is in danger


Alright asking out of ignorance as I’ve never done meth and don’t have a lot of experience with stimulants, but WTF is up with all the jerk off jokes?? Does meth make you extremely horny or something?


Always ask. Yes. It causes the most grueling jerk off sessions. I would look at porn for days beating off. Blistery bloody dick.


Jesus Christ. how and why…?? I can’t even begin to fathom


Because meth.


Well does it at least feel better? Lmfao


Yeah my dick has fully healed. It did get to a point where I couldn't find any porn I hadn't already seen. But we good now.


That’s never a good feeling. lol


Sometimes, you gotta go dark.


To reignite the spark.


I remember after going on a meth/porn binder seeing porn when I close my eyes.


Porn burnt into the eyes...


Sir I don’t think your name checks out


I've never smoked it, just USED to shoot it. You give me a bus load of women and I'll do my darnedest to get to each and every one of them.


Ay i never felt that urge to be honest, but i never went full fiend. Just had it a handful of times with mates. Never been by myself whilst cookin' it


Luckily I had a great partner the time I tried it, we fucked for 12 hours. It was wild.


He's probably been up for days already.


Old friend of mine many moons ago once went on a 6 day chrissy bender. On day 6 he ended up in the middle of the street screaming at his ex while carving a giant X in his chest with a razor blade. Shoulder to hip, shoulder to hip.


6 days? That's nothing. Try a month.


I can run real fast


That is the point of meth lol


Where can we find the videos of his stim-fapping?




Username checks out. But yeah. I’d watch it. He’s kinda hot for a dude doing meth.


As long as we don’t see his teeth while watching


This is just a video of a guy smoking meth wtf


Grinding those teeth down to a fine powder,…but hopefully the bathroom looks spotless.


[have you seen this song about dope?](https://youtu.be/bxAYHOWxGi8?si=U9KdRUKqN15LLzvs)


This is a small hit. Meth produces huge fucking clouds.


Also it’s water soluble, meaning that the water percolation will lower potency some. You could drink/boot the water to get the rest though.


Just let the water evaporate. Put a fan on it, or out in the sun.


Amature hour!


In all my years taking drugs I have never once felt compelled to record my self in the process of taking them


Might want to mention this on the next dental check up


Can have meth mouth without teeth! Loophole!


I smoked meth from 2018-2021. My oral hygiene was better than 100% of the world. Done believe the stereotypes.


Same when I was using. My skin was also super clear because I had an obsessive skincare regimen. Broke out after I quit because I had no energy to get out of bed let alone take care of my skin.


Nothing wrong with being a quitter! 💪🏻


Or a spitter?


No harsh thrown, honestly, contraindications with local anesthesia is my concern


Does Adderall have the same issues with local anesthesia?


I am not a doctor but I think it only applies to "meth" amphetamines


This is such a bad path to go down


Especially because this guy is clearly not deep in addiction yet (despite the massive hits he’s taking). He looks to be in fairly good shape, and he doesn’t have the sunken jaw or rotting teeth that meth causes - but the way he’s smoking, he’s definitely going down that road very quickly. It’s really sad.


How does this dude go to work in the morning ? Oh wait lol… nvm


He is a roofer. This is just the cup of coffie with the breakfast.


I would never drink something called coffie lol too close to coffin


My ex wife used to smoke in the parking lot on her lunch break to make it through the day. She was a dental hygienist


That’s an oxymoron


Nah she was just a moron


Very true haha


Oh my. That’s a pretty competitive field! How did she get hooked?


She was just a heavy drug user in general. Didn't know when to say when. She actually got clean from meth for most of the years we were together. Unfortunately near the end there were a lot of weekends where she wouldn't sleep Friday or Saturday night spend Sunday drinking and take a pill to sleep and drag ass into work Monday morning. There were times that I kissed her goodbye and could still smell the white zinfandel


One time, I hit a DMT pipe like this while already peaking on mushrooms. I spoke in tongues and communicated with the DMT entities via creating and sharing impossible geometric objects with them. It was among the most profound and intense psychedelic experiences of my life. I needed to have someone hold the pipe for me and light the tokes for Me because the psychedelic geometry fully obscured my vision of the pipe about three tokes in. The amount of courage it took to keep going until About the seventh toke ( I lost count of the exact number but it was similar to this video) Is absolutely titanic. Even though I know that DMT can't actually kill you, For sure Is felt like the next inhalation would kill me. The courage to keep inhaling even though it felt like it would lead to certain death was immense. It's Ironic how the drugs which Can actually kill you if you do too much make you feel so awesome, But the ones which can't actually kill you Make it Feel one hundred percent like you're dying. As Terence Mckenna says, The most dangerous thing about DMT Is death by astonishment. When it comes to amphetamine, I'm perfectly happy with the prescription kind taken orally. I'm pretty sure my heart would explode if I smoke to this much meth.


Newbies who smoke DMT don't know how to hit the pipe right. This tweaker twerps this pipe perfectly for a good DMT hit and blast off. Don't burn it, twerp it!


We liked to call that "rocking the baby"


Brilliant lol


Noob here. What does it mean to "twerp it"?


Rock the pipe back and forth with the flame underneath it not touching while inhaling and mikling it slowly.


I was quite lucky that the person helping me with the pipe was a roommate who smoked a fair bit of meth at the time. She was the perfect person to ensure that I got big nice tokes that blasted me off way into hyperspace. During prior attempts on my own I made the rookie mistake of holding the flame too close and burning it. My roommate explain to me that you have to apply the heat in the more diffuse way. Her expertise with using a glass pipe paid off, as the clouds I exhaled were even bigger than the person in this video. Even though the melting and evaporation point with DMT is different than meth, my roommate adjusted her technique to account for this to ensure I get the biggest tokes possible. You are quite correct about many DMT users not knowing proper techniques for smoking it from a meth pipe because the people who use DMT and people who use meth are a pretty separate group of people in general. There is also a lot of stigma against what are perceived as hard drugs in the Psychedelic community which plays a role in the lack of knowledge of how to use a meth pipe among DMT users. I have noticed that Vapes Became More popular To inhale DMT because they don't have the Optics of a hard drug But my experience is I can never break through So easily with vapes Like I can getting huge toks from a meth pipe When it's lit by somebody who knows how to use one. Since I only had experience with smoking DMT from the type of pipe that's usually used for meth, it's a very strange feeling watching people smoke meth. I distinctly recall the fear seeing the DMT vapor travel up the pipe and into my mouth and immediately feeling the butterflies in my stomach knowing how intense the following few seconds will be. It's strange watching people smoke meth with a very nonchalant look on their face because of the mental Association I have with watching that Vapor travel up the pipe with the rapid onset of the powerful psychedelic experience. Even though I logically know their smoking a different drug with different effects, my heart begins to race when I see the vapor travel from the pipe into their lungs because I associate that sight with the feeling of, " holy s*** it feels like I'm dying oh my God holy s***!" It makes me think how the person I'm watching smoke meth isn't completely freaking out even though I know it's not the same drug as I have experienced smoking with that kind of pipe. I am an amphetamine user as well ( if the length of this post doesn't give that away 😜) but I only take them orally. I've been offered a toke of meth before but turned it down because oral amphetamine is perfectly strong enough for me and I can't imagine enjoying anything stronger. I don't think I would enjoy such a rapid onset with a stimulant drug. I prefer a more gradual onset with stimulants because it doesn't feel as panicky, which is why Vyvanse is my favorite amphetamine.


You saw the little men that run the machine.


Thank you for sharing, great explanation of good times with an abundance of narcotics. I'm glad to know there are people like me and you in the world. And 100% agree prescription amphetamine taken orally is the way to go,


At what point in your life do you think trying meth is a good idea?


70 years old just got out of prison and it's a down hill road. Only time it's acceptable. Lol


It’s still gonna meth you up


Dude looks young.. how long do you think until he looks 80?


A week


He’ll be fine. It’s just vitamins


There's no evidence in this vid that he took too much.


Do people ever use water pipes with meth? Just wondering, seems like everyone does dry hits.. sorry im new


Former meth user. Yes, they do. They also do something called a hot rail. You use a nectar collector for dabs, bust out a line of meth on a mirror, then you heat up the end of the dab tool and just ever so gently sniff up the smoke. God, this thread is triggering as fuck.


I miss twirling the pipe so much


Never done it but I think you need that bowl shaped pipe to be able to spin it and not burn it.


Oh yeah loosen up those chompers buckaroo


Rumor has it, he's still awake.


he took 4 hits? lol tf, this sub gone soft.


Why would you even film this? Not a flex lol


I feel geeked just from watching that, jesus


Where was the "too much" part?


I don’t know why but watching people smoke meth is one of the only things that makes me feel a bit sick lol and I do coke all the time


Shit makes me want to puke.


At least fucking inhale it. Weak prick


Question is, is he even inhaling?


As a former.. uh, that guy..he's got a bright future.


Meth sub? That shit is bananas!


Whats he gonna look like in 5 years?


19 - 59 in five.


Five days


Dudes about to go fold the dishes


Did he even inhale? Smoke came out as soon as he opened his mouth.


well where do you think all the smoke went while he literally inhaled?


He blew it straight out….just wasting it… It’s like having a drink a not swallowing.


There’s a ritual among meth addicts to not hold in the smoke/vapor at all because they think it will recrystalize in their lungs. I’m pretty sure that’s a myth but I’m sure it’s not great to have it sitting in there very long either lol. Plus blowing big clouds on video is one of their favorite past times, it’s like a flex of some sort.


You can tell a drug is not fun if there’s no artwork involved. Weed glass wear is usually at least a little colorful. Acid comes on some awesome looking sheets sometimes. Mushrooms are cool to draw and look at. Seems like meth and heroin just jump straight into medical supplies or some shit from a science lab. I think this guy is trying to make meth more fun or something.


I get the weed, because it's legal in a lot of places. And also, weed pipes are known to be functional artwork in some cases ("heady" pipes if you will). However I've never seen the artistry or the beauty in a meth rig, and I've never understood why someone would want to be seen, publicly smoking meth. It's not as if meth has the same sort of cavalier attitude directed at it as weed does. Why would you want to expose yourself like this? What's with people on stimulants videotaping their criminal behavior? Is it a side effect of being too up and not thinking clearly, or at all?.




It’s a shit drug…I describe it like whatever u start doing you’ll find it harder to stop….start cleaning and house will end up spotless, pick a pimple in the mirror, and 5 hrs later u will have destroyed your face…it just a stronger version of drugs they give kids with ADHD …


Does smoking it have any kind of signature rush to it that you seek out? I’ve heard that IV meth is a crazy rush, that some people will even orgasm immediately after, etc… Like when I smoked crack I loved the rush but hated the actual extended paranoid high and comedown afterwards, but the rush was so good it seemed worth it at the time.


Blasting it gives has a great rush, smoking doesn’t have same intense rush…had a friend that would blast and disappear into his room to wank…sometimes for hours


>it just a stronger version of drugs they give kids with ADHD As someone who took adderall through their 20s, mostly recreationally to drink and stay up, i dont remember anything close to this mindset. From a health and/or recreational standpoint is meth and ADHD drugs even comparable?


Both are amphetamines


I mean i know this, but a pharmacist buddy of mine laughed at me years back when i tried to make this comparison with meth. His point was " look at methanol alcohol vs ethanol", its the same difference that a tiny change in the chemical structure changes the effect.


ive taken 60mg of adderall at once and i would compare it to a low amount of mdma. I was amped and felt nice af. These types of drugs affect people differently, especially those with adhd. Ive heard of people with bad adhd say that meth just makes them feel normal. Its all with how the brain is wired


Its weird..was on ritalin till i graduated highschool and was taken off cold turkey. Started self medicating with meth bcuz it in fact makes me feel normal. Will not touch adderall bcuz of how it makes me feel.


I’m in Australia for ADHD Ritalin is commonly prescribed,I haven’t looked into Adderall…..Ritalin contains dexamphetamine


I'm in the US but lived in Australia in my 20s in 2012. I went to the Dr w my adderall to see if they could fill it and he looked at me like I was a druggie and ended up prescribing me some lower dose amphetamine that wasn't adderall. Adderall def wasn't a thing there


[desoxyn](https://www.drugs.com/mtm/desoxyn.html) Methamphetamine - prescribed to children 6+ years




What’s this feel like honestly ?


The Right Stuff average profile


TURMP 2042


covfefe 420


You forgot the "took too much" part. You know, the part where he goes instantly gay on his asshole.


Even if you have a high tolerance how does smoking that much of that stuff not just kill you?


I ended up getting MRSA from a psychotic episode whilst smoking meth. I almost died, lost my girlfriend and had to leave the state that I was living in for better medical treatment.


Bro isn't even inhaling like half of the smoke