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Did you perhaps unknowingly take advantage of the crazy winds today OP?


It was crazy. I was doing 45-50km/h on lakeshore with ease. Now heading the other way........ : /


The wind picked up on my way back.. It felt like I wasn’t moving forward at one point but still pedaling


I was mostly fighting against the wind but interesting to see.. I guess another impossible standard to live up too


You had some gps multipath glitches due to a poor signal, and when that happens the position jumps around a lot. That can change the distance covered per unit time, which makes your max speed artificially high.


I’m surprised there’s no filtering for erroneous readings.




This is a hardware issue. Not stravas problem. Simply your device's GPS is telling strava you've jumped between two points at 100km/h


Are you using your phone for tracking? When I used my phone to track rides I always had weird jumps in speed due to signal issues. If you can get something that was built to be a GPS first it will help. I have a Garmin etrex30 and a fenix 6 that both track way better then any phone I've had.


I am actually, that might be it! I’ve never had any issues before by recording on my phone but after analyzing my last 4 rides they all have segments that jump. I’ve been meaning to save up for an actual cycling gps/computer but haven’t looked into it much.


It didn't happen all the time but enough that I noticed every now and then. I think with phones GPS is just more of a secondary thought then a prime selling feature.


My Strava once showed me riding my bike across Lake Ontario


Must've been on that stretch on the Gardiner!


You can't go that fast on the Gardiner. The cars would get in the way.


That was my first though too haha but I certainly didn’t make it down that fast!


one time I recorded around 95km/h. I was new to the city, got lost and ended up on the 401 from Eglington. 2km in I wasn't sure whether it's better/safer to turn around or bike to the next exit. I kept riding to the next exit, until a good samaritan with a flatbed stopped and gave me a ride to the nearest exit


Bless their kind soul, Glad you got out safe!


What device did you use to record this? I find the Strava Android app gives bad gps readings


Interesting! I recorded on my iPhone XR


it is usually a limitation due to battery saving efforts of the OS. Might be the same for iOS 🤷‍♂️


Almost definitely a GPS glitch, check the point in the ride you got it at to confirm.


ugh I get that when I walk and sometimes when I bike. I feel your pain


Strava setting us up to fail with these unattainable goals.. I’m just trying to enjoy the beautiful weather


Hi Neighbor. Your phones GPS module probably crapped out for a time and when it kicked back in your Strava App mis-calculated some data from that. You definitely did not do 100Km/h :) (source. I ride those roads and it's almost impossible!, Royal York is the only downhill and even then its not a heavy gradient)


As others have said, it's your phone. One way to 'fix' this is to get a speed sensor on your wheel that will connect to the phone. Then, Strava software will use the speed sensor also and you won't get these weird glitches.


Any recommendations? I previously bought a Cateye which didn’t connected to my phone but tracked my speed and kilometres. Sadly, despite the great reviews it disconnected every time I went down hill faster then 43km and reset my ride.


I'm a fan of Garmin. Their Speed Sensor 2 connects via ant+ or Bluetooth, so it would use Bluetooth to your phone but then could use ant+ if you ever get a cycling computer. They're easy to install, but a little pricy. you can get them from Garmin directly but they can be slow. Maybe check other retailers? HTTPS://Buy.garmin.com/en-ca/CA/p/641230


Never, then again my power train is only a two cylinder... All kidding aside, that's kind-of funny, and kind-of annoying. I'd assume it has something to do with using a phone only to track. That's not based on any in depth tech knowledge, just a hunch, so take it with a grain of salt. In the meantime, maybe see if you can figure out how to reproduce the glitch and become the undisputed KOM of Toronto lol


Had an issue with a friend for claiming on Facebook that his average speed was 80kmph on a fat bike! Hope that counts too?