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Oh god this is my biggest thing. Like, some days I don't wanna get all gussied up, I don't wanna deal with a bra or tucking, just throw clothes on my body and go about my day.


You do you your still a woman and still valid


of course :) there are plenty of cis women who do the same and not a single person would ever say it makes them men.


Yup yup, cis woman here. I wear makeup vanishingly rarely, and wear whatever's comfy most days. I just shower in the morning, towel dry my hair, moisturize and sunscreen, throw on a t-shirt, joggers, running shoes, and a hoodie, and that's me for the day. No one's ever acted like I must be a man because I look comfy and don't wear makeup šŸ¤·




Just do whats comfy


Iā€™m FTM and I feel... sometimes I just donā€™t want to suffocate in my binder, shove something in my pants for a bulge that I gotta worry about looking natural, etc... I just wanna exist and feel physically comfortable and not have to feel like my tits being visible through my clothes is going to make everyone like ā€œoh so youā€™re not a man today?ā€ No... I just want to BREATHE (and not feel back pain).


Yeah same here , wearing a binder is a pain sometimes tbh


I get some back pain for real when wearing them. At work Iā€™ll even go out for a smoke and take the binder off in privacy to just have a minute of comfort. Bras sucked bad pre-coming out, binders suck more. I just wanna not need either one way or another


Yeah, me too. It sucks when you're in a public place so you can't really do anything about it


I wish our society was less weird about boobs.


i wish i could do this, but i would rather die than leave my house without my binder at least i can survive without a packer but my binder hurts my back so much even though i only wear it 3-4 days a week during my college classes :/


Itā€™s become easy to be without a binder during this pandemic for me. Iā€™m not looking forward to being in it half a day again


I think I'm gonna have to stop wearing mine for a while, I wore it to work today and my back hurt so much after 2 hours I felt nauseous from the pain.


Itā€™s honestly okay if you need that. Consider buying a binder a size up or just a sport/compression bra or even just go totally free if that feels ok. It feels as mentally uncomfortable being without it as physically with it but Iā€™ve noticed I still pass often despite having a medium size chest going commando with a loose enough shirt or sweater but I also fold my arms or hold something in-front of me to hide it


That's so interesting because I feel rather uncomfortable with that bulge in public and don't want people to notice it. I passively always want to hide it by hugging a pillow on a couch or bend one or both of my knees when laying down for example. I had never imagined that people would WANT it to be there and others to notice it but it totally makes sense now if I look at it from your perspective. As for myself(m) I'm currently figuring out if I'm MTF or not so reading your comment was very helpful for me to understand how some FTM people from the other side (I hope it's not rude to say it like that) might think. I hope it all goes well for you and can become the man you want to be. Big love from my side! (ļ½”ļ½„Ļ‰ļ½„ļ½”)ļ¾‰ā™”


To be honest I only pack on certain occasions where I feel like it matters for some reason. Iā€™m actually pretty comfortable not packing 80% of the time, most times I donā€™t think people are looking at crotches unless thereā€™s like an extremely noticeable bulge for those who are larger there. I suppose the same goes for boobs.. the larger they are the harder it is not to notice them but they are quite a bit more noticed


It like walking up to a runner with normal clothes on. "Oh gave up on the Olympics buddy?" "No? It's my recup day? Why are you talking to me? Wtf is wrong with you?" \* literally runs away from creep \*


Someone on r/actuallesbians used the term ā€œlazy femmeā€ recently and thatā€™s absolutely me. Sure I love looking all pretty and cute, but I barely have the energy/patience/time to so much as brush my hair most days. So I just put on a pink hoodie and call it a day.


Me about my pastel blue Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune hoodie.


And I can buy such a hoodie where exactly?


Hey it's MY gender hoodie you can't take it!!! Nah I'm playing here's the link: https://www.hottopic.com/product/sailor-moon-sailor-uranus-sailor-neptune-girls-hoodie/15091121.html It's saying it's sold out though, so you may have to go to the nearest one and see if they have it


omg that looks amazing! I think I have a new thing to hunt down


ngl sometimes I just let the beard ride. Thereā€™s a time to impress and look the way you wanna look, and thereā€™s a time to just relax and roll with the flow


I just wanna dress girly so bad but i would get killed and tbh it would be worth it


I hope you'll be safe


Safety first. Solidarity, I hope you can get to a better place soon


This is mostly the reason my wife doesn't dress feminine yet. We live in a homophobic transphobic area filled with rednecks. People out here aren't exactly all that accepting.


Here everyone is transphobic, most r homophobic and there is a confederate flag every few meters, in central Europe, cos y not


..... in EUROPE?? it's bad enough seeing those dumbass flags in the southern us, jesus christ


My entire town has the mental capacity of an oxydised aaa battery


well at least we have that in common šŸ˜€




šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£So true...šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Nazis. 100% its nazis


I live in Idaho. This whole state is pretty rural and very close minded.


Oh god... Those confederate flags are all over here too! I get a lot of stares from rednecks since I dress all androgenous and have short hair. I just ignore them and pretend they don't exist.


Why the hell would you hang the flag of a short lived rebellion that was defeated by a different country on another continent 200 years ago


if youre not being sarcastic, its to dogwhistle that theyre racist


How is that possible? I feel like Europe is really open in general. I live in Germany and I already saw a pride flag in front of a church. A church!


I live in the southern us and *some* churches have pride flags here too. I imagine a bit further from the city it's probably a different story, and there's probably enough not-awesome peeps even in the city that being aware of one's surroundings would still be advised.


i live in a shit part of the US and some of the churches have pride flags. its virtue signaling to try to stay relevant in modern society mostly, they arent genuinely supportive


If you don't mind divulging, what country specifically? I have been considering a move out to the Balkans area, and would hate to accidentally live in America 2.0...


I am in Croatia and will move to Canada


Hey, maybe it's just their heritage. The sussy factor of the Confederate flag goes up by like a million if you're not in the former Confederate States of America. Even then the "heritage/history" thing is gone.


I am trans and a redneck, we are not all like that. (Some of us are leftists pushing for equal rights for all) But i understand why you feel that way.


Hang in there, comrad




I live in Russia and it's basically the same thing. Idk how to get around it but i truly wanna be myself in every way :<


Best I got is online persistent worlds and existing either at my lab, or online. And no in-between.


Also, because I miss having pockets sometimes


Why can't fem clothing just have pockets like what's up with that


I know! I can barely fit my phone in the pockets of my fem clothes. And I can no joke, fit an entire change of clothes into the pockets of some of my "male" clothes


Yeah do clothing companies think some people have less items to Carry around


If anything, I carry around more stuff


There's always purses and handbags I suppose


Yeah, but it's always like, all the way across the room, and I'm lazy. Lol


Lol same


Backpacking for this one- so handy and important for someone a bit disorganized like me- I can just keep "my stuff" in one place- my backpack!


Honestly, fuck purses tho


It's to compliment the "female body shape"


Females have lots of body shapes


My body shape is of a potato




Big mood


They want to sell you a nice bag too.


Well, no. It's for money. They make the pockets not be able to fit anything, so women end up spending more money to buy a purse so they can actually carry around their stuff.




The pants I have right now have 6 pockets and the jacket I have has 5, all capable of fitting my phone with room for more. Ngl, having 10 pockets that are all big enough to fit my phone feels hella powerful.


Pants with six pockets have to be, like, a legendary item or something. Which boss to I need to defeat to get those? XD


Because back in the day women wore aprons over there clothes while working. No point in the extra work of sewing in pockets when they would be covered up anyway. People sewed pockets into there aprons instead. When women stopped wearing aprons they started carrying handbags instead, I think to avoid ruining the silhouette of the wearer. Again time are changing and pocket equality is the new trend.


This - there was a podcast from Dressed: A history of Fashion: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-pockets-interview-dr-ariane-fennetaux-part/id1350850605?i=1000506621728 all about these pockets which were amazing. Honestly, I kinda wish they were still a thing but that would mean giants skirts all the time so...


I think aprons are great. Super cute and functional. They also extend the life of your clothes. Bring back big skirts 2023.


The two dresses I got from Torrid so far have pockets that can fit at least two trade paperbacks in them. It's frankly insane and I love them.




In the words of onetopic "Stop fake pockets!!!"


been using my school pencil case as a purse when I dress fem


Pro tip: costco women's clothing


All clothes are all genders(change my mind)


Itā€™s literally a fact. I cannot and will not attempt to change your mind.


Ya my mom seen my laundry and asked who's womans underwear and pajamas are these and my responses was, "considering i bought them mine". XD she is getting better.


No cuz thatā€™s a fact


Women who don't dress like a Victorian maiden with a whale bone corset aren't real women, idfc what's between your legs, I care about you covering your ankles, harlot!!


Socks usually cover my ankles and I always wear trousers and a whale bone corset sounds uncomfortable


A WOMAN? In TROUSERS?? What's next? A MAN on the MOON???




I bet youā€™d like to see some ankles. Donā€™t try to lie


Iā€™m ftm, I donā€™t dress particularly feminine or masculine, occasionally I paint my nails because itā€™s become a lot more socially acceptable for cismen to do so but still some folks feel the need to comment like ā€œoh I see you painted you nailsā€ like it means Iā€™m reverting back to cisfem or something. No I just have pretty hands and nail polish is aesthetically pleasing. I donā€™t buy ā€œfeminineā€ clothes but Iā€™ll fuckin buy womenā€™s pants and shoes and socks cuz they fit, they were on sale (I will not pay more than $18 for jeans, if I see a $7 pair of jeans on sale and they fit n look okay Iā€™m gonna buy them I donā€™t give a fuck if theyā€™re menā€™s or womenā€™s), and comfort yes. Sometimes I wear leggings around the house cuz itā€™s almost like wearing nothing and I can feel a little sexy wearing them around partners too cuz it leaves a little to the imagination ;)


Your not any less of a man you do you, if only people cared less what others do and minded their own business


Iā€™ve mentioned once ā€œif itā€™s $10, fits, looks good and feels good I donā€™t give a fuck what gender it was forā€ and a guy told me ā€œyup youā€™re a dude for that reason aloneā€. Felt pretty validating tho I think thatā€™s actually just a human thing in general, women often never get to have comfortable fashion in history (10 layers to wear a Victorian dress.. heels.. wired push-up bras... foot binding... pretty much anywhere in the world thereā€™s a potential history for painful womenā€™s fashion. Apparently women arenā€™t allowed to be comfortable theyā€™re just here to look pretty for everyone according to society)


Yeah clothes are just pieces of fabric that cover our private areas and make us look good (for the most part)


Unfortunately for women throughout history apparently if they want to be desired and accepted as feminine they gotta look pretty for everyone. Foot binding was a huge feminine thing in many parts of China for centuries for example. I imagine if foot binding were still a thing and was world-wide people would harass transwomen like ā€œwhaaaat you donā€™t want 3 inch lotus shoes and be a feminine woman??? Try harder! Break all the bones in your feet and suffer with chronic pain, infection and disability cuz thatā€™s womanhood!ā€ Fashion and femininity/masculinity is something society makes up.


Yeah no thanks that sounds painful, I wish cis people would just not judge our validity and prefferd clothing styles


Pandemic has been boss for comfortable clothes and low stress upkeep. Also masks, I love them.


And you're still completely valid, clothes are just fabric, and anything can look good on anyone


Nothing looks good on me


I doubt that, if you own it you can pull off about anything. We always have distorted versions of self. Also everyone also has different definitions of good looking, you say not be your type, but I bet you'll be fucking gorgeous to someone else at some point.


Yeah I have a Very distorted veiw of what I look like I cringe whenever I see my reflection and I just hate what I look like and hate myself so right now I find that hard to believe but I do desperately want it to be true


You don't have to believe it atm, just keep it as a possibility. Not gonna tell you what to believe personally, but I believe that you're a beautiful girl, no proof needed. Stay strong <3


Thank you so much!


If you ever feel ā€œtoo mascā€ to be a girl, just remember that Ron Swanson (The guy in the meme, from TV show: Parks and Recreation) was named Woman Of The Year. So, donā€™t be afraid to express yourself in any fashion. Be it masc or fem, you are still you. If a Transfem presents as Masc, sheā€™s still a girl. Similarly, if a Transmasc presents as Fem, heā€™s still a boy.




^you ^do ^you ^but ^girl ^clothes ^are ^rlly ^comfy


I like skirts


I recently bought some casual dresses. They are so comfortable. I have started to just wear them around my house now




clothes =/= gender


Exactly you extremely intelligent and handsome guy


tysm for the euphoria Sophie that made my day :)


And thank you for the euphoria been having imposter syndrome today and feeling invalid so thank alot


To me, I just see most of menā€™s clothing as pretty ā€œstandardā€, regardless of gender, so I donā€™t see what the big deal is. Not every girl has to be overly feminine, and not every guy needs to be overly masculine. Also, itā€™s true, clothing made for men is usually comfy.


I have autism and that thin fabric on female clothes makes me super super uncomfortable


Button-up shirts used to do it for me. Opposite of you, I love thin fabrics and love the pair of leggings I got because, on top of it being thinner than any pants I own, the fabric doesnā€™t move when I move.


I try to remind myself that, in spite of how they may have been designed or intended, all of my clothes are womenā€™s clothes. I am a woman. These are my clothes. Therefore, they are womanā€™s clothes.


They absolutely are


Tbh, mainly because I don't want to be beaten up on the streets ;-;


Also, I like not getting hatecrimed when I'm buying milk and eggs.


Yeah that too


That and also I don't want to be kicked out of my house... Yet.


I like the butch look and by golly I'm not buying new clothes while these ones are still in good repair, which they will be as long as I have a sewing kit, so there. Also men's pants have pockets.


Trans woman dresses girly: "You think skirts and makeup are all there is to being a woman!" Trans woman dresses dudeily: "Are you even really a woman?"


Because I'm demi-female. Still wearing cute socks though regardless of outerwear.


Yea, me ftm, sitting here, in a skirt, a top and just being happy


I'm glad you're happy


I'm glad you're happy too!! It's nice seeing not only bad news on here


I'm not exactly happy I got an NHS message yesterday and I was praying it was about my transition but no just stupid covid vaccine and today the Same thing happened and got dumb letter from the dentist


I really wish I could look like a girl dressed like a guy. Flannels, suits, hoodies... absolute goals


Oh my god same!


Truscum: ***(fucking dies)***


transmen but with maxi skirts, too lol you don't owe the world your gender performance to be valid as your gender. <3


>Girls wear guy clothes all the time and I am a girl, thus I do it There ya go


That's really helpful thanks


tucking & binding r so painful, we (trans folks) r valid just as we are. i hate binding, i don't have to bind to be a boy! i am one already! šŸ˜¤


Exactly, I don't tuck and I'm still a girl


Or, "fuck off, I like pockets"


Pockets are great


Agreed, have you seen black widow? What I'd give to have one of those vests


also i am want to mostly present as a butch lesbian. this means that i get to wear cargo pants before and after i transition. i need the pockets. where else can i put my water bottle my tablet my cat and wrench i usually carry around ??




If you want to be comfy AND femme, may I recommend: maxi dresses + long cardigans w/ boots


I dont like skirts/dresses, it's just a piece of cloth anyway, why do we have to gender clothes


Iā€™m just too scared for no reason


My parents now think it looks wrong when I'm wearing trousers lmao


A fellow gnc trans person, how are you?


if ciswomen can wear shorts or pants then i can wear shorts or pants


1. They're still the most of my clothes 2. Pockets 3. Clothes don't have gender 4. Comfy


It's the depression and social anxiety/fear of rejection for me.


Literally the only thing I plan to change is that Iā€™ll wear skirts. That is all.


exactly! especially if iā€™m not feeling great, i donā€™t have to bother trying to pass, binding so i canā€™t breathe, packing or anything. thereā€™s no obligation to do that for you. iā€™m a guy, but i can still feel cute in dresses. youā€™re a girl, but menā€™s clothes are comfy and chill. just wear what you want


I didn't shave today, I'm 6 weeks off from my last laser and I clearly have a goatee shadow. Fuck off. I'm fine.


Clothes and all that stuff doesnā€™t really matter to me. Some days Iā€™d want more feminine clothes, other times I want to be in basketball shorts and a tee shirt playing DnD. All I want is to look like a woman regardless of what I wear.


I wear cloths that hide my hair cover body since I cant shave them due to trauma from the last time I used a razor (I cut a chunk of skin of the tip of my finger) It's fully healed now)


Oh that sounds awful


It was painful...took 3 months to heal šŸ˜”šŸ˜“


I hope your ok


I just like t-shirts, jeans, and zip up hoodies.


Ohā€¦, Iā€™m in this photo, and I donā€™t like it


I have very little interest in being conventionally girly. I'd rather just dress like a skater/tomboy type thing. Black skinny jeans, flannel, skate shoes, you already know the vibe.


I've still got one pair of boy jeans. The pockets are so deep...


I like my comfortable shorts! I also hate clothes shopping, I can try and get stuff from amazon, but going out and risking confrontation with transphobes isn't my idea of a good time... Well that and Agoraphobia..


OH. FUCK. OFF. Don't fucking tell me how to dress. I don't owe you femininity.




Guy clothes are just so useful. They have pockets too. I can be a tomboy


Hell yeah


me: fuck off I still need to get more clothes you idiot


Man I'm too broke to get clothes right now, maybe you can bugger off xD \#attacked


Literally needed to see this today


"Because what you wear offends me, and it's making me uncomfortable! How dare you!" But for real though, when I start taking hormones and whatever or if I eventually pass, I'm probably still just gonna wear what I have been, because it's fuckin comfy. Skrew what everyone else thinks!


I feel a quote by the fantastic Eddie Izzard (in all her genderfluid glory) is relevant here: ā€œTheyā€™re not womenā€™s clothes. Theyā€™re my clothes. I bought them.ā€ Clothes have NO gender. They're pieces of cloth you wear to protect yourself and because you like how they look. While certain articles of clothing have come to be often associated with certain genders in our society, those aren't hard rules and ultimately do not matter. Live your life, and do it while being comfortable :)


Personally Iā€™m just a tomboy


Butch trans girl? um uh šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗhi


alternatively "Not to worry, I have a permit:" **Fuck off**


Tomboys exist, therefore you do too


The day people realize nobody owes them femininity, masculinity or androgyny is the day we live in harmony.


Ah yes, how dare you not dress like a 50ā€™s housewife in formal ware 24/7.


Because I work at a rail yard and womenā€™s clothes are expensive compared to 5 dollar Walmart yellow shirts. Or because my motorcycle gear is expensive af and nothing is wrong with it soo why replace it? Soo fuck off.




solidarity from a transmasc femboy šŸ˜” sucks how transphobes say shit like ā€œWeAriNg A DrEsS DoESnT maKe u A wOmAnā€ but then if you donā€™t conform to the gender norms itā€™s ā€œwell why you still act/dress like agab???ā€ the absolute mindfuckery


Cis people get away with it so why can't we


Menā€™s clothes are cheap and last for fucking ever. Plus I get weird gender euphoria from not having to care how much I conform to gender roles after growing up with all that pressure to not be too feminine.


That's great


If there's one thing I'm most jealous of cis women for it's that they can be lazy and still regarded as women


I am also a trans woman. I also dress like a man. Because I'm not out to anyone yet. :dayruined:


coming straight from an SCP sub to here had me confused for a hot second


Iā€™m a butch lesbian. Dressing like a frumpy dude is flagging.


Lots of cis women are tomboys and receive no criticism for it, but when itā€™s a trans woman apparently people care again


All the clothes I wear are female clothes, hoodies and jeans and we'll as skirts. I look cute in both. I don't need to overdo femininity. I like gamer girl and alt girl vibes too, so idk what are male clothes anymore lol.


Are you a girl well your clothes are girl clothes


Did anybody else get confused about what sub they were on after reading MTF ?


Me: wears cute dress and makeup and my hair pink and not bothering to hide the tiddies or lately also the baby bump Them: ok so you're still a girl then? I can drop the masc pron... Me: shh it's all going to be ok.


You don't owe anyone masculinity


Yeah. Pretty damn exhausting to exist as a pregnant masc leaning non binary person in general so I've gotten slightly mean about it with people who know me and say that kind of shit. If they complain I say it's because I got the wrong hormones prescription now.


Well just don't listen to those people you do you, btw congratulations


Yeah I struggle with that a lot as a transmasc nonbinary who has a somewhat feminine style and likes putting on eyeliner and stuff :'))


Just be yourself and boys look great with eyeliner


Iā€™m MTF tomboy and I relate to this so much


Just dont own any guy clothes. Then you gotta be femme or be naked. :P


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE dressing up, but most days it's just t-shirts and jeans for me