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Easily just go Dreadfleet 2, Electric Boogaloo: Amanhotep the Intolerant and his ship, The Curse of Zandri. Slap in another dreadfleet faction. Pick a Norsca character and make them fleet-based/give fleet Lords to all of Norsca. Bretonnian Navy (Admiral Le Fevre?) with Corsairs/Buccaneers, Cannons, etc. Just can't use them on Bretonnian soil/receive the blessing of the lady.


There was a series of books about a norse Lord who raided down to khrmri and becdme a daemon Prince. Him.


You mean Asavar Kul


Nah that’s Kurt Leitzig/Sutenvulf


Please, this is all I want for Norsca. Give the raiding viking faction boats and change their meh special building for capitals to a building line for ports. I wouldn't even mind the limited roster if it meant a more fun campaign.


Yea, buff their port buildings more and add a Huskarl unit that can be recruited from max teir port. Maybe add a generic raiding captain lord. Boom FLC.


IKR, Wulfric literally sailed all over the world kicking people's butts and had a teleporting longship. No mention at all of that in the campaign, which is a real shame and would give an interesting faction mechanic to make them relevant


Yeah that’s my main instant guess, him or Amenemhetum(boats)+any vcoast relevant character you can think of (boats) and a ship based norsca guy(more boats)


I know it's never going to happen, but maybe with all this fleet focused DLC they could add ship combat to the game. I know it won't happen but a man can dream.


I forget which of the overhauls gave Wulfric shipbuilding, but it greatly changed his campaign for the better


He literally has a teleporting longship in lore it's such a waste in game


Gutrot Spume I really expected for Nurgle, but he's a famous Norscan sea raider who could fit. He could be a captain. Wulfrik fits, but we already got him. There may be a few more minor Norscan characters to call upon.


Wulfrik could probably do with a rework at the same time, too. Each Norscan Legendary Lord could have a unique building tree in their ship building or something.


Norscan vikings let's go!


Damn, here I was about to saunter in here and make that claim, and you beat me to the punch...


Gutrot Spume has his plaguefleet thing for Norsca


Sure thing, alright. Prince Apophas, the scarab prince is still in Norsca butchering the slaves of chaos while seeking a stolen artifact. Give him a focus on improving himself and heroes, while relegating normal units mostly to serve as chaff. Vangheist, the ghost captain has been sent by Noctilus to Norsca to seek an ancient treasure of the tomb kings. Give him a focus on magic I guess. Not entirely happy with this choice to be honest, he crosses over into the territory of Cylostra a bit too much, but none of the other dreadfleet characters remaining really fit the vampire coast. Mona Mim, the fimir witch is gathering an army to claim an ancient artifact so that her people may be the favored of the gods once more. Focused on magic and fimir units.


Ah, the classic “race for the Macguffin” approach. Nice.


I like having something to actually tie dlc lords together and that was an easy one. The fimir was a painfully obvious option to me and Prince Apophas was already in Norsca, so the VC lord was the only one I struggled with. Another good option for the VC would be the undead skaven captain who serves Noctilus. I'm not familiar enough with brettonia to suggest a lord, but I seem to recall the dreadfleet board game having a brettonian captain so I suppose he should be the one.


I mean, technically, Cloystra is Bretonnian and was made up. They can make another. Maybe even make them hate each other.


a undead skaven captain you say i am sold on that i love skaven


Which other dreadfleet characters are you contemplating? VC with a unique faction that has a different spin but maintains the VC mechanics could be a nice change.


The other noctilus aligned lords left are a chaos-aligned dwarf (note, not a dawi-zharr) who pilots his mechanical ship all alone and an undead skaven. I would either add Vangheist or the Skaven personally.


1. That pirate lord of the Dead Flag Fleet. Get some Cathayan Jade Vampirates! 2. Sayl the Faithless, the true master of playing the "now I'm worshipping THIS god" playstyle 3. Ramhotep the Visionary, for construct shenanigans


1. Tomb Kings - Ramhotep the Visionary, Necrotect Extraordinarie of the Ancient Artificers. Give him lots of construct variants and buffing for the same. Could add a lot of colour, both literally and thematically, to the Tomb Kings. Red Jackals, Alabaster Army, Jade Phalanx, Emerald Sentinels, Khemric Titans, the list goes on. Put him in the Warpstone desert and give him hybrid-terracotta soldiers, too. Oh, and add Apophas and accompanying tomb swarms already 🪲🪲🪲 2. Vampire Coast - Zheng the Submerger, Jiangshi Admiral of the Dead Flag Fleet. Give him zombie cathayans, soul-drinking jiangshi, anchor-swinging coral behemoths, undead kraken, a mortis engine-ghost junk, undead monkey warriors, undead man-eater pirates, nipponese mercenaries, malicious fox spirits and a ghostly blue dragon who's a bastard-child sibling of the other dragons 🐉☠️ 3. Norsca - Adella of the Thousand Mouths, King of Skeggi. Give her outlandish, sun-crazed norscan hybrid warriors, corrupted amazons, new forms of Fimir, beastmen and southern were-kin. Instead of mammoths, give her captured stegadons mounted by axe throwers!


I'ma need someone to get on this. It's awesome!


Give me unfettered control and dictatorial authority over CA and I'll make it happen ✊😌


why are neferata and nagash off limits? this is the first time I hear this.


I did not communicate this well lol, it’s meant as “they’ll be saved for a later DLC, so you’ll have to pick characters for vampires and tomb kings besides them, cuz then they would’ve easily been the choices” my bad haha


Nagash is pretty much a deity, and Neferata is out because CA hates Vampire Counts.


I mean he doesn't need to start as one, archaon doesn't start as a deity but he sure becomes as strong as one.


Until TET Nagash wasn’t a deity, he was just a very powerful Wizard. Up there with Teclis.


I know, I'm just inventing a potential reason why CA is not willing to go with Nagash.


I don’t see why they couldn’t add him for that reason personally. There are more powerful mages than pre-TET Nagash (Mazdamundi, Kroak, [debatably] Kairos) currently in the game. I’m not certain they’re gonna add him either though.


Because nagash is trash.


The No Country For Old Men DLC aka "We're Still here" Red Duke, Todbringer, and Surtha Ek. 😜


Thorgrim, Ungrim and Grombrindal. Everyone else is going in the book


Nagash in a pirate costume, Nagash in a viking costume, Nagash in a pharaoh costume


Without knowing the lore too well, and with Brettonia involvement - I imagine it would be VCoast, VCounts, and TKings Dia de los muertas These 4 seem to be thematically linked in conflict - TK hating Nagash and Vampires being power hungry for his abilities. Could also rework the books of Nagash for campaign power ups to function like Sword of Khaine or Nemesis Crown where they're not permanent and only tied to a single lord at a time; but they each give a devastating ability on the side panel.


Luthor Harkon's 3 other personalities


Skarsnik! Koz' evry'won iz conekted to Gitz! Da moon iz alwayz up 'der !


Idk about the other two, but Mortkin for Norsca


So, the norse that pillaged nehekara and took the crone os cetra, the scarab corps because the norse did become a champions of chaos so he have a dark soul, and why not a pirate that pillaged the tombking to ?


Abhorash as a vampirecounthordfaction Lord amara of hoeth Tetto'ekko because i like lizardmen Flc gilles les breton including a rework of the green knight mechanic spawning and confederating his faction on completion.


Lizardmen Vs Skaven Vs Deamons of Chaos: Tekko Ekko Vs Thalqoul Vs a Named Deamon Prince.


1. Slannesh vs DE vs HE 2. Norsca 3. Nagash vs thanqoul FLC nef


Dechala the Denied One, Neferata, and Lucrezzia Belladonna. Three women who focus on subtlety and guile through different methods. (Seduction, infiltration, and poison)


Could do a mallobaude traitor bretonnia DLC with either Glotkin for Nurgle killing Leon instead of Featus and Mallobaude who’s been in exile rides out for vengeance, or easy partner is red duke and an undead brettonian themed faction


- bretonnia - tomb king - cathay end times DLC, i delete these faction for the next game.. aos. its just the begining.. spoiler next dlc ? flying pyramid !?!


Your mom, your mom and your mom ;)