• By -


Voted this morning. The ballot was almost a meter long.


Same here. More than 80 candidates. I don’t recall seeing that many in any by-election before


This election was chosen by the "Longest Ballot Committee" this time around - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_Ballot_Committee > The Longest Ballot Committee has chosen the riding for its next target; this may result in dozens of independent candidates. They intend to do this due to opposition to first-past-the-post voting. > As of June 3, 2024, there were 84 candidates confirmed by Elections Canada, breaking the previous record of 48 set in the Winnipeg South Centre by-election of June 19, 2023


Have they ever explained what the connection between first-past-the-post and metre-long ballots is supposed to be? Like, of all the ways they could protest, why \*this\* one?


I think they’re simply using what’s effectively some mild civil disobedience to emphasize some of the sillier quirks of our current process and generate some discussion 


I think the idea is that the more candidates there are, the more likely it is that a winner could take the riding without a majority.


My god it was insane. Like why?


the guy had to fold it 4 times to go in the slot


I know eh? It took me a while to find Don Stewart’s name, so I could put an X beside it.


You get a cookie.


These byelections usually have super low turn out - go prove them wrong and vote! Oh and if you vote, you get to see the largest ballet you'll ever see in your life. It's a whopping 84 candidates! They had to fold it in a special way.


*Largest ballot so far


They seemed to have fewer polling stations than at a regular election, which probably doesn't help with the turnout. My polling place has never been more than one street away in the 15 years I have lived in this riding, but it was about 25 minutes away this time. I ended up advance voting because the advance voting was actually closer than my election day polling place.


That's a lot of candidates but the Bolshoi Theatre can hold more than 1,700, so not the biggest by a stretch


Maybe "biggest you will realistically use to vote with"


whoosh - they're making fun of the fact that you spelled ballot as ballet


Theres been significant accessibility issues this one, such as sending voters to voting stations 30 min away when they live within 10 min from one that wont take them. The management of this by-election has been atrocious. My voter cards had Toronto mispelled on them.


Yup. I had to go all the way to past Bathurst for my advance poll.


shoving it in the collection box required actual effort to force it in lol.


No lines at all when I went - in and out in about 2 minutes, and no hiccups even with the comically oversized ballot.


The ballot was insane. It was the size of the Bayeux Tapestry


I know haha I could barely find the candidate I intended to vote for. I’ll be interested to know if there is a larger number than usual of spoiled ballots just because people can’t read the freaking thing.


> The riding, which stretches roughly from Dufferin Street to Mount Pleasant Road, between Eglinton Avenue and Dupont Street, has been in Liberal hands for more than 30 years. Bennett, who was elected nine consecutive times, won it by more than 20 percentage points in 2021. > > > Voters will be heading to the polls Monday in a race that has drawn significant national attention. Once considered the safest of Liberal seats, some political watchers believe Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives, along with local candidate Don Stewart, have a chance to flip it. If you didn't vote in the advance polls, today's your chance. Get out and vote!


Please get out and vote people; it’s a beautiful day with beautiful weather. Polls are open until 8:30pm


Hmmm interesting didn’t realize it went that far North. Curious how the condos near Y&Eg have impacted those specific polls in the last few elections


Vote early and vote often!


338 has liberals as the favourite but it's still quite close. Get out and vote for whichever party best represents you.


It's going to go Liberal. I think this was drummed up into more than it is by the media for clicks.


Issue is the margin, a close margin will be like a loss to the liberals as this is a safe liberal seat.


I'm hoping that the flyer the Cons sent out last week turns off a lot of undecided voters. It was straight up MAGA shit. I voted.


CPC candidate (Dan Stewart) is a former lobbyist who did some lobbying for Loblaws. His flyers were straight garbage. I received two of them so far. I'm heading over to vote right after work.


We had flyers left 5 times in my condo!


So this aged like milk huh? Really speaks to how profoundly unpopular the liberal brand has become.


It certainly did and it certainly does, but many will still choose to die on that hill. When liberal voters lose, they blame the opposition's lack of intelligence. When conservative voters lose, they blame the opposition's lack of integrity. Isn't that some food for thought...


Cool story. I didn't realize how silly he people of St Paul were that they'd prefer a finance crypto bro con...but they'll find out how fast he ruins their lives all good.


Cool story, you know best!


Well the conservatives won.


This is my riding. The politicians are out in force. I've never met all of the candidates for the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Green Party before. We've had our party of choice knock on our door twice today because we hadn't voted yet. I feel like an American in a swing state. We have finally voted. And damn, 84 candidates? That's nuts.


In and out in 5 minutes, had to fold my ballot in half, then half again, then into thirds, and then jam it into the ballot box


well i guess thats easier than origami cranes right


If the "Longest Ballot Committee" keeps this up maybe in a few elections' time we can make a nice scarf out of the ballot


I'm gonna go vote after work. Beautiful summer day for a nice walk! ☀️


I wonder if any of the candidates wouldn’t get a single vote.


Immigration and affordability is completely out of control, getting worse each day. Ontario bears most of it too. That said voting for a Loblaws lobbyists ain't it. I would waste my vote and a pick a no name that more closely aligns with my ideals even if there's no chance of winning.


Looking at her linkedin bio it looks like she is basically a Liberal party apparatchik serving under popular politicians such as Michael Ignatieff and Chrystia Freeland.


Not sure I’d call Michael popular lol, he kinda torpedoed the party almost out of existence lol


That's exactly what she is. She doesn't even live in the riding, and was "parachuted in" to run in this election, probably as a reward for years of loyal service.




I'm not a fan of the conservatives but if you want someone to blame for 10 years of bad government the Liberal candidate in this riding is directly responsible for a lot of it.


Beautiful country before Trudeau. Never ever forget and never ever forgive the liberals for what they have done. They all must be held accountable 100%. Their actions were purposeful and destructive and now nothing is affordable and for the first time ever i know what it feels like to be denied housing and jobs because i am a canadian.


Just wondering what specific actions you are indicating towards. As if our country isn't still beautiful... edit: for those who wanted to know if the above commenter answered: > Oh its all Trudeau's fault. None of that shit existed with Harper. This place was great but its now a shit and I cant wait to leave. The clown literally had 777's flying in around the clock full of Immigrants while we were locked in our houses. Funny they never needed the shitty vaccines and were allowed to do what they wanted. But I take my dog for a walk i get confronted. Fuck him


Insane cost of living High housing prices with low wages Overloaded infrastructure Immigration system that is totally broken More homelessness and open air hard drug use. More specific crime that impacts avg citizens like auto theft and fraud. Not saying everything is Trudeau fault, but there are reasons why people feel things aren't as good as ten years ago.


Oh its all Trudeau's fault. None of that shit existed with Harper. This place was great but its now a shit and I cant wait to leave. The clown literally had 777's flying in around the clock full of Immigrants while we were locked in our houses. Funny they never needed the shitty vaccines and were allowed to do what they wanted. But I take my dog for a walk i get confronted. Fuck him




I can understand those are things you're not thrilled about, but what actions has Trudeau himself done?


The office of Prime Minister of Canada is probably the most powerful executive office in the G7 (in relative terms, not saying that the POTUS is less impactful than the PMC). The constitution and parliamentary procedures allow them to have quasi-dictatorial powers if and when they choose to claim them and can overrule the supreme court and any charter protection they find the government in violation of. So tomorrow, Trudeau could end the out of control immigration, could bring in a food security program, could do bail reform, could force local governments to liberalize zoning regulations, could reform the economy away from it's cartel/oligopoly structure, could break up the open hard drug markets, etc. They choose not to because those aren't priorities for them. Moreso than basically any other leader in the Western world, you can blame the PMC for bad management because of how much power that office has.


> could bring in a food security program That's a provincial responsibility. > could force local governments to liberalize zoning regulations Cities are "creatures of the province". Zoning is a provincial responsibility. > could break up the open hard drug markets Does the Ontario Provincial Police work for the federal government in your world?


The PMC has the ability to strongarm other levels of government and do it routinely.




Care to point out where I'm wrong?


I think the question you need to ask if nothing is trudeau fault and all these issues have festered and got worse over the past 9 years Why is he promising to fix all these issues? If it not his fault or his job why does he want to fix them... I am not gonna get into the liberal supporter game of "this is not Trudeau job or responsibility" cause no one outside of the base cares.


Yeah, attributing accurate responsibility and accountability is not something to be concerned about. Instead, we can just list things that frustrate and assign blind blame. Much more productive.


issue is when deflecting blame is mostly done to excuse the governing party cause they "my team" is bad too. Its like how people try to make all the issues with immigration and say its not the feds fault.


Trudeau took over from Harper. Harper actually had a budget planned that would have balanced the budget. Meaning we would not be in debt. Every year since they have not controlled spending. The result is we now spend more on interest than we do on our own healthcare. The government will not stand up and be honest about this. So now they implemented a capital gains tax in disguise. They tell you it is about tax fairness. The tax itself will rake in very little money. This isn't about the rich paying their fair share. It caused a pop of sell offs in the couple of months lead into it. So the government can get some cash quick to throw at the fires they have caused. This tax is not fair. The top percent paying a little more will not help those on the poverty line get a home/keep their home. Tax fairness would have been those people paying less tax. Allowing them to keep some of their money so they can actually afford a better life. They are telling people the top % should be paying more, but not explaining why they need more money. It is to pay off their debt at the end of the day. And when they tap the top percent and the debt still isn't paid off, who will they come after next? Aside from that Trudeau has broken numerous ethics laws and thrown other ministers under the bus for his wrong doings. We have had uncontrolled immigration that has flooded our housing making it even more expensive. Immigration is good for our country, but it needs to targeted for skills shortages. He wasted millions on his UN run, that was more about putting himself on the world stage instead of making thigs better for Canada. Personally, I think his handling of COVID was terrible. We all stayed home doing the right thing, but we didn't know flights were still coming in keeping our positive cases up. What was the point? He also printed so much cash, it made people holding CAD poorer, yet those with assets were made richer. He is a complete hypocrite. He wants the rich to pay more, yet his family fortune is protected. He is worth about $100 million, on a $379,000 salary. Most of that was amassed during the last nine years. He chastises people for driving, yet he took two planes on his last election run, took a plane from the Bahamas(?) to Canada and back again for a meeting, accepts free holidays (massive conflict of interest) to islands he needs to fly to. He is also a massive embarrassment with his costumes and blackface history. When he went to India he and his family were prancing around in clothes people would wear at a wedding.... I just can not understand how even his own party want him at the helm.


well said


Thanks. I'm sure I'll get voted down into oblivion, but no one will actually say any of my comments are wrong.


>Harper actually had a budget planned that would have balanced the budget. Meaning we would not be in debt. Every politician has a plan to balance the budget. And no, it most certainly would not mean we would not be in debt. You are confusing two very simple concepts of budgets: deficit and debt.


The current Liberal government has not had that.


> Tax fairness would have been those people paying less tax. Good news! The Trudeau government raised the untaxed basical personal amount from $12,000 in 2020 to $15,000 in 2023, cutting the income tax for every Canadian. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/federal-government-budgets/basic-personal-amount.html


That is good. But it's too little too late. They have made too much of a mess and accumulated too much debt. Their biggest issue is they can't control spending. A lot of this is cancelled out due to the way the CAD has been beat into the ground, inflation has gone up, wages stagnant. Those on lower income can't afford a house. It's been 9 years of spiralling debt. Why would another 4 be any different?


I guarantee you that the moment a conservative is PM again, like the very second the election results come out, Canada will suddenly be "beautiful" for him again.


> As if our country isn't still beautiful.. How many tent cities were there before Trudeau and after? How many houses in Toronto are vacant or just being used as rental properties? How much has rent/housing prices gone up in the last 10 years? How much has crime rate gone up in the last 10 years? I'm curious what your definition of 'beautiful' is because frankly name 3 good things the liberals have done? I can name 2 but I wanna see if anyone can name a full 3. > Still better than CPC Uh...why? You would really rather have the downward spiral continue rather than at least *attempt* to stop it? Like people *do* realize if the CPC sucks for 4 years, we can vote the liberals back in right? That's how voting works, democracy is a glorious thing.


I'm not a fan of thinking that CPC is going to stop it just because they are alternatives. They have yet to put coherent thought towards how to stop these problems besides capitalizing on the anger that is in this country. The lot of you act like this CPC and LPC are so drastically different and that Harper wouldn't put us right in this position, minus a some social positions.


3 good things? thats it? The quick ones that impact my communities are: 1. 9-9-8 national suicide crisis helpline 2. the harmonization of accessibility standards across Canada 3. the Canada Greener Homes Initiative helps people get grants for more energy efficient homes quick 3. I'm sure there is more, if you look.


> 9-8-8 national suicide helpline 1) That wouldn't be needed if the country was running correctly. 2) A quick google tells me that that's not *at all* a purely liberal thing. That's from the Mental Health Commission which is a charity and takes funding from anywhere possible (like anyone). Liberals did not create that. But they've given it a whole 14m in funding per year. Not really a lot though considering the billions they gave to other places for similar reasons. > the harmonization of accessibility standards across Canada ...What? You literally have homeless people in various cities and a 'good thing' that he's done is harmonize accessibility standards? How is that even close to a 'good' or even a 'relevant' thing that he's done? > the Canada Greener Homes Initiative helps people get grants for more energy efficient homes Which *would* be good...if anyone could afford homes? Do you know anyone under 50 that's actually purchased a home in the last 5 years without any family help? Overall, this really just counts as 1.5 good things. The third point is actually a good one but it's countered by the fact that your average joe can't afford a house. I was really just going to point out the fact that The Liberals in the last year or two gave a couple billion to vehicle manufacturing plants to incentive Electric Vehicle production. They basically said "Here's free money to make these instead" which was a good move since we *should* start moving in the EV direction...it just can't happen instantly. > quick 3. I'm sure there is more, if you look. I *have* looked and all that keeps cropping up are the issues which are preventing people from basic living things.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Her specifically? How would she be worse than a Loblaws lobbyist? And I agree things are terrible right now, but a lot of the problems we have in Ontario are more due to Ford than Trudeau. (The shitty rental market, failing healthcare system, overcrowded schools that need repairs etc). Much of these problems are provincial issues.


Because she was a Google lobbyist and her husband was a Shoppers lobbyist, turning oil and gas lobbyist


Those problems are all caused by a population explosion from mass immigration, which is a federal issue. She was a director for policy and chief of staff under Freeland and several other ministers. She is responsible for a lot of the policy decisions that were made in the past few years.


It’s strange how each province seems to have much of the same provincial issues.. 


This is true, but we're seeing the same problems in every western nation. Many provinces have also voting in ndp governments after years of conservatives dismantling everything. (Ndp would be my top choice also, especially provincially) Only province that hasn't has as much turmoil (cost wise as least) has been Quebec. That's not to say they dont have serious issues with discrimination etc, but their social programs, decent healthcare and rent controls have made things more affordable at least


Her husband is a lobbyist... lol screwed both ways.


Oh godammit. That sounds about right though. Wish the Ndp had a better shot with this one.


This is my riding. I’ve never missed a single opportunity to vote in 25 years but I’ve always been sure of who I wanted to vote for. First time in my life that I’m 50/50. Do I just stay home? Feels wrong. Edit: I voted.


No, vote! :) Just showing an increased turnout improves the chances of a better functioning democracy in the long run.


Vote, even if it is a protest vote. From what I hear there are 50+ options, so at worst you pick a random name and make some random person's name. *"Woo, I got more than 1 vote!"*


The Greens are always a decent protest vote. Not because I like the Greens but it just signals that you care about climate change and hopefully it incrementally nudges the major parties towards being more serious about it


I agree! Green Party is also my fallback "protest vote" and they are who I voted for this morning. I've always personally believed that doing something like this is much better than just not voting, going in to officially decline your ballot, or spoiling your ballot. Yes, the latter two get tracked separately, but I'm not convinced anyone in power actually care about those numbers. All they really care about is actual votes going to some other party.


I would probably consider the Greens as my go-to protest vote if they supported nuclear power, but alas, they do not.


I'm never going to counsel someone to stay home and not vote. You're better off flipping a coin if you need to while you gaze at the incredible mile-long ballot you've been handed.


Yeah I think I have to go just to see that ballot in person.


Spoil your ballot. That's a political statement, imo.


So sad that Bennett stepped down, I wanted to turf that useless old jackass myself next election. Sadly this riding will probably stay LPC.


Voted as well. It was dead in there (Oakwood Library). Barely took 5 mins, and I was being leisurely.


The PC candidate is a ghost, for those wondering. Refused all media interviews, refused any proposed public debates. Exactly the type of transparency you want in an elected official.


Also the only major party that didn't knock on my door the past week. 🤣


You are lucky, he knocked on my door. GF answered, he talked to her and then kinda shut up when i appeared. His favourite line I heard when she asked about policy was: "This election isnt about policy" ITS POLITICS IT SHOULD BE ABOUT POLICY


He's the only one who showed up at my door. The other parties didn't care to show. For a large building like mine, that at least garners a bit of respect from me.


Don’t forget he was a loblaws lobbyist!


This is unfortunately common for PC candidates. If you can't share your views or defend them, ideally people wouldn't vote for you.


Makes you wonder if he's a really bad speaker or has some very unpalatable views. Usually you only hide the candidate away if you are worried about losing a lead (which he doesn't have according to the polling) or you think the candidate may do more harm than good if they talk with the media.


It's funny hearing this, as he actually knocked on my door a week or so ago. Before he could say much of anything beyond "hello" I immediately said I was not interested, that there was zero chance I've vote Conservative with PP at the helm. He looked totally unfazed by that which I guess shouldn't be surprising since I'm sure in this riding he's heard a lot of similar (or worse) stuff over the past month. EDIT: Maybe I should clarify since I'm guessing people are assuming I like the Liberals (I don't) ... I ended up voting Green as my protest / "I hate all the parties" vote.


The point of door knocking in elections is to identify your supporters, not sway people's minds, or engage in policy debates. You made his job easier by not wasting his time.


> The point of door knocking in elections is to identify your supporters, not sway people's minds, or engage in policy debates. Well, that's certainly an interesting take. I've had way more than my fair share of people knocking on my door during an election campaign trying to sway me. I'm always very quick to say "not interested" when the person is representing a party I'm not interested in. It's always the door-knocker trying to engage me in something deeper.


Or maybe he thought “damn I can’t fix stupid”


Support for corrupt government


All media is suppporting to liberal and run by government money, no bodies trust media, therefore all taxpayers is suffering


This is a federal by-election. [There is no PC candidate](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/574/Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.41.31_PM.png).


The article title annoyed me as it comes to a Canada-wide conclusion based on a uniquely local situation. Leslie Church is the likely shoe-in simply because her campaign was the only one I felt was actively campaigning in the riding. I've seen FOUR times the pamphlets from the Liberal campaign and have had the opportunity to talk to Leslie twice whilst she was canvassing the neighborhood with her large team. The only other candidate I met was from the Green party, whom canvased alone, and whose pamphlets didn't have a website at the time. NDP candidate felt like a non-existent throw away. I've seen a single Conservative flyer, along with an anonymous anti-Liberal flyer no doubt paid by them. In terms of local activity the choice beyond Liberals and Conservative in this riding is an illusion unless one protest votes for the Green Party candidate. Really wish we got ranked ballots :/


Anyone who thinks the status quo needs to change, and you live in the area, now is your chance to go out, vote and make a difference.  


Ballot was basically a scroll


Is there a live thread for this tonight?


Post one!


we need to get rid of fptp


I find it mind-boggling that the Liberals will have their party crushed by a single issue, immigration. And until recently I was a lifelong Liberal voter... CBC has done some really [enlightening stories](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/temporary-foreign-workers-1.7240374) on the breakdown by industry and history of the temporary foreign workers program, and how drastically it has changed. Keep in mind **unemployment** in Toronto, Windsor, St. Catharines-Niagara, and Calgary is **8%** and **youth unemployment** is over **15%**. The Liberals will have a Mulroney moment in the next election, all because they have completely failed to keep in mind [Maslow's hierarchy of needs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs#/media/File:Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs2.svg). **If you don't have your basic needs met**, it's hard to care about environmental issues, or all other policies of the Liberal platform that don't directly address the shortfall in those basic needs. We all know we need some immigration, but the Liberals **need to be transparent** about who it benefits when they say, it's for "economic reasons", and how they are going to ensure it's managed in a way that minimizes negative impacts to the average Canadian.


I think the marijuana party should just join forces with the Green Party at this point.


You can vote without voting for anyone! Go and spoil your ballot. Tell them you want it spoiled. It counts and gets sent to elections Canada as such.


IMHO this is a complete waste of time. Pick a candidate to vote for.


Better than not voting period, you're making it clear you don't like the choices offered vs people claiming you were too lazy to vote.


Can you name an action actually taken by the parties over the years from those spoiled/refused/etc ballots?


It's not about the parties taking action, it's saying to your fellow citizen this is bullshit and we should expect more. And at least, for some, the idea that at least it's a statement vs not voting at all and being called apathetic or the cause of all of society's woes.


ok then, I stand by my initial statement and people are of course welcome to whatever they want, but i'm not wasting my vote (if this was my riding)


Do they keep records of spoilt ballots?  Are they distinguished in any way from unintentionally misfilled ballots?  Not advocating it, but failing to vote at least contributes to a tracked metric, and I think most people agree that reduced turnout points to dissatisfaction.  I guess it keeps the people that you discuss your non-vote with from writing it off as laziness, but is there something else I'm missing?


This is super overwhelming and I have no idea who I'm voting for. Why is the list so long.


Just learned that the CPC Candidate is a god damn Loblaws Lobby specialist. If you live in this riding and you should definitely know that. You would be voting for the guy who helped Loblaws do what they are doing.


Stephen Harper canceled the long form census. Never forget that.


No, he didn't. He just took away the penalties of fines and jail time for people who didn't send theirs in. He also increased the amount of censuses sent out to make up for those who didn't participate. If you want to argue that his changes made it more difficult, but not impossible, to quantify trends over time, that's fine. Just don't make things up.




Don Stewart, Conservative, is a lobbyists for Loblaws.


Any prediction for who will win?


Test, what test? Why do media keep saying this even at this point? Unless Milhouse falls flat on his face, Trudeau's losing the next election.


Once again, we have let ourselves down. So many ppl on the left complaining about conservative leadership and AGAIN they didnt show up to vote. So disapointed. At this point we deserve all the shit that is happening to us. If ppl are being fucking lazy and apathetic then the radical will knock on our door step we we are just welcoming them in. Conservatives won btw.


Or they did and they just don't have many supporters anymore, as they shouldn't.


I dont think it would matter whos leading the left leaning parties. I think right radicallism is in ontario and its taking a hold. The income bracket in the GTA where a majority of our population lives is rising as the middle class gets pushed out of housing and the lower class is getting brain washed by US propaganda.


What are you talking about? Trudeau has breached Charter rights and has four ethical violations....he's pretty much Trump of the North, Liberal supporters are basically MAGA...other side of the same coin....constantly spreading misinformation and blindly loyal to their leader....


Do I have to live in the st pauls area to vote?


Yes obviously


I thought so


You have to live there to vote there. But you don't need to live there to be a candidate...