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This is why i will start the attack with a shit stack cause they will be just to tire out the enemy and will for sure get owned. Then when they route try and be close to the edge so they get off the map quick and a new wave of units will spawn in to finish off the enemy. Then hopefully your last army has the good units to finish off the weakened enemy and to take less damage themselves incase you need a 2nd battle to finish the enemy completely. It’s true that it would be better if you could have your four full stacks on the battlefield vs their 1/2 stacks. But saddly only 40 total units can be on battlefield at once.


Each faction can only field maximum of 40 units on the battlefield. If you want more reinforcements you gotta lose a unit first to make space, either being routed or manually retreating them from the battlefield (the flag icon in commands). There is a way around this, unless they've patched it, and that's giving the extra armies to AI (checking the AI control box of corresponding armies in the fight/flee/autoresolve menu). Since the AI counts as a different faction for the battle they can field your armies no problem. 2 things to note here, first that having so many units on battlefield is very hardware demanding and second, that the AI control option can be nice to use even when the 40 unit cap isn't an issue, I personally use it on any army that I don't care about since it's much nicer to just focus on my main force.


Oh, thanks, this AI switch might indeed solve the problem for a cheap horde army as you basically don’t care as much about the troops if they come at the enemy en masse. To give you the idea, yesterday Mannfred literally murdered half of my 6k cheap goblin horde with his 1.7k army and 5 monsters just because the other half of my army never showed up on the battlefield while the first half was scattered around the map in panic :) I guess this may be also legit lore-wise (you wouldn’t expect much from a bunch of goblins seeing couple if winged horrors coming in at them), but autoresolve predicted an 85% probability win for me so it was all about the numbers. I definitely gotta replay this with AI on. Thank you!


NP, Vampires do have a way of absolutely breaking cheap blobs. Black coaches are the worse because they look like regular carriage but apparently are made of spikes and murder.