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pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot.


Thanks Arthur


Will “Summer in the City” chart this week on Spotify?


Guess I don’t need a jacket… or any other articles of clothing, at this rate


>or any other articles of clothing Not sure if jail has air conditioning.


This is why I hate the heat. I can add a sweater or a jacket, hat and mitts, or an extra pair of socks when it gets cold out. When it’s hot there’s only so much HR and the police will allow me to do.


Was in Ottawa 2 weeks ago... It was worse. Much more humid.


It doesn't feel like anything close to 41 though... This has been a pretty cool June so far, even downright chilly on some of my evening walks, especially down by the lake.


Yea we don't even have the AC running today, just fans. Nowhere near feeling that hot.


I haven't turned on the AC once yet. There were a couple humid nights I ran a dehumidifier for an hour.


It takes a while for many homes to heat up, especially if it’s made of brick. 


It's nice and breezy still today, I've been biking around the city to work and so far not too bad... I feel like the worst is yet to come.


Where watermelons grow.


Back to my home...


I dare not go


axiomatic homeless expansion sheet resolute fine plants touch quack continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Still not very hot.




Yeah, I think most people have a different idea of hot than me.


Not awful for now, I am bracing myself for the humidity to pick up and ruin it all though


Expected to peak around 5pm.


I have loved the June weather this year so much! We rarely get tshirt and jeans or sweater weather these days, just rainy/gloomy spring straight into heat and humidity. 


Related: https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6424386 The linked bit is about St. Gregory Catholic School in Etobicoke, but the TDSB school my wife works for is the same. You can see the air conditioner vents in the ceiling, but the best they can do is a few fans that turn the top floors into a convection oven.


Wtf, how do you make a building designed for A/C (and thus smaller windows and less drafts) while not actually installing A/C. The older pre-A/C buildings have large windows designed to create drafts that cool the building without needing any air conditioning.


Reminder to anyone who have workers coming to your property to do stuff outside (gardeners, roofers, ect): Offer them cold water. Don't even ask. Just put out a jug with some plastic cups, or some bottles. If you have a parent, sibling, or friend who have workers over at their house regularly, ask them if they do this. I work as a gardener, and it's such a life-saver to have water available close by. Even though we all bring our own, we sometimes leave them in the trucks, and then don't bother walking back for them when it's needed. Or we will run out by the afternoon, and wish we took up that offer at the first property. Everyone also has the bad habit of going, "No thanks, I'm fine!", and then regretting it later. So just bringing it out automatically is the best. Extra Good Client Points if you also bring out fresh fruit or watermelon.


I was working on someone's garden today and someone did exactly this, a tenant too, not even the owner. Just came out and left me a brita. It was appreciated


Anyone who enjoys this can fuck off.


I’m from South America and even this heat is too much for me. I’ve survived +40 weather without air conditioning and it never felt as icky as Canadian summers.


the humidity makes it way worse here 😭 and it doesn't help that the buildings are designed purposely to keep heat in because of the winters.


Humidity is similar in most of central South America as seen here: https://sage-public-files.s3.amazonaws.com/atlas/average-annual-relative-humidity/atl_avgannrh.jpg Live humidity map also shows its similar: https://zoom.earth/maps/humidity/ Overall it seems about half of the world is quite humid.


It’s the fact that its the same humidity but without the sea breezes and housing made to deal with it


And lots of buildings with windows that barely open or don’t open at all, doors that self-close, but they saved a few hundred dollars per unit in construction costs and undersizing hallway ventilation. You’re less likely to burn in a fire, you’ll just slowly melt from the weather.


> doors that self-close That's literally a requirement for a fire safety in building code.


Hence my last point. Not required in SFHs that don’t have any sprinklers and constructed out of wood. And obviously open-office plans have been popular for decades. Funny the dichotomy. Also systems exist to conditionally self-close based on fire alarms, but why do that when you can just crank up the air conditioning.


Dependends of what part of SA you're from as it's quite humid in central SA. Alberta and eastern BC are quite dry in Canada.


Agreed. -40 you can dress for, +40 is just damning for anyone who has to leave their house (or worse for those who don’t have the luxury of a roof at all and/or AC).


I can't believe we still don't have laws around maximum temperatures in a residential unit, the way we have for minimum. I'm super fortunate to have never had to live in a place with no AC. But on the occasional nights when the AC hasn't worked for whatever reason, on really really hot nights, it's honestly one of the worst feelings in the world. It's impossible to be comfortable. Your whole body feels like it's shutting down. I can't imagine feeling that and knowing you have a whole summer of it ahead. It really feels like it sinks in psychologically too - I know that if I have anything difficult going on in my life, not being able to escape the heat makes it feel so much harder to get through it. 


As someone who works outdoors, I'd take today over -10. That being said, nothings worse than trying to sleep in the heat so I feel for people without AC


I *will* fuck off thanks! To my patio with a nice refreshing Aperol Spritz :) It’s cold af the majority of the year here. Let those of us who like the heat enjoy the few days of it we get!!


Same. I'm enjoying the lovely breeze coming through my giant window.


it was a nice stress free beach day :)


I rather take this than 2 feet of snow.


You live in the wrong place


Not really because we get this but not 2 feet of snow anymore….


I know someone that said they enjoyed this... heck no


I love it. I love all the temps we get because none of them last for too long :)


bit rude. i like the heat.


I get enjoying heat, like on a vacation where you can lounge and chill with an ice cold beer, but like how do you enjoy this when you’re trying to function? How tf are you supposed to be productive when it’s so stiflingly hot? I’m worried about going to the office tomorrow and walking the short distance to work. As a sweaty dude, I’m going to be drenched. Thinking about taking a change of clothes and showering at work.


> As a sweaty dude, I’m going to be drenched. Thinking about taking a change of clothes and showering at work. Get a rechargeable fan from Amazon.


That just helps me cool off in the office, but doesn’t help the feeling of sitting in dried sweat for the rest of the day.


i dont have those issues. fuck me, i guess.


Winter > Summer Only problem with winter is the ice & early sunsets


Summer doesn't make me depressed!


Summer also doesn't make people slip and injure themselves.


Try living in an apartment with no AC, you’ll get depressed real fast


Can confirm. My memory foam mattress didn't dry out until fall.


Haven't even pulled the portable AC unit out of my closet yet


Sounds like a you problem. You can afford a portable ac unit?


When I was a kid I didn't have AC, it was a luxury I only came to know in my later teens but yes it can sure suck on the hottest days.


Winter makes me depressed because I hate the cold and dark. Summer makes me depressed because I want to enjoy the air without it being boiling hot and humid 🥲🥲🥲


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)I see


Try driving then.


It's not even that hot bro. I spent the afternoon outside with the kids, we don't even have AC on. It didn't feel anything close to 40 degrees.




It’s only good in small doses. It’s nice to sun tan and have a few cold drinks, but it would be absolutely horrible to be a roofer today


Oh lord. I was thinking nature has been blessing me so far with a mild June. Haven't even had to plug in the portable AC yet. Guess that had to change eventually. I know a majority of people love the sun and the heat. I get it. Winters can be depressing for a lot of folks, and summer is fun where the weather is "getting good." I'm just the exact opposite. Past coworkers have worried about me suffering heat strokes at 25+ degree weather. I love everything about the summer *except* for the heat. I'm a winter boy, god damn it. Y'all have fun in the sun for the both of us. I'm just gonna turn into a vampire again until average temperatures go back to around 10...


100% the sweater weather is the thing I miss most about living in San Francisco ;-; this sheisty humid summer thing is god-awful and the AC in here can't be fucked to reach the second floor so I'm a damp starfish and can't fall asleep at night during the worst of it


I walk around in the summertime sayin' "how about this heat?"...


Its 25 feels 34c at 11pm . Going to be 29 feels 38 peak tommorow. 30 feels like 40 on Wednesday 🌞


I'm sure the highway gridlock with cars polluting the air will sort out this heat issue real quick.


Go to the office to do your job that you could do from home or get fired. Downtown businesses need your $20 lunch bills!


Jesus Christ


Meh. It was okay.


I've seen people comment on videos saying, "it's called summer, get used to it." I think they're preemptively going for the climate change denial look.


My balcony by the water is always 10-15 degrees F cooler… too cool, than on the street. Its a comfortable upper 70’s F. Now. I take this thanks.


https://www.metric-conversions.org/temperature/fahrenheit-to-celsius.htm upper 70’s F = 25-ish C


It's Monday right now, and we've passed the peak. This is like fear mongering a giant snow storm in January and then getting 3 cm of snow.


Not sure what you mean? Today was when the heat dome started to settle in. The next few days are supposed to be slightly warmer.


It definitely wasn’t as bad as they predicted - especially because the humidity isn’t high (so far)


Covid really ramped our appetite for alarmism


It's been a cold June. This will be a nice few days.  Enjoy it 


Some [wading pools and outdoor pools](https://www.toronto.ca/news/city-of-toronto-making-a-splash-with-the-early-opening-of-10-wading-pools-and-outdoor-pools/) are open early, and the [water quality looks pretty good at *almost* all of the beaches](https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/health-inspections-monitoring/swimsafe/beach-water-quality/#explore_all_list). Marie Curtis, sigh. Go for a dip to cool off!


Finally. Let's go!


Lol we are just getting back from scorching hot weather in Greece, I was hoping it would be milder here