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I’d expect the landship to float, but if we’d apply real life physics to the world of Warhammer it should absolutely get stuck in shallow water and mud.


Honestly it's tiny front wheels would probably sink and get stuck in regular dirt/grass. It's a horrible design.


Which is lore accurate. Landships were created as shabby copy of imperial tanks by Marienburg and this project was full of chaos, weird decisions and ego parades of different engineers.


And keep in mind that it was literally settled on as a way to just satisfy the buyers. The builders fully expected to be a laughingstock. Instead, the buyer’s loved it.


Still completely obliterated the chaos dwarf artillery emplacements during the siege of nuln


Because of the sheer absurdity of it that they just kind of failed to comprehend what was coming at them


I mean, one got cooked and another got cracked open by a Skullcracker, not really a great score when it comes down to the fact most of the Chorf artillery was stowed away and they still managed to trade even. That being said, really want that grape shots for cannons :/


I'd say any actual trade where this things kill something important is a good trade


Obliterated? Far from it, they traded even. Besides, most of the heavy lifting was done by the outriders hiding behind the landships on the approach, not the landships themselves.


I agree and it might actually be an interesting game mechanic to balance out the otherwise pretty strong landship. The landship getting stuck now and then, kind of how rampage also lets you temporarily lose control over certain units.


It's the sort of thing that **sounds** interesting, but is actually just frustrating and awful.


Yeah, I can see people rage-quitting when the Landship breaks down at the most crucial of moments.. but I could definitely see this being a tabletop rule!


Or imagine cheesing a landship waiting for the moment it 'gets stuck'. It's bad both ways.


In the tabletop (at least, the version I play), the landship can even explode if you go too fast and roll a mishap on the movement dice.


>Or imagine cheesing a landship waiting for the moment it 'gets stuck'. Given that's a very real tactic used by real armies against tanks for as long as they've existed I dunno if I'd call that cheese exactly. Unless you think Ukrainians afe cheesing the Russian army.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you because I'm casting spells from the back of my dragon in a game where we aren't worried about logistics, maintenance, supply lines, chains of command, limited fighting population, and units not following directions.


It did have an upside on the tabletop in the form of having a ward save, represented by the thing that was damaged not actually having been important or even useful in the first place


Oh that's hilarious.


Sigmar bless All-or-Nothing armor scheme


Tsar Tank moment


Who would've guessed that strapping a steam engine and wheels to a ship is in fact not the pinacle of Engineering.


Sometimes I see this thing sitting on the side of a hill or incline and am like, there's no way it's not falling over and crushing whoever's on the other side


Hahaha exactly. Now I know most players wouldn’t agree with me, but I would find it hilarious if they could actually tumble over when badly positioned, and remain inoperable for the remainder of the battle. It would just add to the whole idea of the landship being this expensive experimental prestige project that hasn’t been thought through very well.


Welcome to the rice fields of Cathay where your dream may come true, the ship will remain inoperable for the remainder of the battle and pretty much indefinitely until you build a new one


Lore wise, the landship was almost specifically designed to be semi-aquatic. They’re meant for use by Marienburg, which is surrounded by a lot of marshland, so being able to drive in and out of water was a part of its intended functions


So it’s supposed to be the warhammer version of an amphibious transport?


Pretty much. Honestly, if we'd been able to master making train sized steam engines a few centuries earlier, we might have ended up with something like landships IRL for a brief period of time. Biggest issue would actually probably have been the wheels necessary to move the thing.


Ironically though that feature, though intended, is completely unrelated to it looking like a boat. They just figured that Marienburgers would like it because it looked like a boat. Magnificent.


There were a few factors but one of the main reasons is the size of the vehicle. The Nuln engineers, unlike the Aldorf ones, didn't specialise in engine design and production and thus had no luck replicating the miniature boiler used in Steam Tanks. What one bloke though is, why not just make the whole damn thing bigger and fit a larger engine, so people stopped (they did not) dying from exploding engines. To hide the fact they couldn't give what the Marinburgers wanted, despite the boasting prior they could do whatever the Altdorf engineers could and spending the massive budget already, they made it in the form of a ship to appeal to the culture symbolism and justify why it's so big. Also, people always tend to think big is better. So there was some smart marketing and client management involved in the whole process xD


I thought it was because they kept sending the engineers notes on how they wanted their steam tank to be different but because they are Marienburgers it just ended up looking like a ship, but I could be wrong I just remember it from a lore video or something.


*Funniest part is that it worked*








The Druki has arrived.




When has aquatic trait ever mattered lol. Sorry halberd Elector troops and fell water trolls


Don't Nordland Marines at least have slightly better stats?


I had a map in Cathay the other day which had a river running right through the middle at a chokepoint. Never seen such a perfect place to take advantage of the feature - if only I had it...


The Boglar regiment of renown for ogres regenerate health AND models in water on top of the aquatic trait, they solo'd an arachnarok spider in melee which was hilarious


Where do you think ships go?


Through the jungle of course, like in Fitzcarraldo.


Over the mountain


And where did the ship come from ?


Over the mountain!


And through the woods?


Not on dry land which this one clearly does


Are Landships good, I just came back to the game, and am doing a Balthazar Gelt Campaign.


They are amazing but very squishy to ranged. I'd you use em like chariot can really do well to support your Frontline. I think I got most use out of it with Scm Marienburg mod where you start with one. Truly made that campaign fun.


Use them like a chariot lol, aren't they like artillery?


Kinda, but not really. They only have one cannon, so they won't keep up with regular artillery units. To get the max value from the unit, you need to keep in mind that the cannon is just one of its several tools. And it really helps that the cannon fires on its own as you move around as long as you keep "fire at will" on. The ship has a crew of gunners who will constantly spew armor piercing rounds at nearby enemies. The volleys aren't individually devastating, but they really add up over the course of a battle if you keep the landship near the enemy lines. The ship also has a really nice charge bonus, and its speed and mass are incredible when you activate its special ability. It runs right through infantry like nothing, and even a unit of cavalry barely slows it down. So, ideally, you use the landship like a skirmishing cannon at the start of the battle. Then you transition to using it like a chariot once the lines meet. The cannon and gunners will continue to fire as you move about, so you'll rack up plenty of kills.


Think of it like a really big war wagon with mass = integer overflow and a cannon.




It’s a boat lol


Nice boat


Es ist ein Landschiff und ein Landschiff bleibt ein Schiff. Es macht also absolut sinn.


Außer wenn's untergeht, dann wird's zum Boot...


hm, that's pretty cool! I've probably taken advantage of the nonsignificant bonus before lol (I ussualy try having my large units fight in water if possible for the roleplaying aspect of tiny footmen drowning)


I mean… it is a ship


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) That's not ironic, it would be ironic if it had some form of disadvantage in water.


"Boats are good in water" is in fact, the exact opposite of irony


Weaponized empire duck boats


Landships, at least Elspeth ones, are stupidly powerful. They can blast through any formation with the speed and mass they have and crush ranged troops and artillery before they can take significant damage. I have yet to find an enemy full stack that would pose a serious threat to 5 land ships + a life wizard. That includes Ikit Claw, Vampire Cost, Dark Elves, Ogres, Greenskin Waaghs, Tomb Kings etc. Just keep running through the enemy army, they are nigh impossible to pin down and their ranged wont do much when the ship is already on top of them.


Since your game is in German, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you may not understand the name. "Ship" is the English word for a watercraft.


What do you think it is called in german? Land Rhubarb? No, it's called Landschiff which is like, the literal translation,


I was just trying to be helpful! Wasn't sure how to take the post


My man has no idea how languages work


Well, even if the German translation somehow eradicated context, it's still a 'land' ship, and anyone can recognize a boat- and hence a boat with wheels. It's clearly a land watercraft. Kinda ironic. Has anyone noticed before?


I thought it was a shoe.


You know they can translate words right? Dumbass