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My sincere advice would be to STOMP EM WITH DA BOYZ


But don‘t make the same mistake as I did and play Azhag and wonder 60 turns in why you can not recruit the confederated Skarsnik as well as any regiments of renown. Well, turns out that not having the two Orc-lord DLCs youre missing out on a ton of stuff. So I bought it after and now I am 82 turns in my campaign with fully build provinces but no space to construct the DLC buildings.


I had the same problem but with Dwarves. At turn 300 I suddenly realised Angrund won’t join my crusade


Who tf plays 300 turns?! That’s insane


Happened to me on my first ever TW playthrough, I was overly enthusiastic and decided not to save scum, even though I made some really drastic mistakes in the very beginning of the campaign, losing my armies several times. I then spent at least 100-150 turns just trying to turtle at my keeps and get back to my feet with Grimgor constantly on my tail until I finally managed to break through and go farther across the map to fight other factions








Just playing Malakai campaing and it is really fun. So many mechanics. Just awesome. And yeah,game is unbeliavable. I thought that game must be some broken mess, because of complains on the internet. But then I bought it and my god, so much content and variability. Iam fucked, cant play any other game now. I need help.


I can’t play Malakai because my eyes are too bad to track the mouse cursor on the snow. Sad. Straight into the book.


Surely you can change the color of the cursor in the settings


Maybe try color blindness modes, or look for mods that could fix the problem


Oh you have dlcs then man try elsbeths campaign or any dwarf. Or... if you wanna be a pirate try pirate coast argh.


i’m tentative about elspeth because i just did a full karl playthrough, is it really so different playing the empire through her? and as for dwarves it’s between malakai or the slayer dude for me


Elspeth has a nuln engineering school as her faction mechanic - instead of politicking with elector counts she has a tab where you can get special upgrades for gunpowder units. Things like snipe+stalk for mortars or the ability to run for hellblaster volley + suppression. She also gets her own unique amethyst units which are variants of normal units infused with Shyish (wind of death) such as rocket batteries that shoot mini purple suns. On top of that she has gardens of Morr which are unique outposts she can construct in friendly/neutral imperial provinces that have unique buildings and that she can teleport to. IMO she is one of the best campaigns in vanilla. For me it's the best one mechanics wise.


very interesting ! will def try her then


Highly recommend getting at least 2 units of normal outriders (ones with repeater rifles). She gives them restock on top of stat buffs. Incredibly fun unit to micro.


You also get the Master Engineer generic lord who buffs war machines, artillery and gunnery units


Newest factions tend to be better, last DLC was very good so both elspeth and Malaki are great. I suggest elspeth on the RoC map and Malaki on IE. I also personally like the pirate coast, tomb kings, and wood elves. Wood elves have a mechanic where you can transport all over the world through magical forests. Pirate coast has fun mechanics as well. If you like the empire, Markus wolfhart and volkmar both have very different mechanics than Karl Franz.


And dont forget to blast some alestorm


Hell yeah, specially [Sea Shanty 2!](https://youtu.be/UwAsYu_L0jo?si=09SjZqUTGKRU2Lf1)


>  argh. Really, my guy? Really?


Yargh matey!


Blarg! A cry of pirate war!!!!




Wood Elves are fun. They play differently to other factions and you go around teleporting and protecting the trees around the world.


And their armies are the best kite armies in the game, until you get access to a Treemen front line, after which it is just game over.


big boy durthu is imo one of the strongest factions in the game because of he gets tree units early and boosts them. treekin plus the wood elf archers melt armies.


He? That tree has titties chief


That’s Drycha, dirt hu is most definitely a giga chad


Oh fuck, you're right


I can strongly recommend Chaos Dwarfs, they are quite different with a more complex kind of ressource management and unit caps. My favorite faction personally. Especially if you like Empire Building which seems to be the case with you. I really like Vampire Counts aswell tho, Ghorst if you want an absolute Zombie tide. If you want to go for some classic Chaos, while not too difficult Archaon and Be'lakor are also great. Should be mentioned that I think most campaigns are in a very good state right now and it's entirely subjective which ones you will like most.


Gor-Rok the White Lizard. Starts with a cool toad dude who has a unique spell that’s pretty much a magic nuke. The best part? It doesn’t hurt your own units. Also Lizardmen are fun in general.


Try Skaven my favorite faction (along with Slaanesh/N'kari) Queek is pretty basic campaign but fun! And nice way to learn mechanics. If you wanna go boom-boom play as Ikit Claw


Ikit is the gold standard for Skaven but I’ll cast a vote for Throt here. Just big rats and testosterone. ❤️


Sniktch will always be my favourite, gutter runner spam is just ridiculous and such a different way to play skaven than using weapons teams or drowning opponents in rats.


And when you played most of factions, LLs CA launches big DLC/ factions rework that changes quite a lot and you start over. I know, i'm here since the WH1 release :D


is it worth going back to try the wh1/2 campaigns?


You have so much content to play in WH3 i really don't see a point to go back to WH1 or 2.


not really, better stick to WH3


Was the same for me when I tried WH2 coming from historical, couldn't believe how good it was. I'd say you can try Warhammer 2, I still boot it up on occasion just to play around as factions have different starting areas (e.g. Gelt starts in Solland) and some skills and spells are a bit different. Can't say about Warhammer 1 as I've never played it.


I wouldn't say so, unless you really wanna play the vortex campaigns from wh2. Some were fun after the dlc factions started ignoring the vortex mechanics in favour of new unique mechanics for that faction. Wh1 is so clunky and outdated now due to not having any of the race updates that were introduced in games 2 and 3. For example, Karl's campaign in wh1 doesn't have any of the elector counts mechanics. Vampire counts don't have access to bloodlines, etc. Wh3 is just so full of content I wouldn't bother.


Hard disagree on the general consensus. WH2 has campaigns that are more than worth trying out. The Vortex campaign is a really interesting narrative in addition to a good sandbox experience. The Vortex map offers far more expansive versions of Ulthuan and Lustria than Immortal Empires. And especially for the stand alone DLCs, there are unique story campaigns with cinematics and battles not found in IE.


Slaneesh (N'kari) is a good learning curve faction. Powerful - but encourages and teaches you to minimise losses and maximise usage of your lords and magic, but certainly isn't easy.


Yeah wouldn't say it's a starter faction as all the micro is very intense. Like you said you have to really use everything you can to minimise your losses because you can't afford a grind. God the replenishment was horrendous before they buffed it a bit but it's still not great, so less replenishment required the better.


The current chugg in the late game is likely caused by a bug which makes Dark Elves spam double the amount of Black Archs. There's ~~a~~ 10 mods for that.


Hotfix just fixed that I think


Just today indeed !


GO FOR A PIRATE ADVENTURE WITH CAPTAIN NOCTILUS OR CAPTAIN LUTHOR TRUST ME YOU WONT REGRET IT, IT'S PURE FUN (enjoy all the gunnery and undead armies!, like in Pirates of Caribbean!)


Chaos dwarfs, tomb kings (Settra is the only choice), vampire coast and dwarfs (thorek) are all challenging without being torture and very fun to play. If you want to spice up the game a bit more look into the SFO mod, probably the best, most extensive and highest quality mod there is in the workshop. It doesnt change the core gameplay but man does it improve and add alot, it aint flawless but i highly recommend it atleast at some point if you want to try something a bit different.


Vampire Counts, you can have full armies of zombies and skeletons with zero upkeep :D Ultimate meat shield with smaller elite armies


Zero upkeek is no longer a thing as far as i remember, from patch 4.0? Something has changed with patch 5?


Nooooooo! I need to download it again after building a new rig.


Honestly I’ve had fun with every campaign I’ve ever played on this game, all 20+ of them. I’m not great at it by any means, I play Normal/Normal, but play for fun, right?


I mean, if old polls are anything to go by, the highest concentrated group of people play on normal. Of course, these are only based on Reddit users who responded to the poll. Now, with the ability to separate campaign and battle difficulty, separate polls for each should probably be the norm or find a way to combine the two difficulties into one category. I always say, play difficulty you have the most fun at. It would be cool to see a new poll. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/18lu8ni/poll_what_difficulty_do_you_currently_play_on/?rdt=41822 https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/wpzunf/poll_to_see_what_people_tend_to_play_on/ https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/1ampnaj/what_battle_difficulty_do_you_play_on_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/1am4ftj/what_campaign_difficulty_do_you_play_on_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwarhammer/comments/u001y5/difficulty_level_poll/ These are just a several polls I was able to quickly find.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game, honestly your in for a wild ride. Just be careful not to burn yourself out, there's loads to experience but things can go stale if your try for total conquest on each run.


So happy for you for finding this incredible game. Personally WH2 is my favourite. Explore everything with a few factions and see how you’re feeling :D I’m a big ‘typical good guys’ fan so love the high elves, dwarves and empire. All super simple, strong and I have good fun with them.


Oh man. It gets so much worst than 100 hours! It’s by far the most addictive game I own. It does something to my monkey brain


I’ve been a fan since rome 1, and I always strayed from the warhammer games bc I thought “it’s all silly and magic that’s now what I like about these games” but bro, warhammer 3 is now my favorite title lol


Imrik High elves, collect the dragons!


Since you have all the DLC I would recommend tamurkhan. It's pretty fun since you get a little mix of a few factions. Plus Nurgle is pretty fun. And tamurkhan himself is pretty beast. Otherwise a simple but fun faction is beastmen. Just ambush people and charge them. Your goal is basically kill everyone


Skarbrand. Just smash through anything that stands in your way. Its fun as hell.


Use a mod to fix AI black ark spam and then turn times are going to be a lot better


Chaos dwarves and cathay are the most enjoyable for me


Lizards are the only canon good guys. Everyone else is fertilizer.


Grom the paunch, hes just soo much fun. My recomendation is too just focus on buffing goblins. Create a recipe with dragontail in it and your gobbo archers will turn into more attractive sisters of averlorn.


High elves. Fairly basic campaign mechanics like the first 2 you already played which you might want to stick to as a new player. Tyrion or maybe Imrik.


Looks like you played order side for the moment. So you used a lot of range units and few cav. You might like other kind of gameplay. Skarbrand with strong melee units and monsters. Or greenskins and pillage and overwhelming armies.


Im a long time, hard-core historical total fan, and so is my best buddy, and I bought warhammer 1 over Christmas because it was on offer. I cannot believe some of the things that they have done in this game, some quality of life changes that absolutely should have been in previous total wars. But, in answer to your question; I've played; Vampire coast, Sisters of twilight (woodelves), Brettonia, Skaven, Tomb kings, And tried a few others. What I absolutely love is how big it all is and how I've played hundreds of hours but still for example, I've never even come across a Cathay faction, or really gotten into any big conflicts with the lizard people or the proper chaos factions. I'd suggest sticking to the continent that the empire is on, playing through those because you'll keep the mystery of the rest of the map open.


Depending on which of the three titles you have + DLCs Chaos Dwarves are mechanically unique and fun with lots of satisfying gunpowder units + monsters and infantry. Lizardmen have a pretty unusual roster with lots of unique monsters and monstrous cavalry And of course there is the fan favorite Skaven


I'm just gonna say this, get the better camera mod, literally makes the battles look so cinematic for a great viewing experiences I can't play without it now


Not too easy, but fun - Kairos!


It’s my favorite if left on an island game. The replay ability always brings me back. Once you get into mods and read some of the books it really feels almost infinitely enjoyable.


It's important to play at least one campaign with each race as well.


You gotta play the RATS


Grom, Ikit, astragoth or drazoath, alberic, volkmar, skarbrand, nkari and more are all quite fun campaigns.


I’m having a good time with wood elves. You essentially just burn down settlements that get too close to the woods lol. Fun units too. Lots of good ranged options, deer Calvary, and tree people to massacre people with.


I’ve logged 4K hours in this game. All of the races bring a different approach to play style on and off the battle map. Only race I didn’t like playing was nurgle due to the strangeness of his recruitment mechanic. Check out the mods for more unit diversity and I think there’s one that helps with the turn times. The mod community is awesome for this game.


Only haters ever said it was a mess. Yes it has a few areas that need improvement, but it was them heading towards a less content for more money scheme that bombed their reviews. They corrected their mistakes (for the time being). It’s a great game being tested by corporate greed. I’m happy we won and they listened because as a warhammer fan, it doesn’t get better than this. Edit: I never commented on the factions. I recommend playing the factions as they update them. Dwarves and Empire are so much better now, I’m just playing the races as they get mechanics that make sense.


I have been playing this game forever and I don’t know if I have even seen half of its content. It is my opinion that this franchise is one of the best in the pc gaming world.


Here's the thing, every faction is worth playing. The ones with the most diversity in terms of strategic gameplay are: 1. Skarbrand - raze, destroy, spawn armies...it's all fight no chill as you fuel the skull machine 2. Dreadfleet - Sail the seas, harass ports, and try not to die to Elven D-Day 3. Imrik - Ever wanted to play elves fighting in Mordor? That's basically this, but with dragons. 4. Karl Franz - Empire is one of the best for a reason, it has a ton to do and is worth it! 5. Archaeon - Same reasons as Franz, it's a staple and worth playing 6. Wood Elves - This campaign is very different, focusing on key areas over the entire map. 7. Taurox - A bit like Skarbrand, perhaps even moreso, but it is a bit easy to play 8. Dwarves - New grudge mechanic offers a lot of fun, and they have a strong roster 9. Greenskins - Similar to dwarves, build up to a big moment and then find your win condition with big/tough armies. Very fun! Most of the other campaigns stay focused on capturing settlements etc. and have a bit less unique flavor as it's pretty similar by mid game what you're doing. These ones are all pretty unique though. Enjoy the game and welcome!


From all the campaigns I tried (mostly unfinished ofc) I had the most engagement with Vampire Counts, Vlad or Isabella specifically. Might be nice shift from the standart (aka ranged) armies of the factions you've played so far. The raise dead mechanic is great, allowing you to have both improvised armies (if you like being forced to adapt) and field high tier units early in the campaign. Together with potentially very cheap, yet effective armies means you can quit VC campaign whenever you like and don't feel like you were "just a dozen turns from where it gets really satisfying".