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If it was cancelled, they most likely found some more issues with the work cars. You don’t just cancel this because the optics of the long weekend at the last minute. You have staff booked and all that stuff.


I'm pretty sure you just hit the nail on the head. They did a thorough inspection on the fleet after that big spill that closed the tracks for 12 hours.


100% they closed line two down during Easter Weekend and they didn't seem to bat an eye.


A couple of months ago a work car broke down at greenwood. Delayed trains for 40 minutes at the start of service until they could tow it back to Greenwood yard. It was right outside the station at Greenwood. It looked like it was held together by duct tape. I'm not surprised they're having issues with these.




This is entirely conspiratorial and based on nothing though.


It’s not like there was a 12 hour shutdown for a work car that leaked a bunch of hydraulic fluid and then three other leaks in the following days. Then it is announced that a publicized closure is cancelled at 11:21 PM when ttchelps doesn’t tweet at a time most likely these works car would be gearing up to go out. Yup, All that is based on nothing. That why I put most likely. I would give the TTC the benefit of doubt but Leary and Co love secrecy including keeping operational issues from the public.


For what’s it’s worth the councillor at Sheppard /Yonge (Lily Cheng) was having a meeting with the city transport services to discuss the fiasco of the previous weekend closure just yesterday to try to prevent another disaster. It’s likely there was political pressure to cancel this one. Not saying it’s the reason but there was discussion for sure


Her constituents told her to complain about the crane blocking Yonge for a building replacing an HVAC unit, not this


Most likely is absolutely meaningless. It’s pure speculation based on nothing. Which you could have put in the effort to figure out, but most likely, that’s too much work for you.


You’re right. It’s to much work for me. I’m glad we have people like you this world. Now I shall go back and try to figure out when rep tv is coming out.


This isn't the first time they've scheduled track work for a long weekend and walked it back at the last minute.


I get the impression that on paper these are good weekends to have closures because ridership is down, but the optics are bad.


Overall ridership is down, but higher likelihood of out of towners visiting and relying on transit. It’s a flawed management practice when you navigate purely on raw numbers and zero interpretation or critical thinking.


The implicit argument you're making is that it's better to disrupt a larger number of residents than to disrupt a smaller number of out of town visitors. In any case, the overlap between "visiting from out of town" and "relying on this part of Line 1 being open" feels like it would be vanishingly small.


I mean to be fair if they're like me they also didn't realize this was a long weekend. I honestly thought it was next weekend cause friday is May 24.


It’s the Monday before May 25th. It doesn’t matter when May 24 lands.


Snip snap snip snap


You have no idea, the toll that 1,267,339 closures has on a person


Rick Leary is doing anything he can to save his job now.


I mean not doing track work is definitely not going to save his job.


Yup. Not doing the track work now means that it still needs to be done. Skipping this weekend means it just inconveniences people on a different weekend.


he probably is doing something criminal somewhere


I wish he started from day 1. Probably my biggest criticism of Andy.


Made no sense to schedule it on a long weekend, especially since there was a closure last Saturday. Next one is scheduled for June 1-2. They can’t do it next weekend as Yonge will be closed to traffic at Eglinton from May 24 (after 8pm)-26 so shuttle buses wouldn’t be able to get through. Wonder what they are doing next weekend. Are they going back and open the whole thing up again because some realized they forgot a tool or something?


Do you have any more info on this / source? Need to know as I’ll need to use that corridor 4 times on the 25th (by subway). They’re closing the intersection to surface traffic?


There’s an electronic sign at Yonge and Davisville advising Yonge will be closed from Soudan to Eglinton from 8pm May 24 until May 26 (cant’t remember the time). Plan alternate route. Subway should not be impacted but I wonder about the surface routes in and out of Eglinton Stn


They'll probably run buses via Berwick, Soudan and Redpath/Lillian like they have in the past when there's been issues at Y&E




Am I the only one that sometimes gets tricked by the "closure is cancelled" expression? If I don't stop and read it twice my brain often assumes it means the line is closed.


Probably people who were supposed to do the work wanted the long weekend off.


Looking at the fact that the planned closure didn’t, initially, include the long weekend Monday I wonder if when planning this they didn’t look at the right calendar?


TTC is a joke. Always overcrowded, delayed and operators don't seem to follow the schedules. I got on a bus that said due and it was packed at the station. 15 minutes later we left.


I fail to understand, how is it that a government subsidized organization always disappoints when I wish to take the TTC? something is always wrong and there is delay, route change or something else, whenever someone comes on to the announcement while in the subway, it just is the wrost feeling to an already slow goong morning commute. I just do not get why the scheduled maintainence is not done between 2 to 6 am everyday when the subway is closed. Why is it that nuisense creator stops of trains and a 1000 people have to suffer? For me I used the TTC for about 3 years regularly and I do not miss it, its become worse in recent years.


I just do not get why the scheduled maintainence is not done between 2 to 6 am everyday when the subway is closed. They do. There are jobs that need more than the three hours that the nightimes gives them. The biggest issue is that SOGR keeps getting pushed to a point that you can no longer ignore it.




So they receive subsidies? I don't understand the comment.


This is incorrect. 2022/2023 budget saw 13% ($1.5B) of the TTCs annual funding come from the Ontario Govt, and 20% ($2.5B) from the federal government. [Funding breakdown](https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2023/cc/bgrd/backgroundfile-234152.pdf)


Your first line answered your own question. It is precisely the fact that its government subsidizes that the TTC continues to be such a disappointment


If the government didn't subsidize it, it wouldn't be there at all.


The non-city governments tend to only fund capital costs and not running costs. The TTC has a financial incentive to build more stations and lines vs hiring a new employee.


I agree, Doug Ford has set absurd funding priorities. How is that the TTC's fault?


Not according to ttc.ca so far.


Well the source op linked is the official twitter account




the trc is a giant pile of junk run by some sketchy people