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Trade income consists of two parts: tariff and resource sales. Tariff is a flat rate that is guaranteed with any trade agreement. Resource sales can only be increased by producing more resources through buildings. You are having so many trade partners that your resources is being fully exported, and having an extra partner won't give you more resources sale income


Thanks a lot!


An additional point is that increasing your resource production will only increase trade income if you actually have a trade partner to sell it to. In your original post you're selling all the marble you're currently producing so if you increase the amount you're making it'll make you more money. If you were only selling 40/60 blocks increasing your production won't increase trade income.


Damn finally I understand how trade works in this game


I didn’t even know that was possible.


how many resources can one trade partner take?


It depends on said partner number of settlements. Not sure anybody knows the exact number


But when it says on the building say bugmens for example, it makes a certain amount. How much of that goes to one person when you set up a trade?


I always thought it was all of it divided by the number of trade partners


Every trade partner is only able to collect a certain amount of any particular resource. If you have an excess of production, then you will sell as many goods to each trade partner as that trade partner is able to accept. If you have an excess of trade partners and not enough production, then your production is just divided and sold to each of them approximately evenly.


But if I get more resources, does it apply only to new deals?


Newly acquired resources are spread out over already established eligible trade partners.


You WILL export Marble This is not up for debate


I am here to slay greenskins and export marble... and... uuuh... I am all out of greenskins?


This is so funny lmao


What is my purpose? You export marble. Oh my god....


Doesn´t even matter if you have any quarries or not!


Arriving as the trade delegation: You WILL buy our Marble!!!


I dont even understand where in a trade agreement diplomacy window is my profits, and where are my partner's


Oh I know, it should be the one on.. Well, shit, you got a point


Top of the screen there is a treasure chest icon, that takes you to trade breakdown. It's a bit small and hidden but once you see it it's fine. Also other questions people asled: If you get more of a resource or new resource it will automatically be added to your trades and profits until those current trade partners are maxed on those resources. If you then get a new partner it will redistribute automatically to make sure as many of your trade resources are sold across all partners.


Much appreciated!


Oh, I found a way to tell! Look at the tooltip when you hover over the trade amount. The tooltip will tell you how much money YOU will make, no matter which side of the trade deal you hover over.


I think it's a holdover from a previous system where you got bonuses for the variety of trade goods. Right now it's just flavor text - you don't get any extra money from the trade deal because the marble is already full.


One more thing I'm not sure on trades; if the screen shows your partner is producing the same resource (lets say they're making Marble too, does that mean that you cannot export your resource to them?


Correct, they don't need to have a supply off you, the rest gets split up between the rest of your trade partners


Simple. You are already exportindustrin the max amounts of marble to other factions so you dont have enough for this faction

