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Huge amount of respect for Chief Pegg. One of many civil servants who stepped up during COVID, putting in extremely long hours and at times putting themselves at risk. Glad he gets to retire!


Stepped up? There was no risk and you do know he was handsomely rewarded with all kinds of OT pay right?


I'd say days and weeks away from his family while running the COVID crisis centre fo the whole city is stepping up!


Yes, when you go to work you're generally away from your family. Again, he got compensated by the taxpayers very well for all his efforts during the scamdemic and throughout his whole career. This public servant made so much money he's retiring at 50


I don’t have any ill will. Hope he retires peacefully and enjoys his golden years


Has he ever said anything stupid like "Boy I wish we didn't put out the fire?!" The TPS chief could take a lesson from him


He's a well respected Chief by his department and importantly by the firefighter's union. They are often on opposite ends of the spectrum in priorities but they have worked well together to the benefit of all. He has done a lot to bring mental health awareness to the forefront in the firefighting world, which is much needed. He leaves big shoes to fill. He's earned his retirement. I'm sure it's not the last we've seen of him