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For extremely hostile starts don't be afraid to use razing as a way to destroy an enemy as opposed to occupying. Once you have the starting province, you should first go after Daniel as he starts out more dangerous than Archaon. Use a lord and maybe a unit or two in combination with settlement garrisons to defend the Archaon front, while your "1 good army" goes to destroy Daniel. But don't occupy his territory, it will just open up a brand new hostile front for you with Malus Darkblade. Instead sack and raze until there's nothing left but a fully razed province/ whatever territory Daniel had. Keep that area razed as a buffer zone and then re-focus ALL your expansion/occupying on the Archaon side. After destroying him your goal is to get your territory touching Kislev again, so you can have a powerful ally who will send stacks to help you now that it's easier for them to get to your territory. By the time you've achieved the goal of getting your border to touch Katarin's, you should be strong enough to basically launch an attack in whatever direction you prefer. And as Boris I find so long as she has a physical land border with you, Katarin sends you A LOT of military assistance without you even asking so long as you're both at war with the same people. Much noticeably better than the typical Total War Ally AI.


I tried what you are describing and went after Daniel but my smaller defending army got obliterated by Archaeon 20 stack with multiple RoRs + Hellcanon :(


Did you build the garrison buildings?


Nah, do you think those could have tipped AR into my favor? Archaeon already had the 3-headed flying legendary hero and clapped my lord with him. Was not able to stand my ground with T1 units against his army.


I was able to defend the Archaon front using only settlement garrison buildings in every region, and a lord with a few basic kossars attached to him. Use your ranged to concentrate down any large threats. In my battles that was Archaon on Dorghur usually.


abandon your init province and swim to the south and destroy the Norsca there. Allied with Dwraf and protected other Kislev factions.


Yeah this is honestly the way. Just cross the water and leave ASAP, the bonus devotion from occupying Chaos Waste settlements is nice but isn't critical, and isn't worth the hardship early game


Also my economy is non existent and I live paycheck to paycheck (meaning I have around -1000 income but stay afloat by post battle and sacking gold)


That's called "good debt" your debt (negative income) is earning you more money (by sacking and razing) than it costs you.


Focus on killing one of them off, it's oke if the other enemy sacks and razes some settlements in the process you can rebuild once you can focus in that direction


I would suggest [this video](https://youtu.be/NeeNdd95IDU?si=nHvXKywwk3eadwU9) for getting a good start as boris. At least to take out one of the many powerful enemies nearby. Your other option is leaving the chaos wastes and migrating south near the other kislevite factions.


Boris has really strong post battle loot, which I used in my current campaign to survive the first 20 turns or so. Don't bother building up much, instead just smack down your enemy, loot and occupy to get some bonus money and use the time to replenish and recruit. use your surplus from not building anything to make a second army of kossars. Alternatively, you can move down from your start to instead settle Norsca. The position down there is much stronger, you have a good neighbor with Malakai and quickly meet Katarin as well.