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I'm firmly against Vampire Counts being in one of these 3 ways DLCs. They should get a Champions of Chaos type DLC to flesh out the remaining Bloodlines.


This. All this. They currently, have three reps for Von Carstien, but nothing for the others. Especially [the Strigoi](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Strigoi). Strigoi's bloodline created an almost utopian city, where vampires ruled over humans yet didn't drink blood from, nor terrorize the innocent. The father of the bloodline perished when the other bloodlines, deceived and backed by neferata, layed siege to the kingdom of Strygos. He died in defense of his city and his subjects and those of the strigoi blood were hunted almost to extinction. They survived by drinking blood from corpses and the disfigured humans known as ghouls. In the lore, there's a relatively unexplored character called [Gashnag](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Gashnag), Childe of the first Ghoul King. A great figure in his own right who was the first of the fallen strigoi to rise again, gather an army and try to retake strygos. After his Sire's failure, Gashnag learned from his mistake and rules a city from the shadows, with the same rules as Strygos once had. Protecting the innocent, feeding on the guilty. Keeping order with tooth and claw. Except, instead of being worshipped as a god, he plays the role of a masked hero. Paying Bards to spread his tale as far as Araby. We could have a literal batman.


GW made a point to remove every single non Von Carlstein from the 8ed armybook, that was a conscious decision to separate the Vampire COUNTS, the armybook, from other bloodlines. Then Neferata was added in the End Times, but she's the only non-VC VC lord


My god GW is dumb.


Now they’re disallowing AOS minis from being Old World minis even where it makes sense. Unless the AOS mini came from WHFB. AOS gets to steal from old world but old world cannot steal from AOS.


I know you mean AOS but would like to envision GW colluding with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to sell minis.


Haha a US Politics range would be unironically hilarious. Thanks for the correction!


Not actually true, check the goblin profile


Well, it's disappointing, but I guess it made sense that the vampire counts are the Von Carsteins, they're the ones that are counts, it's a cleaner, simpler thematic for customers


Neferata is the first vampire and the leader of the Lahmian sisterhood, a group of noble women who hide in plain sight all over human society. Keeping to one blood line is simpler perhaps, but it's the worst choice in terms of flavor. Imagine if Skaven was stripped down to a single Clan. This doesn't even have the excuse of limiting model production, this is a digital medium with no physical limitations. Vampires powered by the same Dark Magic the Druuchi use to avoid drinking blood. Vampire Knights who refuse to use magic or ranged weapons and have an unholy chalice that they gather the blood of brave enemies in.


So dumb they have been able to make a multi-billion dollar multinational industry out of selling miniatures, establish a virtual monopoly on the market and operate with one of the highest profit margins of any company in the world. They are literally more profitable than Google. GW isn't dumb. Their marketing department is very clever and knows exactly with how much shit they can get away before people get *too* mad. Anyways, the decision probably made a lot of sense at the time because WHFB wasn't selling well. I guess they wanted to reinforce the core identity of the faction while cutting the fat at the same time.


Didn't they set fire to the entirety of the fan made animations and killed the longest running and most beloved fan series of all time? As well as locking already made fan animations like Astarte behind a pay wall? It's entirely possible to be dumb, a bastard, and profitable all at the same time.


I've just got interested recently in warhammer 3, how big is GW? More profitable that Google seems insane to me 🤔


As far as miniature wargaming goes, they are the big titan. It is a niche market, but they have a near-monopoly on it which is why they can drive their profit margins up so high.


3.12 billion is their networth, They control everything when it comes to Warhammer total war, So if CA says no to something thats why or they are just lazy


Ushoran actually survived, he went absolutely mental for quite a while. There’s a Fantasy novel by the name of Ancient Blood where he makes his return. Though be warned it’s mostly about the Strigani and it’s set during the Age of the Three Emperors.


Aye same here, Vampires deserve full Bloodlines DLC. Especially with new Ushoran model we would have an amazing new model from AoS. I also want fully unique Necrarch model, voice over etc.


>Especially with new Ushoran model we would have an amazing new model from AoS. Oh no, you just triggered every single GW lawyer within a 100 mile radius. I fear GW would rather burn down the entire world again before they allow AoS models within Total War Warhammer.


Uhmmm Keeper of Secrets, is an AoS model.


Technically it's not, it isn't exclusive to any of the settings which is the same for any other Daemons. That model is exactly the same in 40K and it would 100% be the same for Fantasy if it was still alive when the model was released. Daemons are kind of an exception where all of their models are shared between the different Warhammer IPs, they don't belond to one IP in particular. And as for the AoS Ushoran model it's tied to events that only happened in Age of Sigmar so it wouldn't make any sense for Fantasy to have this model.


Good luck getting 10+ units for Vampire Counts. Also, people to pay 25€ for only one race. And no, CoC added content for 6 races so it wasn't the same.


Agree, but the thing I fear is that none of the Vampire LL get unique mechanics in such a DLC. And Neferata deserve a fully unique campaign, It would be a big waste to introduce her with no unique mechanic.


In a dream world each of the vampire bloodlines would have their own mechanics which reflect how they operated in the lore. But that would require a whole bunch of effort which I doubt CA would be willing to put into 1 dlc. eg The Von Carsteins should be able to recruit some Empire/Bretonnia/Cathay troops from human settlements they take to supplement their undead troops, with that number being affected by the number of human settlements you own Or the Strigoi lords having a Belagar/Skarsnik type campaign about reforging the lost Strigoi empire in the heart of the badlands with buffs as you reclaim each province Or the Blood Knights have a campaign less about empire building and more focused on gathering fame by fighting tough battles and defeating Legendary Lords/Heroes But again, that’s too much effort and development time to put into just one DLC, as it’s essentially 5 mini faction reworks for just 1 faction.


The Blood Knight campaign you mentioned sounds awesome as that’s how I play a lot of my martial focused campaigns anyways!


For the Blood Knights maybe transfer over the bandit/Lu Bu mercenary mechanic? Could also give them the trophy system from 3K as well.


This is how I feel I would rather get Neferata with a top-tier campaign, than have her be 1 of 4 meh campaigns.


I'm hoping the VCs get a big joint one with the Tomb Kings when Nagash is finally released from his crypt.


didn't they say they *werent* doing Nagash? or am i misremembering/conflating that with something like not doing Ind/Araby?


I don't recall them ever ruling Nagash out. They did say they're saving the hundredth LL for someone really special, and a lot of people assumed it would be him. It'd surprise me if they didn't do him, he's easily the biggest name missing right now (and Nagashizzar exists in-game, seemingly waiting for someone to be put there).


yeah that's fair, probably confused that with the other rule-out stuff they mentioend


It would surprise me if they weren't doing Nagash in some form eventually, unless the game gets canned first. Especially because Nagash has an actual mini and some rules in 8e (albeit supplement rules apparently), and that Nagash is one of the few big name characters missing. Generally CA has always said that their idea was to mostly follow the 8e army factions available, though the fact that cathay and vamp coast exist is proof that they were willing to expand on that. And as far as I know we've got basically every 8e faction already in the game. So all there is now is to expand/tweak existing factions or create ones that didn't exist in 8e (in a sense monogods are already a variation of daemons of chaos that didn't exist in 8e). At worst he could be implemented as legendary lord/hero for Arkhan. Main reason ind/araby will likely not happen is because GW generally needs to approve these things, and CA needs to base their designs of what GW provides and there's no rulebooks/models for those factions right now. But Nagash has got a model and all to base off so I don't see a principal reason for why they couldn't add him eventually.


It'd be funny to interact with living Nagash as Azhag.


Yeah, I guess that might be a bit weird. But I guess if Nagash were ever implemented it would probably be like a sortof campaign where he starts of somewhat "weak" as he just resurrected himself and is trying to get his powers back through getting his items back/performing rituals to become top dog necromancer again. And I guess you could have one of those things be fighting azhag in a quest battle for his crown or something.


Nah, they are doing Nagash. That's damn near free real-estate for CA


They haven't ruled out Nagash yet.


couple races could really do with a more solo focused dlc to get them caught up with how much work they need. Sadly don't think we'll get any for them though.


If I’m being honest, I think the empire or norsca has a better chance of getting a solo dlc


seeing how neglected and poorly Norsca's been treated I wouldn't say no to a big dlc to get them caught up, but I doubt CA is going to treat them that well.


You have to think about if it would make money tho


I hope CA doesn't start to only view which races should get dlc, as which ones will make the most money. GW did that, which is why if you didn't like 4-5 races near the end, it was just "tough shit". CA said "we want to treat every race well, because we know every race is someone's favorite" and I'm gonna hold them to that.


The goal of CA, as a profit-driven corporation in a capitalist society, is to maximize profitability. So you can bet that they already consider faction popularity in prioritizing reworks and DLC. When they say they "want to treat every race well", they are not lying per se, but their definition of "well", is going to vary depending on how much money they can make.


I really don't think Champions of Chaos style works for anything but Chaos. Like that DLC added units to 6 races, doing that for the Vampire Counts would really only add units to the Vampire Counts and *maybe* the other undead factions.


I think they could do a four bloodline dlc and make it worth it. 4 LH 4 LL 4 to 5 units for each and reskins of each undead to unit to be themeed around each bloodline would be great. Along with have a campaign centered around either working with or destroying nagash with him as a 5th legendary lord with a mechanic around uniting the undead under his rule. I would sell a kidney for that dlc but i am a vampire fan boy


It works quite well for the Empire and for the Vampire Counts. The Empire has its political and religious decisions, and plenty of named lord candidates - the cult of Ulrik even had its own list which could feature in that or be a Norsca-like spinoff faction. The Vampire counts already have the bloodlines, they just don't have much oomph for that.


I kinda wish everyone would get this DLC style. I feel like everyone would get the love they needed that way.


How many units do they have left? Could they fill the units count for a DLC? (Genuine question)


In terms of missing 8th edition units we have Bat Swarms, Spirit Hosts, Abyssal Terrors and Coven Thrones. In terms of background lore units we have Wicker Men, Patchwork Men, Animated Armour, and potentially some Vampire Infantry (Bloodknight Infantry or Lahmian Handmaidens etc). In terms of Heroes, it is possible to draw from Champions of Chaos and make a different generic Vampire Hero for each Bloodline. As a Strigoi exclusive thing it is also possible to make Strigani units (Warhammer's version of Romani people) as Mortal light Infantry/Cavalry and maybe even a Strigani Hero as a Witch/Fortune Teller/Mystic


Dang okay that sounds like alot, would make a good DLC. Thank you for the info, appreciate it!


Agreed, unfortunately they said they wouldn't do another coc dlc again. I'm speculating bur I'm guessing it didn't sell as well compared to how much it cost to make. It was just a dlc for one faction after all. Perhaps that's why they switched dlcs to tripple faction? In increase the net of interests in the player base.


VC aren't missing nearly enough units to get their own DLC.


Arbaal the Undefeated without Karanak as a LH ? One of the unique thing about Arbaal is that he gets a giant Flesh Hound of Khorne as a mount, Karanak seems like a no brainer with Arbaal to me.


That's on me, I totally spaced on Karanak, he fits better yeah.


Its going to be Dechala and Aislinn for sure. The only question is what the third race will be...


Dark Elves would be thematic and they have important named characters left. The problem is that they have no units left.


There is still stuff CA can add like the Sea Dragon, Manticore Lords, Lords of Oblivion, Statues of Khaine, Disciples of Khaine, City Guard and so on. Enough for 1 DLC.


Are Statues of Khaine like the 40k avatar of Khaine?


No they are Ushapti sized Khaine Staues animated by Malekith.


Genuinely explain to me how a unit of Dragon Riders wouldn't be the most op thing in existence ? Also, Khaine units should be buffed by Hellebron, and it'd be silly if the leader of the Cult of Khaine wasn't the one dedicated to fielding Statues of Khaine


The only unit of actual Dragon Riders was the High Elves in ancient times and they WERE the most op thing in existence. However the fact that there are NO Dragon Riders as a unit is the embodiment of their waning. Dark Elves have manticore riders, sure, but manticores fucking suck. They're not dragons.


Well yeah, but I'm answering a post about Lords of Oblivions, who are an End Times RoR that are litteraly a unit of dragon riders


Even then, they’d be stepping on Eltharion’s gryphon riders a little


You mean the 3 units of gryphon riders that you unlock before quitting your 100 Turn campaign? Manticore riders would be tier 4


Eh, Tullaris getting buffs for Statues of Khaine would work fine.


Not really, Tullaris is Hellebron's underling, she is the leader of the Khaine faith, if anyone should have mastery over Khaine units, it's her. Also, Tullaris might be close to Khaine in the lore, but like, the armybook says that of everybody. Morathi is called "Khaine's favorite", Malekith is called "Khaine's chosen", and Hellebron is Khaine's bride. Plus those statues are technically animated by Malekith, but it's a loreblurb anyways. As a huge fan of Dark Elves, I think they don't need anything except Shadowblade as a LH, and maybe their Corsair lord


Oh, I don't disagree about Hellebron deserving to have all the Khaine buffs, but if they want to release Statues of Khaine accompanied by a LL Tullaris would be a good substitute.


That would be my dream come true. Give me Tullaris Dreadbringer as my LL and then have Shadowblade as the LH, and my Dark Elf main energy is set.


I would really like a DE DLC tied around City Guard units and charaters and Watchtowers.


Sea dragon, aka a reskin, City Guard is kinda weird, even though it does fill the mid tier anti large niche. Manticore lords need to be in the game for sure, but the problem is that CA doesn't care anymore.


Sea Dragon could come with a fully unique model. City Guard has a purpose just like Rangers or Silvern Guard have. CA doesn’t care anymore? How? They care a lot. 


IF they cared a lot, they wouldn't leave Dark and High Elves in the mechanically bereft state. I was initially dismissive of the City Guards because they are.. City Guards. A good dark elven GARRISON and that's it. But now that I look at them they seem pretty cool, something like Lothern Sea Guard. Why not? But I'd prefer if they remade that unit a bit. The old model looks like its from 3rd ed or something


I don’t mind if they got no units and just a flc lord.


I think the biggest thing standing in the way of Delves is their existing significance. They were one of the main factions of WH2 and already have 6 LLs. I think it’s more likely CA tries to build on the new races, especially the chaos factions with only one lord each. We’re already seeing this with their current focus being DLC for Kislev, Cathay, and Tzeentch, all new factions


I put something together for them a few weeks back that was Tullaris LL Shadowblade LH Hag Queen L Draich Master H Statue of Khaine Magma Dragon Spellthirster Aeskhaine Maelithii


I love you for the Dark Elves but honestly it's not gonna happen.


If you say so. Considering HE's and Skaven are both expected to get a dlc though, I wouldn't be so sure




They only said that ToD would have a LL, they didn’t state if that’d be the case with other DLCs.


Beorg as LH? I think your tea leaves are from a different plant...


With how CA seems to want LH's for every race, I think they'll LH Beorg. Adella, Egil, Sayl and Mona as LL's, with Sayl getting Nightmaw and Beorg being a LH for the others.


That'd be lame as fuck.


Well, CA made Harald and Aekold both LH's, even though they lead their own warbands. Wouldn't be surprised if they do the same with him. They won't make Adella, Egil, or Sayl a LH, so it's either him or Mona, and I imagine CA would want a fimir LL


I'd be amazed if they even added Adella to be honest, definitely a dark horse pick.


I think her having Skeggi as a campaign location gives her a pretty good chance. That and the fact she's an actual character for Norsca that isn't just a WoC one.


>I think her having Skeggi as a campaign location gives her a pretty good chance. Maybe, but Skeggi's pretty close to Mazdamundi, not to mention in Lustria which isn't exactly empty at the moment. >That and the fact she's an actual character for Norsca that isn't just a WoC one. Adella's a Marked Tzeentch character (got plenty of them) who isn't even from Norsca, whereas Beorg is an actual undivided Norscan.


We need to accept that characters are going to be placed near other characters at this point. It's just going to happen. Adella and Egil are marked characters, that lead undivided more traditional norscan armies, compared to characters like Gutrot who are marked, and lead marked armies.


Why do people always chuck the Masque in as a Legendary Hero? Who'll be the remaining Legendary Lords for Slaanesh then?


Especially because the Masque isn't a cheap model to do. They requires a fully new skeleton and animations.


So... like Saytang?


No ? Saytang clearly use a Terracotta sentinel skeleton, with new (great looking) animations on top. Meanwhile, the Masque is a three/four (depends of the mini) armed daemonette, which requires a full new rig.


You've got Styrkaar and after that you do kinda run out, I do feel the Masque is more interesting as a LH though.


Styrkaar also feels like a real afterthought, like nobody is clamoring very hard for the other three lieutenants of Archaon because all those gods have better choices. Styrkaar is the "and Zoidberg" of potential Slaanesh characters.


That's how I feel too - if anything, the Masque has more interesting potential as a Lord than Strykaar, who could easily be an LH for the same reasons Khazyk gets touted as an LH, in that their only interesting characteristic is a unique mount.


Honestly I'd almost want him as LH with The Masque as flc LL just for that reason. That does leave the cupboard extremely bare for a fourth LL though, and I'd hate for any race to finish the series with less than that.


Ah yes, the 8th edition character is a LH, and the generic named lord from 6ed with no rules is a LL


I mean not the first time that happened, Lord Kroak is an LH and Nakai an LL. Isabella is an LH and Ghorst is an LL.


There wasn’t really any chance that Kroak would be a LL. And Isabella was a LL for 2 games and is only a partial LH now because the fanbase wanted to be able to have her and Vlad in the same army.


Ghorst is an 8ed LL tho. Not from the main book,but still. And Nakai was a lord in his supplement.


I mean, they do also need a LH. Slaanesh is a bit strapped for big-name characters in Fantasy.


Strykaar would be better there then. He's basically the Khazyk of Slaanesh in terms of what he offers, and certainly deserves the LL spot less than the Masque


Do not pursue Lu Bu


Don't cook ever again


A Lu Bu expy feels a bit too thematically dissonant from Monke. Why not say someone themed after one of wukong’s buddies on his journey? Maybe even a duo-start buddy cop situation with Li Dao to represent how Wukong extorted the dragon king of the eastern seas at one point but they went to speaking terms and favor asking 500 years later.


Damn, now I'm thinking of Lu Bu coming out to John Cena's intro for WWE. I didn't see that coming.


Exactly what "tea leaves" do these readings come from?


There's not a chance in hell that the Skulltaker isn't either the LL or LH for the Khorne DLC. He's the second most iconic Khorne character after Skarbrand. If I had to guess, it would be Skulltaker as LL and Scyla as LH, with the Skulltaker campaign being about travelling about and challenging specific other legendary lords for permanent Lord and Campaign buffs.


Where is my Nagash boy


I have a feeling he’ll be added in an undead DLC down the line that expands on TK, VC, and rounding out a bespoke Nagash faction that shares a lot of units/ideas. Ideally the is would come with a bloodline rework for VC, adding Neferata and ideally a Strigoi, Blood Dragon, or Necrarch FLC LL. (In a perfect world since it’s a DLC smaller in scope, they could just add a LL for each bloodline, but it’s highly unlikely). Give each subfaction of VC that’s not a Von Carstein unique campaign mechanics to set them apart. TK’s would be easier, adding just a few units and characters. Maybe touch up on their mechanics just a smidge, although they’re in a good place. Vcoast could use a mechanics brush up, and just some extra units that are shared between the rosters (such as the mournghouls), so nothing would be specifically added for them. Since Nagash also uses a relatively shared pool of units to the former factions, the total amount of units added would be relatively low for a DLC, so focusing more on theming and mechanics for the campaign would be really important for a possible DLC of this type. Of course, there are a good handful of units from the tabletop and lore to add, but as most could be shared between rosters there needs to be a better incentive (such as more lords and varied faction styles).


Asking the real question here


I think it will High Elves in the Slaanesh DLC. Maybe that is also where Norsca belongs. Maybe shove Dark Elves into the Khorne DLC along with either Beastmen or Lizardmen. I think there should be a general Legions of the Undead DLC like Champions of Chaos. That would have Neferata as an Vampire Count faction, a Tomb Kings faction, a Vampire Coast faction and a special Nagash faction. Add in the Red Duke as FLC for Mousillion as a Bretonia based Undead faction.


I love that you added Lu Bu to this, def the Chad of Chads


It’s funny that historically the dude was kind of a bitch but RTK, DW2, and DW3 have elevated the guy to legendary status


He is hilarious in Dynasty Warriors, just DBZ (R.I.P.) style power.


Replace Arabaal with Skulltaker and grand Cathay with greenskins.


Slannesh needs to be with high and dark elves imo


I really just don't see Elf DLCs happening anytime soon, also we already have 1 Slaanesh lord focused on fighting elves, it'd be nice if we could get some that do other stuff.


Just because they happen to be paired with an elf character in the DLC doesn't mean their campaign will be about fighting Elves. Malus got paired with a Skaven, he fights Chaos in his campaign. Nakai got paired with The Empire, he fights Cathay. The Elves are the biggest rival Slaanesh has aside from Khorne, given the pattern it seems unlikely they will pair Slaanesh and Khorne in the same DLC, and of the 3 Elven races High Elves have the biggest potential for new DLC.


Malus didn't fight Chaos in his campaign at release, though. His campaign was very Skaven-focused in 2. Same thing with Nakai.




Nope, it's not even really confirmed that it's a Slaanesh DLC.


It's confirmed by diehards, which means nothing


I would guess the next legendary hero for Cathay would probably be Shi Hong the Blind Master.


Shi Hong feels natural as a character that well, exists rather than someone who has to be made up on the spot. That said that’s why they did with Saytang so who knows.


I'm guessing GW had some lore ready to go about Saytang, even if they didn't have rules for him. In their Cathay army book he might be an aside a bit like Nakai was for the LM. Got knows what other Cathay stuff they just haven't mentioned to us yet.


We did have one extremely missable mention of him-he actually appears on this map of Cathay. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/18/grand-cathay-is-mapped-for-the-first-time-in-warhammer-the-old-world/


If they drop Dechala i think Aislinn is a hard lock. I also think that Li Dao will be the FLC LL when Monkey King is released, seeing as they could benefit from a lot of the same units and a Cathay + Cathay + other race would be our of wack. The Monkey King will bring a lot of units, and i don't think that Li Dao could bring a lot of themed units that it is worthy for a paid part of a dlc, so it would be better for the potential dlc if Monkey is featured, with his host of themed units and some cathay units, and then for Li Dao to be free and build on those units and be playable if you don't choose to buy the dlc.


My money is on: Slaanesh, High Elves, Cathay Khorne, Ogres, Norsca Then a COC undead dlc with Nagash, and finally Dogs of War


Monkey King had stuff relates to ogres. And he also has a rival, Li Dao the fire dragon. I imagine khorne will have the greenskin update. Slaneesh will have the helf and vampire ones. The water dragon has a connection to delfs so I imagine they'll either be Slaneesh or come later with cathay. After the thrones, the next dlc would include the 100th Lord. So, that's nagash.


The Masque looks like Valkia.


What about Skulltaker? He’s not in the game. He seems likely to be the next Legendary Lord for Khorne. And it’s likely that the next Legendary Hero with possibly be Karanak since he’s also not in the game, and both of them are actual Daemons while Arbaal is mortal.


I feel like lu bu is such a weapon he transcends universes and would appear as is in Warhammer without explanation. Just turn up and hold the gates.


I think vampire counts will come with khorne, and norsca I do not see any tomb kings coming for quite a while


Do China litterally have nothing else but journey to the west? like can we be just a little more creative?


The Monkey King has been an occasionally-mentioned figure in old Cathay lore, and we know he exists in the modern lore. Given CA’s implying that Monkey Warriors will be added to Cathay in their next DLC, I think it’s likely he’s coming as a lord. Also, if you’re under the impression that Lu Bu is from Journey to the West- he’s from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. (And, you know, Chinese history)


I always thought that Monke King would come with Shaolin monk warrior kung fu type unit and other low armor melee damage dealers


Not different from the old world human factions in terms of lack of creativities


Damn. Scyla one ugly bish. Happy international womens day lol


He’s literally a Chaos Spawn.


I'm down for a warhammer Lu Bu.


Tea leaves? We all know the answer lies in the stars above.


I would be overjoyed if Dechala was the second Slaanesh lord


I mean, it basically can't be anyone but her, like Slaanesh already lost Sigvald and Azazel to WoC, so there is only Dechala and Masque left as actual characters with rules. And Dechala vs High Elves writes itself, plus she has an easy campaign of hunting her demon husband


LET'S FUCKING GOOOO Ever since I played Pathfinder : Wrath of the Righteous I've been a big fan of evil snake ladies with six arms and six swords. Plus I already love Slaanesh and his roster, lore, and mechanics


Same tbh, except that my first experience with that archetype was Warcraft Nagas


Y'all have no idea how much I love her Marilith aesthetic


Through the warp, anything is possible. Lu Bu is like the one historical lord who'd fit total war. I'm not saying he should or would happen, I'm just saying if he did happen I'd be cool with it. Lu Bu vs Taurox when? 😁


Monkey King should have a pig headed beastman legendary hero he keeps around for a laugh


If Dechala and Arbaal get added, we better see an Ind race expansion at that point


For Slaanesh Masque should be a legendary lord in my opinion not a legendary hero. Would be an FLC but definitively a lord should be. For Slaanesh a champion of Slaanesh would be logical likewise Gilberion. A character who is unique and not much known so put Gilberion as LH. But Masque is definitively a lord option.


Where will they put Nagash?


Instead of a Lu Bu figure, I would really like to get the other 2 Dragon siblings. I think Monkey King is a given, but if we got Yin-Yin and Li Dao we would have all 5 Cathayan Dragons and I think that would be incredibly cool. > Despite Li Dao's disdain for the Monkey King who dwells in the Mountains of Heaven, the Fire Dragon has often been forced to ally with him and use his Monkey Warriors to help defend Cathay, which is a source of endless amusement for the Monkey King Imagine if we got both Li Dao and the Monkey King in one DLC? I would love that.


We’re not going to get either of them as a LH though. (And I hope we get the MK as a LL not a LH)


You're right, that was my mistake. I didn't notice the "LH" written there. I agree that the MK should be a LL and not a hero, definitely. And I also hope we get the Sea and Fire dragons as LL's too.


I think that the Slaanesh one will feature High Elves Finubar the Seafarer or Caradryan of the Flame being the most likely LL choices and Korhil as LH and Dark Elves with Tullaris Dreadbringer as LL and either Urian Poisonblade or Shadowblade as LH. Since the elves and Slaanesh have a lot of lore together and if the Slaanesh LL is Dechala, then it makes more sense considering her ties to the High Elves. Plus it makes more sense to have the Vampires and Tomb Kings together in a Nagash/Champions of the Undead style update so all of the undead can get attention at once. Not opposed to the addition themselves, just that I don't think it makes sense for them to be the Slaanesh focus. The Khorne one I like of Norsca being a part of but I also think that Grand Cathay already had theirs so they shouldn't be the other part. Especially over a faction that could use it more like the Ogres or even Bretonnia.


Dechala has a history with the High Elves, but where do you get the idea that her main goal is wiping them out? As far as I’m aware, her main goal is to kill her ‘husband’ the Greater Daemon Samael and ascend as a Daemon Prince(ss).


Misunderstanding on my part. I thought she swore revenge against the Asur for essentially selling her out to Samael but it was just her family. My bad. Still, I think it does make more thematic sense to have the Slaanesh one feature the high elves and dark elves. Especially if Drechala, an elf-turned-chaos-champion, is the Slaanesh lord. Even more so if the other two LLs are Caradryan of the Flame and Tullaris Dreadbringer that way we sorta have the champions of the three deities that had the biggest pull on the race as a whole going at it. IE: Caradryan-Asuryan, Tullaris-Khaine, Drechala-Slaanesh.


I think the Nagash DLC should incorporate the vampires and TK so they don’t take up an entire dlc while missing almost zero units.


Really Dechala and no elves? That’s an odd choice.


Love the Lu Bu reference. The only threat in a dynasty warrior game :)


Am I tripping or weren’t we told to expect Negash at some point?


Yes we can expect Nagash to come likely as part of the next predicted set of DLC to be announced after this year’s roadmap slate is finished.


Thanks for that, mate. Was starting to think I made it up.


No problem, they haven’t released a roadmap for next year’s content yet, likely because it’s still in the extremely early stages, but it’s been basically confirmed that he’s coming at some point, like Thanquol. I’m betting they’re shooting to get the core game 3 races covered by DLC with this year’s roadmap, and then they’ll start to get a bit more creative in what they do with future content after that (Here’s to Khuresh and Dogs of War copium). If DLC sells well they’ve indicated they’re going to support the game for a few more years at least, if it doesn’t sell well, then there’s probably no guarantee we get much if anything after the next 3 announced DLC.


There’s a Lu Bu character for cathay, least i think it’s Lu Bu like, that was a great hero but did questionable things, so maybe chaos lite? Honestly there’s a lot that can be done for/to Cathay when it comes to their lore


Nice dynasty Warriors reference lol


No it’s going to once again be lizard men and we are getting the Thunder Lizard, you’re all stupid.


There are a lot of rumors they canned the idea of Slasnesh+2 other factions DLC. But we'll see.


I know it’s unlikely but I’d love to see how CA would implement Drachenfel. He’s either need to be his own faction with absurdly powerful magic and unique raise dead mechanics/units, or possibly included in a Nagash DLC as a Mortarch.


If Slaanesh isn't paired with High and Dark Elves I will riot. They all fucking hate each other. It's perfect.


Norsca needs more lords, not LHs. Please CA don't make this mistake and leave Norsca with only 3 LLs forever.


I want Abhorash


Isn't he Vlad?


Nope..He kind of have tragic Story which I love on him. He was knight of neferata And He is kind fo like Ulrika. He swore to drink blood only of bad people etc. He is the one who made the blood dragom blood line by killing and drinking red dragons blood


That's right, Vlad was Vashanesh


Yes please Tomb Kings


Lu Bu!


SL will likely go with the Elves, Undead DLC will be likely next year. I don't think they have enough time or resource to make Nagash just yet.


I think we will get konrad too considering he was the ruler of sylvania for a while


A:he's 100% dead and B: I'd prefer if we got a different vampire bloodline instead of even more Von Carsteins.


Chronology doesnt really mean anything if that was the the case vlad shouldnt have been in the game as well tho i understand your point at the b


What does he possibly add that other characters don't? He's a good fighter with no magic knowledge? There's like three blood dragon lords first in line that do that shtick. He's vrazy and collects the head ls of enemies and talks to the.? Mother fker that's Queeks thing.


I rather have slaanesh - vampires - ogres High and dark elf are pretty loaded with LL already


I hope someone mods Lü bu in.


Can somebody explain to me the fascination behind the monkey king? Why would I want him in the game and not another dragon sibling with connections to the other lords? I mean yeah, he is a monkey - ug ug ug (ullways gut). From a strategic standpoint he seems at first like Zhang Yan - bandit/ trickster like, unconventional but with every diplomatic option open! Except the option part missing. He won’t join cathay and he has no agenda to build his own empire.


Because you hate monkey. There


Na, i like monke - that was a rare plus


Cause a lot of folks want something other than yet another dragon.


Can we get the Red Duke with a focus on black knights/ black knights that can go wedge formation


I don't think I'd do Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings against Slaanesh, nor Grand Cathay against Khorne. Probably would go at least High Elves, if not both High and Dark Elves against Slaanesh and Ogres against Khorne. Honestly I highly doubt they will immidiately continue the Chaos DLCs after Thrones of Decay. Might be a good time to drop in a proper Race Pack like Ind, Dogs of War, or Khuresh.


I mean they showed us a graphic way back which had 3 DLCs on it and the third untitled one had a Slaanesh image.


The question is just whether that one is accurate anymore. A lot has happened since then and things haven't exactly gone according to the original plan.


It’s very likely it is. Those dlcs were likely already being worked on when roadmap was release. So there is little reason form that to scrap those DLCs just to start work on new ones.


I think it would be funny to have the monkey kings LH be li dao the fire dragon. I know he is a kid of the emporer and all but i could see li dao being punished for the whole monkey king taking over cathay for a bit since he is suspose to protect the south and and failed. So in response the emporer is like you go work for the monkey king and keep an eye on him


He’s kinda supposed to be ruling the Southern Provinces.


True true realistically when monkey king comes i imagine li dao will be a free lord


Scyla? Sure, i think he should be a LH, but why not Karanak? And Arbaal... i am looking forward to seeing his Chaos Spawn rules either not in at all or completely gimped. Masque, imho, should be a LL. So Should be Epidemus and Skulltaker, considering Changeling is a LL. They are their respective "Lesser Daemon major characters"


Abhorash as a Legendary Hero? The dude who is all about honor and disgusted by state of the Vampiric bloodlines? Nah nah nah. If he is going to be in the game, he should be a leader of his own Blood Dragon faction looking for worthy challenges somewhere up in the Northern Chaos Wastes.


He doesn't lead anything.


Not saying Neferata doesn't deserve to be a LL, but having arguably the **strongest mother fucker in a whole race of ultra strong mother fuckers** is absolutely insane to me.


Lord Kroak and the Green Knight say 'hi'.