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Legend: "Warhammer 3 might get 6 more DLCs instead of 10" r/totalwar: "Oh my god IT'S THE END! WE ARE LITERALLY ALL GOING TO DIE!"


is that the legend thing referring to?


yea lmao, from todays vid


okay thank you dont rally keep up with what he says now a days


To be fair it's more about the general issue. The plan changed, the plan can change again. What if that 6 gets out to 3. What if it just suddenly stops, and long term plans for people like thanqual, tod bringer, nagash, never make it into the game, and it's just finished. Incompete.


So what? The game is fun or it isn't. If it is you play it and have fun, if it's not you don't. They'll keep making it for as long as it's profitable to do so and the team wants to keep working on it, that's not going to be forever.


No, no, no. The game is only fun based on how much DLC it will have in the future as well as existing DLC. How the hell can I have fun knowing this is the full extent of the game????


You do realize that some people are excited about the idea of having their favorite characters/units in the game, right ? And that they would then be disappointed not getting it if it's cut short ?


If you bought this game on the basis of a character that might, at some point, maybe, be in the game, you're an idiot. Even if there were fifty DLCs they've never listed who would be in them so there's still no guarantee some particular character would be in the game. Being disappointed because you might not get something you were never promised in the first place and might never have gotten is just stupid.


CA said Thanquol and Toddy would be there.


They have promised Thanquel tho




Relevant user name


I mean. We could all presume that the ogres would eventually be in. So I’m an idiot now for buying game one expecting ogres eventually?


Yup, you know what assuming does right?


I bought this game because the advertisement was that this would be Warhammer fantasy captured in video game form. The entire world, or at least all the relevant parts Many relevant parts are not here


> Many relevant parts are not here Virtually everything left to be added to the game are ancillary side characters. All relevant parts of the Fantasy universe are in the game, and even extra stuff from the scrapped TOW releases.


Nagash and thanquol and many characters that were in actual codexes and not in the game and big characters like neferata beg to differ


> I bought this game because the advertisement was that this would be Warhammer fantasy captured in video game form. The entire world, or at least all the relevant parts Then you're a fool.


Disappointed sure but that doesn't mean the game is dead or unenjoyable now. I don't think anyone wants things to be cut short but whether the game gets 3 dlc or 300 and whether my wish list characters are made, it's still enjoyable and has plenty of replay value without that.


why would you be upset? DLc is an addon, it is not a part of the base game, those are items/units that would never be available either way.


Almost every single major character and unit from Warhammer Fantasy is already in the game at this point. The only stuff yet to be added for the most part are really minor characters, some FW stuff and a small handful of obscure units from obscure lore. Sure, if a character who has like 2 paragraphs of lore in an old army book or WD issue somewhere is your favorite Warhammer character, that is perfectly fine. You do do. But I have a hard time believing there is a fanbase out there of people who consider Grimm Burloksson to be the best Warhammer character ever. Not that I don't want to see these characters in-game, but saying that people are still really pining for their favorite characters doesn't feel entirely right to me.


Neferata, Thanquol, Nagash, Glottkin and Egrimm aren't minor tho !


Nagash is a major character, but he mostly exists only as a legendary historical figure who was defeated and died long ago and provides the origin story for the setting's undead factions. I am not expecting to see him in the game, just like other legendary historical characters like Sigmar and Aenarion. The Glottkin were invented for the End Times and play no role in WHFB outside of that. I'd say that Ergrimm is a bit obscure since he did not appear in later editions of WHFB. I wouldn't call him a minor character since he used to be playable and actually has a novel written about him, but he also isn't exactly a major character. He rarely ever received more than 2 sentences worth of attention in the later editions. You are right about Neferata and Thanquol. Those two are probably the most notable Warhammer characters that haven't appeared in the game yet. I would also mention Gorbad Ironclaw, although he is also mostly a historical character, he was actually playable in 8th edition.


As long as they clear the bugs before abandoning it (looking at you 3k...) they can finish it even after next DLC


Y’all like to strawman against opinions you don’t like a lot here.


I mean who looks forward to the future or dreams for something's potential beyond what it currently is, right?


Being disappointed because you didn't get something that no one ever told you you were going to get is something little children do.


Condescension only works if you’re not being incredibly stupid and trying to argue your way out of a corner. You know exactly why people might be disappointed, continuing to pretend you don’t understand a basic human feeling won’t make you look any less stupid at this point. Take your damn L.


> You know exactly why people might be disappointed, continuing to pretend you don’t understand a basic human feeling won’t make you look any less stupid at this point If you can't recognise when you have made your own self miserable based purely on your own choices then your whole life is going to be an L. Life will never match the fantasy you create for it. That doesn't mean you can't have hope, but you're now sad because a thing that never was might not be.


You seem to be a little confused on the difference between feeling disappointment and throwing a tantrum. As far as I'm aware most people don't grow out of experiencing emotions.


Again, for the hard of thinking. You have artificially created a negative experience for yourself. In your mind you built a thing that does not exist, may never exist, and which you have no agency in making exist. Now, even though the thing never existed and even though it might never have existed and even though it may still happen you are disappointed and sad. You have manufactured your own unhappiness.


You must not live in the real world if you think adults don't get disappointed by anything. "Man, I'm really bummed out, I just got laid off from my job." "Oh stop being such a child, no one ever *promised* you that you'd get to keep the job so just grow up."


Keep pushing him, make him say dumber shit.


>You must not live in the real world if you think adults don't get disappointed by anything. I didn't say that. > "Man, I'm really bummed out, I just got laid off from my job." Can you really not see the difference? You created something in your own mind that you might never have gotten and now you're disappointed because you might not get it. Nothing here was real it wasn't even implied. It's like when you were a kid and you were convinced you were going to get a specific entity present and then you get something else and are upset.


You're making a sweeping general statement that you cannot be disappointed over anything that you weren't explicitly promised, regardless of the context. It doesn't matter what the exact circumstances are. By using circumstances like "receiving a present" you are attempting to muddy the issue by using concepts typically associated with children. Hope is something created in your own mind, that's the whole point. People are allowed to hope for things that no one promised them would be true. That doesn't make someone childish. Naive, perhaps, depending on the circumstances, but not childish. There's no need to be demeaning or rude towards people just because they're being hopeful.


> You're making a sweeping general statement that you cannot be disappointed over anything that you weren't explicitly promised, regardless of the context. No. I'm not. I'm saying that disappointment from losing a thing you never had is a sign of immaturity and poor mental resilience. You then straw manned it over to being the same as losing a job. If you lose your job you lose something real, in this case you have lost absolutely nothing.


It’s always a sign of true maturity to call those who disagree with you «children», it really solidifies your impeccable argument.


My argument is that getting upset because you aren't getting something you only ever imagined in your own head is something children do. Adults eventually learn that it's self destructive. Because that's the reality. There is no guarantee that whatever you wanted was going to happen there's no guarantee that it's not going to happen. This whole sub is in mourning over a rumour that something they never knew the details of isn't going to happen anymore and maybe something that maybe might have happened maybe might not. Can you not see how messed up this is? How much self inflicted pain this is?


That’s a grim outlook brother


It’s not grim, it’s a fake sentiment because this moron wants to try to win an argument on the internet. If you keep going he’ll bend over backwards and say outrageous bs to the point that it becomes clear he lost the plot.


Making yourself miserable over a fantasy is beyond grim, it's idiotic.


Resigning yourself to mediocrity due to a fear of hope is pathetic


Considering what modders can do currently it just means that modders don't have to worry about their idea making it officially into the game making their hard work obsolete.


Then mods.


Ummm, actually, the game is complete whenever CA says it is. Lol


I would trade every future DLC for comprehensive rework of sieges, campaign and battle AI, and maybe some more bug fixes. The game has plenty of content, but the core gameplay is still kind of busted.


Same here


I think diaries help people with stuff like this.


"Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote..."


But that's a letter.


Several letters* But Stan basically treated those letters like his diary pages that he sent to his #1 idol(obsession)


Only back in the days, these days you go on twitter and air out all your sewage.


Twitter is really just the realms of chaos isn’t it? Nurgle: Toxic and disgusting sludge tier opinions that somehow infect tons of people all the time. Slaanesh: Thirst traps, OF promotions, open degeneracy of every flavor. Tzeentch: Outright false information and lies, either made for the sinister purpose of misleading the public or just done for funny trolling. Khorne: Daily threats of irl violence and killing of people you don’t like.


twitter/facebook/youtube comments/reddit/tiktok its all the fucking same, no place is worse or better than the other because its the same people being terminally online using 2-4 of the platforms for their daily doomscrolling


Truth, though instagram is the worst BY FAR for everything I mentioned.




I meant like, the zoophiles and self proclaimed M.A.Ps. Idk what you think I was talking about.


Are you a degenerate plaything of slaanesh?


Or here apparently.


Also the video teasers. Back when WH3 pre-release we have new teaser videos almost every week, what about now, when it's already april and ToD release date is near? Just completely radio silence. Even a primary school student would sense that they'll almost never be ready for the following months.


The amount of doom posting that goes on in every game’s community is pretty ridiculous. It feels melodramatic. Tf is wrong with y’all


Collapsing mental health and growing despair?


Ah. I thought you’re supposed to just pick up a substance abuse habit and a couple mediocre coping skills instead of doom posting on the internet


Picking up a substance abuse habit, in this economy?


You didn't use the lockdowns to learn how to make moonshine?


Adding that to my list of "things more Fantastic than Warhammer Fantasy Battles" along with owning property. Smh, I'm not made of money.


This *is* my mediocre coping skill


If doom posting isn't both of those combined I don't know what is.


Good point, i’ll take it


Beat me to the witty reply, also definitely on point.


That eventually leads to more doom posting though


Username checks out


You forgot the creeping poverty.


I mean, whose fault is that? For as much as people like to point to issues they can’t have any impact on, there is something to be said for personal responsibility. Stop doomscrolling. Stop engaging in culture war issues. Stop freaking out about a single game when you probably have dozens of others in your library you’ve barely touched. Set up personal goals for yourself and achieve them over time. Creat a vision for a life you want. Have a perfect house or job in mind? Make a plan for what you need to get there. It won’t be easy, but the point is to focus on yourself and your needs, not the shit you can’t control.


100% agree, but that requires a degree of introspection, self-discipline, etc, etc that isn't really the norm. I know I have to actively fight to avoid getting sucked in to the shitshows, sometimes I fail. Online spaces are also really designed around engagement, and we've learned pretty quick that all that negativity seems to be more engaging. It's an insidious, abusive relationship.


It's only becuase for most of us, the closest we can get to winning in life is winning the game.


And yet we still have to rely on cheesing and save scumming to do it.


And the game is filled with bugs and broken promises. Where does that leave us?


Just head over to r/Helldivers those chaps couldn't be happier


For now it hits every community eventually


It came and went pretty quick actually. The community was flooded with non stop complaining after it's sudden growth, but that seems to have subsided for now


Points irondrakes at a spiders nest "ahahahhhhahahahahshahahahaha" While gyrobomber does a bombing run over their heads


I mean, have you seen CA horrible, horrible year ? Like, they canceled a game, released two DuDs, had a massive shitstorm that made them do an unprecedented apology tour and got hit by two waves of layoffs


Not nearly enough layoffs imo!


Wanting quality software for premium pricing?




I mute/leave gaming subreddit when it gets to that point, yeah. Have done it here more than anywhere else lol, although I end up coming back when things calm down. Tbh maybe it's just me but I also tend to find the games are more enjoyable when I'm not on here a lot.




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Its called sunk cost fallacy. The more time invested in something, the more attached that something becomes to the identity of the person, which in turn creates an emotional response to any news, be it positive or negative. Given that TW can have hundreds, if not thousands of hours played for a vast majority, it easy to see why people overexaggerate their responses.


We don't need to doom post anymore. WH3 was deemed dead at launch because the campaign was frustrating. Weird we're still talking about a dead game in 2024


It's that modern products are pure shit compared to what we used to have. I'll give you one example in Battlefield 3 you had 30 maps and around 25 vehicles(if not more), today Battlefield has only 5 maps and around 15 vehicles(not counting the things they literally copy pasted from Battlefield 4). Or compare it to BF V which had only 21 maps, worse destruction physics, same or slightly more vehicles than BF3, it started going downhill since the BF1 when they removed literally the only combat feature which made the battlefield game battlefield and that was the recoil control Same applies for Total War after the shogun it only went downhill from there, it was their last time they tried to make better gameplay than the previous product(which was the Napoleon Total War). First Total war game to regress on features which we already had was the empire TW. Three kingdoms almost reached the shogun level of rebirth but they have ruined it with unit balance, uninteresting sieges and no Korea to expand the map a little bit Edit: your dislikes only empower me, it just proves my point why the modern gaming industry is like this, because you are shilling it and being a slave to a brand not the product


I swear I'm not trying to mess with you or really even argue, there's a LOT of shit with modern games, but there was an *enormous* pile of trash in older games industry too. You go back long enough and most of it just never really got fixed either. Even the most legendary games out there often had medium to serious bugs and crashes that simply... exist, 30 years later, because there was no way to fix it. For TW specifically though, I think that Three Kingdoms was genuinely phenomenal, and while Pharaoh was probably the wrong setting and came out at the wrong time, it brought back a lot of mechanics from the old games, while adding new, cool, and complex ideas. CA has fucked up A LOT with canceling 3k, everything about TWW3, and awful communication, but it's not a straight line downhill, and the old games were *incredibly* buggy and broken in many regards. Diplomacy has been improving as the series goes on, and not even WH3 comes anywhere close to the buggy mess that was Empire. I feel like if your post was worded differently, a lot of folks would agree with you, it just comes off pretty combative and "every TW after X was trash" which is definitely gonna rustle some feathers.


That's only because you don't remember all of the absolute shit products that we used to have.




Who ever disliked this one should leave this server. It again proves me right that the new total war fans are somewhere in the 2006-2013 age group, what a shamefur dispray




Proved my point again, stage 3 of anger, the middle school level of bullying 🤣


Unfortunately that’s been the standard for a long time now. Devs: “We will continue to improve the game with patches and updates for the next several years” Players on reddit: “ROHAN HAS ABANDONED US! FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES! ![gif](giphy|11YoTVMI3QUR4k)


I agree with the sentiment and I despise this fearmongering but CA said which DLC was coming next for 3K and then proceeded to kill the game. It's normal nobody trusts what they say.


Ngl this comment was uplifting


is this a new legend saying CA and WH3 is doomed or is it still from like SoC?


Support for WH 3 is ending in 2026 based on the info he provided or earlier a lot can change after TOD


okay thank is this a new perdiction he made? I dont really keep up with him


His last two leaks been correct, so this more then just guess lmao


His leaks are often incorrect. He leaked Hag Mother lords and we all know how that ended xD


Again I dint really watch him so what exactly did he perdict that came true? the LLs? the cost? ect?


How are those hag mother lords he leaked working out?


Yeah all the doom and gloom posting before a dlc is announced is very annoying at this point. Like seriously this happens every time a dlc is about to be announced.


Seriously, it's been like this from literally day one. People said the game was dead and the trilogy would be canceled after Call of the Beastmen. People were doomposting about WH2's release being a "financial failure" Doomposting continued with folks acting like the Skaven vs Lizardmen lord pack would be the last content ever cause Queen & the Crone was whelming. And so on with pretty much every hurdle or mistep. The current situation ain't great obviously. But the doomposting and melodrama is really nothing. Just dissapointing to see a (relatively) well-respected content creator feed into it. *Again*. Cause this isn't the first time Legend has pulled this kind of thing. He knows damn well people will take every little thing he says and run with it Regardless of what his actual intent, he knew what would happen just from precedent. And then he'll complain later about "being taken out of context" and whatnot.


Doomposting is ridiculous because its only a video game so even if its cancelled today nothing terrible happens but I think that your version of events is a bit selective. Because I really can recall people saying since WH3 release before every announcement that CA will come around and that naysayers are wrong etc but each and every single time CA disappoints and its getting only worse - with SoC being the epitome of CA dropping the ball. If you would say before WH3 launch that we will be into third year of its release and have only 3 DLCs - and one of them will be so terrible that CA will have to issue official apologies - people would laugh at you and call you a doomposter. Yet here we are... The truth is: this sub is a bit delusional and goes through borderline phases of "yay/nay" regularly.


Honestly that's a great point. While it would be a bit heartbreaking to see the journey cut short. It's really not the end of the world. Companies crash and burn all the time, and as long as they don't pull a SONY and pull the games straight out of your library we can still play what we have. As to your point, I suppose I was being selective, but to be fair this topic was about doomposting specifically. There certainly was a lot of "CA can do no wrong, why are you posting this like their standards aren't high enough?" going on. I mean I was at the forefront of the Tzeentch chaos warriors fiasco and had plenty of those overly positive types harping on me being a naysayer lmao. So trust me I do find the apologists just as annoying as the doomposting. I just think the melodrama is slightly more cringe.


There so much "I hate my job" energy whenever I see any of his videos, man should have got out a long time ago. When you spend your days being relentlessly miserable about the game you play for a living it can't be good for your own wellbeing.


I don't really agree. Ever since he came back to Warhammer live streaming he seems to be having a lot of fun. I think he just looks tired sometimes, some of those streams are like 8+ hours long.


I mean he’s openly said multiple times he doesn’t enjoy WH3 and wishes people watched his historical streams more. And that he only plays WH3 because that’s what people watch, and he’s in it to make money.


He took a long break from WH3. He was definitely getting burnt out on it but his attitude is generally positive now. He does prefer the historical streams but as you note views are the name of the game.


I mean, tbf, the doomposting wasn't very present before Sega announced more layoffs and Legends started to talk about his "sources"


I only hear about that guy when something negative happens. But apparently those lay offs was about the extra people that were hired in the past couple of years and it seem like just about every gaming company is doing this right now. It sucks but it's not a ca only thing


People act too dramatic about the layoffs. If CA was the only studio then yes, but its a genre wide occurance atm. And its even all of SEGA Europe offices. It immensely sucks, and the blame is on CA and all the studio's who hired like crazy in covid. But its not a weird thing atm, how strange it is to say


Reject doomposting Return to Dick Half-mast posting


How can wh3 be fucked? Even If ca closes down today and wont do anything i still got the game. I spend already 1000 hours on wh3 and i know that many ppl here are the same. Maybe we get new good content or maybe we dont. And If you really are going to get "bored" by wh3 content you just load big mods Like SFO or Old World and got a completly new game


"Fearmongering climate news" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


hey you asked for more total war sounds like your government is delivering. why are you mad?


this is an insane insight into your political outlook.


Fearmongering climate news??? It’s real dude


The Panama canal is definitely fine and wasn't affected by any droughts recently.  Yes.


Scary Cimate change? yes; our capacity to have any meaningfull global effect on it... doubtful and inconclusive.


Do you mean our capacity to have an effect in reversing it or causing it in the first place? Because we definitely caused it


Do we really still have people pretending that billions of cars, factories and power plants pumping out fumes 24/7 will have *no* effect on a contained system? Jesus.


Contained for matter, open for energy. The Green House effect needs a lot of research still. I wouldnt deny the local enviroment threats that cause air pollution, local temperature changes and reduction of quality of life. This whole thing is full of fearmongering and literal anxietty farming of something the average person cant do anyhthing about. But sure keep going crazy. I will gladly farm the downvotes.


The greenhouse effect with CO2 specifically was first postulated in the 1850s. Its been 70 years since the first climate change model. Exxon Mobile was researching the relationship between industrial emissions and climate change since the 1970s and suppressed the conclusions. The only climate issues that still need further research are the interactions of subsystems where we dont know the full list of variables at work and cant fully model them, like the full implications of rapidly increasing ocean surface temperatures on the gulf stream. The highest-level implications are the most conclusively studied and the least debated, by scientists.


This video literally destroys every climate denial and bs excuse people use to distance humans from climate change. You choose to watch it, you'll change your mind https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY?si=3ZYKxxyeAbdzsmMq


Hello, meme police? I would like to report an abysmal misuse of a meme template.


This community is hopeless if this is the kind of garbage we're upvoting by the hundreds now.


Damn, what country do you live in that's pushing for forced conscription?


I know at least couple of countries with that problem


Kisl... eh, yes, I know what you mean.


Germany is currently debating to reinstate conscription


Basically all the NATO member countries. The problem is that i live in a country (Italy) where if a person gets dragged away from his house for an entire year... and he lives alone... he has 8/10 chance to find his house occupied by other people, many people, that will start consuming electricity, gas, water etc. hence once that person comes back from the conscription (if he comes back) he won't have a house anymore, nor all his goodies. He will be forced to pay taxes of light, gas, water etc. stuff that those people consumed, no matter what... and getting a 5/6 digit number bill is guaranteed. They won't pay ofc. Why? Because on the notes the conscripted person is the legal owner of the property. This happens either in cities and outside, sadly. This happens even if someone leaves his house unguarded for a week. For poor old people it only takes a single day... Thank god i live far away from cities and my house is like a castle and, most importantly, i'm not alone... but i can't say the same for millions of italians. So yup, the situation is pretty fucked up **IF** it happens. Getting your ass conscripted here means losing your job, potentially losing your house and goodies, having to pay a one-year-worthy of taxes no matter what... and all the probs you'll suffer if you get forced conscripted and you get called on the front.


I live in Italy too and this is just nonsense rambling. Non arriverà nessuna coscrizione obbligatoria qua, e poi dimmi, ma dove vivi che ti occupano casa appena esci a fare la spesa??


L'EU sta discutendo sul da farsi, purtroppo. Crosetto non vuole assolutamente, però le doom-mongering news ci sono... Guardati un po' di servizi di Fuori dal Coro. In certe parti d'Italia basta un singolo weekend d'assenza che ti occupano casa. Io fortunatamente abito al nord in campagna, ergo fuori dalle grandi città. Trascurando gli abusivi... un anno d'assenza e casa incustodita? I ladri fan festa. I ladri sono ovunque, rischi anche se sei del Sud-Tirolo ed abiti in mezzo ai boschi.


Guarda, io ti consiglio di staccare un po' dalle news e dai tg, è evidente che non ti sta facendo bene


Già provveduto. Ecco spiegato il meme.


Yeah that sounds fucked up. It sounds like Italy has got to step up it's game in regards to supporting the conscripts. At least here in Finland you get compensated by social care for the electricity bills, rent etc. during the service and get some meagre pay from the army as well, and the employers are probably quite understanding to returning to work after the service. The thing is, however, most do their service right after getting out of high school while still living with their parents so it's not that big of a hassle. How is Italy planning to select the conscripts?


Apparently he just made the whole thing up, so that’s something at least. As someone who lives in a country who recently reimplemented mandatory military service (Sweden), I don’t really see what the fuss is about. We have mandatory conscription of everyone from the age of 16 to the age of 70 in the case of an attack. It’s the duty of each and every one of our citizens to defend our country against any aggressors. I guess if you grow up with rules like that they don’t seem all that weird to you.


It's also easy to accept when you live next door to belligerent country like Russia.


I feel like these things don't go together. If life problems and job problems are on a similar level to a TW doing being supported at some point in the medium term, either your priorities are *very* out of whack, or you're lucky and your IRL problems are not actually problems


'Fearmongering' climate news is a bit inaccurate, only because the fearmongering is genuine warning of imminent catastrophe to our way of life over the next 25-50 years and very little is being done about it. Hope this helps!


My brother in Christ please don’t watch the news.


I honestly tried and can be happy for a week at most , but it’s really hard to escape them these days. They pop up where you would least expect 


It’s not about avoiding my it, or not seeing it. It’s about not engaging with it. You see a headline that makes you freak out? Realize that this is what the writers of that headline are trying to do, so just move on, mentally speaking of course. And there certainly are ways to reduce the amount of shit flying your way. You can unsubscribe and unrecommend from political subs and content creators. That you do have control over. It won’t be 100%, but it will be better.


Well, next step is realizing that it’s likely horseshit, a lie, or most likely both.


Delusional tier attitude lol


Sure bud.


My next goal would be to mentally block the screen while waiting the subway and ask family to stop talking about news when I’m there I guess :p


World leaders getting together for a summit making a list of bullet points of major crises facing humanity they need to create strategies on. > Climate Change > The global economy > A return to war in Europe and the proliferation of weapons, treaties limiting arms development being scrapped > Global health crisis and aging population in developed countries > Warhammer 3 Total War is suboptimal


**Extra addition** = *my favorite mangaka taking one month hiatus* ... it ain't easy...


Meanwhile Berserk fans


Could be worse, could be a Rurouni Kenshin fan, oof


At least you aren't stuck in limbo like HXH fans


He berked his last serk... 


You should read some scientific articles on human caused climate change rather than your jailbait cartoons.


Get a proper education OP


Despair and hopelessness are kinda nurgle's things, so it is kinda fitting lol


This sucks. The newest dlc was actually really good. I am playing jade dragon and 19 turns into all endgame events on hard. It's a blast.


ToD taking longer to develop is pretty great if it gets better treatment, but I got a bad feeling about what we will get, here’s hoping ppl over at CA learned their lesson about up charging dlc not even worth 6 bucks, let alone a quarter of the games total price.


They already confirmed it'll follow the same rules as post-fix SoC. They did NOT promise major faction reworks. So... honestly, realistically, I wouldn't expect anything more or less than post-fix SoC. One halfass rework, some minor fixes to other factions, the same lord/hero allotments, and iirc it was 5 new units apiece? Not to defend or shit on them, just, trying to set realistic expectations. Also, what DLC wasn't worth 6 bucks?


Do the empire/dwarfs need a woodelf or beastmen style rework? I dont want to see one just for the sake of it.


Despite what some would say, no. Empire needs adjustments to the elector system, and gelt could use his own faction mechanics. Dwarfs could use some tweaks to what they have as well, with a few of the other dwarfs getting faction mechanics, but unlike old BM or WE, the mechanics actually work.


I don't think they do. This may not be a very popular take, but; * **Empire** needs Imperial Authority to be less punishing, some help so their earlygame is less whack-a-mole while Elector Counts die, and some detachment mechanics for state troops. Otherwise, I think they're fine. People love to downplay their roster, but they have a lot of *really* strong units if you take the time to learn how to play them, and their "faith, steel, gunpowder" thing isn't just a meme - just learning to use battle prayers, Greatswords, and Outriders can win you an honestly really silly number of battles. * **Dwarfs** are already a very strong faction, with a large roster of *mostly* excellent units. Tough starts and they can be a bit simplistic mechanically, but that fits them. I think they just need some flavor, better identities for miners, longbeards, and gyros, and new units filling interesting roles - I'm personally hoping for Rune Guardians as pseudo-monstrous infantry to make their melee playstyle a bit less one-note. I don't think CA will actually do all of the above, but I choose to hope they will.


Yeah and that’s just… Such a major problem, if their attitude will be “give the bare minimum and add in more content after dlc purchase”, then it most likely will die, waiting for modders to do their work until they get sick of it too. Also, there is no 6 dollar dlc, I was referencing SoD and stating that if that dlc was 6 bucks, it would still not have been worth it.


Can't argue with you there, frankly. I really hope they surprise us, the ToD factions are 3 of the most popular in the game, this is NOT the time to halfass a DLC. Not that it's ever a good time, but still. I don't think any of the listed factions need a Beastmen-tier rework tbh, but they all need some love. Empire's authority system needs tweaking, and while its roster was surprisingly well-updated in IE, some of its lower-tier units are kinda just powercrept. Nurgle is a decent roster and concept, just needs a less shitty earlygame imo, the cycling buildings are cool but they just cost too much to get started. And Dwarfs are already strong, just a bit limited on playstyles, most of their campaigns have pretty tough starts, and grudges are boring. I actually don't think Shadows of Change is bad now, though I wouldn't pay 25 for it. 15-18 bucks on sale is a solid deal *if* you'll play 2-3 of the factions, which I do. Obviously it's... less great if you only care about one, which is the eternal flaw of a 3 faction DLC.


Try not being a right wing conspiracy theorist and your life will get a lot shinier


It's joever


Wait what about forced conscription?


I want my Nagash expansion


How do we know it will only get 6 more dlc? I doubt they would abandon the sheer goldmine that is this game


Haha... Yeah...


Thrones of Dismay


Add the roughly 16.000 Job losses across the games industry and that devs buy their own ip´s free to the batshit insanity.


What the fuck indeed


Im sorry, but who is Tod?


Boris Toddbringer whom many suspect to be arriving with the thrones of decay expansion


Thrones of decay - upcoming dlc


What's ToD?




Please go outside and touch some grass. It'll be great for you.


Mate, if all you need to do to win against AI is to spam 19x archer + lord armies, which is perfectly legit, it isn't Legend who is orangutan, it's WH3. Corner camp is part of the game and has been since WH1. We are in the age where maps could be massively much bigger, could be randomly generated, but they are not in TW:WHs. 19xarcher army is exactly the same as 19x doomstack. In current state of the game it is perfectly legit. But archers are so much cheaper. I take you blame shopkeeper for branded chocolate bar taste as well. All that aside of you being vile toxic troll of course - "subhuman" because he plays not like you like ?


CA is just lying in the bed they made. Maybe all that short sighted and short term decisions isn't that good after all.


I mean we all know that TOD is make or break CA full time ....this is their last chance


Is TOD about to get the 3k treatment?