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Having an adams apple doesn’t even determine sex at birth, I got lucky enough to have one that basically doesn’t exist but I’ve also seen cis girls with noticeable ones


I am AFAB with like a noticeable thyroid. I don’t hate it!


Wait is that what an Addams apple is


It isn't, but it is in a similar space


I thought it was thyroid cartilage?


You are correct, the Adams apple/thyroid cartilage covers the thyroid


Ty for the affirmation 🙏 . I feel like there's like 5 different names for it


The adams apple (according to a quick google search) is actually above the thyroid, instead covering the voice box (technically called the larynx)


i'm AMAB and i don't have one. hell my endo told me i aught to have my karotype done because of it... it's just not something i value, since my identity isn't dependent on my karotype.


Another AMAB with no Adam's apple.


Same here. I do have a bit of one, but it only becomes (slightly) visible when I stretch my neck by looking up as far as possible, otherwise it's completely invisible.


Same. Sometimes I wonder if it's related to my high singing range.


Literally what I was just thinking after reading the above comments


Oh my god same!!!


I wasn't sure if I had one or not, so I just spent a couple minutes feeling around to see if I could find it. I *still* don't know if I have one or not.


If you trace a line down your neck from the middle of your chin, you’ll be able to feel a hard bump in about the middle of your neck (horizontally). It’s a matter of if it’s visible or not, because you have the cartilage (I’m not sure if that’s something people can lack).


Everyone has one, not everyone has a visible one though


That's a great username


Thank you, I like yours too


Thanks, it's because I'm a massive nerd


Same here, none to speak of, and even tilting my head back doesn't show anything. I'd consider it a blessing if my face wasn't so masc, haha.




yeah my (also transfem) girlfriend doesn't really have one. I used to have a really pronounced one before I chopped it off :p


Same here. Another thing to add my T levels were nonexistent right before starting HRT.


That's interesting you mention it. I'm pre-HRT but I swear I have some symptoms of low T. I had a physical done at the beginning of the year. No thyroid or hormone problems reported, however they really didn't look for much. I'd have to check the results but T wasn't even checked directly iirc I keep seeing odd little signs that there is some mismatch between my mind and body. Things that seemingly go beyond dysphoria. I need to start writing the specifics down. Don't want to sound crazy but sometimes I read signs of the more subtle forms of intersex conditions to manifest and it makes me wonder what's really going on. Haven't yet been to an endo but I'm very curious about my baseline levels currently. Mental health has been horrible really since puberty, but my entire life in general.


you should still get your karo done. you can catch alot of other medical stuff too. having an intersex disorder/irregular sex chromosomes can come with other *complications* something I know from personal experience.


Mine is also not noticable, it's true


Yeah I’m AMAB and I don’t have one it doesn’t determine anything


Same, plus I'm short for a guy, but around average for a girl (still maybe just a little bit short, I'm 5'1 and 17)


Cis girls don't get Adams Apples that stick out like a sail tho... Thankfully I'm in for surgery to get that sucker shaved down in 3 weeks :3 EDIT: alright, alright I get it lol. I've never seen any cis woman in my day to day with an extremely prominent Adams Apple but Adams Apple size is not directly tied to AGAB.


Some of them do


That's just factually incorrect my friend


That's biologically incorrect it (please correct me if I'm wrong I'm not a medical professional) is because of genetics whether or not it sticks out


Guess me being ftm was determined at birth 😎 Can't believe it took me so long to figure out I wasn't a cis girl, should've just looked at my Adam's apple smh


"You had me for a sec" uggghh I hate that attitude so much. Like ah yes, the only reason I look the way I look is to "have" you, that's the entire point, in fact I'm only visually percieveable for your benefit. Ugh, some cis ppl really cannot fathom the that some people aren't as obsessed with everyone's personal lives as they are.


Funny enough I made it more playful in the comic than what he actually said/did




No I'm always happy to talk! I work at a big east coast chain of gas station that is also a sorta fast food place (its decent money for my area and I got promoted so more money than most places around here). We have this regular that hangs around and chats with us to our dismay, but he's not doing anything that would allow us to kick him out so we just kinda deal with or play along. He typically isn't bad rather he's just loud and complains about random things like women, lefties, and anything else you might think a person in southern US would rant about. I was heading on break and was paying for my food and he just so happened to be chatting with the cashier. He, unprompted, asked: "Are you a girl or a dude?" I was thrown off and stuck to my default "uhh whichever is easier for you I guess." Him "I'm pretty sure you're a dude." I ignore him and my coworker and I are kinda lost at this point. He starts waving at me and goes "Hey!" and points and rubs at his throat and proceeds to say that he "got it cuz yours is very prominent." while smiling and chuckling. Needless to say that kinda ruined my already bad day. I have another drawing that I might post of my drive home cuz it still is on my mind. Thanks for the compliment!


>I was thrown off and stuck to my default "uhh whichever is easier for you I guess." I love this answer a lot. Ugh, this guy is a total prick , geez. A real fuckin treat to be around from the way u describe him 😒


Yeah that dude seems pretty annoying, I tend to respond with “I’m me I guess” when people ask that


He sounds like the kind of person to be a shrodingers douchebag.


That’s awful!!! I’m so sorry. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. :/


A lot of cis men hold the unconscious belief that the entire world revolves around them, you dressed up nicely? Must be because you're trying to impress them. You're trans? Must be because you're trying to trick them into having sex with a guy (from their point of view I'm well aware transfem people aren't guys)


I think this is the reason stupid people get so angry about it, it's because they think you're trying to fool them or whatever, so they misgender you out of spite as like a "oh yeah? Well I figured it all out, how do ya like that?". Not that much, thanks.


i really hate that stupid bump it's so weird and gross


I'm glad mine is not visible.


I have met two people with a larger one than mine. Its a curse


Bruh mine is so prominent... I hope if I put on some weight it'll become less so


Happy cake day


Me too but sometimes I worry it is


Why do we even have it? What does it do? Like, it clearly doesn’t need to be visible.


It houses the vocal folds. Gets larger (along with the folds themselves) and lower in the throat as part of the voice deepening under the influence of testosterone, making it more visible.


but why do we need deeper voices


To make bottoms blush


but can't i do that with a girl voice


Lower voice has higher base dmg so the blush critical multiplier makes it more effective


ok but like it's a deep man voice not a deep woman voice


Oh there are a lot of people who like both


I'm ace and don't blush so hah


This. And is it vestigial? I dont know if it servers a purpose


Vocal cords are pretty delicate. If a single well placed punch to the neck could make you mute, that would be pretty rough. It's there to protect the vocal cords, and the deeper the voice, the longer the cords, and generally the more protrusion there is


Ahh ok. Cool. I always like learning new things 😊


I view it as a rotten egg that got stuck in my throat and actively ruins my body from the neck up. I want it fucking ✨ripped out ✨!!


Women have it too, so people who use it to define gender are just wrong.


I’ve seen plenty of cis women with adams apples, so called biological sex doesn’t seem as cut and dry as these guys think


Wait, cis wemon have adams apples?


Yea, they tend to be more prominent in AMAB people they aren’t exclusive to them. All people have adams apples and some people have bigger ones then others.


yeah, it's just a part of the larynx, everybody has one to some extent, T can make it more prominent, but it's by no means just AMAB people.


That makes me feel slightly better, im still gonna punch my adams apple from time to time out of frustration tho




Rather than that ig I’d say people who had gone through male puberty are more likely to have them? To be inclusive of the other variations and mainly just focusing on secondary sexual characteristics from testosterone ig? Trans men on T can also have them. Enbies on T.


EVERYONE has an adam apple. It's just more or less visible (and, yes, usually more visible on amab people).


Didn’t deny that, plus I pointed out it comes primarily from male puberty- which anyone on T can go through. It’s more accurate than classifying AMAB yknow- cuz that Testosterone level is what causes it fundamentally to develop and not being AMAB or AFAB. It really just makes it more accurate brrr


Good point on the "male puberty vs amab" - but I was commenting on the "are more likely to have them", which kind of implies that some people don't.


Can I... cut it out?


Make sure you replace it with an Eve’s apple


I thought she got two😳


Theres a surgery to remove it but it costs as much as like 2 scalped ps5s, just to remove a dumb bump


Not so surprinsing when you realize a scratch costs a lot (in USA at least)


~~And I hear the recovery process is a nightmare.~~ Apologies, I was thinking of vocal feminization surgery which actually alters the vocal chords. Apparently the Adam’s Apple surgery isn’t that bad of a recovery.


The recovery process for a trachea shave is easy if you have a decent pain tolerance. I only took a bit of gabapentin and rotated ibuprofen and acetaminophen for 3 days. I didn't touch the oxys they gave me at all. I barely rested my voice either and I was out and about the night of my trachea shave and the whole next day. VFS is the one with the awful recovery time because talking can fuck up the stitches or whatever.


Ah! That makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.


I hope nobody gets allergies and sneezes after they have VFS...




Ill just voice train ^w^ i already have a pretty good lyrinx because of teenage humor and anime moaning at my friends Honestly idgaf about the joke anymore.. its just a socially acceptable way for someone whos amab to sound like a girl for a few seconds


hrm idk. I had joint wendler glottoplasty with tracheal shave back in november and I’ve not had any problems relating to the tracheal shave. Only on the vocal chord front


Isn’t it kind of a dangerous procedure?


You can get a trachea shave which is pretty much getting your adams apple cut out. I had one two weeks ago and it was a super easy surgery that only took 20 minutes. I had a gnarly sore throat for like 4 days and my voice was a bit scratchy for a week and a half. I'm almost 100% back to normal besides the fact I can't sing very much yet. I just have a little scar under my chin and a tiny bit of swelling left and I have no visible adams apple anymore 🙂 I have no idea how much it costs cuz I'm lucky and I live in Washington so mine was 100% covered by insurance




So... I payed a random guy I found in the street called Dave 5$ to cut it with my kitchen knife and he left saying he will come back soon to cut it. Like 2 hours have already passed, should I do something else or I just keep waiting?


It's called a trachea shave, yeah. Idk how much it costs though, never looked into it since mine isn't too prominent.


Yes you can! I litterally had it done yesterday. My throat is still sore af and a bit swollen but the bump is gone!


"Everyone has an Adam's apple, it came free with your xbox" Jokes aside, literally everyone has one. It protects your vocal chords. It's just more likely to be prominent in testosterone abundant people.


If only I had the oldest Xbox known to man


too bad you only got it day one


Wish my testosterone wasnt abundant then


knowing that im not testosterone abundant has made my night. thank u very much :D i hope i'm never testosterone abundant




Let’s not promote violence




Doesn’t mean they(lol) are right


It’s simple, “what do you mean I have an adams apple!?!?”


I've always been tempted to say I got hit in the throat during softball, but I get too nervous lol


My solution to, “are you a boy or girl” questions is to get extremely confused and act like they’re an idiot. Especially when they start to go twords thinking I’m a guy


My ex who is cis has a VERY visible Adam's apple. I find it so weird that people feel the need to comment on others' bodies.


CW: dysphoria >!Honestly I'm terrified of negatively impacting my vocal health but at the same time fuck this glob of dysphoria stuck to my body!<


You can always try and hide it behind a neckerchief when you go out, that’s what I do. It honestly gives me more dysphoria than anything else. Plus neckerchiefs are fashionable


I find people who try to talk to employees weird as fuck. Like we both know I’m just trying to get food and they’re trying to get payed, I don’t need to talk to them and they don’t want to talk to me. Everyone in the store is gonna think ur a loser for trying to start a conversation with the cashier


I work at a public library, and we get people like this a lot. I usually just feel bad for them. Most of the chatty people who visit the library are older (50+) and I think are probably lonely. Granted, I think there's a difference between trying to talk to the Library staff and trying to talk to people at Wawa or Walmart, but not that much of a difference. At my previous library, we had this one 30 year old guy who was clearly autistic who would try to talk to me for hours about video-games and anime unless the other staff intervened with some excuse. Felt bad, it was clear he had no friends. But then I found out he was a registered sex offender so I stopped talking to him completely.


Why is this tagged transmasc


Whoops my bad I misread it!


Adam's Apples are not a sign, like, wha-? Mine is almost non-existent, it is so small that the Transphobe that was dating my friend looked at it and said that I was a Cis Girl, I passed, but that did not mean anything when he attacked one of my Trans masc friends for not having one.


I wish i didnt have a material form


im srry that happened to u, that guy is rude & phobic!! i hope i can confuse transphobes someday


I like your artstyle


Thank you!!!


it's baffling to me that people think this is an acceptable thing to ask to a stranger. Who cares this much. And they always act like it's some "gotcha" like I was really trying to be malicious in wanting people to view me as female.


**Sees boobs, a long and feminine hairstyle, hears a feminine voice, sees makeup** **Sees adam's apple** "Ah yes... **man...**"


The only thing saving him was customer service...


Plenty of cis woman have noticeable Adam's apple.


"You had me fooled too, I almost thought you weren't some kind of fucking weirdo obsessed with other people's genitals."




They can be smug all they want but tbh I just don't care how some random NPC defines the word "woman". I'm the main character in my life so my opinion is the one that counts. Personally, I actually like my adams apple. It fits well with my face.


Bruh my shift lead at work yesterday is a cis girl with an adam's apple this is stupid


Everyone has an Adam’s apple dip shit, it came free with your fucking human anatomy


My question is, Who tf is Adam and why's he leave his apples on random people's necks?


It's a piece of cartilage that literally everyone has. Plenty of cis women has it visible as it's just a matter of angles He's an idiot and sexist in addition to the transphobia


Believe it or not everyone has an Adams apple


Ah yes the bone in my throat denotes my gender


Ugh. Cis women have Adam’s apples. Sometimes very noticeable ones. I’m a trans woman with not much of one at all.


Just found out I have a slight Adam's apple (as a transmasc) from this comment section. Yay for euphoria :)


So what you are telling me is I would be a girl if I had no Adam's apple? Man, who would have thought


There are literally so many cis women with Adams apples tho... Mfw my mum was actually right and cartoons actually do rot ur brain, these dudes think girls are just all smooth and made of plastic all over like a fuckin Barbie I swear these boys gotta start seeing more girls who aren't 2D because they actually don't even know what real women look like anymore.


"that's a goiter you *insert derogatory noun of your choice here*" Personally, I'd go with bellend. Unoriginal, I know.


I'm amab and I feel like mine's not noticeable at all most of the time


I mean cis women have prominent Adam’s Apples too. This dude was just being a misogynist.


Best comeback is say that you can’t see what they pointed out on you. It’s pretty funny they get confused as all hell.


Dudes missing maga on his cappy.... Like really if ur hard telling ask the person and dont purposely choose to missgender....


Oh trust me he's got many. This time it was just a plain red cap lol


Weirdly, my adam's apple naturally isn't visible, so guess it's not the most reliable way to clock someone.


FtM. When I was a kid, I said to my favourite teacher at the time: "When I grow up, I want an Adam's apple like yours!" I was bummed when he said that wasn't possible. I was 6. I came out 22 years later. 😂


Mine isn't visible at all and I'm a cis dude.


Oh the Adam's apple, it was unironically the first thing I got finicky with, purely out of discomfort, when I hit male puberty. Unironically my biggest dysphoria trigger.


just searched it up and apparently it's common on AFABs and AMABs soooo logic is even worse


Everyone has an Adam's apple, it just tends to be more visible in those AMAB.


I'm a dude and you can't see my Adam's apple either. What a fucking dweeb.


My cis aunt is tall, built like a brick shithouse, and has a massive adams apple. Fuck transphobes


People try and get cis women with the whole Adams apple thing all the time😑 I've had several cis women coworkers who kept on being called men because they had either a little bit of fat there, a noticable thyroid, even a birthmark because "no, that's just a scar, you had it removed". Transphobia are the worst and also the dumbest


Cis women have Adam's Apple as well, and some even have visible ones. I feel bad for all women with Adam's Apples that have to deal with these idiots.


My cis woman friends have protruding addam's apples. It doesnt determine anything!


I’m pretty sure everyone has one. Also I really like the art style (idk if that’s what it’s called) 😊


Thank you!!


What? AFAB and have had a very pronounced Adam's apple. We're talking since at least puberty. No HRT involved to have it. What the Kentucky Fried Chicken?


it should hurt to be this stupid. cis women can have adam's apples too.


A good response to this, and most verbal bigotry like thsi is just a silent stare then a “do you think that’s a normal thing to say to someone?”


everyone has a fucking adam's apple


Yeah that bump is annoying. Even my last ex who was a cis woman had one and it helped me feel a little better


I don't think I've ever even seen a Adams on a guy before idk why it's such a big thing


Fuck. that. dude.


Mine is very noticable, so I get it reduced next week. I'm afraid that it might still be noticable though.😥


Just say, "yeah everyone has one, can't see yours though."


Poor woman , im so sorry that happened


My AFAB partner has a more prominent Adam's apple than I have (AMAB), and we neither started transition (they don't wanna transition before they're much older, 40ish)


Punch him in the face


What compells strangers to have that level of AUDACITY Mind your damn business tf


I'm definitely lucky to have more of an "Adam's pebble" then an "Adam's apple" lol


Y'all everyone has an Adam's apple it just varies in size


It might be the lack of mouths but this really looks like letmeexplainstudios


Punch red shirt in *his* Adam’s apple.


Cis people when they realize that AMAB people aren’t the only ones with Adam’s Apples: 🤯🤯🤯


Wait do you mean your Eve's apple?


People realise that women also have adams apples, yeah?


I hate it


I’m amab and I don’t have one but that might be because it was surgically removed due to other surgeries I had.


woah, what a piece of shit


I dont have one and I make fun of my friends for having a "throat boner™️"


What a cunt


I'd probably reply with something like "well I can't see your brain, so..."


punch!! just punch!!!!


Did you kill him?


I was in my work uniform so I couldn't :(


Ugh. The worst timing.


Oughta punch him in the Adam's apple 😤😤😤


Correct them *aggressively* don't put up with that shit


Mine is noticeable, so I always wear a neckerchief to hide it. Works so well, and it’s fashionable


I hate it when people notice adams apples exist,,, like I already hate it don't look at my neeccckkk😢


I would've been tempted to punch him


Am I missing something?


I've never ever in my life ever heard or seen (myself) included anyone to care about someone Adam apple. Most people here don't even know it's called that way. (...i also did not knew that until I started watching female voice lessons... Dummy me). It's really funny, I realized that sometimes we care about the smallest detials about ourselves, because we realize them, but most people don't. If we could look at ourselves with eyes of other people, sometimes it could clear out many insecurities we have. Or create new ones, depends whos looking.


The struggle is real


why do strangers just think it’s ok to ask “are u a guy or a girl?” in the first place smh


Person with the largest Adam's apple I ever saw was a cis female teacher and a mother of three...


My response to this question is "fuck off." Or "away from me, you insignificant pustule"


KMS 💀💀💀


Tell me again how gender is only your genitals


Damn right. Also, *perfect* date to start HRT.