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I went for a bombing run then saw a couple enemy units get deleted and noticed\* that the bombs didn't have a cooldown. RIP Malus' army


Let me tell you how much of an idiot I was. That I played the GYROBOMBER in two separate Dwarf campaigns before I realized it had bombs I could use...


lmao I feel you. They used to be so trash, I wasn't ever going to give them a try even after the update if not for one of the grudge missions


If it makes you feel better I was playing the Sisters of Twilight and did a doomstack of the hawk riders and just before I was finished with that campaign I noticed that all 19 of my level 9 units all had a crazy ass ability that made them like AC-130’s. I felt like I coulda taken twice as much of the map if I knew that one…


Is that a ROR un it? Or how do you get it?


Its the RoR version of the Gyrobombers, and when you drop the bombs with it is literally carpet bombing the place. Its especially nice since with the 5.0 Update they are also now Multiple units instead of just one.


Ride of the Valkyries intensifies.


I hadn't played this game for a while and was super confused by the Gyrobomber unit. I could have SWORN that at least the ROR one was a single model. I'm glad I'm not crazy lol


All bombers used to be single and regular gyros were 4 units only. Which didn’t really make sense since they weren’t that strong. They’re much more useful now


Yeah they increased the numbers on all Gyrocopter models, normal bomber are 12 i think and hte Skyhammer is 4 of the long bois.


Gyrobombers including the sky hammer went from 1 to 4 entities while gyrocopters went from 4 to 12


Gyro copters are so squishy now.


But packs a hell lot more punch now!


Yes. But now they are flying irondrakes.


Skyhammer is still single unit


You can see in the picture its 4 entities now.


Yeah im not gonna Edit my dumbassery. I just finished my malakai campaign few minutes ago and saw it has 4 there too. But I was in battles with a single unit bomber I swear. Maybe i wasnt paying attention


Or they just made a new skyhammer model with 4, and the Mission uses the old version with 1.




That thing is reporting for more duty than the Kirov.


Druchi-lover 3 bows to the sky god.


Looks like a bunch of dead roaches lol, I love Total war 😌


Skyhammer is my name, and fucking up motherfuckas is my game!


Honestly the dwarfs do not need thunderbarges for aerial supremacy with the buffs their gyrocopters got


Gyrocopters deal tons of damage, but at the same time are very squishy. Thunderbarge is just broken, and Malakai gets a free extra op one. The spear ability one shots dreadquake mortars and decimates any single entity unit. Stupidly broken unit lol


My personal advice when handling gyro copters, if they are getting chased by enemy flyers, Fly them by your missile lines, then they will get shot to death if your struggling with enemy missiles, fly your copters TOWARDS their missiles, it causes them to panic and reform


I just had my first encounter with one earlier today. Imrik munched it to pieces, like he does with most everything, but I wasn't sure what it might do to terrestrial units, so the rest of my army kept their distance while Imrik did Imrik things.


how? it has only 5 bombs, no? and the gun just shoots at the edge of a unit like the rest. was this just over a large time period by resupplying the gun?


nope, just those 5 bombs, one after the other. basically 1 carpet bombing run lol


Pretty sure the shooting the edge of a unit bug was fixed in 5.0 unless there's an edge case where certain units still do it.


At least for me they shoot all around the unit now if it is a big infantry unit, and having four machine guns a unit they actually can chunk into low entity units really well, had two squads of them murder a vampire lord before they could even get a second spell off


Has anyone noticed the X-Y-Z axis from the 3D editor in the in thumbail at bottom left corner?


Just noticed, wtf is that


What I see in this pic.: Life is cheap, a gold for 10(damage).


See, this is how an ROR unit should be!


18+? What is this