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V.coast event card art goes hard. Wish they could get an update but that seems like such a long shot


I don't think it is. I think they will copy silent and fury. Towards the end of WH3 sell a lord for the Warhammer 2 dlc races and try to get WH3 peeps to buy them.


V.coast is all about long artillery shots though


I think he means that by releasing silence and the fury (and Taurox) people who bought that DLC went on to play Taurox, and then proceeded to buy the Beastmen DLC to be able to access all units and LL's. If they release a new V.Coast DLC lord in the end of WH3, more people will be inclined to buy the V.Coast full DLC for WH2




Damn I read right through that


Lmaooo no worries, happens to the best of us




No clue, but… 40k is 40k…


It’s on brand


It's the sister brand


Wood Elves have usually higher razing prizes than for sacking


Noctilus always makes more razing than sacking, I just bought his DLC and the three campaigns I’ve ran so far have all had more from razing. Makes wiping an enemy out super enjoyable lol.


Same deal for wood elves, significantly more from razing. Makes sense since you essentially want to chase people off your lawn lol


IIRC some races have multipliers specific to sacking or razing. It’s a hidden stat.


Rawness’s specifically has a unique skill line that counteracts this to favor sacking, IIRC


Usually right? Because you’re taking everything rather than most things.




Irl yeah, but in the logic of the game their needs to be an incentive to do that




Correct me if I’m wrong but sacking it also just gets rid of the buildings as well right, same with occupying usually.


Vampire Coast is fun, but I still can’t get over how utterly pointless the campaign reward you get at the end is. That amazing battle at the end, all the hours of sacking and fighting throughout your playthrough and what do you get? Like a 6% random chance of a monster causing an earthquake somewhere on the map. No matter the years, I won’t get over how weird that was.


For me, I feel like, especially playing as count noctilus, that the entire campaign is a reward. It’s so unique and enjoyable (unless you land on Normand- Ulthuan) and a ton of fun to play around in. I don’t care about the battle at the end, I care about the battles leading up to it. Like, look at this! I razed Lothern and it literally got me the Short Campaign Victory! How cinematic is that?


That I agree with. Noctilus has one of the best starting positions in the entire game. One of the best times I had was when I used the console command mod that allowed me to make peace with anyone I wanted to, so I wasn’t forced to fight against the HE. Having the entire ocean at your disposal and sailing wherever you wanted and doing nothing but sacking and retreating into the ocean was amazing.


One things you can do without console command is taking 2 settlements from your starting enemy, and trading them for peace and gold to the other HE factions, then you can sail off to wherever you want


Same I love Noctilus’ campaign. Really felt more piraty than the others. I never like to carve out an empire with the VC because I feel that isn’t really their style. So I just take small islands if anything and go around sacking whoever I feel.


Pretty much all the V coasts stuff goes hard


sexy, i shouldn't have opened this in public.


“Plunder this” Its even telling you to.


Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me


Tears running down my cheeks as I’m playing Orks at TW 1 rn and for some reason razing settlements in that part of the game apparently doesn’t bring any loot at all


Death to the Elves!!