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Oh wow, I thought this was a Planet Zoo screenshot and I was confused as to why it was on the total war subreddit. What a beautiful game


Conquer the whole map and you'll be a zoo for every animal in the campaign.


The urge to replay Origins rises like the nile again.


I just re-installed Origins two nights ago because I need a way to wait for the *Pharaoh* update without going mad. I played it last time with no UI and it was fantastic, so this time I'm going to do that again but put an emphasis on not pushing through the game and just "live" through the story and encounter missions and whatnot organically.


do we know when the pharaoh update will be?


No idea yet, but I assume we'll either know the date or roughly when in which month it will be once the video + blog drops this week.


man, putting the game in Caesar's times really was a major let down for me with AC Origins (the gameplay shift another, but the timeframe even more so). Really would've wanted it in the time of Ramses II. or thereabout.


I would have absolutely loved at least Thutmose I circa 1500 BC with war against the Mitanni. If not earlier like the Hyksos dynasty introducing chariots to Egypt, the 4th dynasty building the pyramids, or even pre-dynastic Egypt when Upper Egypt conquers Lower Egypt and creates the first dynasty.


eh, Pre-Dynastic and stuff has the issue of not having the cool stuff around. Thutmose I, Ramses II. that ballpark for me.


>Pre-Dynastic and stuff has the issue of not having the cool stuff around Debatable, but to each their own


Pyramids? Not around. Sphinx? Nope... UNless you want to accomodate the "ALIENS!" nutjobs. IN FAIRNESS in AC it could kinda work... but eeeeeh.... I prefer it when it tries to stick to history with a twist, rather than overdoing it... unfortunately, imho, they've been overdoing it for a while now.


I wouldn't want to do the Isu = ancient aliens, lol. Despite those landmarks not there, pre-dynastic/ 1st dynasty Egypt could work really well if Ubi really put in the work to be as authentic as they can, with the database full of history of stuff you come across. Plus, that's during the copper age, which would shine a light on it since most people focus in the stone, bronze, and iron ages; but the copper age is arguably one of the most important ages in human history.




Yes, per the flair.


Ah fuck sorry I didn’t notice that.


here is the thing do not insult those hippo's they are sacred to the locals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Quarrel_of_Apophis_and_Seqenenre


map name?


Not sure which map it is, I encountered this in campaign at Napata or one of the settlements east of it owned by Napata faction. I took this over a week ago but forgot to post it until now.