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I'm adamant we will get a Total War: 40k. It's bound to happen. It will be like printing money for both CA and GW. Before that, for the same reasons, I believe we'll get Medieval 3. It's also free money for them.


Definitely feel it’s inevitable. Dan Abnett, pretty much THE 40K author, said a few years back he was working on a game that’s not Darktide or Space Marine 2. There’s already small mechanics being added to Warhammer, like Steam Tank armor facing, Dwarf Gunship….that I can see being used in 40K I’m guessing we’ll get another smaller historical/mythological release that will be the testing ground for squad based ranged combat, perhaps with cover mechanics, that would lead in to 40K as their next 10 year plan


Yep. They will need to roll out a new/massively updated engine at this point and this requires a game in between Fantasy and 40k to properly test it.


I do hope though that we get a full size on release historical game soon. People often write off the historical players as a loud minority of people stuck in the past, but I really want to see a historical game use all the bells and whistles that Warhammer tested out to give us an incredible Medieval 3 or Napoleon 2. Warhammer introduced so many cool things that would be amazing in a main line historical game. Colonization. Unique government mechanics. Unit upgrading systems. CA made a poor choice in deciding to make Pharaoh, a time period very few people asked for. An Empire 2, medieval 3, Rome 3 would ingratiate a lot of goodwill with the fans still interested in historical games.


Empire 2 would be a smart interim game to test a lot of the mechanics needed for 40k (although WWII would probably work best as 40k units are rarely in rank and file)


Unfortunately Total War has never tried to step beyond the mid 1800s and I think if they wanted to make a big historical game it should be a sequel to something that already exists. Pharaoh, while I personally like the time period, just isn't going to get sales like Medieval 3 could. Or 3 Kingdoms 2. It's a time period a lot of people aren't familiar with and they borrowed a lot of mechanics from Troy which historical players are pretty mixed on. Squad based combat is something CA should experiment with but at the same time, the historical crowd which (to their eyes) has been shat on since they killed off 3 Kingdoms early, is probably not going to stick around for another mixed review game in a new time period.


Can't wait for the arguments about Valkyrie spam in a decade


It'll be an Exorcist spam on my part. Organ music here we go.


Yes I remember him saying this. I had assumed it was related to SM2 though- would be relieved to hear it might still be for TW40k. I do wonder how they would introduce 40k to this format though. Epic/ titanicus style games would probably work reasonably well, but then you’d lose some of that character you have in the current games in terms of individual lords and heroes. I’m currently enjoying dipping back into TWWH3 prior to SM2 coming out in September, but as great as SM2 is looking, I don’t think anything will scratch that RTS itch that TW have managed to do so well. The day CA release a trailer for their next games workshop product I’ll genuinely have a fit…


well, the lords and heroes can still work, 40k has plenty of unique characters that go in the front line like abbadon or Imhotek, but I don't know if some characters like primarch-level characters like the c'tan or the avatar of khaine could work


Eh, we already have greater daemons (even named ones!) and belakor in the game. It's already in avatar/primarch ballpark.


Then great, we can have the avatar of khaine vs nightbringer rematch


40k has PLENTY of characters. Idk how they're going to do space marines if they do 40k though, 8 chapters and 8 legions, not in including the not original ones, all with a unique cast of characters, many with unique units, but sooo much copy paste


Yes I don't mean 40k has no characters- I mean if the scale of warfare is on the planetary side then individual units would have less impact than they do in 40k tabletop as they'd be a dot on the battlefield.


Didn't he mean the RPG from the Pathfinder creators?


Rogue trader




Fully pumped out amethyst Ironsides feel like half an imperial space marine, already.


aye, we gon get medival 3 and ww1. both great opprotunities for em to test new systems and what not.


Total War: 1942 would be just awesome!


It depends Medieval 3 is a safe bet Same Would a shogun3.


Yep. Given the recent debacle with DLC prices and Pharaoh, I expect them to work on a reliable title like Medieval. This will also appeal to people who did not enjoy the fantasy aspect of Warhammer.


Medieval 3 might interest people like myself that haven't touched any of the historical titles as well.


I would love to see a remake of Empire but that ain’t happening as the one big feature in that one was Naval combat. I would so love a good naval combat in TWWH. And only way to do it feasible is tying it to a new game then back port it to tw.


I still play Dawn of war. This game is still awesome, unbelievable that it's from 2004. Always dreamed of Warhammer 40k total war


just ended the campaign 5 min ago. Mission 11. Lovely 2006 game. TWW3 installed and slowwwww af


That is honestly my only complaint with TWW. I would autoresolve less and fight more battles if the feedback loop was shorter. Battles take me quite a while to load, and thus I usually only fight the battles that truly seem worth the effort. It seems rather ironic because fighting battles is basically the point of the games.


My pc is so bad, I only have normal speed in battles…..


I'd be very curious to see how modern style gun tactics will be implemented into a total war game


I am not so sure it will be much different from TWW. 40k is fantasy in space. It's really not like modern gun tactics. It's not on the tabletop. It's not in any of the cinematics. (Not sure about books, but I assume it also isn't). It's not in most games. Yes, cover is always somewhere talked about, but in reality warriors in 40k run out into the open guns blazing. Maybe imperial guard gets an army skill to build fortifications like you can do in a siege... but I really don't think overall it will be or has to be drastically different.


Well they have more-or-less done this with Fall of the Samurai; the mix of “traditional” melee units with “modern” firearms is analogous to 40K.


No they haven't The Napoleonic era weapons in Shogun aren't remotely COMPARABLE to modern weaponry like machine guns, bazookas, trench digging, the use of cover vs standing in lines (no total war has ever had cover that is required to simulate modern warfare) etc


Probably similar to how the guns of the current games are implemented, but I can see arguments for an increase in projectile range and speed. Luckily, there are a lot of melee units in 40k (at least when I played tabletop like 20 years ago), so that should probably remain close to the same as well.


Yes, that needs to finally happen!!!


I'm fucking praying they made a nice,clean, optimized engine for this project because the current one is not sufficient anymore, hasn't been for a while.


I feel pretty strongly that they already have an amazing starting point with the first Dawn of War game. Much of it would translate directly to a Total War style game, even some of the core mechanics!


I’d buy the shit out of that lol


Indeed \^\^ Selling a game and its DLC to a population already ready to open their wallets wide on plastic crack ? They'll be swimming in money.


Like I don’t even fuck with warhammer either, only played through total war. I can only imagine how many of those people would buy it. It is unfortunate that they use a similar pricing model to the regular warhammer hobby though lol.


They just need to rework the lore surrounding Spess mehreens first. Otherwise their faction armies are either going to be measured in the double digits, or spam a metric ton of chapter serfs. The lore in question being the 1000 cap for each chapter.


In lore, the cap can be lifted if you're on a crusade. Which is how Black Templars do it. They're *always* on a crusade and are, like, 10 000 in numbers.


They will just ignore whatever they want for gameplay convenience as they always do (and as they should do).


Eh, I think it's more likely we get either another historical property, and then another medieval fantasy property like game of thrones, lord of the rings, storm light chronicles...I'd say warcraft but there's no world blizz and ca cooperate lol


That will only print money for them, if they don't fumble it. If they release a Dawn of War 3 like product, it may not look as great for them.


Total war is the wrong type of game for 40k. A Steel Division style would be better.


And after 40k runs it’s course in another 15 years, we’ll have, by that time, a well-marinated AoS to look forward to.


40k isn't a block formation/line fighting game, the formula for TW is completely off. Even in a large-scale 30k direction, the pacing would be completely off. It would be a clunky, weird mess. And what about about base building? That was included in all the DoW games to some degree. Keeping it purely in the overworked would be a real loss that's have a lot of people not give the game a chance.


Magic and flying creatures were not a part of Total War until they made it work. There is plenty of room between the traditional Total War recipe and the DoW system.


Magic and flyers both existed since DoW so that wouldn't be anything special to reconcile. But hey thats a good conversation; are they going to treat aeronautics as static entities like in Soulstorm, effectively only gunships or TW melee flyers, or like actual airplane, so like Wargame? The form is archaic, the latter means other units need to mirror actual wargamelike/tabletop qualities for movement and shooting over line fighting to keep up. What's your imagined intermediate between TW and DoW? Because imo the system needs to be between DoW and Wargame, not between TW and DoW.


If we get 40k TW then it most likely will be just tabletop 40k, not other systems like battlefleet or aeronautica. Same as total warhammer didn't have man o'war, the naval warhammer fantasy game. And most (maybe even all?) flyers in TT 40k seems to have hover mode. They'll probably act like current flyers. Maybe with toggleable speed boost like what landships have.


That's the thing; I think 40k TW would be bad at it's core. I disagree with the idea of how the formula would carry over, fundamentally, from unit movement, to formations, to separation of overworld and battlemap. We need Soulstorm 2.0


I think, u/ForskinEskimo, that CA can pleasantly surpise us. And it's not like tabletop 40k is that different from how total war functions - a lot of the mechanics can be carried over pretty easily and a normal match of 40k is pretty much just a turn based TW domination battle with secondary objectives on smallest unit size.


I mean if you just want a good DoW3 that's one thing. I want that too. But we can't try and make a TW game more like DoW. TW40k will be more like TW games usually are. And that's good. I want that aswell. >And what about about base building? That was included in all the DoW games to some degree. Keeping it purely in the overworked would be a real loss that's have a lot of people not give the game a chance. I am taking this as an example. There is absolutely no need or want to implement any kind of basebuilding in a TW40k game. TW players are 100% fine with the way it works, to build in the overworld. Just because it was in DoW is no reason that it needs to be in TW40k. We can't just change the whole formula to appeal to people who really want the game to be something completely different. Base building is also not in the Tabletopgame. We don't need to change the tabletop game to include basebuilding.


not the guy you replied to, but War game is precisely the vibe i’m thinking of. I saw some gameplay of Broken Arrow (war game esque) with a bunch of m1as just letting loose and I immediately thought of a steam tank doom stack. I haven’t played DoW (except 3 lol) but i have played all CoHs. I think they are all too small scale. A total war twist on war game would be interesting, however just *not* exactly like Wargame because that game didn’t appeal to me at all for some reason. They remain relatively niche rts games as well, probably due to how disconnected one can feel from your army or the combat? that was my initial vibe anyway. I fully intend to try out Broken Arrow though


I agree, the CoH scale is just too small, and while I do like the Tactical-Strategy-Game scale too, it wouldn't work too well scaled up to a true RTS. I would be micro-hell. DoW 2 Retribution let's you have a nice unit amount on screen compared to traditional CoH in the SP but is fundamentally about the deathball moving from static objective to objective in narrative maps. Dow 2/ Choas Rising is CoH but the hero campaign with what, 8-11 men lol, and the MP only feels at best like a 1.5k-2k tabletop match. Really, DoW Dark Crusade/Soulstorm hit the larger-scale RTS vibe with struggling for territory control the best, and I'd recommend giving em a try bc they're on sale for dirt cheap all the time. With updated unit pathing it could stand by itself easily in 2024. Honestly, a proper remaster for them could be a huge success, and their style of game would imo be the best direction to go for a future true Warhammer 30/40k RTS successor game, with option modern wargame element integration (Broken Arrow, Warno, Red Dragon, etc).


Also, we allready have a lot of units that dont follow any formation, and units that can shot 360 grades while moving. I think CA is good to go if they want a 40 k game. Just... Siegues may be an issue, as always.


Age of Sigmar would be a no brainer too. Would be a nice in-between for 40k and fantasy.


Star Wars, 40k, and Lord of the Rings total war They are total war now. They might make some spin offs like a vermintide sort of thing


I thought the Star Wars total war was up in the air and might never actually come out? Or at least that’s the rumor I heard


How long have the my been making total war warhammer? A lot of things can happen in 10 years


Well it’s just a rumor I heard, though I can’t remember from where. I’m sure that there’s been plenty of ideas that don’t come to fruition. But either way, the Warhammer games have been by far their most successful Total War Games, and from what I know 40k is incredibly more popular than Warhammer Fantasy. That’s a future lock for sure, but anything else would be harder to say imho


Star Wars will be tough because of Disney and EA, but Disney likes money


Based on recent decisions and product quality, that’s up for debate




Actually I'd imagine disney/starwars would be easier to work with than games workshop. Gw is so hands on with restrictions on what you can make. Star wars has always been the opposite where a lot of the extended universe is left to the creator and a lot of the time works its way back into the core content.


Plus I imagine the campaigns in a TW Star Wars game wouldn't be canon to anything (or a lot of them wouldn't) so it would give the developers free reign to do the "not canon who cares" like if you were playing Star Wars: Battlefront's galactic conquest.


That’s a good point but we got Diablo and StarCraft because of it lol


I don't think Diablo had anything to do with a deal with GW.


Diablo might not have happened otherwise is my point


It blows my mind that GW is still alive and well. For a publicly traded company, that have a great IP(s), but they have made some unbelievably bad decisions imo e.g. Age of Sigmar.


What? warhammer fantasy battle was selling terribly so they nuked it to try AoS. It’s 4th edition is coming out in like, a week. I wasn’t a fan of sigmar early on but it’s grown on me a lot and I am digging more of the factions.


I do not believe nuking FB was due to sales alone. I think there was more to do with copyrighting/trademarking being difficult and impossible for some intellectual property. Take Dwarves, High Elves, and Wood Elves -- not GW inventions by any stretch. But alas, my beloved Wood Elves (WE)... Not to be confused with the Tolkien WE, nor the Elder Scrolls WE, nor the D&D WE, etc.. But that -- that over there? That's not a Wood Elf, that's a *Sylvaneth^®.* Also, I think the sales issue of FB is probably true, but that is more of GW's incompetency than due to the actual product in my opinion. When people can use models from the 90s/early 2000s for a game in 2013 with little to no changes, then why would anyone buy more models? In fact, I liked that aspect about FB. It made a cost-prohibitive game a "buy one; cry one" kind of issue. But hey, the sustainability of goods and services is antithetical to capitalism. I want to like AoS, but I truly just can't. I'm hoping the next thing they are working on -- forgot the name -- is better, and signs seem to be pointing in that direction.


The old world is already out, and it's better


I can guarantee you Star Wars is never gonna happen, simply due to Disney's IP craze. CA would have no freedom for creating anything, be severely hamstrung and we could all kiss mod support goodbye.


Star Wars was nothing but a rumour based on an unsourced article from a dodgy "information" website a year ago. It's not even on pause: I can guarantee you the further it ever got was inside some Creative Director's showerthoughts.


I am just imagining listening to the rohan theme while overlooking the campaign map. yes please , before i die lmao


Let’s goooo


Spin offs? Could definitely do with another Spartan Total Warrior type of game, that shit rocked.


Lord of the rings would be pretty great.


Blow the horn of Gondor!


I would like an Age of sigmar and a 40k title


What's the difference between age of sigmar and Fantasy? Is age of sigmar set after fantasy or is it a whole thing in its self?


From what I understand it's basically Warhammer Fantasy 2 electric Boogaloo, but it's more High Fantasy than dark fantasy. Also there's a fair amount of characters from Fantasy in AoS as it's kinda the continuation of fantasy. Technically there is nothing after fantasy because GW destroyed the world in End Times.


Warhammer fantasy IS high fantasy Age of sigmar is high high high fantasy


> Warhammer fantasy IS high fantasy Low Fantasy and High Fantasy aren't always a clean dichotomy, and WHFB is in kind of a grey area there. The Warhammer World isn't *technically* Earth, which would make it High Fantasy. But let's be real, it's totally Earth with fantasy elements added which would make it Low Fantasy. I think probably the most accurate description would be to say WHFB is Epic Low Fantasy. It has high dramatic stakes and scope, but it takes place on what is more or less Earth with fantasy elements added.


Ok but game of thrones isn't earth, and is low fantasy. Warhammer has magic and magical creatures around every corner, compared to low fantasy where such things are a rarity. Every single elector county is ruled by someone with some of the most powerful magic items around, undead are all around. I don't think low and high fantasy are determined by whether something is set in earth lol, it's determined by the quantity and rarity of fantastical elements. Something not set in earth can still abide by the same laws of reality and physicals as us and be low fantasy, just as something set in earth, like Castlevania, can be high fantasy because the magic gets so insanely powerful


Technically after, it's a new universe created after The End Times destroyed the Old World (which is Fantasy). Some characters with particularly strong souls remained. It's a lot more high fantasy than Fantasy.


Sigmar was created because they couldn't legally defend copyright for a lot of the Fantasy stuff. Can't copyright wights or lizardmen or guy with a great sword. But the sigmar stuff is designed to be have an easy copyright win if they have to defend it in court.  That being said, the design concepts used for sigmar are neat. I don't buy Warhammer minis, but I like seeing the paint jobs people give them. 


I will *never forgive* GW for they did to my Wood Elves. I was looking to get back into Fantasy after all these years, went to GW’s site, saw AoS, and ended that dream real quick.


It’s got a different world divided into many realms like norse mythology kind of. A lot of the major characters survived. Most of the factions are directly tackling the idea of what the very boring traditional fantasy races of Warhammer fantasy look like and become in the future. For example the high elves and dark elves are nearly gone and exclusive to cities of Sigmar, they don’t have their own faction. However Morathi survived and took a bunch of her Wych elves to create the Daughters of Khaine who are like Blood elves. Alarial survives and creates living tree species called the Sylvaneth. One of the high elf gods tries to recreate high elves but something goes wrong and he creates a species without a soul, thus abandoning them. They go on to create great underwater palaces on kingdom sized leviathans and take to the surface only for soul raids to steal souls from the living so their own children can be born. The Dwarf Slayers survive and create an entire society where they live and bathe in volcanos called Fyreslayers, but the rest of the normal dwarves take to the skies in flying ships to harvest minerals from the skies. I really love basically all of the AOS factions, they’re really cool ideas for factions.


It‘s basically fantasy with a bunch of new factions. The tabletop game itself is different from the old fantasy battles, but that has no bearing on total war.


Are you familiar with Planescape from D&D at all? It's kind of like that for the Warhammer IP. They blew up the Warhammer World and replaced it with infinite magical planes corresponding to the Winds of Magic, and added low-tech Space Marines as the poster boys. It's set an indeterminate number of millennia after the destruction of the Warhammer World, but a lot of the old characters still show up as gods or demi-gods. A lot of factions got dropped or replaced with more over the top verions, like High Elves being replaced by Lumineth Realmlords. Some of the factions that did remain like Orcs and Ogres got new copyright-able names like Orruks and Ogors. Actual game mechanics wise, it also transitioned from the rank and file square bases to a round based skirmish game like 40k.


Sorta a whole thing in itself. It's kinda the "sequel" to Warhammer Fantasy, where after the world ended some of the characters became gods in a realm of magic. Considering how much of it is just reskinned Fantasy though... I'm really struggling to understand what it would offer us that we didn't *just* get.


i would kill for aos solely for the idoneth deepkin


So true my deep brother this is also something I exclusively want it for


I think they’ve run into the issue where historical total war is niche. And now Warhammer has been a cash cow. Idk what it’ll be but historical will take a back seat


it means they will keep making games like Warhammer if thats where the money is. and i think majority of people on this sub love that. some historical fans are meh about it but i would loveeeee a great LOTR or 40K game


A lord of the rings one would be epic


Battle for Middle-Earth 2...I loved massing giant combat lines and just charging, and I thought that was epic. TW:LOTR would blow my mind.


historical players will seethe and mald as CA starts churning out more fantasy games. Conquering the Mediterranean is nice and all, but it gets boring and repetitive after a while. China and Japan are outlier settings that you can't continually exploit for content like Europe, so the natural choice is to develop fantasy where the limits are less constrained. Elder scrolls was mentioned at some point in the official discord, and I would not mind a Tamriel map to paint.


I'd love a Wheel of Time based one. Seanchan: Total War covering the nearly thousand years it took Hawkwing's armies to subdue the continent.


Elder Scrolls could be really fun. But I wonder how they would handle the magic for that setting. In some of the Elder Scrolls games only select, highly practiced mages bother to use magic. But in the other Elder Scrolls games it feels like every fifth NPC knows at least a few spells. I'd be curious to see if CA would treat mages as heroes/lords or if they would try to incorporate low-level magic usage into ordinary units.


You mean, like we already have in WH? Sisters of Thorne, Loremasters, literally every Tzeentch Unit, etc.


Bound spells for the whole unit are definitely one way to do it, but in the Elder Scrolls games plenty of characters can toss out small spells like they're shooting a bow or swinging a sword. Another way to represent this sort of magic could be incorporating the spellcasting directly into the battle animations for elite units. So instead of just swinging their swords, a model might occasionally shoot out a blast of fire or an ice spike. We already have some units that do things like this in WH, so it's a viable option. Another option would be to have hybrid ranged-melee units that use spells instead of ranged weapons. The spells might inflict damage or debuffs on the enemy, and perhaps the "ammo" could regenerate over time to represent the soldiers' regenerating magicka pools.


I guwss for "minor" spells, it would functionally be the same as bow and arrow. So just another range weapons, just visually different


Africa would be a good map


I want Rome 3 but done right this time.


Either Medieval 3 or the much wanted LotR game. The DCMA strikes against the Dawnless Days devs might be an indicator of them focusing on such a project. I just want Medieval 3 with some of the features of Medieval 2 and Rome (I'm looking at you, visible unit upgrades and city population).


I heavily doubt they will go back to only historical, we have gotten Three Kingdoms that had fantasy stuff in it, Troy went full fantasy in its last DLC too. Personally, i think the next major title will be a historical game or fantasy game depending on which title kicks the bucket first, Pharaoh or Warhammer 3, if Pharaoh we will get a historical title while they develop Warhammer on the side and the same but other way around if Warhammer goes first. Stuff like Medieval 3, Empire 2, Rome 3, Total War: 40K, Total War: Lord of the Rings and the like can´t really just be made like the saga titles, a small side thing to make while your main team is making another game, all these really need a full development time and a main team making it. If i had to guess the next game, i would guess something like the saga games, so thrones of Britannia, Troy and the like, if it will be fantasy or not, can´t really say. The only really sure thing is, Warhammer 3 has made so much money and GW seems more open to making games of its titles, i would eat my hat if CA´s and GW´s partnership ended on Warhammer 3, be their next collaboration 40K, Age of Sigmar or Old World, can´t say but i don´t believe they would stop here.


I'll oil up if there's an elder scrolls total war


CA will go where the money is. Don't get me wrong, as someone who has played and loved the historical games since I was old enough to use a computer, I would love a Med 3, an Empire 2 or something like that. But CA/SEGA is a publicly traded company. If CA can get their hands on another fantasy IP and their analysts predict it will make more money than historical titles that's where they will go.


New Warhammer


Harry Potter and the Total War


lol I would love to see that actually 


40K is possible given CA's relationship with GW, but I doubt Star Wars will ever be a thing. Honestly, I used to be a big Star Wars fan but haven't cared about it much after Disney took over. I mean you really just have three factions (Separatists, Empire (or old Republic/clones), and Rebels), you treat Jedi and Sith as heroes/LLs, and then it's basically Warhammer but with more vehicles and lightsabers. Way less unit diversity and flavor, and space battles would be cool but there's no guarantee that CA will do it right. I'm just hoping for Medieval 3 and Empire 2. Both have opportunities for interesting new campaigns as DLC, like if Med had a Renaissance campaign or if Empire had a Victorian era campaign. They would be even better if they had better diplomacy, economic, and intrigue mechanics akin to something like Crusader Kings and Civilization but not as complex. They definitely need to bring back the family trees and character development from Med 2 back though.


using the empire / napoleon / shogun 2 formula for ship combat would work imo, just in space. Battlefleet gothic armada does it really well. 3d movement is whatever, although interesting if they can pull it off. agreed about the factions though


Personally and imo , I think warhammer was really supported by the fact that it already has units as a tabletop game. I think games like that will work well, 40k LOTR and star wars are very likely.not too sure which other tabletop games are popular.Maybe DnD but how would units work? The issue with historical is that medieval 2 , rome 1 etc already are so good that it will require huge improvements to need new titles in this genre. It’s the same reason why imperator: rome was unnecessary.


I hope for 40k.


Probably go bankrupt. CA was literally a dumpster fire before warhammer.


Wasn’t there a rumor a little while back about a Star Wars total war game? Or am I totally misremembering.


There was one, as well as a rumor about a Total War 40K and a WW1 style Total War as well.


Empire 2 Shogun 3 40k Medieval 3 are my wishlist games. Please no Star Wars


All signs point to an inevitable 40k game. What would be extra cool is if they did like Empire TW with naval combat. There is already the Battlefleet Gothic game that has pretty cool ship combat in it. Maybe something like that could be added. I also heard something about a possible World War 1 Total War game which would be interesting. I just don’t know how you pull off trench warfare


A Warhammer game based in AoS would be awesome. And rather than being stuck in the current setting they have, which is the fantasy version of earth (fantasy version of Europe being the empire, fantasy version of Africa being the lands of the Tomb kings, Cathay being China, etc.), the mortal realms of AoS add so much room for expansions, DLC, and many entries in the franchise. You could have entire games based just on some small region of a single realm in AoS, and still barely scratch the surface of how big the setting is.


I’m so glad CA Sophia are now joining in with TWH3. The amount of detail both in model movements, mechanics, and so many other small things were shown in Pharoph (even though I don’t play, I wanted to see what they were capable of). I’d love if they let CA Sophia go back and rework a bunch of stuff in the factions because they’d get everything just right; ie animations for loading cannons, many more combat sync animations, all sorts of death animations, better battle cinematics in general, detailed terrain, just to name a few!


Bold of you to assume that CA's leadership won't mismanage the studio into oblivion in the next year or two, they haven't managed to put together a calm year since WH3 came out.


I’d love to see a sort of Hybrid between a Historical title with a real world map and a fantasy setting taken from real life myths and legends. Hear me out. So each region could be occupied by either mythological factions or ones that actually existed but given a fantasy flair. I’m from the Uk so for example, Wales could be a King Arthur Knight type Faction with Arthur and Merlin as Legendary Lords. Scotland could be William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. England would have lots of choice. Boudicca, King Richard, Robin Hood etc. We could have Vikings in the North and their Gods and Heroes could represent Legendary Lords. France could be Napoleon. TW:WH proves that gun lines and Artillery can be balanced against Barbarians and melee style warfare. Rome is obvious, same as Greece and Sparta. The far east is full of Myths, Legends and actual historical figures that could be used. Americas could be all the native tribes with Aztecs and Incas in the south. And these are just a few. There’s tons of real life myths and legends from all cultures that could be used. The possibilities are endless. And the best part is there is no ip for this stuff. CA could take it all and do what they like with it without having to pander to anyone else. Thoughts?


I think that they'll cut content for TWW3 after launching some other TW Fantasy title like 40k, AoS, LotR...


they do star wars total war actually


They could just keep re-releasing Warhammer. Sid Meier is still making Civilization games today!


Well, Warhammer is a golden goose, the next one I will predict is a WW2 TW game. So much content (read dlc) to make for many years to come and fits "total war" to a T and I will buy it all if game is good. Many people love all things ww2, inc. me, which huge audiences in the US, EU and Asia, see playercount hoi4 and coh2 is still played a lot. What will not sell well are games like Pharaoh (too niche), WW1 (not interesting tech, boring trench warfare and much smaller scale than WW2 which spawned the whole globe), fantasy games such as LoTR or 40K (Warhammer universe bigger and more interesting lore and table top mechanics than both of them combined), etc. High selling potential (beside golden goose of a WW2) game, are Empire 2 (not napoleon, but a global spawning game such as Empire with naval) or Medieval 3. I've already said in the past that CA can make a WW2 game, people laughed at me that this was "impossible" and this was just 1-2 years ago and now look at WH3, it has vehicles, flying balloons that can shoot projectiles and naval from Empire, Rome 2 and Shogun 2, it CAN be done and eventually, I think they will do it, even on this older engine, it still works and performance is still acceptable even on 1440p uw with a steady 60 fps on an average gpu 3070 rtx. I know they can and with vehicles now, I got it confirmed. Just need a CEO who has vision and thinks as an entrepreneur vs being a manager (huge difference and the reason of the decline of the west, it's like a capitalist vs a communist metaphorically) and pulls the trigger to realize it. CA got talented devs, I know by modding this game, there are many exposed resources, so much more than before, game is written in C++ with proper api's to cco and lua scripting, not some high level language game engine, they got skills, just had extremel bad management before Thrones of Decay (I already told you why, they already come from fubar schools nowadays that teach the inversion of innovation and creativity), not the fault of the devs or artists, they do wonderful, as witnessed by live Q&A.


I think total war 40k is all but confirmed at this point. Although the work required to implement it effectively is quite immense. Other than thst I still think there's money to be made with wh dlc content and maybe even an end times campaign. If you look at the wh3 map there's also scope for a couple additional factions in the south east. Failing which, they may well venture into an AoS Total War. We are well over due an Empire 2 total war. Which may contain many of the mechanics and new engine required to implement a 40k total war. If they can wrestle the rights away, I think a lord of the rings total war would blow even whtw box-office sales out the water. Yes I know there's Third age mod already. Medieval 3 will ultimately please the original fans of the series but I agree normal total war feels slightly hollow since wh came out. Although sometimes I do miss the less OP lord/magic focused battles and slower pace of combat. Medieval 3 could have a heroes mode which gives historical or mythical heroes particular abilities and prominence. Think wh3 but without the magic.


I just want them to make a new engine


40k and Lord of the rings… also can we get another total warrior


Hopefully get back to its roots. Make Total War Great Again 2024.


40K is the next logical step. Keep it small on one planet dawn of war style hopefully they don’t bite off more than they can chew at first and it should be a slam dunk That being said I’m a historical fan, I’ve been playing atilla a bunch and I still like to play though Ceaser in Gaul at least once a year so I would personally like to see a new historical title but a 40K one makes sense for CA/gw


TW Dune, TW Hogwarts, TW Pokemon, TW Kardashians


Ok Dune and pokemon would be sweet.


I really hope they will never touch that turd age of sigmar Warmachine/Hordes would be nice as Total war game now that the tabletop version is dead.


I think CA could do a good WW2 game as a mashup of Company of Heroes and traditional Total War features


My first total war was Rome in like 2007 then I played the hell out of Rome 2 and barely any time in the 3 kingdoms even tho I love the dynasty warriors games. I was discouraged of trying warhammer because of the magic and the rest of the learning the races. Now after playing these 3 idk how you can go back to simple historical games. They need to release a 40k version


Oh historical is dead now They will have to make a total war game out of other franchises


LotR Total War would be freaking cake! It's got races, huge map, and a lot of fun mechanics could.be built in


I mean 40K has been all but confirmed, at this point, so they’re gonna keep going with Warhammer. But also they’ve got several historical games that would make them a stupid amount of money once they announce them. Medieval 3, Empire 2, possibly Shogun 3, as long as they don’t fuck them up, those games will be winners for them budget wise. (I would kill for an Empire game with the gun effects of Fall of the Samurai, and a decent AI.)


I'd love Dune but I don't think it has the longevity potential that Warhammer does. Would still be a fun release with maybe a couple DLC. Star Wars is mostly a "dead to me" franchise but honestly these days the story is the worst part. So if they can focus on all the cool spectacle stuff (units, races, ships) they can probably pull it off. LotR- I feel like Warhammer does this in complex game form better so its like TWWH lite, but it'd probably sell. 40K- I guess the map is the big X factor here. I do think CA could put together a space game if they wanted to. I prefer fantasy, bu that well won't last forever. Twilight Imperium- Same issue as 40K where you gotta figure the map but the game has a bunch of political stuff that might also be fun to translate to video game form. I'd rather this than 40K but I can tell you which one would make more money...


I’d love Warhammer IV with better siege mechanics


40k is the obvious answer. If its well done, it'll dwarf warhammer fantasys sales.


40k and then star wars is what is rumoured. I imagine there will be some historical titles too, but these sci fi ones will be the really big titles like total warhammer has been.


i hope they try another fantasy universe the witcher, elder scrolls, wow and D&D are all settings i would love to see in a tottal war game


Do 40k


I'm curious if they'll ever be allowed to really go ham with Halo Wars again and make a Halo Total Wars instead. That'd be super cool to me. I'd also go completely ham for an Elder Scrolls or 40K title.


Honestly a lord of the Rings second age one would be fun imo. I know there's mods n such for medieval and all that but an official one I'd enjoy


CA fucks up official games all the time. Modders do it right


Honestly an AoS series has major potential. I don't care for it as much as the old world but it might be the format I need to get invested in it. I'd finally get Nagash... So that would be something lol.


I wouldn't mind an Age of Sigmar game as long it is made clear this is an alternate timeline from Total War Warhammer so all the work defeating Chaos was thwarted by railroading. I am not as a familiar with AoS, the setting looks cool, the main reason I want a TW game using its setting is because I want a game that isn't restricted by GW's continuity that allows AoS's more light tone to take advantage and allow players to do something that, almost, every Warhammer fan has wanted to do for a long time. **DESTROY THE CHAOS GODS!** There is talk of Star Wars TW game, that would also be cool. I hope CA would be able to figure out a way to include space battles like in Empire At War, we all know Star Wars fans would be more interested in that than land battles.


Age of sigmar will happen and I'm sure there is lots they could do with the different realms and some of the new factions but I don't see that happening for a decade or so due to the similarities with Warhammer total war. Id really like to see CA just make their own original fantasy setting so it's not constrained by any existing lore, fan base, or IP problems.


I'll play any Total War game that has dinosaurs, no others.


According to the rumor mill, CA is already working on the next TW game, and it acquired the lisence to a well-known franchise. Whether those two things are related is unknown buuuuut My money would be on Total War: LOTR


I would love… ahem Total warhammer 40k -expansion storyline: total war in heaven -heslrrach, space hulk, cadia, Baal, solar wars… etc etc Total War Asoif. Litterally would be so easy to do Total war middle earth That’s just a few but each have huge fan bases way bigger than warhammer


I wished like everyone else they would either do empire 2 medieval 3 or even ww1, but I GUARANTEE they are going to try to make Star Wars their next IP because the fuckin ceo boardroom is gonna see dollar signs 🤑


I got this one guys….make another game. You’re welcome.


you might be like, 6 months off this sub? games workshop will continue their relationship with CA and will produce total war warhammer 40k, there is also a star wars version being gossip around.


I feel like with TWH3, they should go through a Lore Appropriate end times over the next 1.5 - 2 years that you get to play through. That would then set the stage for Age of Sigmar which could be really fun.