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Honestly it’s still very winnable. I would get over to Nurgle’s realm to nab it before Greasus can and preferably kill him before hunting down N’kari to ensure he can’t get to it either. The main campaign effectively boils down to playing keep away and gatekeeping the souls until you have all 4. If it really comes down to it you can just enter the final portal once someone has all 4 and kill them to delay the ending too.


So, the main strategy now is to prevent other lords from winning their last soul until I get a domination victory? I can block N'kari in the next 4 rounds and I can also block Goldtooth from getting the Nurgle soul in the next one, but I won't be able to stop both of them for too long. I'm winning the war against the Ogres and I think a single army can handle the Chorfs. Maybe I can bring the war to N'kari to block her from getting souls, while Katarin blocks Goldtooth.


Pretty much, your goal is to play gatekeeper, taking out selected armies and claiming souls in the meantime. Considering the current state of the game Greasus and N’kari are your two biggest rivals in the soul race so having some side armies to take on Ogres and maybe sending a crusade of 1 or 2 armies up north to kill N’kari would be the most beneficial to you. I wouldn’t be afraid to let N’kari claim a soul provided you can get two in the process. If you have overlapping realms you are entering I would prioritize that so you can steal it out from under their noses. One thing to keep in mind is that once a faction has successfully gotten 4 souls they won’t go for the Be’lakor fight for 10 turns after the rift spawns so that does give you some wiggle room if it comes down to the wire.


You can let them get their last soul, it gives you a chance to go intercept them before they win and if you do so, they lose all their souls IIRC.


Contrary to the developer's intent, the easiest way to win RoC is to actually ignore the RoC and use the rifts to teleport to and wipe out the other factions in the race.


That's how the ogres managed to defeat and conquer Elspeth.


AI will never use the rifts to travel, and Elspeth does not participate in the race.


Then it's even worse luck for me, because they managed to destroy her in less than 10 turns and she was my best ally.


Skrag the Slaughterer just demolishes everything to your south and Festus is down there messing things up too. Kislev is a bit of nightmare to play in RoC and it was insane that it was one of the recommended factions to start with. You can still win the souls race if you want but judging by your map you may be closer to a domination victory. They have made it super easy to keep the other factions from winning even if they have all 4 souls. Basically, you fight a battle and if you win, they have like a 10 turn cool down before they can try again. Even if you lose but do enough damage there is a good chance they lose the final battle and get stuck with a cooldown.


Wow that's definitely rough. RoC is a little unfortunate in that you have to wait a set amount of time for the realms to open up. So you're two down in the souls race and your only option to win would be to continue getting souls every time it opens up while teleporting to whichever race is ready to go to the final area and batting them back down. While fighting a war against what appears to be all of chaos. That's rough buddy. So it is winnable, but it looks incredibly difficult.


Actually, it does look like you have quite a lot of territory. So you should be able to win, but wow Kairos does have a pretty big Empire too.


Definitely winnable. Focus on playing defensively while using Katarin’s armies to get through the realms and defeat challengers.


The good news is now when an AI faction gets all 4 souls you have the ability to go and do a battle against them that will reset that faction to 0 souls. The bad news, depending on how long you want to keep playing this campaign, is that you easily may have another 80-100 turns to complete the Race, if you go for a soul each time. With the size of your territory and how deep into the campaign you are its probably going to be easier or at least quicker to go for domination victory at this point.


you definitely shot yourself in the foot not going to the chaos realms as the portals opened up. Generally, if you dont wipe out people, you can only be 1 behind and realistically comeback, You have to eliminate goldtooth immediately, and probably eliminate whoever else also gets to 3 souls on this round of portals as well. You have a ton of territory, which for ROC, and especially kislev, is actually a really bad thing. Kislev makes no money outside of their major three cities, so the more territory you have it actually gets worse and worse for you. The rate of return on other territory is super super low, like 20+ turns i believe to break even on t1 income buildings. That also brings more and more portals to close with heroes or with armies, which means even less armies you can use to fight people. But with that much territory you really should be using your LL to be going for realm souls as they become available. You should be able to fund enough armies to fight without the use of katarins army on the main map


The empire, and especially the Dwarfs always get steamrolled in my RoC campaigns. For Kislev I found playing defensive with 1 or 2 good offensive armies were my strat. If an empire or dwarf faction survives or revives, selling the land back to them is pretty good. Dwarfs tend to get stomped over and over though.


This looks fun ! "the last bastion "

