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the reduction of lgbt rights in the public eye to just "gay marriage" has been a disaster for the community


Until my egg cracked, I was like 'of course trans rights are human rights, why does that need to be stated?' Then I did my research and looked into trans rights in the most progressive countries, and ... yeah I think some of those human rights are still missing.


that’s my biggest fucking pet peeve like PLEASE let me know if you don’t validate my existence/respect us as people so i can GLADLY stay the FUCK AWAY!!!!


Is that Jon "wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites" Tron saying something didn't age well?


That line was rancid from the moment he said it


this needs to be higher up lmao fuck jontron


It's fine for LGB people, though there are murmurs about section 28 again, but for a country that drinks so much of the stuff they really hate the T


Yeah this country is mostly positive if you are lgb. But if you are trans- Lots of people still don’t understand it. Id say most people in public out of respect will treat you how you want to be treated- but there are transphobes out there lol also the government is preddy shit at supporting us but hopefully this new clinic thingy is going to work out.


I really don't hold hope in them to be honest, it feels like just passing the problem elsewhere. What we need is informed consent or ability for GPs to diagnose and prescribe.


i totally agree. GPs should have the right to prescribe just like they would other necessary medicine Ive been waiting idk 2 years now and have many left If only i could do something about it lol


Literally any drug ever not being informed consent is dumb


As long as it's not as psychologically addictive as heroin, I agree That being said, there are some drug addiction diagnoses that would simply be dysfunctional if the drug's use is a spiral of chemical dependence and poverty traps. It's a shame that there's no real standard for this, besides, "The US Government is currently scared of the users of this drug, and will use it to illegalize identity groups" Nixon & Marijuana, etc


I mean alcohol and cigarettes are both about as psychologically and physically addicting as heroin.


I actually agree that if we're going to ban some drugs, those are near the top of my list. Grandfathering-in drugs shouldn't be a thing. We only still have legal alcohol, because it was impossible to enforce. I think that tobacco would be the easiest, because you literally need a specific crop for it. I would actually be totally fine with the compromise of allowing everything but tobacco, (which is already so expensive, not to mention medical bills.)


I’d argue that alcohol is too ingrained in the human culture to be bannable, with alcohol having history older than most civilisations. It is also believed to be generally harmless in limited amounts due to our body metabolising it after a while. Tobbaco on the other hand, it does not metabolise fully and leaves nasty stuff on your lungs, it’s also more dangerous to third parties than drinking. And finally, smoking isn’t nearly as ingrained in our culture, with a lot of people substituting it already.


There’s evidence that alcohol brewing is part of what spurred the settling of towns and cities in the Neolithic cause you needed someone to watch the brewing process so you needed a sedentary home rather than the Paleolithic nomadic home


Do you have any sources? It does sound interesting, but I doubt that it wasn’t just a byproduct of settling farmland.


Yeah but Heroin is WAY more dangerous


Yes it's more dangerous, but it's only WAY more dangerous because it's often laced with fentanyl and you have no idea what you are dosing. If it was legal the main way of overdosing goes away.


Wait, fr? I thought heroin and fenta were similar but still different substances, not that heroin is something that contains fenta


I mean they are different substances that are mixed together. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opiate. Heroin is the general street name for several different mixes and purities of whatever morphine derivatives. It's just cut with whatever.


I just don't understand it. From my pov, that government allowed trans people to serve openly in the military since 1999 and I just assumed that means better social understanding or at least better social awareness. It's always fun to learn how people would spotlight some good things and make it seem like everything across the board is fantastic.


That just means they're happy to send any warm body over to foreign lands to get shot lol


I must be lucky then. So far the only times I was threatened/shot at was in the U.S. I was treated better in Kuwait and Afghanistan.


So, pretty accurate considering most people use "lgbt" as a synonym for "gay" anymore. Like those articles that say "25 celebrities you didn't know were lgbt!" and 21 of them are cis gay men, three are cis bi men, and one is a cis lesbian.


And then you see Kevin Spacey at the top of the list 👀


I think the thing about Section 28 is likely just people like Sunak saying things so that he gets elected. I don't believe he would actually do anything. Same goes for The Equality Act.


That sounds a little too much like what was said when certain judges were appointed to the US supreme court. I'm not going to trust that he won't do the horrible things he says he'll do just because politicians tend not to keep promises.


Rishi Sunak wants to basically bring back section 28, I imagine truss has similar motives


Let’s be honest they have a really shit track record with respecting peoples choices and staying the fuck out of thing that arnt their business


That's a nice play on words lol


Thanks! Gotta lighten the mood a little somehow


Canada doesn't seem half bad S not perfect but no country is 🤷‍♀️


Yeah people can shit on Québec all they want, there's not a whole lot of places I'd rather be trans in


One word. Deutschland


I knew germany was pretty good on trans right, but does it do some better stuff that Canada and Québec don't? Just curious, I love to hear about positive stuff in the world


I personally don’t really know about Québec but I do know that recently Germany has been doing some really good work. They recently made it so children over the age of 14 can change their legal name and gender without parental/guardians consent. Here is my [source](https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/germany-plans-to-allow-gender-and-name-changes-once-a-year/) if you wanna check it out


They recently released some information about the planned law, they didn't even write it yet, and people between 14 and 17 will still need to go to family court to do that if their parents don't agree. Of course it's much better than the TSG, but even teenagers over 14 won't have it quite that easy.


Still a hell of a lot better than the situation here in America


Depends on where you are. New York is pretty good for trans rights; informed consent, gender neutral markers, relatively easy name changes, and gender identity is a protected class like race and sex.


I mean NYC doesn’t really count they always kinda do their own thing, in a good way don’t get me wrong but it’s very out of place for that side of the country


Nice! That's great to hear. The person writing the article didn't seem to share the sentiment though


I don’t know if you can speak German so I found the only English article I could find and it was written by a old white cis-het republican American.


Unfortunately I can't, only french and english


I don’t currently live in Germany I’m stuck in this fuckin hellhole people call “the land of the free” but soon I’m hopefully gonna move (sooner if that twat trump gets elected round) I would love to hear what y’all’s countries are like for people like us


The good thing about being trans in Québec is being protected by both the federal and provincial government, both of which are in documents that are not easy to change And beside being protected from hate speech and the likes, Québec has laws that, in a case of an accusation of discrimination in a workplace, places the burden of proof on the employer, bot the employee. Basically, in Québec the employer has to prove that they are not discriminating against trans folks (or any other minorities), the victim doesn't have to prove anything. Now I don't how it is in other countries and I would actually be very surprised if a country like Germany didn't have that. It's just one of the thing that makes me less worried while trying to find a new job here.


Guess again America lite.


Listen, Canada sucks ass. Like the US, it's a genocidal settler colonial state that was founded on white supremacy and is absolutely still structurally white supremacist. With that said it is, at near for now, better about lgbtq+ acceptance. [take this recent news story](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/canmore-gourmet-business-dumps-president-who-sent-transphobic-email-1.6533146) which happened in Alberta, literally the province every other province makes fun of for being backwards and conservative. In addition, hate speech is criminalized in Canada which is a pretty substantial upgrade from how it's treated in the US.


I live in canada, and all I see is hate and anger.


I live in Edmonton. I'm not gonna pretend like it's great but I'd much rather live here than pretty much anywhere in the US.


I wouldn't want to live in the US either


Halifax is chill


can agree


I mean they're kinda right in that like the US, the big cities on either coast are liberal hubs while the rural nothingness in the middle lean more conservative and aren't great for us LGBT folk


no america is Canada lite


B.C. lower mainland is great if you can afford it


Trans people in the uk are claiming asylum in newzeland apparently


Is NZ a good place? I’ve always wanted to go there.


No idea I'm in the uk heard it'd more trans friendly but pretty fucking racist its Australia lite


There laws related to trans people are quite good and they are improving on a lot of things, in particular there relationship with the indigenous people. In Australia most people are accepting or don’t care and will let us be ourselves, plus we are beginning to make improvements on laws relating to offical recognition of gender.


Sorry, who are they racist to?


Indigenous groups that live there


So I was overthinking. This is unsurprising.


I don't know if trans people are actively going over to claim asylum, but I read one article that said a trans person had successfully claimed asylum because they were already living there on a visa at the time.


Eh, I live in a very bigoted part of TERF Island and I haven't had any massive issues being openly trans. Granted, it isn't great here but the article probably isn't wrong, it probably is one of the better countries even for us trans peeps. Edit: It also depends hugely on where you are in the country, rural areas are far more likely to be conservative than big cities. Basically, same rules apply to TERF Island as any other country.


Yeah but trying to get hrt is ridiculously hard.


It's not as difficult if you can go private but that's a pretty big *if*. It's kind of either, you go with the NHS but it will take years to even get seen or you go private and get seen quicker but it is a lot more expensive. A rock and hard place, take your pick.


How expensive are we talking with the private stuff? I just don't know if I have years if you get what I mean


So I'm paying Gender GP £30 a month for membership. And every three months I pay about £60-80 for three months of hrt. It's not expensive at all. Like, I cancelled my disney plus, Netflix and prime and it pretty much covered my hrt costs. Getting set up costs about 100-300. But once your on board its easy and cheap to do hrt. The real expense with private healthcare is the surgeries but the NHS won't do most surgeries anyway.


Well I'm not going for surgery so this is some fucking brilliant news. It's all been doom and gloom for the UK but this has given me some serious hope. Thank you so much for this. I'm just gonna start saving now so that I can transition as soon as I move out from my parents who don't support me. Thank you.


Yeah it took like 6 months from contacting Gender GP to get on hrt. But like, it's affordable enough if you just need mtf hrt. I can't speak for ftm costs.


does gendergp have a waiting list too?? I’m Irish and I’m like mentally destroyed from the waiting list, and money isn’t really important


Not at all. Just takes a while to get set up, like 1-6 months before I was taking my hrt. Go check out the website.


Was that by your choice, the long set up time?


Yeah, GenderGP are good. I hope I can start with them in September once I've started Uni.


A quick anecdote from me then: ​ I'm literally trying to get british HRT imported across the pond to the netherlands right now, because that's easier than getting it here...


The main gripe I have with the UK is how hard it is to get HRT with the NHS. It's ridiculous. Other than that it is pretty ok here.


The NHS queue is a huge pain. I’m almost certainly going private. TERFs exist, but they haven’t bothered me too much. Fingers crossed I don’t jinx it. But in general, it’s fine. Not perfect, but I can’t complain too much.


I’m gonna get the tests done through the nhs cause my gp can get them on an on the day appointment but I’m buying HRT myself


Yeah but I kind of need HRT for any hope of passing.


Yes, I get that. I was more referriing to the general attitude towards trans people when I said "other than that" sorry for the confusion.


I was about to say that sometimes “best” only means “least terrible” but then I remembered cis LGB people exist




I would recommend moving to a country other than the UK. If you're gonna move, you might as well move to somewhere good.


Wales is a fairly welcoming place in the UK. When people address the UK in a bad way, nine times out of ten, they mean England.


Still shares most of the same government issues though.


Aye, true. Still, the everyday people you meet treating you fairly is a good start.


Please just say Scotland. NI is… you know what I won’t say it. And Wales is kinda similar to England when it comes to this issue.


I find it quite ironic that the UK is one of the most LGBT-friendly countries nowadays. They are the reason much of the world is very homophobic.


In general, being simultaneously rich and democratic means better LGBT rights. There are exceptions, of course, like Japan and S Korea. But when we colonised these places, we stole their wealth and gave them Christianity. So now they’re poor and crazily religious. That’s not really the best combination for LGBT rights. Not to mentioned how we designed their borders in a way that they’re destined to have internal conflicts.


Well that backfired.


Backfired? My country wanted them to fail. That’s the only reason why they’re so turbulent nowadays. Just look at all of our former colonies, if they’re not majority white, they’re in a tough place. This is by design.


Best thing you can say about a lot of History.


Spain is actually really alphabet Maffia friendly. I’ve been out to all of my school, my parents, parents friends, parents friends kids, everyone at horse riding. (this is out as bi, not trans yet) they all don’t care, some are more annoying about it than others, but I have yet to meet a bigot down here


I have heard really good things about Spain. It always ranks really high on queer acceptence rankings and has been no.1 for years now I think.


Yeah. I’m not sure about other areas but I know for a fact that the Costa del sol is great


Makes me wish I didn't have an actual allergie against the sun


Ah, sorry to hear that. Hope u find another place with less sun


thanks ☺️


But cat calling is crazy in Spain. Much worse than London, Paris, or Berlin.


These lists usually just mean LGB


Honestly, 9th is probably still accurate given how few countries protect LGBT folk


No there are more recent ones (2022) that still put us up in the top 10. This is because whilst the culture isn’t great and getting worse we have a lot more laws and rights than a lot of the rest of the world.


Hey is anybody here from Sweden and could tell me if being trans (trans/lesbian) there is okay like some of the lists say? I'm from Poland for comparison.


honestly the people are mostly fine here. the problems with day-day transphobia tend to arise with religious folks and older conservative people in rural areas. you might run into a TERF every now and then, but I'm lucky enough to have missed that. the thing to be afraid of is the government. its near impossible to transition without paying hundreds and thousands of pounds - otherwise you're gonna be waiting for at LEAST 2 years. Bare minimum. And with the PM race the Tories are doing, they're obviously trying to appeal to Tory voters, so are going to double down on transphobia and homophobia. if you're LGB in the UK, you have little to worry about though. not nothing, but not much. in the grand scheme of things, there's much worse places to be as an LGBTQ+ person. it's not perfect by any means, but tbh I'm glad I was born here and not Russia, for example


I would recommend looking at Canada, and more specifically a bigger city. I live in a fairly big city, (as far as big cities in Canada go. lol) and we are treated well here, relatively speaking. That's my experience at least.


Is UK really that bad for trans people? Idk, I feel pretty safe when I'm in England, you can change your name without any issues, I think gender mark in documents isn't super hard too, people generally don't seem to care too much. The only bad experiences I had there were with small kids, but they're a nightmare to everyone I think.


The issue is getting HRT, it takes years of waiting and multiple specialists to get.


So the issue isn't the UK. It's the UK government, and what it helps run.


Austria has the same laws and guess who lives there D:


Nowhere is perfect, there are fascists and deranged neo nazis in every country and they want us dead. But any country where you don’t end up in jail/shot because you say ur trans is a « good » country


As someone who grew up identifying as lesbian it’s not even good for LGB people here. I’ve had slurs shouted at me in public just for holding my at the time “same sex” partners hand. There’s a big religious population here who actively preach LGB people should burn in hell, my ex girlfriend came from a family like that.


I am curious why a trans man chose to omit the T there.


Because what I’m referring to is the sexualities? Hate to burst your bubble but a lot of other comments use LGB too Of course I know T comes under LGBT but it’s confusing to say that in this context because I’m not talking about trans people


It would be awesome if we could agree to not use nazis in our memes ☺️


Luckily I live in East bumblefuck Wales where nobody really cares, and nobody round here has ever really said anything to me. I find that small villages tend to either be more conservative and judgy than average, or just not give a shit, so long as you're not being a nuisance. I'm glad I live in the latter type of village.


Yeah I feel that way too, like I allways feel safer presenting fem when I'm on holiday but still in the uk (my family really likes to book places in the middle of nowhere where there's only one village)


The only real issue I have found is that it takes 2 lifespans for treatment but even if I were to move countries it would be very hard to find a country with a large industry in what I’m training for that speaks English with good trans laws


The soviet union had laws against male homosexuality, punished by a maximum of 5 years in prison. This makes me wonder how china treats their lgbt folk. Is there discrimination? Is it enforced?


Not to defend the soviets, but most other countries had such laws at the time too. They were hardly exceptional in that regard.


Still, for a country priding themselves as equal (with the whole socialism thing), discrimination is very hypocritical. I say that as someone who likes the idea of communism


Fun fact: Lenin was very much in favor of same-sex marriages. I think it was legal until 1925 or something


Stalin being stalin. Weirdly enough he did not ban lesbians


Considering that they want to censor anything gay from imported western movies, I don't think that they do.


That would make sense. Next time a country has a communist revolution, would be nice to have it rainbow themed


better start one then


“Luxury gay space communism”


da, comrade


China has clinics that gives hormones treatment to minors.


"But our population (of around 1.4 billion) is shrinking!!!" /s


For some reason they do not *technically* recognize gay marriage, but you can get registered with a "guardianship agreement" with anyone, and still get some benefits. This was a law passed in 2017. It's not great but it's progress I guess. Also with recent developments for trans people in China, its looking like a positive trend


Someone fill me in


UK is terrible for trans rights


I mean, it's still A LOT better than a lot of places


Germany passed a bunch of really good bills recently all but cementing my commitment to going to collage there


The next few years in the uk terrify me, both the potential prime ministers are anti trans and the next general election isn't untill 2025 in which the majority will just vote one of them back in


Which hellhole are you in? US or UK?




Then again, what country is really good tor us? Not many better than UK probably.


Controversial take, but you are actually somewhat right. Don't get me wrong, it is still really shit here for trans people, with the media getting progressively more transphobic, and more and more celebrities and politicians coming out in support of J.K. Rowling and TERF orgs, but when you consider the rights trans people *do* have in the UK, it is probably in the top 20 countries, when you consider how many countries Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, South America and etc. account for. Not that that makes it any good, because it isn't. It's actually pretty shit. It just means that there are only a handful of countries that are actually consistently good with protecting trans people and ensuring they are given all the rights they should be given, and that they are supplied in as efficient a manner as possible. So in essence, there are so few countries that are good for trans people, that even a country that is in the top 20 or so would be likely to still be doing shit.


I didn't wanted to sound like it's easy to live in UK as a trans person. I know how shitty it is for you rn there. It's more visible, because it changes drastically and I'm wholeheardly with you and I hope that some day it will be better. I just, as a trans person from eastern (central?) Europe know, that it's not the worst place, that people and laws can be much worse, and even here it's nowhere near as bad as for example in African countries where sometimes you can be even lawfuly killed for being trans or lgbt in general. I didn't wanted to sound like you should be happy or greatful for living in slightly better country so I'm sorry if someone understood it like that.


I feel you OP with the title. I'm probably going to Canada since one of my GFs lives there and I don't feel safe in the US


Can someone explain please ?


UK government just hates trans people and have made it impossibly difficult to obtain HRT. The waiting list can, and normally does, go for literal years.


Well that's why people of power should never be older than 40 seriously wtf


Is Germany trans-friendly? (Also is it affordable?)


Hi, I'm from Germany if there's anything more specific feel free to ask! In general it's mixed. From the culture it depends a lot where you work at, but in general Germans don't give a fuck what you do in private as long as you keep up the work. Most people are indifferent they won't understand your issues or even be aware of them. German healthcare covers transitioning, however the system makes you jump through a sometimes ridiculous number of hoops. The name and gender change in official documentation is a particular bummer: it costs a lot of money because you need two "independent consultants" to approve that you are indeed "(fe)manly" enough to deserve a name change. Hrt you get pretty quickly as long as you find a therapist (and that is hard because our mental health system is overburdened. You routinely wait 6-12 months on any therapy). I think you can also get it via the endocrinologist but don't quote me on that. As always when a system is not working, people will work around it and thus someone might get an endocrinologist to help them, but another trans person will be left hanging. To start surgery you need to live a year (I think) with therapy and hrt. Mastectomy is about 6 weeks waiting time, bottom mtf is about a year in waiting. I don't know ftm people who had bottom surgery but if that is important for you I can ask. All surgeries are free of charge, you might pay up to 150€ for hospitalization (10€/day, but 150 max) and you often pay 5-10€ for medication (both of which is supposed to discourage loosing your meds or overstaying when you don't need to and are not anti trans, those rules apply to all medical conditions). Germany voted in a quite progressive (compared to the last decades) government last year and some changes are already coming. End of this year or start of the next, we'll clean up the process to change your gender and name. Up until 2011 German law required sterilization if you wanted to medically transition (not anymore though). Just for perspective. For what it's worth the German constitution protects trans people against discrimination but in practice that is difficult to enforce or even undermined by transphobic judges. Police can also be a problem (although nothing near whatever pitiful excuse for a police the US thinks it's armed, uniformed, state funded street gangs are). It is hard to put numbers on it. Crime statistics have just started to track trans-hate crimes two years ago so we are lacking precise numbers. All in all Germany is (slowly but surely) improving. It is still a fight but it's a fight that is clearly going places. It is liveable, it is affordable but there are still a lot of arseholes who can make your life very hard. We Germans always like to joke we live in a shitty country, it's just that most other places are even worse.


After having read your comment, I think Germany is the right choice for me. Before, I considered going to the US because of how "progressive" it was, but now due what sh•ts gone down in the past year or so, including a police force that will most likely kill you if you aren't a cishet white male, no universal healthcare, awful wages and a ⅓ of the country wanting to gut me like a fish simply for being my true self, there's no chance in hell I'm going there now. I also considered Canada and the Netherlands, which are better socially speaking, but they look way too expensive to be able to move there and settle in. (Especially when you come from a cheap country) Unless I somehow find both a more accepting AND more affordable country in the European Union, my destination will be Germany (when I get the money of course, hopefully soon)


Well Spain is far more queer friendly iirc and probably a bit cheaper. Don't know the rules for moving to either country though unfortunately :( From where do you wanna move?




Compared to most places; i guess yeah. I would avoid east Germany and everything rural in general, but i would say that trans people are mostly (u know, except from the general dangers of living in a big city) safe and accepted in almost all bigger city's. Affordable... More than Switzerland i guess? But as if rn, costs of everything are exploding (like everywhere i guess) and it can be really, really hard to get a flat. I'm also struggling to get HRT because finding therapists here can also be a pain in the ass, but i know a lot of people that got lucky with that so, guess that depends also. If you're already on hormones the thing should be easier tho. But in any case, like for everything in Germany, prepare yourself for a lot of paperwork lol. If i would have the choice, i would go somewhere else, but that's just me generally not liking to be here.


Germany is really the only middle ground I can think of in terms of countries in the EU. All the others are either too expensive or too transphobic, unless you know of some examples


Sad thing is, uk probably is one of the top countries for even trans people.. Like as bad as the us is, it’s still pretty good in terms of trans rights compared to everywhere else, for now at least


The best country I could find was Norway


May I ask what the other countries were? Honestly curious if my country is on it. I used to be living in a "same Sex relationship" and later came out as trans man.. and so far I've encountered nothing but support. Also medically and legally.


Canada is better for trans people tho


I'm uneducated, can someone explain pls? ;-;


Iceland Iceland Iceland!


as someone living in the uk, I was on a waiting list for surgery for a year and now they’ve closed the facilities which do the surgery and I have to wait until next year to re-apply and wait two more years minimum


How is Ireland on lgbtq+ rights? Thats the one I’ve been considering


I made a paper for my excel class, the top 10 were looked like this: 1. Spain 2. Holand 3. Deutschland 4. Belgium 5. Canada 6.Uruguay 7. Sweden 8. New Zealand 9. UK 10. Australia I consider some factors that ended up leading Spain as the best one, this were: Refuges, healthcare, laws, acceptance among the community, strong LGBTQ communities and others factors related to safety I wrote this paper a year ago so I may have to re do it, places like Belgium and deutschland can vary depending on the acceptance among the community since is very divided in those countries compared to Italy and Spain


Why do you have Uruguay and Sweden at number 6?


They kinda have the same benefits (if u are a LGBTQ citizen) I'm not counting overall life quality, but even in that regard a lot of this countries keep their ranking except third world countries like Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, etc)


Spain seems cool.


You know things are bad when TERF island is in the top 10 in terms of LGBT rights


Canada, Norway, Germany. Those are the only countries I would even consider.


Brilliant double Joke!!! Super disappointed in finding out Jontron (Jon Jafari ) was a white supremacist. 5 years ago he said so much on a talk/debate with Destiny about his tweets. Here’s the talk/debate,[Debating JonTron](https://youtu.be/6RQA9GZprqM).


Ayy doing the same here to get out of the US, currently looking at New Zealand for as soon as I get my HVAC certification


I wish I could just move away from this shithole, but I’m indigenous, it kinda feels like leaving home


I’m looking into canada


I want to move to canada


It's good for everyone who's cis. (Also I think it's good for enbies here) But yeah trans people get curbstomped.