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They probably got some gud shinies too


I was pretty sad that those Chaos Stunties didn’t give da Boss a shiny new Waaagh Trophy to show to da Boyz. Dey get excited about dat stuff right proppa!


Really hoping for the comically large spear throwers. It would be funny and help the greenskins deal with monsters.


They don't throw it, they just use it like a big spear.


"Some Orcs craft huge spears for hunting great beasts. When HURLED from the ranks of a charging mob, these oversized weapons can do tremendous damage." -Warhammer: The Old World Online Rules Index


[It isn't a ranged attack in the tabletop though, it just adds impact attacks to the unit that it is embedded in.](https://8th.whfb.app/special-rules/big-stabbas)


Just because it was one way in the tabletop doesnt mean it cant be the other way in game. It could easily be treated like warp-grinders in melee but with a good ranged attack. They were also meant to be included into other orc units, but since that isnt a feature of units in warhammer, they would be on their own. They would be a solo weapon team of orcs that would have to be protected. Warp grinders would be the closest comparison if we kept them pure melee, and even then CA had to give them a ton of abilities to be remotely useful beyond vangaurd. If the big stabbas could only fight in melee, why not just bring big uns, if you wanted a good charge bonus why not bring cavalry. Having a short range spear thrower akin to trollhammer torpedoes would be much more useful and have its own niche like warpgrinders do with their net and damage abilities.


Also, again, it mentions that it is hurled, and they are supposed to be attached to other orc units like savage orcs. They are meant to mechanically augment the charge bonus of whatever unit they are attached to, but if we were to actually see them fight they would hurl their spears just before the lines met. Lorefully they are ranged spear throwers, mechanically they are attachments that augment charge of a unit. In total war, where the attachment mechanic does not exist and rules for some units are fundamentally different, I would go with the intent rather than the letter as it is much more flexible for implimentation.


Okay so how much ammo would they have? One shot per model? How much range? You're acting like they're a javelin unit. [They're carrying a fucking tree lol](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/age-of-sigmar/images/c/cc/Big_Stabbas_Bonesplitterz_Orruks_Miniature.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160716124834). Given the size of the projectile, they'd have to be closer to a bolt thrower than trollhammer torpedoes and Greenskin bolt throwers are already a potential unit. Personally, I don't think they're going to be included because there isn't a good way of implementing them.


Also, bolt throwers would be a unit of 4 ballistas, big stabbas would be a unit of anywhere from 12-30 entities on ultra and will be manievalerable and can stay with the army as it moves towards the enemy so it doesnt have to be as protected as artillery would. Dwarfs have bolt throwers btw, barely anyone uses them when trollhammer torpedoes and cannons exist.


How many orbs do you see globe mortar skaven carrying? How much ammo do you see trollhammer torpedoes carrying? Both are cannonball sized ammunition at a minum (probably larger) but they just pull them out of their ass to reload and fire. They both carry 14 and 18 rounds of ammunition per individual model respectively. The big stabbas could easily reload by just bending over and act like they are picking one up off the ground and not a person would complain unless they were intentionally looking for things to nitpick. They wouldnt have 15+ ammunition, but there is literally no reason from what we have seen in the past for tw:warhammer that they shouldnt be able to throw more than a single peice of ammo.


TW-wise they could just create a spear-wielding ram that the boys would run into a monster instead of the gates


Green is Best!


Da best collah




Summon the flash gitz!


And this time we're getting both. WAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH


My Holy Steam Tank’s internal pressure is intensifying at these comments.


New Yewnits for da boyz!