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“Meanwhile, the Beer Store will receive a "significant payment" from the province to help support it through the transition and maintain jobs.” Why is the government propping up multinational corporations that own the beer store? Is the because Ford violated an existing contract? (I’m totally for having everything available more places. More so just curious about this).


The Beer Store contract expires in 2025. This is probably a payout for violating the existing contract rather than waiting a couple more months.


The contract ends at the end of 2025, so it would've been another 16 months.


$300 million dollars so we can buy drinks slightly more conveniently 16 months early.


Remember folks, Conservatives are the fiscally responsible ones! Not like that stupid NDP that would waste taxpayer money on things like daycare and housing instead.


A contract the Conservatives made as far as I remember.


Gotta make sure its in time for the provincial election


Why does the gov't have a contract with a store anyway. If they want to sell beer, fine. But no one is responsible for changes or losses.


The contract was to set the conditions under which the Beer Store kept their exclusive rights to sell beer and other malt liquor. That included that they aren't allowed to add retail markups (i.e. they have to sell products for the price they pay to brewers + operating costs), and they have to operate the deposit return program for all alcohol containers.


Exclusive rights? Wow, that's very sad. Can't believe how much cronyism the government breeds, it's a shame.


It used to be a compromise with local brewers to keep them out of the LCBO system way back when we almost had Prohibition in the 1920's. They would operate a co-op to retail the beer and pay the profits back to brewers. Over the years all of the brewers got acquired by large multi national brands and they inherited this weird system.


It's the Canadian way


It's likely violation of a contract - hence the payment. I also wonder if it's to continue to support the beer store as a recycling depot, as I'm not sure what the plan will be post contract for their recycling operations.


The Beer Store is still going to be the primary wholesaler for beer as well. Restaurants and stores will be buying most of their beer from them, since it's complicated to buy directly from each brewery.


The Beer Store will still provide a good chunk of distribution still. Most restaurants are already buying directly from the brewery, but the Beer Store has a good distribution network that the breweries than utilize, if they're big enough. The new framework, in theory, is supposed to make it easier for the small guys to also tap in to that distribution system.


Nearly a quarter of a billion ! [Reported here](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/05/24/ontario-speeds-up-alcohol-expansion-province-will-pay-the-beer-store-up-to-225m/) No worries though, we can make that up through more healthcare privatization /s


Propping them up would be allowing their duopoly to continue...


The significant payment is 225M, for 16 months of earlier access. That's ~14M a month, or 500K a day. Or said another way about $15 for every man, woman and child in the province. Good thing Molson Coors/inBev are getting the priority over hospitals, schools, daycares and doctors. /s


Ford is like a Midas of poop and grift.


Yup Doug Ford could have just waited but then he wouldn’t have an election talking point/slogan. Buck a beer folks!!! Flushing $250million of our tax dollars just to bolster Doug’s ego.


I sincerely hope the $225m is coming from Loblaws/Metro/Lawtons, aka the prime beneficiary of selling these products in grocery stores


So in a few months. I can spark up a joint while walking to the corner store to pick up a six pack. Then walk to the park and drink that six pack. All of that being legal. 10 years ago I would have said you were crazy if you said that would all be allowed


If you grew up smoking pot when it was illegal, and spent your teen years hiding the evidence and living in fear of being discovered, this new reality is mind-altering. What a time to be alive!


It really is. So many times growing up. When someone brought up any one of those things being legalized. The reply was always "that'll never be allowed here". Yet here we are!


Especially the prices! Weed is so cheap now compared to the street prices of old


Word. I don’t have the time or the inclination to smoke, so I usually pop a capsule or two in the evening and it’s like a dollar. What a time to be alive.


Yep, I honestly thought I'd never see the day in ontario where we could buy beer from convenience store. My 90 year old grandfather used to tell me stories about lcbo from back in the day lol.


How trashed was he able to get off a nickel?


The opposite lol. If they thought you drank too much, they cut you off. They'd keep track of how much you ordered through a booklet.


You also can legally gamble from your phone while doing all of the above


Haha that too! I definitely see myself creating a ridiculous 12 legger after finishing all my weed and beer and getting ready to walk home


heaven forbid you can also grab a beer past 9pm on a Friday as well (or this gonna have to follow LCBO hours lol)


Technically the LCBO is allowed to be open until 11pm though I'm not sure if any are anymore. Pre-COVID the one at Weston/401 and I believe Lakeshore were. Bars and restaurants are allowed to do offsales until then as well. In Quebec deps have to cease beer sales at 11pm and lock up the fridges then. Though I've definitely been served at one after this time...




Once! I was unaware of the rule and trying to open the fridge around midnight and the guy at the counter asked if I needed beer. This was Mile End circa 2003 so maybe a bit of a different world


I remember reading before the hours will be 7am to 11pm. Those are the hours the AGCO says retailers can sell alcohol




I love how it’s okay to buy at 7am but 11:01 and you’re a bad person. (Got snubbed by this when during Covid there was some 8PM or 9PM limit but the sign said I could come in and buy at 7AM. Was very disappointed as I like to grab beer at the end of my shopping so it’s still cold when I get home)


Yup, ticketed for the booze, arrested, cuffed, searched, and having your weed confiscated… Chargers were very rare for personal possession of cannabis, but cop still arrested you and searched you and took it.




I live in Ottawa, I have personally seen cops, confiscate, weed, and booze many times in parks, Canada Day festivals concerts…


$200M+ payout to InBev and Molson Coors. I'm sure the taxpayers were TOTALLY on board with this decision! /s


Don't worry they gave us this > $10 million *over five years* to support social responsibility and public health efforts


This right here is ford at his best. Spending like a drunken sailor and not helping anyone.


That's absolutely mind-boggling. What a gigantic waste of money, especially when every hospital in the province has been screaming for additional funding for the last several years.


This needed a public announcement and a pre-announcement? smh


It's ontario. the government here loves it's studies, reports, and pre-announcements.


I'm happy that the ready-to-drink category is being added for grocery stores. It was stupid that they'd been excluded for so long.


I enjoyed the here in the Great State of Etobicoke comment he opened with. What a clown.




All of the supermarket licenses are already given out. But now it's more likely that pricing will change, and some supermarkets will make beer a bit more expensive, while others will make it cheaper in the hope that you go shop there. Also, we might finally get a beer & wine aisle at Costco.


I'm not against politicians making good policy that people want. Progressive voters have been sold on the idea that good policy requires it to be unpalatable, like cough medicine and eating your vegetables. We need to get away from that masochist pathology and be more willing to give folks their ice cream sundae to look forward to in exchange for eating their veggies on more important matters.


I lot of complaining from some people for the province to dare treat them like adults. I guess that should be expected.


It's not about the regulations changing but paying off a multinational a quarter of a billion dollars just to do so a year early. It's an utterly ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.


All for a non issue in my opinion. There's LCBO's and Beer Stores everywhere, even still most people won't be buying from the convenience stores, because they likely won't carry the 24;s or 28's. I don't even think Walmart does, just 6 and 12 packs.


> I don't even think Walmart does, just 6 and 12 packs. They weren't allow to carry larger sizes up until now. Sounds like that is changing later this year >*As of Oct. 31, all eligible grocery and big box stores will be able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready-to-drink beverages, including large-pack sizes.*


LCBO are closed on holidays i assume the corner stores wontbe


You need a brewery! (But yeah, lots of places without one close by)


So you’re saying these “adults” who can’t organize their lives to buy alcohol when stores are open should now have unlimited access because stuff’s hard…….JFC


It's less "adults treated like adults" and more Ontario coming into the 21st century and catching up to other provinces/states/countries who do this without issue.


Right……so let’s piss away 225 million on the beer store to get shit in corner stores….yeah not like we have healthcare and education to deal with it’s all sunshine and lolly pops I forgot


Yeah i think some people want to ban all gambling and have all booze sales end at 6pm...lol I dislike the hyper partentialism that exisits in Ontario at time.


If people want to gamble, fine, but spare me from hearing/seeing advertisements about it.


they want to go back to the Ontario of the 80s and 90s when nothing was allowed to open on Sundays cause you damn well better be in a Catholic Church on that day.


these are the same people who complain that Toronto is dead and nothing ever happens in the city lmao


christ on a cracker sometimes I kinda wish nothing would happen in the city.


and people who have never stepped foot outside of the province proceed to lose their damn minds.


I’ve been out and we honestly have way better things the government could be doing and no pissing away 225 mil.


>Ontario is introducing sales of beer, wine and ready-made cocktails into corner stores and additional supermarkets 16 months ahead of schedule, a move that will see the province pay up to $225 million to The Beer Store. Healthcare and education are crumbling, but sure, let's hand out a quarter billion so 7-Eleven and Circle K can sell booze ahead of that contract expiring.


Revenue from increased alcohol sales will pay for more services...this is how it works. The other option is you and I pay increased taxes. Pick one!


Or we could, you know, just wait a few months until the contract expires. I doubt alcohol sales are going to go up that much to cover the 225 mil over half a year and if it does, well thats not necessarily good news for society.


The LCBO makes the province more money than any private alcohol reseller ever would, necessarily.


I dont think people mind the LCBO, just wish they had better hours lol Closing 9pm on a Friday and Sat is just ridiculous




It’s a government monopoly…..man you are all over this sucking the beer stores dick so hard it might fall off…..




So, you do know the beer store get 225 million from our taxes……..anyone who cares about corner store beers is a moron this is all a smoke show to rob the people of Ontario


This isn't going to increase alcohol sales by any significant margin. It'll just change where people buy it from.


You don't know alcoholics. 




Yep. Aside from the after-hours boozecans which I assume still exist (too old for that now…) lots of places you can call that will drop beer off in the early am. I’ve never done it but remember a friend of mine who in retrospect may have had some alcohol issues doing this on several occasions. There’s a weed store on Queen W in Parkdale across from the Rhino that’s definitely open 24 hrs a day.


I think we need to have the infrastructure in place to support the correlating healthcare issues that would follow the increased sales tax revenues that you propose would come with the increase in sales of alcohol. I'm not saying that it's an objectionable idea; if the effect outweighs the potential issues, then it might be a win-win. But I'd prefer if they would do and then show the work first. 




The person I replied to suggested that it would lead to an overall increase in revenue. I'm saying that if it does, that would also suggest that the revenue increase is the result of more alcohol sales, not just where to buy it. I don't know if or how the increase will be sharp. I'm drawing conclusions based on the idea proposed that it would be an increase. And to support an increase, we need infrastructure - preferably, for example, the money already being denied to things like hospitals.


I 100% agree with this move and think it's WELL PAST time for Ontario to loosen it's unnecessarily puritanical alcohol laws. But knowing the Ford government, I'm fully expecting something like 7-Eleven stores getting exclusive access to certain brands or some other way that this will mostly benefit giant corporations with connections to big PC donors.


Shoppers Drug Mart. That noname or PC Beer available for a discount when you scan your PC Optimum points card, otherwise sold at price-gouging amount of $18.99


>loosen it's unnecessarily puritanical alcohol laws. If by loosen you mean allow private corporations to profit instead of the province, then I guess you go what you wanted.


Canada is an existence proof that the world doesn't end when you stop having stupid and/or hateful laws.


Because this is clearly what we should be focusing on giving the beer store 225 million so some asshat who can’t organize their life can get booze at a corner store……


Bad idea. I’m going to take a wild guess in saying that Ford is setting this up to give more piles of cash to cops when crime goes up in terms of stores being robbed for the alcohol. Just makes no sense.


People on Reddit always talking about hating monopolies and here Ford is actually breaking one up and the same people are raged because it cost something.


Jesus, how about the Ontario Government works on improving our education and healthcare systems? Ontario is evolving, just backwards.




Why is alcohol so important to the government? Do they expect the sale of alcohol to increase so that they can collect more taxes?




Because there are more important things to worry about than to keep that general populace inebriated?


Yes. Alcohol is the #1 revenue generator for this province.


Yeah I don't know if I see this really playing out the way Do-Fo is advertising. It'll probably work the same way it does in the grocery stores, in that it largely doesn't. The store owners need to take extra precautions to deal with alcohol theft. The cashiers may need Smart Serve certification. The store owners need to make sure their cashiers are legally able to sell alcohol. The store owners must not sell their alcohol after a certain time or on certain days, even if the store is open, thus creating a Dead Space that could otherwise be turning a profit. The profit margin on alcohol is not terribly high for store owners. Canada isn't good with alcohol the way some other countries are. Every corner store in France seems to sell wine and it's fine. Here we behave badly once alcohol is available. Now translate that all to a mom-n-pop corner store and let's see how it flies.


stats/sources please where Canada "isn't good with alcohol". I don't buy what you're selling. The rest of the world, quite literally, has figured this out and you're saying we're too stupid/too drunk(?) to do the same? You're saying the British, who drink like they don't want to live, are better at this than we are? They're more of a nanny state than we could ever hope to be. come on.


Almost every grocery store has alcohol now why do you think this won't work? Also do you think stores are doing significant sales past 11PM? This will more than make upnfor the profit. Markups will be high but its the price to pay for convenience same with everything at small stores.


Let me guess you have to be a ‘buddy’ of Dougie, or a Cons party donor.


Super awesome thing for people whose alcoholic family member will have easy access for their binge drinking and subsequent abuse.


I mean, that is a problem regardless. As a taxpayer and someone with (many!) alcoholic family members, I am a huge supporter of this move.


Because you'd rather see the money go to corporations so CEO's can buy a new yacht, instead of the province to fund things like health care?


So glad that the provincial government recognizes what my priorities really are... it isn't helping to get test scores in schools up by making sure we've got quality teachers who are paid what they're worth. It isn't making sure we have enough nurses to ensure hospital ERs stay open and that surgeries aren't cancelled, or enough general practitioners to ensure cancers are diagnosed earlier. It isn't ensuring Ontarians are paid a fair, living wage so that they can afford the basic necessities of life. It isn't affordable housing in and around city centres. It isn't improved public transit so that I can get from my house to my work reliably in less than 45 minutes... It's making sure I have wider access to alcohol...... because at least, since the province has zero intention of addressing any of these other issues, I will be too drunk to care about all the ways we're being failed or the fact that most Canadians don't even understand the division of responsibilities in government.. so they'll just re-elect this idiot and continue to attribute most of the blame to federal or municipal governments (who aren't innocent, but who also aren't the primary culprits).


I hope it’s all behind the counter or the shoplifting will be absolutely bananas.


along with a ton of robberies!