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Everyones diet is person dependent. Dont worry, eat some pickles.


Okay *mouth already full of pickles* 🥒🥒🥒


Alright now like veg and protein. But pickles you can never worry about. Like listen to your body not your cravings. You go girl!!!


> pickles you can never worry about They do have lots of sodium, so that's something to be aware of, but they're low in most other things.


Can't eat pickles if you have gastritis/ulcers. Source: extensive research and experience It was tough being a trans fem this winter 😢


Plain cucumbers?


Oh I"ve been eating tons of those haha I love cucumbers! But they're undeniably better in pickled form


This is true...


Can someone explain to me the pickle thing? I've seen it around places and I guess it's just a meme, but idk if there's a deeper meaning?


Spironolactone can cause salt imbalances :P


can confirm. literally drank the pickle brine regularly at work due to this. I'm not on Spiro anymore


Here I thought I was just crazy, thank you for validating these cravings


I thought i was crazy for having no cracings, turns out its because im on cyproterone, not spiro


[or cucumbers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7arlFeaGX4U&pp=ygUTVGhlIG9uaW9uIGN1Y3VtYmVycw%3D%3D)


Ive been on e for 3 weeks, my nipples are hurting and my chest now has excess fat, but my pickle craving is no where to be seen, am i unwell?


You are perfectly fine, the pickle craving apparently comes from spiro and if you don't take that yet or have just started its normal!


"Avoid vegetables" is some weird advice. Who's promoting that? And *"a balanced diet of vegetables, meat, and dairy"* is pretty descriptive of the 1950s-1980s American food industry funded propaganda line on nutrition (i.e., *a "balanced" diet is defined as whatever our food industry produces that we want to sell - not what human bodies in general actually nutritionally require*). But you don't hear that much anymore, since nutrition based on *evidence* over *industry* has kind of weighed in on the subject, over time. For me, the paradox of feminine nutrition is instead more so: **Q:** *So, how do I achieve a feminine figure?* ***A:*** *Simple! You 1) eat lots of food, to add curves in all the right places. But 2) make sure not to eat any food, lest you add curves in all the wrong places!* And that goes for all women.


So ugh… tips on adding curves in the right places instead of the wrong places? Asking for a friend




Got it Okay, so now how do right places not wrong places ;-;


You don't, you don't have much control of that except by taking hrt and hoping you like where it puts it. Muscle is the real solution though. That is targeted and effective. Want an ass, work your glutes. Want hips, work your glutes and whatever those side muscles are called, abductors I think. Really the key thing... Work your glutes.


I love how I feel when I do strength building and stretching for my gluteus medius (the main side hip muscle). I get this lowkey gender euphoria combined with a sense of peace, satisfaction, and self-confidence. I have ankle weights to help with the strength building part


Exercise. It worked for me, but it won't work for everyone.


exercise and healthy food/fats


You can weight cycle. The general idea is that when you're losing weight your body will shed weight from where it deposited it from when you had male hormones, and when you gain weight you're body will prefer to store it in more feminine areas while on HRT No idea if it's very effective but it's something you can try


wussy femboy workout is pretty good ^^ edit: I just realised how much of a joke this sounds like, but it's a thing






Thanks :^


For sure, this is the closest thing to a right answer there is. But even then, there is no universe or circumstance in which adding fat to your bust or hips or bum *does not* add any fat to your abdomen. Hence the paradox.


HRT *and genes*, one of which sadly you can't really modify 😔




Looking forward to that madness tbh


born too late to be a dinosaur, born too early to have 4 arms, but born just in time to style on transphobes with krisprr gene editing


Squats. A lot of them.


Thanks 🥲 - a trans woman who hates exercise


What physical activity do you like doing? If any of them use your legs, so that! I love biking and DDR and they're helpful exercises. Also walking. Any sports you enjoy?


DDR is fun but I do not have any dance mat or anything sadly… it’s been pretty hard for me to find any exercise I enjoy… I just think it’s tiring and makes me feel gross


In what way do you feel gross? I wonder if somehow it can be eleviated? Like maybe the right clothes, or imagining your self as some kind of animal, like i imagine myself as a skittery octopus. Or maybe baby powder or taking a shower BEFORE exercise. Im just throwing out ideas :p I think it's silly to tell ppl what they should eat or do for exercise, however I do think everyone should be eating and moving their body frequently. It helps all matters of health and happiness tremendously.


Try rock climbing, it's mentally engaging and more of a puzzle than 'exercise' can be, and if you're doing it correctly (use your arms like a monkey, keep them long and untensed, they're for angling and balance, while using your leg muscles to push you up the wall) is primarily a core and leg exercise where wearing leggings is kinda just the right thing to do


Just gotta find fun methods of exercise for you. Sports, sightseeing, rock climbing to a nice photo spot, hiking to get a nice dose of nature, even rucking, etc. Doing any of those things with added weight (weight vest or belt) just makes it even more effective. Edit: at the very least, walking is huge. A shitty little Fitbit with a step tracker is all it takes!


I'd also suggest swimming and bike riding!! Swimming is great because you don't get the awful sweat to deal with and you can get neutral bathing suits that should help mitigate dysphoria if you're not up for boy/girlmoding. Bike riding will also build your leg muscles like crazy, but you get to enjoy nice scenery so it distracts you from feeling like your exercising <3 I also recommend roller skating, I used to do roller derby as a kid and it was genuinely the most entertaining sport I've ever competed in


certified woman-lover here to proclaim there are no wrong places




The midcentury health dogma wasn't to balance veggies, meat, and dairy; the old style was "eat a *shitload* of carbs, a bunch of meat, and a couple veggies, while avoiding fat like the plague; also sugar is good, don't worry about it." Cutting sugar and carbs in favor or a mix of fat, fiber, and protein is definitely late century thinking; not sure where you got this notion.


Evidence based nutrition, my ass. If someone wants their product to be consumed more, they give the united states government enough money to make that happen. If it's reduced fats, it has a shit ton of sugar in it. If it's sugar-free, it has molecules that you can't absorb in it. Organic isn't a protected term hell it doesn't even have a legal definition. There is zero science in US food education. Just lobbying It happened before it will happen again


There are diets, like keto, where you’re supposed to avoid vegetables, especially starchy ones like potatos. But in general, yeah, eat your veggies




Except they are. Vegetables are most edible plant matter. By most defenitions, a vegetable is any edible plant matter that is not a nut, grain, seed or a culinary fruit (as opposed the broader category of botanical fruits, which would include tomatos and eggplants, both of which are typically considered veggies). Potato is definetly a vegetable. As it is a root, similar to beets or carrots. They are called root *vegetables* for a reason.


what is your preferred alternative to the concept of a balanced diet?


It's not that there's anything wrong with a "balanced diet" in of itself, it's just that the details of the concept, as it was sold to the public, had little to do with genuine interest in public health and more to do with which segments of the industry fronted more lobbying dollars. The "alternative" would be to use common sense, avoid junk food, and ideally cook your own meals from whole ingredients, though of course the ability to do so is a privilege.


? Im not american and in my country doctors have been on the same idea of a balanced diet since forever, and still are..You need fibers, protein, starches, fruits and vegetables, and stuff like fish.


A body on HRT is a body that is once again developing and needs a decent amount of fuel and fat to rebuild. As long as your meal choices are solid and your portion sizes are reasonable don't sweat the details too much.


Like a mighty bear I want to develop a layer of fat that keeps my organs safe from bullets or other injury


A pragmatic momma bear 🐻


That's good to know, especially because I have issues maintaining my weight. If the answer to this is really just "eat more" then I guess I'll just have to do my best heh


Yeah but for pretty much anything there's people saying it increases/decreases T or E. It's confusing. Can I drink coffee or will that negate E and raise T!? I NEED CAFFEINE.


As a rule, nothing sold in the average grocery store will have a meaningful impact on your hormones.


OH THANK GOD. I've been restricting myself to 40mg/day and DYING. I need stimulants until I can afford antidepressants. T_T


If you're taking your E as gel, the tiny variance in dosage will most likely have a greater effect on your levels than any food you might be eating


There is no "trans diet". You can't get hormones from food in any meaningful capacity. Just eat what you want.


diet culture in general is really fucking stupid. The only thing you'll get by buying into it is an eating disorder


Yeah I started starving myself to lose weight at one point, not exactly a diet plan more just skipping meals and it worked, but yep, now have an eating disorder. Would not recommend.


same lol


Absolutely this. The vast majority of “diets” are based on pseudoscience. Even then, they almost all come back to being nothing more than calorie restrictions. And calorie restriction has been shown to only work in the short term with the potential to cause lasting harm to your metabolism in the long term.


I wouldn't say this if you're fully educated, tho- I do have an eating disorder, but "dieting" is really any change in eating habits, learning "proper" diet helped me force myself to eat, tho I still only eat like once every other day, I have celiacs disease and alot of digestive issues with chronic fatigue syndrome, turns out my old diet before my eating disorder was literally killing me, tho I understand diet culture is different from dieting, I think that there's an important difference? Sorry I'm really autistic so like maybe I misinterpreted but most people use this as an excuse to say dieting is bad, I think a change in diet when consulting with doctors can always be a good thing tho :3


Okay I think I misunderstood, diet culture or the obsession with ideals and norms is bad, but the act of dieting or exercising is not! As long as it's moderated and healthy for your body with no adverse side affects


I get the temptation to starve yourself, when my egg cracked, I realized I actually COULD feel at home in my body and I shouldn't have been treating it so poorly all those years. I felt this enormous pressure to get to a good body as fast as possible. But eating disorders are no joke and definitely aren't healthy. I cut down to a 1200 calorie a day diet for about 8 months. This of course drove me insane, and led me to doing things like drinking straight vinegar just to taste something as well as bingeing and purging about once a week. I lost significant weight, but I also got a shitton of gallstones, which became inflamed, and I had to have an emergency surgery to get my gallbladder removed. I still struggle to have a healthy relationship with food. Please be careful. We're just as vulnerable to EDs as cis people are. I'm at almost the same weight as I was before but I do actually feel more at home in my body now. HRT just takes time.


stats actually demonstrate that lgbtq+ people are much, much more vulnerable to eating disorders than cishets. it’s no joke, it is an extremely pervasive cultural sickness of the community and people need to be aware of it and on the lookout for pro-ED propaganda.


ewww diet culture


It's almost like diet culture in general is garbage!


You should ignore all eating habit advices and just stuff your face with food that is mostly healthy. I promise you the foods you eat have a negligent effect on any 'balances' the diet is trying to tout. The only foods you need to avoid is having overly greasy or sugary foods too much. A balanced, regual eating habit, is all you need to feed your transition. Eat your veggies, eat your fruits, your breads, and meats, and coffee, and cakes, and sodas, as long as you aren't fueling yourself always on junk, I promise you'll be more than okay. Don't let diet culture trick you into thinking there are bad foods. There are onky foods you shouldn't eat as much off


Trans diet advice is the same as regular diet advice - which is to say it's bullshit. The science of nutrition is far behind its peers due to lobbying, and what we do know is obfuscated and made inaccessible to the general public. That compounded with trans people's heightened risk of EDs means you shouldn't put much stock in anyone who says there's one correct diet and it's the one they're promoting. Eat what you want. Maybe throw in a vegetable once in a while.


Those diets are more about not eating much, but what you eat should be balanced all around so you still have good enough nutrients


If you want some advice, I'd recommend drinking roughly 10-12 cans of monster every day.


Got it. I will also look online to learn what to do with said monster cans


recycle :) there is no other option :)


Just eat healthy foods in moderate amounts. Anyone who says different is selling something or projecting an eating disorder. The only difference from old diet will be that hormones will make you need slight changes in certain nutrients (mostly things like calcium) but taking a women's multivitamin. And eating a normal, healthy diet is all you need. No special avoidance lists etc.


estrogen/testosterone in food has like no affect on the actual hormones in your blood. The best you can do is be healthy


I'm hardly an expert, but the only dietary advice for transfems I've seen that makes sense to me is "add some leafy greens and a source of healthy fats to your diet", because that's just good advice in general. Can't go wrong with that.


Just eat your vegetables and you'll be fine lol. There's a theory that you should avoid consuming too much potassium while on feminizing HRT but as far as I know this has never actually caused problems for a significant number of people. Maybe just don't eat literally nothing but potatoes. Personally, I am vegan and eat a ton of potatoes and broccoli and stuff and it's never been a problem. All my nutrient levels are totally normal and they were normal when I was on HRT as well. I can personally assure you that whoever told you to avoid vegetables is either a grifter or a sociopath. Also, you shouldn't down spironolactone with grapefruit juice as it can supposedly cause some sort of interaction but idk the details. I drink grapefruit juice all the time with no problem personally lol.


>There's a theory that you should avoid consuming too much potassium while on feminizing HRT but as far as I know this has never actually caused problems for a significant number of people. Maybe just don't eat literally nothing but potatoes. Feminising hormones won't be an issue. Spironolactone... that could be a problem. It works by antagonising aldosterone, a hormone that's involved with kicking out potassium so you retain sodium and water. Spiro makes you retain potassium and lose water and salt - that's why it makes you piss so much. Taking more potassium + retaining potassium = increased potassium in the body which can fuck with your heart. Not something to worry about unless you've got shitty kidneys or a diet that's really high in instant coffee, bananas and potatoes. >Also, you shouldn't down spironolactone with grapefruit juice as it can supposedly cause some sort of interaction but idk the details. I drink grapefruit juice all the time with no problem personally lol. Grapefruits/grape fruit juice blocks enzymes in your liver that break down certain drugs. For some drugs, this can be dangerous and increase the risk of side effects or overdosing. Spironolactone actually doesn't interact with grapefruit juice. **HOWEVER MANY DRUGS DO. PLEASE SPEAK TO A PHARMACIST, DOCTOR OR A HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL IF YOU ARE CONCERNED.**


Everyone's biochemistry us different. Just ask your doctor.


I support the “everyone is different” angle. But, be aware, a lot of doctors don’t actually have the best perspectives on diet health. There’s a pretty good chance that asking your doctor will just result in them recommending whatever fad diet they personally prefer, whether that’s low fat, low carb, paleo, or whatever else. It’s not *all* doctors but it has happened to me often enough that I’m reluctant to recommend them as a reliable source.


Hmm. I see. So tour best bet would probably be a nutritionist that's trans-friendly. Or an Endocrinologist since they would know the best way to promote growth of hormones.


Jokes on them. I barely eat due to depression.


What if I presented you with a perfect punnet of strawberries? 🍓🍓🍓


I’m a hungry girl I need my snackies


Yeahhh so im genuinely malnourished by poverty and an idiot parent im trying to get away from and I STILL GOT A PHAT ASS so *uhhhhhh...* ​ just be healthy enough to be comfortable and eat what ya like imo


I mean, "diets" are dumb. But making sure the things that are obviously unhealthy (junk food, dessert, cola and alcohol, etc) are occasional rather than habits is pretty good. Other than that, just eat healthy things until you stop being hungry? That'll get you a better "diet" than 95% of people honestly


Look, I've watched health gurus go from the circle of "eat this!" to "oh, that was lobbyist propaganda, eat this instead" way too many times. And every couple years, there's some new fad diet like Paleo, carnivore, no sugar, etc. A while back, I just started listening to my body and eating what made me feel good, and I've been a lot happier since. Does red meat make you feel tired and bloated the next day? Don't eat it! Do you have more energy after eating a lot of fruits? Do that more! If you're doing something wrong, your body will often tell you, through nausea, acne, digestive issues, etc. Pay attention to it, and you can't go too wrong.


Diet research is mostly terrible. Eat what you like eating. The research on phytoestrogens and testosterone content of food is utter hogshit. Eat what makes you happy in the quantity you need to fill your stomach.


The effect of most foods on hormones is miniscule. The incel manosphere and gymbro circles managed to spread tons of pseudoscience about that but if you read the studies and listen to actual dieticians then you'll learn that it's really not that important and there are no magic foods that can change your hormonal balance by itself. Just eat a healthy diet that you enjoy and can sustain without negative psychological side effects.


The foods you eat have very little impact on your hormone levels. You should eat a healthy diet that includes foods from every food group. Don't take any fad diets seriously. Just feed yourself and keep yourself healthy above all. If and when you can get hormone therapy, that'll do you the most good.


Woman, just bloody eat before you pass out 😭😭


the dieting stuff is mostly pseudoscience HRT is the only thing that makes a meaningful difference


Maybe look at the FODMAP diet? Was meant for sensitive stomachs, to figure out what is hurting.


I have IBS and am on a post-elimination low FODMAP diet. I would definetly not recommend doing it without at least seeing a GI doctor first. FODMAP can be expensive and it's a fucking pain in the ass. It's worth it for me to have my life back, but elimination is committing to six to eight weeks of completly changing your diet, then changing it again for reintroduction.


Other than its effects on weight, most foods don't have any real noticeable impact on hormonal production or usage. My advice, just eat healthy like anyone else - no additional steps needed because of being trans.


My best friend is studying to be a dietician and she just went to a workshop about trans nutrition! Overall, it’s super important for us to focus on good nutrition (which starts with eating enough) so that hrt can do what it’s designed to do! Girl, please eat <3


The only consistent nutritional advice has been to make sure you eat plenty of vegetables, avoid added sugars, and at least get some protein and fat. Frankly, the beauty standards held by western society aren't just detrimental to mental health - they're the opposite of what our bodies try to achieve. Don't forget: it was only within the last 10,000 years that agriculture was invented, and only about 80 since modern fertilizers were introduced to stabilize food supplies. And that doesn't even address the fact that hominids only started eating meat within the past 100-200 million years. Our bodies were built on an eat-everything-now, worry-later model, cause that's what kept humans alive for millions of years. So, yeah. Just eat as best you can, girl. Our bodies don't do much picking and choosing of fat storage, anyways.


The only thing that isn’t optional is plants.


There are a lot of transfems with eating disorders... There is a type of disordered thought where they believe that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing and even often encourage others to engage in disordered eating. They'll give tips and almost encourage people to get worse. So, please be careful when learning about dieting. Dieting is your choice and can be completely safe and healthy. But there are also ways to do it that are harmful to your body and dangerous. Take care of yourself and love yourself as much as you can. Your body or "vessel" is your only connection to earth, and therefore, your only connection to your living loved ones and future loved ones. Don't damage your vessel.


As long as you're getting all your nutrients the actual food you're getting it from doesn't exactly matter. Maintain enough calories to not lose or gain weight and you should redistribute over time.


I can tell you what worked for me: Eat 45-65% of calories from carbs, 10-35% from protein, 25-35% from fat. No more than 10% of your calories should be saturated fat. those carbs should come from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Eat plenty of omega 3 and protein from fish. You cannot choose where your body stores fat. However, what you CAN do to change the shape of your body is lift weights. It’ll enhance your thighs and butt to do leg exercises. Plus, if you build loads of muscle, your resting metabolic rate increases. hope this helps


Idc what my gender is, I'm not desperate enough to change my diet around for it.


Actual answer: So long as you're getting a good amount of nutrition and are meeting your body's essential mineral and vitamin needs, the only thing that matters is calorie count. Trans folx are best off doing something called weight cycling, where you alternate between having a calorie deficit and a calorie surplus so that you bounce between two weights, usually about 5 lbs (about 2 and a bit kg) apart, which forces your body to metabolise and then rebuild fat in the right places. This works equally well for transmascs and transfems! Transfems in particular though should stay hydrated: a good chunk of what lets you "fill out" is water weight. This comes with one caveat: be *extremely* careful about your calorie counting. Being too obsessive can lead to eating disorders and that is the last thing you need. You're allowed to have cheat days! I have them almost every week when I have a pretty rich breakfast with friends, but then I tend to not eat much for the rest of the day since my stomach doesn't feel like having more.


There’s no special diet for trans people, making it sound like we’re some kind of exotic pet lmao


But we are exotic!! I also go with legendary, enchanted, rare, etc


I'm vegetarian for dietary/digestion issues. Can I make it?


Probably? If your body doesn't agree with meat then there's nearly no reason to eat it


But will I be capable of transitioning properly?




Intermittent fasting seems to be working for me pretty okay, I can eat pretty much whatever I really want. The only thing is I have to actually listen to my body and not overeat.


Honestly dieting for hormones sounds like a bunch of bs to me. Just eat what you like to eat, and try to get access to HRT if that’s your goal


What I have learned over years and years of having an unhealthy relationship with food is: Eat a bunch of vegetables, some fruit, some protein, some dairy, a few starches and grains, and a little sugar. Eat when you're hungry and don't eat when you're not hungry. Don't eat so much at once that you feel bloated. Drink when you are thirsty - mostly water. And super duper extra important: learn to distinguish hunger from boredom, lack of stimulation, and sadness.


Get your nutrients!!!! First go around the puberty train, you got hungry as fuck, cuz you're growing so much new shit all the time. Same shit, different train. Feed your ass!!! You need nutrients for titty!


Focus on **anything but dieting**. Taking control of your life by finding balance and control will put you in a better place to consistently make healthy choices. Thinking about dieting is like thinking about quitting cigarettes. It makes me want to smoke.


The best advice I’ve got on this, eat healthy stuff more often than unhealthy stuff (just use your judgement), and have a cheat day/meal when you need one. Also, get some exercise. No need to overcomplicate this when the hormones are doing the work, and everyone should really be doing the above


Michael Pollan's advice: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." For humans in general, it's better to eat real food (meat, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.) than to eat highly processed "pretending to be food". So if you're lactose intolerant, you wouldn't want to eat a lot of dairy products, but whoever you are you wouldn't want to eat a lot of American "cheese" or "processed cheese food". If you don't already cook, you should learn. Eating out a lot is likely to result in a diet with too much highly processed food, too many calories, too much saturated fat and highly refined carbs. For a good diet, you need carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins and minerals. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, barley, etc.) and whole wheat bread. Highly refined/simple carbohydrates like sucrose (table sugar) should be kept low. Eating a lot of candy, doughnuts and packaged foods that tend to be high in sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. You can get fat in your diet from animal and/or vegetable sources. Butter, lard, and meat are all animal fat sources, as are milk, yogurt and cheese (if not made with skim milk). People have actually died from eating rabbits as the meat is too lean, and without dietary fat from somewhere their bodies won't function. Plant sources of fat include vegetable oils (olive, canola, etc.), coconut oil/cream, and avocados. Unsaturated fat (like that found in plants) is generally considered better for you than saturated fat (found in animals), but trans fat (changed in form through processing) is worse than saturated fat. So lard is better for you than Crisco shortening. Proteins are found in meat, eggs and dairy products. Proteins are made up of amino acids, and there are certain essential amino acids that our bodies don't make. So if you want to eat a vegetarian or particularly a vegan diet, you'll need to consider protein complementarity. Basically you need to eat a variety of plant foods over the course of about a day to make sure you're getting all the essential amino acids, as most plants are high in some and low/none in others. Peanut butter sandwiches, beans and rice, and corn and beans would all be good for protein complementarity. A few plant foods, like quinoa, have "complete" proteins, meaning you could get all the amino acids you need from that by itself. Vitamins and minerals are elements you need in small quantities. A famous example is vitamin C. Sailors on long sea voyages would consume pickles or limes to prevent scurvy. When you are deficient in vitamin C, your teeth can hurt, your gums bleed and teeth fall out, and joints ache. Eating a varied diet is the best way to get most vitamins and minerals; many are harmful or toxic in large quantities, so you should talk to a doctor before taking supplements on your own. You're probably familiar with calcium and iron in the vitamin and mineral category. That's my attempt to give you a general summary of nutrition. Your doctors should be able to explain what, if any foods you should avoid, and what, if any supplements you should take.




I'm not sure what a trans femme diet is. Just eat healthy, go vegan!!!


how does eating healthy and going vegan actually go together when a vegan diet is not nutritionally sufficient?


Tell me you don't know anything about a vegan diet without telling me.


Just give your fresh fruits & veggies a 15 min bath of water and baking soda, pesticides averted also, try and use fresh ingredients for meals as much as possible whilst avoiding monopolies like tyson & perdue, you'll be fine💜


as someone who is about to start hrt and is also currently seeing a doctor specializing in weight-loss, the "diet" *recommedation* (take all health advice on reddit as recommendations, we're not doctors) I have is to calorie cycle. On the weekdays, eat at least somewhat healthy, avoid non-whole-grain complex carbs, and stick somewhere around 1500 calories, give or take like 300. 1500 is a good number because if one day you're really hungry, and you end up at 1800, that's still a little low, but if you're too depressed to eat, really busy, or just plain not hungry one day, and you only manage to get to 1200, that's still enough calories to keep your body in a healthy state, avoid starvation mode, etc. BUT, on the weekends, you should eat generally whatever you want, within reason. and "within reason" (maybe like under 2500 or under 3000 depending on your regular eating habits) won't be something you have to keep close track of after a week or two of 1500 calories. The reason for this is that bodies on hrt need extra energy, as others have said, and calorie cycling like this will do incredible things for the fat redistribution process, including bigger booba 👀


I just do calories in calories out in my head. I just don't let it dictate my life. I'm usually trying to consume less than 2000 calories in a day. My policy is if I'm offered yummy food I say yes regardless and I rarely find myself getting above 2000 if I'm keeping my total in mind. Try to find simple meals with lots of veg that you like eating and try and find a lower calorie salad you like. Simple changes you can maintain is the key to success. Only eat foods you like just make sure that more of them are healthier options. That and finding an exercise you enjoy doing can make a huge difference. I'm down 30lbs since I started HRT and got on anti depressants 6 months ago.


I just found out that eating fruits for breakfast only(with a pancake here and there if youd like) and not eating an excessive amount snacks works pretty well




Just eat a normal healthy diet. Any trans "diet" is mostly bull with maybe one or two facts.


Just avoid alcohol, smoking and if you can then also avoid carbs..


depends on the carb, most people could benefit a lot from more fruits and vegetables in their diet. avoiding refined grains like white bread, white rice would be very good though.


Do not avoid carbs


both of you are wrong carbs are overrated and unnecessary (the lower limit compatible with human health provided you get sufficient quantities of all other nutrients is zero) but they won't kill you




Low fat diet: flat belly, slender legs High fat diet: big tiddies and thighs It just depends on what kind of body you want, really.


I just stress eat junkfood 🤷🏼‍♀️




love to promote disordered eating


I'm reading the blue half first. I might get around to the red parts.


I think losing weight before HRT and then gaining weight back slowly after starting HRT is the way to go. Let your body put things where it needs to go!


haha, i don care and that make my ass bigger and I want to punch someone aghfhhhh


eat amounts and types of food that leave you feeling happy and healthy. try to be active and use about as many calories as you eat.


Live on a diet of salt for the rest of your life


r/TooAfraidToAsk: The hell is a trans diet?…


A diet consisting only of trans people. Richer flavour... or so I hear...


I heard the opposite. Too many hormones… /s


Diet depends on who you are, but generally as long as you eat a variety of foods everyday (vegetables, sweets, proteins, fruits, breads whatever) within reason it’ll be good for you. If something makes you feel like shit don’t eat it. I know someone who is specializing in being a dietician for trans people, however I’ve only casually talked about trans men. I assume for trans women osteoporosis could be a concern? I’m not sure if that’s linked to hormones or not but taking a calcium supplement can prevent that if you’re lazy or cant have eggs or dairy.


Just eat whole unprocessed natural foods, the normal amount where you don't really feel hungry. Exercise a bit, do some cardio and strength training. I'm lucky that I had those habits before transitioning.


Supposedly salads, nuts, and dairy are good for breast growth if that helps. I also recommend cutting down on the processed foods


ah yes the age old tradition of making fem people feel bad about eating...


the other fight we must battle 😔


Balanced diets are usually the same for everyone it’s just a problem if you have natural deficiencies or intolerances.


Just give your fresh fruits & veggies a 15 min bath of water and baking soda, pesticides averted


Nobody knows what a healthy diet is for anyone. The best we can do with nutritional science is know what foods are less healthy in what ways. Eat what you want and have a balanced diet. 'trans diets' are a scam.


Sounds kinda like the diet of my brother who has ulcerative colitis, celiac, and is lactose intolerant on one side: no dairy, no gluten, no red meat, minimal vegetables, none of (long list of vegetables), no citris, no (long list of fruit), avoid acidic foods, like tomatoes and pineapples, no nuts, no capsaicin, etc., etc. But make sure to eat a healthy and balanced diet! I don't think that diet is for transfems unless their digestive and immune systems are trying to murder them.


meat and dairy and other animal products aren't essential for anyone lol


that's going to be a [citation needed]


Don't listen to all the talk of what to eat and not to eat -- in accordance to transition, anyway. Just try your best to eat healthy and you'll be fine.


Look up ✨autophagy✨




Those are rookie numbers you gotta get those numbers up


As someone whose job as a pt involves having to constantly dispel nutrition and fitness myths people assume because they read it only or in a magazine, this doesn’t shock me… it only gives me a migraine


The title combined with the SpongeBob image reminds me of the SpongeBob episode, tea at the tree dome. Also, that must be really hard/gen


I just became a vegetarian and BOOM 6pk for the first time. E is fun 😝


Spiro tells me when to drink, besides that I eat when my stomach tells me too +3 hours


Eat sand become crab


What has being trans to do with diet? Im confused


People want to find any way they can to make things go quicker.


I'm vegan BTW


Eat less crap, drink more water, avoid sugar. simple as lol.


Look, absolutely no food will impact your hormone levels in any meaningful way (unless you have an iodine deficiency that's causing your thyroid to shut down, in which case you need to eat more foods containing iodine, but that's a whole different ballpark). Just eat healthily.


Okay, so, from my understanding: Firstly, it depends on the person a bit, and in your personal tastes and money and all. But most importantly, I'd try and gain some significant weight right after entering E, so that this new fat goes into the right places. "Isn't it gonna go into the wrong places as well?" Maybe, but not much. Remember how you gained a lot of weight in your first puberty? Yeah, back then it was easy because you were growing in general, but now you have to give it a little push. Also diary might help a lot in this phase, because it has a lot of fat and also some good nutrients (that may vary depending on how processed it is). So, ideally, I think the best way is to try to into HRT with a lot of "room" to put in some weight, and then keep at it for a while (don't just put it all in one go as well). Other than that, doing some exercises helps with your metabolism, so while it will burn some calories, it definitely helps for your whole body to function as a whole, so it should 100% be included if possible (just like if you weren't on hrt).


The left one there is called anorexia




Don't worry about it too much. The main study that people cite when making lists of foods that affect estrogen or testosterone wasn’t very legit and the guy also listed a non-existent person as someone who helped.


Shoveling pickles and potatoes into my mouth


*alarm goes off* The tiny little elves inside my brain: "more pickles! I repeat, more pickles!!" *Another alarm goes off* "More potatoes, people! Keep it moving!!"


Literally the only useful diet advice for anyone is "is your mom basically healthy? copy her diet. if not, literally just eat something that has calories and protein." you couldn't go further wrong than the food pyramid. a pork chop every day won't kill you and it might bring nutrients you can't get elsewhere. carbs get an undeserved bum rap, though they do have disadvantages. i shouldn't have them because they make me bipolar but that doesn't apply to you. vegetables are nice to have.