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These bins are very basic and to-the-point. Exactly what was needed. Brad² complaining about lack of public input, as if a Toryesque "study" would have had better results.


He is my councillor and he is so so bad. It’s painful to watch him in council he gets really really angry at chow for no reason and chow responds calmly and he ends up looking like a clown.


He still wants to be the next mayor, and it looks like he believes any publicity is good publicity, so he's going to run to the cameras to be the anti-Chow any chance he gets. I swear any time I turn on the news when they are talking about municipal politics, when they cut to councillors for their opinions, he always gets a soundbite.


He’s my councillor too and I find him so embarrassing. Like he has to have a contrarian viewpoint on EVERYTHING so he can get on TV.


People in his ward should call and email his office to say this stuff too. Ask him to focus on the ward and to stop being desperate for camera time believing he can be the next mayor. He received 1.28% of the vote in the city with just over 9,000 votes across Toronto. He won his council seat with 15,000 votes, so this shows that even his own ward didn't want him to be mayor. I tried finding complete Ward 19 results for the by-election, but I didn't waste too much time. The only thing I found was the top 6 candidates in Ward 19, and he wasn't even top 6 for his own ward. Mitzie Hunter was 6th with 3.14% of the vote. The people he represents should tell him to shut up more often, and remind him about these pathetic numbers. EDIT - I found better results for Ward 19 and he was actually 6th place ahead of Mitzie. He had 4.66% of the vote with 1,723 votes. Still pathetic. The original results I saw were only focusing on 6 candidates and he was not included.


He is my councillor as well, let’s vote the shit head out.


He's the new DMW. He was their anti-everything guy until he resigned, so now they need a new one and have settled on Bradford.


He can try doing his job as council member first


He's following the Ford model of politics: be as big of a fuckup at your job as possible, and then play the victim when called on it.


> he believes any publicity is good publicity He should take up smoking crack.


And he never responds to constituents, it’s incredibly frustrating.


Same, I get ignored for basic questions like do you support policy x.


Did Brad just barely beating Chris Saccoccia in the mayoral election not give him a clear message that we don't want to hear his bullshit?


Or does that mean too many people want to hear Chris Saccoccia's bullshit?


Por que no los dos?


Yes. Any non-zero number is too high.


He was only there to lie for Ford, or so it seemed to me. He would constantly bring up Chow would raise tax by 30%


Brad² is hilarious, fuck that guy.


It took me a beat, incredible.


Of course Mr “Less talk more action” is complaining about lack of public input


Brad is a fucking idiot. I hope he is reading this. Brad, if you are, you're a fucking embarrassment to Toronto. Get fucked.


“We need new garbages, but first my unemployed nephew needs $1M to come up with the design.”


The old ones were ugly disgusting plague vectors. The press down bar never worked and the flaps never opened, no wonder the old garbage cans were surrounded by garbage from people not wanting to touch the flaps with their hands.


I seem to remember that the intention at the time was to deter people putting household garbage into them. Didn't work.


I always thought that was funny. If someone is going to illegal dispose of trash, them not being able to fit it in the garbage isn't going to stop them. They're already at the garbage it's probably just going to be left next to it.


Yes but you see, a Toryesque study & consultation process would have allowed the city to ~~waste~~ spend hundreds of thousands of dollars more to ensure that the rollout is ~~indefinitely delayed while the existing bins continue deteriorate due to lack of maintenance until they are indistinguishable from metre-high piles of trash~~ attended by John Tory.


A “study” that would surely grant one of his buddies companies a contract


Public input about garbage cans. Jfc we wonder why everything takes forever in this city


Brad just wants to be dick. He's been branding himself as a right wing reactionary to get political traction after that disastrous mayoral run. 


>Brad² Brad Bradbrad doesn't do anything for our riding but complain and think he can be a better mayor. Failing up, stereotypical elder Millennial shit.


Doesn’t matter. Two first names. F’em.


I dunno, I think maybe the flaps are going to prove to be a Chesterton's fence.  Yeah they were annoying and no one wanted to touch them and created more litter because of that, but there was probably a reason for them and we're gunna find out why with them gone now.


> Astral Out-of-Home, the private media company responsible for maintaining 11,000 garbage bins across Toronto. “Responsible” and “maintaining” must have a different meaning in the contract than their everyday meaning.


Has this been addressed yet? All I want is the city to not have anything to do with Astral Media when it comes to city infrastructure and service when the contract is up. If the city extends this deal I'll be pretty disappointed. And it seems like lipstick on a pig just before contract renew time, instead of decades of mismanagement and proper parting of ways.


Fortunately the deal will expire in 2027, so there will be an opportunity to change it in the near future.


And Astral has a big uphill battle to get their contract renewed as council doesn’t like dealing with companies who make their lives more difficult.


Just remember when you are complaining about astral media, the parent company is Bell.


They get paid for it.


I definitely believe they fulfilled the “take the money” side of the deal.


You do realize that Astral is owned by Bell?


Bro, who tf thought those foot pedals were a good idea in a city that plows its sidewalks ffs


When I lived at Queen and Bathurst in a punk house, we collected those foot pedals that were always breaking off. I think we had at least five.




Those foot pedals were probably the most sanitary thing in that house.


Speaking of incompatible designs for sidewalk plowing, I've noticed that at a nearby bike lanes with those raised yellow warning tiles before a bus stop, that the plows ripped many of those raised pegs right off. Last year it was bad enough that they had to retile that whole damn thing as most of it came loose, and they replaced it with tiles that sit slightly more flush to the ground... but it happened again over this winter, and it probably would have ended up worse if we had an actual winter and plows went through it more.


I still remember the absolute shock of passers by when I actually used one of these foot pedals. People genuinely didn't understand the design. It's not a bad design, but we have really, REALLY idiot proof them.


Brad squared is a dork. We need new bins.


[Before and after images](https://x.com/cityoftoronto/status/1783550354522599697?s=46&t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q).


nice little change


Yup this is better.


Kinda funny how city of Toronto is showing someone throwing a recyclable cup with the lid on in the litter. I'm not saying recycling works or is perfect, but I'm pretty sure those cups go in the recycling (I don't know, I don't purchase disposable cup beverages)


You are incorrect. The cups are lined and cannot be recycled. They are not recyclable. And don't worry, it ALL goes into the trash and still will.


It's unfortunate that everyone still hasn't found out that the whole "reduce, reuse, recycle" is while technically true only applies to very specific pieces of trash or materials.


I agree with the somewhat cynical or pessimistic take that recycling was a huge mistake, at least in terms of how it's implemented here. No, you can't just dump a bunch of contaminated garbage in your blue bin or this thing and have the recycling center sort it out. Plastic basically isn't recyclable at all. etc.


I for one have never been quite the same since the time I tossed my litter into one of those small openings, and just barely pulled my hand away before a squirrel popped its head out the same hole. (The squirrel did not look pleased!)


We lost the raccoon war.


All hail our new trash panda overlords.


I hope none get stuck climbing in 😪 (I'm sure they will)


I mean one managed to knock out power to a good chunk of the downtown core so 100% they getting in there.


Brad Brad - We need to consult in garbage bins - seriously, what a waste of time. What it needs to be is durable and easy to service. A public consultation will not produce that.


Not to mention Astral still has the contract so they still have final say on the design. A public consultation would only be warranted for a new contract.


The quicker the deal with Astral end the better. Pure garbage.


Finally the affordable housing our raccoons need.


What is the point in even having a recycling option in public since it’s all going to be contaminated anyways? 9/10 its all thrown in the garbage anyways


Because people complain if it's not an option. It's just a painted on label and it keeps people quiet.


At least this new bin has more garbage holes than the previous ones. Why anyone thought having two recycling slots was a good idea when most little is completely garbage is beyond me.


Brad Brad really said we need to consult with the public about garbage cans. This guy thinks he is THE opposition to the mayor. And the media will print and hear him on the radio saying bullshit as if he wasn't riding Tory's dick that brought us here.


What’s funny is that the media for the most part doesn’t seem interested in him. I watched a CityNews report on this topic and he never came up lol.


These look like the ones we used to have before 2006 when they replaced them with the big plastic ones with the foot lever because the old ones were too small and always overflowing.


These? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Toronto_tripartite_rubbish_bin%2C_May_2006.jpg


Please put more along Dundas by Kipling Station


Finally a decent bin with actual PROPER opening to throw your garbage.!


Wow they are now light grey! Big improvement on the previous dark grey


Question needs to be asked, Who is it being contracted out to? Last time it was a mob connected organization..


Better than a media company.


What difference will these make when the homeless will rip it all apart in under a week?


Well if they locked them that would keep the homeless out.


They all must be LockpickingLawyer because they constantly keep getting into them. If not, they will find a way to pry and break them


I've noticed that a lot of the bins either have broken locks (thanks Astral), or the city crews who empty the bins just don't bother locking them.


Olivia continuing to better the city.




Thank 👏🏼 you 👏🏼


Can we have public 24 hr washrooms please?


Astral Media are difficult to work with. They are the company who the city had a contract with for most of the furniture you see on the street. They do what they want and when. And take no advice from the public.


Which is why TTC bus-shelters are designed as ad-space first, shelter second.


Seems like it'd be easier for raccoons to get inside. Also easier for the homeless to rummage. Half the time the front door is busted open anyway and it doesn't look like they changed that.


Imma throw a mattress in that bish


Eh, bins are bins. The key I have for work, opens these same bins (and newer ones).


But will they include "charity rings" (or doneerringen) as bins in the Netherlands do???


Lol every mayor needs a signature trash bin


Make them green (signifying environmentally friendly) to stand out vs dull grey.


They should do a cigarette and pizza box test on these bins.


I noticed homeless people opening these up and putting coins or retrieving coins from some component inside these bins. I’ve notice this occurrence over 20+ times… What are they doing?


anyone know if I can get an old bin? would be cool to have in the house haha


Affordable housing for torontonians


Thank god. Those Astral ones were just absolute pieces of complicated garbage


Now for the restrooms...


Remember all those fiber glass mooses all over the place?


I wish they would make them a nice colour, the gray is so ugly


For all smokers to ignore? Cool.


I feel like they will be so dirty and broken in a few months and we over spent for these


what is the cost? 100 MILLI... BILLION DOLLARS?


So who's getting rich off this venture?


> So who's getting rich off this venture? Astral Media since 2007. As discussed in the article.


Lol @ council complaining that a media company poorly designed garbage bins. What did they think would happen?


Here we go again! I swear they do this every 3-5 years and in less than 1 year of being installed, they are trashed (pun intended). Hopefully these ones will finally last.