• By -


Oh, and because I couldn't fit it in the title, they also had an ambiguous gender identity ("When I sit in the alehouse, I am a woman, and I am an exuberant young man.", was also described as being "Like the god Ashur, she wears a beard") Sources: https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/inanna-ishtar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inanna#:~:text=Individuals%20who%20went,into%20women.%5B57%5D


Wow. What a beautiful read. Thank you for sharing :)






dEiTy of the Holy Radiance of Truth


Can we get a šŸ™Œ for Barbelo, the thrice androgynous mother-father


I'm like 98% sure Jesus was trans.


wait, wot?!


An immaculate conception can only result in an AFAB child.


i prefer the idea that jesus wasn't actually born of a virgin mother, because most (if not all) accounts of jesus's genealogy mention joseph's family tree (which is how we get to the line of david, a prerequisite for being messiah) ~~which wouldn't be the case if he had nothing to do with the creation of jesus, right? whoops~~


"yeah dad I definitely didn't do anything! They are a miracle!" Except they bought it and founded a religion edit 1: corrected "everythink"




Wrong, frogs are magic too


Alright, you've convinced me. I'm only praying to unicorn Jesus from now on.


Yeah except there's some actual logic involved instead of just pretending two things with a shared property are the same thing which is ridiculous.


I always knew Darth Vader was a mtf.


There's something to be said about the fact that Anakin grew out their hair when their skills in the battlefield became more important that Jedi protocol, an opportunity also taken for a secret marriage that opposed said protocol...


Reading a pretty good fix-fic where six months after uncovering Palpatineā€™s plot and removing him, but unveiling their relationship in the process, Padme comes home to Naboo where Anakinā€™s been awaiting the Councilā€™s judgement. And in that time theyā€™ve realised they *really* like feeling pretty in their wifeā€™s clothes, and Padme is a bi queen who is instantly accepting and supportive of her husband/wife/whatever, first getting them a new wardrobe and generally helping them in their transition. I use they here because Aniā€™s pronouns change over the story, but what doesnā€™t change is how fucking cute everything is. Very fucking cute, that is, thatā€™s how cute everything is.


Figures someone would have eventually written that - better than superficial "Vader is trans" takes solely based on the use of a new name over an abandoned one. On a more traditional take, I really liked "Darth Side: Memoirs from a Monster": http://darthside.blogspot.com/?m=1 Really builds up some empathy towards the older version of the character for whom the Anakin days have become a distant memory, until mentions of a young Skywalker remind him of a time when he knew love, and make him want to recapture the feeling again - fan-written, but IMO a great companion to the classics. In a way, a remorseful take on the path not taken, which is not without its trans parallels ("I'm Thinking of Ending Things" comes to mind).


eh, assuming god is everywhere he technically could've done the deed with Mary and then accelerated her pregnancy (not saying you're wrong)




We finally found our god/goddess to pray too.


Deity of Trans you gender.


Also, there is this one myth where in one of the versions she is rescued from the Underworld by a non-binary/intersex being named Asu-Shu-Namir, and the latter, and all those like them, are blessed with the gifts of healing and divination by Ishtar. Also, as far as I am aware, priestesses [sic!] of Ishtar were intersex people and/or filled in a non-binary gender role, which was tied to the myth.


I have a nonbinary flag sticker on my water bottle with the text "I'm magic, Ishtar loves me, and the queen of hell thinks I'm hot" over it in reference to this legend. [Here's a link to the design on the artist's redbubble page](https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/39842856)


Oh shit I love OSP! I gotta watch the myths vid on Ishtar now!


It's in the Underworld Myths video :)


(pretty sure the other known version has her rescued by intersex/non-binary beings as well, but this time around two of them, named Gala-Tura and Kur-Jara, and without the elaboration about magical gifts)


Not only that but the literally goddess of the Underworld was smitten with Asu-Shu-Namir and felt so betrayed when they helped Ishtar escape that she cursed them and all who were like them, only for Ishtar to reward Asu and all nb/intersex people with those powers as compensation.


The nonbinary priests remind me of the Incan quariwuarmi, priests that served an androgyne god and took on gender neutral clothing and roles.


"hey, Ishtar? It's me, Nick. Big fan of your work. I was wondering if you take requests?"


Lol thatā€™s so sweet


There is piles upon piles of not just trans but all kinds of queer history. But for so long in the west it's been taboo to talk about. Lavender Marriages come to mind as do figures like Dr. James Barry who totally just wanted to be a doctor and wasn't trans at all you guys. These things have always existed, but it wasn't acceptable to talk about. So since you couldn't talk about it, people got plausible deniability to say it just didn't happen. And now we're in the late stage of all this to where people actually believe that this stuff didn't happen, despite people at the time being fully aware of what was going on.


This is where memory studies should take precedence over one narrative (meta narrative) of history, promoting an "unsilencing" of trans voices


But conservative media promised me that the transgender was invented in 2014 as a communist plot. Feelings don't care about your facts.


my parent's literally dont believe that transgender people existed before the 2000's besides in sex clubs lmao


Lol. Would their heads explode if they were reminded that the first celebrity transgender person in America was a World War 2 veteran


Me: Uhm, having a goddess of life who is believed to have created dragons in my world who also basically gives gender affirming transformations to her followers seem a little bit weird. Ishtar exists Me: Nevermind, I am just a fool of a took with little memory of Sumerian mythology


No mom i swear! I just woke up like this! Ishtar, ya know?


Wow... I have been (trying) to write a book for several years and in the battle between deities, Ishtar was the force that one was fighting against. Additionally, I have been having the hardest time making the two plot lines link up, but ... like... this literally solves my problem. I thank you!


I got my username from her. :)


Rightly fitting. You changed my life and I have no doubt you've helped countless others. You rock, honestly.


Ishtar is where we get the word easter from. "Asherah" in Hebrew


Don't forget about Caeneus from Greek mythology whom asked Poseidon to become an invincible man after having sex with him


is that why they're gender's just "unknown" in fgo?


It probably has to do with how according to some Greek myths Caeneus reverted to his original form after death


as an FGO-fan i now feel even more devoted to ishtar!


Rin is going to trans our genders


I hope goldie doesn't hear you


Goldies 2nd in command was the head priestess of Ishtar unless I'm misremembering, he'd probably mutter something about a useless goddess at most.


Yeah Siduri was the head priestess of Ishtar, but gil complained about Ishtar a lot, also in front of her iirc Edit: definitely in front of her, like at the beginning of Babylonia when Ishtar crashes into the room


Well shit, wasn't planning to role very hard for Space Ishtar, but maybe now I have to. So far my trans lineup is D'eon, Enkidu, and Astolfo. Can't seem to get Mordred to come home =(


ngl i got mordred by accident... just rolled on a random banner and she spooked me xD if i learned one thing in my year of playing Fate... its that rate ups are a scam... it doesnt matter if you have 1000 quartz or 3 quartz. you either pull the servant or not... like most of my 5 star servants were pulled with less then 100 quartz. the one servant i tried to get with all quartz and tickets i could get on the other side.... stayed in the underworld..... even after putting in some money xD so ya. i will throw some quartz at space isthar (since my chaldea is alltime broke) and hope for the best XD


In another mythology, I can't help but think about how Athena, who's generally depicted as omnicompetent virtuous, spawned fully formed from Zeus's head... like an ideal his mind was trying to manifest in reality...


Also what about Loki who gave birth?


Wasn't that while transformed into an animal? Way more to unpack there than I feel I can handle properly.


Yes. Loki gave birth to 8 legged horse.


I took ancient history in high school and the amount of time we spent on the Sumerians was insane. Did we learn about this? NO OF COURSE NOT IM PISSED


As a Pagan/Witch, I may have to seek this one out. Thank you.


Maybe gods are pretty cool, after all.




Actually most scholarship today rules out Lilith as a possibility. It is most likely a depiction of Ereshkigal or Ishtar (personally I think its Ereshkigal). The Babylonian equivalent to Lilith is the "lilītu" and "lilƻ" both of which were demons. And it would have been highly unusual for the Babylonians to make such an image of a demon since they didn't worship them. Also the horned crown that she is wearing, and the rods and rings in her hands, are symbols of divinity, so its quite unlikely for her to be Lilith. Though wings are often associated with the underworld, the connections to divinity make it likely that she's Ereshkigal, the queen of the underworld. Then again, worship of Ereshkigal wasn't super common so maybe she is Ishtar after all.




"Screech Owl" could not describe Lilith from the Owl House any better


I am not an expert on mesopotamian iconography, but most scholars who are, say it is a depiction of a goddess, rather then a demon so that leaves Ishtar, or Ereshkigal as the most likely candidates. That's all I'm trying to say. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burney_Relief#refTJ87 If the burney relief really is depicting a lilitu, then it is the first evidence we have of mesopotamians deifying a demon, because she happens to be holding rod and rings, and wearing a horned crown. Which like I said are symbols reserved for devine beings. (Read: Gods Demons and Symbols of ancient Mesopotamia, by Jeremy black for meanings of these symbols). I find this extremely unlikely, because demons are described in the Enuma-Elish as being unable to receive libations, eat food, or drink. All of which were key parts to divinity in Babylonian religious practice. Personally, I doubt its Ishtar. Because she isn't associated with owls at all. (But Thorkild Jacobson does make the argument that she was loosely associated with them). I've never heard of Ereshkigal being synchronized with Lilitu, do you have a source for that? That would also be highly unusual since Lilitu was a demon.


ugh. True


I care. Thanks for correcting the mistake.


Huh, interesting! I used this depiction because in The British Museum they've identified her as possibly being Inanna/Ishtar, but as with everything archaeology there will be differing theories. Good to know though! https://www.britishmuseum.org/visit/object-trails/desire-love-identity-lgbtq-histories#:~:text=6.%20Queen%20of%20the%20Night%20(Room%2056) (If the link doesn't work just scroll down a bit)


Smt fan here ***Y E S***




That, and in the Fate series she looks just like Rin Tohsaka, so she has bonus points for that


shoutout to the roman emporer Elagabalus! a trans woman who basically named herself "god woman mountain" after a Syrian deity and spent half her time murdering senators and engaging in sex scandals. "...[she] inflicted the cult of [her] aniconic Syrian divinity Elagabal (Aramaic for ā€œgod-mountainā€) upon Rome, brutally murdered numerous senatorial and equestrian administrators, appointed [her] churlish favorites to key imperial positions, indulged every lecherous vice, wore Eastern garb, ushered in the domination of imperial women, and aspired to be a woman [herself]." -Martijn Icks, the Crimes of Elagabalus goals honestly


Didn't Ishtar also have a cult of non-binary priests




Sumeria actually isn't particularly close to the equator. It's further away than much of south China. I get what you're saying, but I think it would have been enough to say Sumerians were probably brown.


I like the form of race-inclusive vibes from this comment; its logos is stronger than most of the race-related trans discussions I see.


blatant forgetting of Asu-shu-namir the hot enby who got us all magic powers from Ishtar as thanks for saving her from the underworld


Also I love her Gate it's very pretty


Yeah LGBT folk have always existed, itā€™s only recently that weā€™ve been attacked over it, it being wrong started from the Catholic Church lol


and asushunamir, the nonbinary and/or intersex person created to save ishtar from ereshkigal. they seduced ereshkigal. the queen of hell is into androgyny.


Gasp I love you Ishtar


based Ishtar


Ishtar? Did somebody say [Ishtar?](https://youtu.be/_CtUd0yuYN4?t=674) 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 AND *clickity clack instrument* "These men are pawns" "I have put a price of 20,000 dirham on their heads" "NEXT they will be hailed as the true messenger of God!" "They were just a couple of songwriters who came to Ishtar to break into show-business" "Ahhhh ahhh ahh" "Easy boy, easy boy" "What the hell's the matter with him, is he blind?" "Well, yeah, he is, but he's in perfect condition." "So how did they wind up on everyone's hitlist?"


Came for this


theres also a really really old caveman sculpture of a dude with an animal head, so furries/voidpunks/species-dysphorists have been around forever too [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion-man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion-man) BEING TRANS AND BEING A FURRY IS VERY VERY NORMAL FOR HOMO-SAPIENS


Related: The Mesopotamian temples of Innana (goddess of love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power) had trans priests known as Gala!


ā€¦isnā€™t the Destiny lore site called the Ishtar collective? Whatā€™s up with that.


As someone who's never played Destiny, this is just a shot in the dark and I might be totally wrong. The Ishtar Collective is a science organization in the Destiny universe located on the planet Venus. Venus, as a goddess, is somewhat related to Ishtar, as a fuck ton of important female deities from around the Mediterranean and Europe stemmed from her worship and had some weird crossover with her, including the Greek goddess Aphrodite, and therefore by extension the Roman goddess Venus. That's probably why the devs named it after her.


Makes sense


The Ishtar Collective is named after the region on Venus it was located in, an area called the Ishtar Sink within the Destiny universe. Itā€™s based within the region Ishtar Terra, a real continental region comprised of highlands towards the north of Venus, the other two regions being the Aphrodite Terra and the Lada Terra.


Ishtar divine, We do believe the promises thou hast made; thy word with meekness we receive.


She is the messiah!


Also pretty cool, the hymns to Inanna (Ishtar) were written by Enheduanna - the first named author in world history, and a woman.


Every time I see the word Ishtar my brain immediately jumps to Redlettermedia. Edit: even though these are 2 different things completely, just word association haha.


And the god I worship who is constantly changing sex through a cycle of death and rebirth. Sabazios takes transitioning to the extreme.


Donā€™t forget about the intersex goddess Cybele and her trans priestesses, Galli


For anyone who is wondering her name is pronounced "Easter".


Could have been pronounced ish-tar or is-tar and sometimes its ponounced esh-tar/es-tar which pronunciation is is right is unclear. Also I'm pretty sure we don't get the holiday from her :/ Source: I studied Babylonian Akkadian.


oh easter should be our holiday we all just a bunch of cracked eggs šŸ£


Well damn, I guess the meme I read might not have been completely accurate lol. Where did you study Babylonian Akkadian? That sounds wicked.


No it's not, that meme you saw is 100% completely inacurrate. Literally every aspect of that meme is wrong. Her name was almost certainly not pronounced Easter, there's a reason we spell it Ishtar in Latin letters. She was not the source of the Easter holiday, Easter actually comes from the West Germanic pagan goddess of spring, Ēostre. She wasn't just a goddess of sex and fertility. She was a goddess of justice, political power, and war. Her symbols were not the egg and the bunny. Her main symbol was the eight pointed star, and the animal she's most associated with is the lion. The person depicted in that meme is most likely not even Ishtar. It's more likely to be Lilitu or Ereshkigal. Every Easter, that meme makes the rounds among people who call themselves skeptics, but if people were actually skeptical and double checked literally any aspect of that meme, they'd see it isn't true.


Really wish people wouldn't blindly believe things like that at face value. There are people who believe Wicca is an ancient religion in continuity with a long practice of witchcraft, but it was invented within living memory. (which is fine I'm just using it as an example of things people don't bother looking up) It's all because people instantly accept things like this for some reason.


I'm sorry if I make anyone upset but where do you get that Ishtar was trans? Nowhere in the texts does it say they were trans? It sounds more like they were intersex or or female that also performed roles that were typical for men at the time. It also states that Ishtars pronouns are her/she and in one poem has them saying "my female genitals". It ALSO states they were the goddess of sex and sexual identity, not gender identity. And while they could transform from male to female, many gods were able to do the same. Loki for example, but he isn't labeled as trans, just bi or pan sexual.


Ishtar is trans in this story. Boom.


Maybe the useless goddess isn't so useless


Doesn't that kinda enforce the gender binary? She didn't say I can turn you genderless, she said I can turn you into one or the other.


She was saved by a non-binary spirit and as gratitude gave all nb people powers


That's cool, idk if I wanted to create a new name for a group of people that didn't fit into the two gender archetypes I probably wouldn't pick a name that reminds them of what they aren't :"NON-binary". I'd pick a name that shows what they stand for like "love people"(that's a bad name because I'm an idiot but I would pick something positive)


So THAAAAAAT'S why I like yugioh so much!


Oh wow! I had no idea about this. That's really interesting !


Wait Owls and Cats??? Okay... I for one welcome our new trans Deity.


Any other fate fans here?


brb building a shrine to Ishtar


Early day SCP 113


So by extension, that includes Aphrodite, Astarte, and Venus.


I have found a new religion


"oH bUt TuMbLr InVeNtEd TrAnS!11!#!1121!!" Good post


Ishtar gang


Can confirm, one of my roommates is a priestess of Ishtar.


praise ishtar


Also where we get the name and bunny and egg stuff for easter, and a deity of fertility


I need more info on this can someone send me links?


Is Ishtar said to be able to change genders of other people? **If so,** # take me to them.


And I've just found a new religion


The best part is that in one Ishtar myth, after a nonbinary person helped here out of the underworld, they were cursed to be outcasts, so she gave them magic powers. And the queen of the underworld also thought the were hot


I too play Destiny (2014)


Ishtar is where we get the word easter from. "Asherah" in Hebrew


This Ishtar's power was a curse. Every sumerian and akkadian gods and goddesses had the power to proctect humankind or crused them. Use this sentence for explain there were transgender during Antiquity is a mistake.