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As a 6'3 girlie I'd kill to be 5'7 or 5'8. Sounds like ideal girling height to me!


Being tall must be cool id love to be :3 💖


I used to hate it, but meeting pretty tall girls has kind of changed my view of it. I refer to strangers I suspect may be trans as "tall girls" and they're the main people I seek to socialize with c:


6'4" here and the only thing I don't like about it is having to duck under stuff. Tall girls just get more leg to show off :3


Yeah I remember thinking I couldn't wear booty shorts because my long legs made so little fabric feel so revealing. And then I saw a tall trans girl come into my work one day wearing booty shorts and I was like 😍 wow


6'3 here. The world is not built fair for us lol Plus I'm left-handed so the world is built less fair for me


Plus trans, EVEN LESS FAIR Oh my god we really pulled the short straw there ( also 6'3 left handed and I'm trans)


>pulled the short straw Hehe


pick a struggle LOLLL


I'd trade my height in a heartbeat I rather be short or fun sized as I like to call it. :3


… do you mean shorter than me or are you saying i’m fun sized? https://preview.redd.it/bn6krvk25h7d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d6efc9aa1e579fc4d7516477bd3d66660e59e4




https://i.redd.it/rqrq5eh2bh7d1.gif i’m not short fuck you /lh j (im joking btw i dont mind)


I mean shorter lol


Ive got a cis girl cousin whos also 6'3. Its a normal thing, embrace your Amazonian bloodline. Become the Wonder Woman transfems dream of being


*sighs in 6'7"*


How are you even real 😭 that's like me in platform heels. You're literally a goddess


It's really annoying. My vaguely transphobic grandfather (who is actually trying to be supportive but doesn't really understand most of the time, to his credit) was (while partially drunk) insinuating like, "you'll never pass because you're so tall" 😕


Another 6'3 girl here, **Y E S**


As a 5'9" dude... wanna trade?


I’m 6’7” You aren’t too tall


youre how tall? https://preview.redd.it/4e8ear40zg7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=79a952cda91bce484c0383a31f328873b9e3bfb1 here you go queen you dropped this :3


Funny thing is, I get it from my mom so it’s never really made me dysphoric My dad was 5’5” Mom is 6ft even


lol my mom’s the taller one too! shes like an inch shorter than me and dad is 5’3 it made me dysphoric at first because i loved being super short when i was younger but just as i was getting used to the idea of being tall i stopped growing lol now i wish i kept growing and i wear heels to often probably :3 also it’s nice to see someone who also likes she and it pronouns


lol my whole family's short, I'm the tallest person in the family, and I'm 1.66 cm (5'5" in freedom units)


Itty bitty




can i call ur mom mommy too 🤭😏 /j


Woah, tall mommy (200cm)


On the high end of average height for girls and the low end of average height for boys. That's probably why


yeah that checks out :3


High end for girls in which country? Idk where I'm from thats not especially tall for a girl


its BELOW average in a bunch of countries.


As a 5'7 enby it works out well for me for that reason haha


SAME. I love it


Yep. 5’8’’ trans guy here and went from being considered a bit tall to being considered a bit short lol


I'm 5'4 :3


https://preview.redd.it/su4u6htu1h7d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986cfabcce0fd82851b068228f83b51c8ea348e5 i will not succeed but i will attempt to pick you up and bring you to a tea party >:3


Yooooo! I wanna! My gf is able to pick me up and hold me up to a minute :3


she can come too!!! let’s have a big tea party with lots of friends!!! https://preview.redd.it/av5nykwi3h7d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f94c7de498cb8d0d3c4d2f7ae9b656a558bc81 >:3


Then I will bring my gf and my bf and all my femboy and transfem friends muahahhaha




5'7 is the dream for me, I'm 6foot tall and I hate it, but in a perfect world I'm shorter then the average woman


i'm also 6 foot :( i wish i could be 5'4"


Same :3


I'm also 6' but I just keep reminding myself that fashion models are commonly around that height or even taller, maybe it's not so bad to be a tall girl :3


R.i.p., I am 5'2. Being average height would be neat, I hate having to use a step stool so often


I’m 5’7” wishing I was shorter because the average height for women here is quite short


yeah lol i like the idea of being a taller girl tho and have the opposite problem haha :3


I'm 185cm. (That's 6'1" in freedom units I think) I have considered wearing high heels just to absolutely tower over people even more. xD


https://preview.redd.it/5842j5c19h7d1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=83918f6e4751e723f734600749698db914db5825 please do :3


I'm 182cm, and I regularly wear high heel boots to tower over everyone at 195cm :3


Do, it's really fun!


I'm 6' even and have a freind that is 6'8" that me and her gf jokingly call an Amazonian you are not too tall dear.


>//////< “dear”.. that’s new lol :3 anyways i would look like a holiday elf next to that woman lol


Please keep posts to memes in the future. Thanks! Edit: Humourous memes


Not trying to get banned, *but* this is technically by definition a meme. “an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.” *typically* funny, not always. Memes can and often do just ask questions. Obviously not my subreddit though so don’t ban me pls 😭🏳️‍⚧️💛


You raise a good point. In the interest of maintaining subreddit identity, memes of the humorous variety are what we allow. Other types of memes are recommended to be posted on r/trans or one of the other trans subreddits. I will append the rules to specify this; Thank you for pointing it out! 😊💜


That's average height! A little short for a man and a little tall for a woman (in the US at least), but definitely not too tall or too short. Your height is very normal!


5'7" is about the average height of women in The Netherlands...


170cm twinsies :3


twinsies!!! >:3


I'm 168 cm (5'6 in freedom units), but I'm still a teen, can I stop growing now pweaaaase? :3


I'd say you're short to average for both genders. Atleast here in the nordics. I know that the rest of the world skews shorter so idc.


yeah.. here in us women are usually 5’4” and below. there are lots of exemptions but i rarely see women taller than me where i live :3


Dang yall short as hecc. Shorties.


I think the thing is that (I'm also 5'7) we're just considered the in-between because I know like national average height for guys are 5'9 and for women is 5'4 so we're just in-between and both tall and short


you’re right about that :3


i'm about 5'11 and still feel too short and too tall sometimes it is HELLA weird lmao






I wish I was this height, that's what I have to say about it.


I wish I was that height...


just too short to be tall just too tall to be short, just in the middle


*Just too short to be* *Tall just too tall to be short,* *Just in the middle* \- KingNarwhalTheFirst --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm 5'6 and a girl said to me that I'm kinda tall for a woman while she was as tall as me :V Meanwhile many girls at the school I worked at are mostly a whole head bigger than me and quite many even 2 heads. It's weirdly common to see girls at 6+ feet tall for me.


i’m of the opinion that 5’7 isn’t enough for me!!! i must wear giant heels and tower over the transphobes https://preview.redd.it/2yko2i3zph7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d097cdd9f93bb72c018791391d01b42741bd584 MWAHAHAHA!!!


I am also 5’7”! I was tall-ish in my hometown but then I moved out of that region and now I look up at most people. So the answer is: it depends 🤷‍♀️


im like 5'10 and in my friend group im known as the tall friend:3


I'm 159 cm (or 5'2 inches) which is very short especially for a guy. Many women are taller than me so I think you're good lol




I hate this sentiment of "you're either tall or you're short", when upholding this idea at all requires constantly changing the definition of where "short" ends and where "tall" starts so you're able to ridicule as many people for their height not matching stereotypical expectations of their gender. What if some people are just average? 5'10 for example isn't short by any means for anyone, but if they're a man people still act like it is just because it doesn't start with a 6, and if they're a woman they act like it's 'unacceptably tall" to the point no one will ever want them. Imo, 5'5 and under is short, 5'6-5'9 is average and 5'10+ is tall


You're 5'7"? That's only 3 inches above women's average in the US if I recall. Like you are technically taller than average for a woman but I'd hardly consider you tall


I am that height too. And I hold the belief that it is exactly the wrong height to be. Not short enough to be smol and cute and cuddly, and not tall enough to be tall and hot and cool and intimidating. It's exactly too much and not enough, simultaneously.


you get it!!! i’m not alone in this!! i kinda wish i was just taller but damn you said it better than i could lol :3


5'7 is average for a woman, small for a man, from a Dutch perspective. Don't let your height determine your worth, though. Signed by a slightly over 6' AFAB person


174cm here, i have an afab friend who's 4 years younger than me and she's 173cm. So, 5'7 and 5'8 is perfect, don't worry


5,7 gang


eh shorter than me so uh... get in my pocket


cuddle sized 💕


5’7” is a rather average cis woman’s height. Slightly taller than the US average of 5’ 4”. The opinion on height is very subjective. Some want to be taller than their GF (and are very insecure about it). Others want to climb a taller GF like a tree.


I am 6’4 and I WILL make fun of anyone shorter than me


6'4" future girlie here, you're definitely NOT too tall. Personally I think you're at a pretty ideal height


My cis aunt is 5’7”, and my cis mom has said that it’s a common height for models!


5'7 is perfect trans girl height. as a 6' beanpole I am seething.


That sounds to me like average height.


*slamming table* I. WANT. SHORTNESS.


I'm 6'6' so you are not tall 😛


I'm 6'3. I wish I was 5'7 or even shorter since the average height for women here is 5'5.


I'm like 5'5 and I slightly relate to this


I'm 5'11" I wish I was 5'7" Actually, I wish I was 5' even... I wanna be smol... :(


Like 5' 10, 5' 11. I'm tall, but I wouldn't say sticking out tall.


6'6 here. Literally everyone looks like small ants to me. I think u will be totally fine


I mean, 5'7 is above average height for women in the US at least, but not by much. All my in laws who are cis women are minimum 5'8


6'2" or 6'3" I don't know exactly, I hate it, I wanna be short then all the outfits I wanna wear will fit me as they are all like side 14-16 uk sizes and all "thigh high socks" just get over my knees and not long enough T_T


i’ve heard there’s online stores for tall girls! i hate that they don’t just sell those clothes normally though. at least tall girls are pretty :3


I'm 5'3 :3


I’m 5’6.5” and genderfluid so I get to switch between tall girl, short guy, and avg enby whenever I want


For a girl, neither tall nor short, right in the middle.


idk, I'm 5'8 so I guess a bit tall


Weird perspective here, but I used to be about 6ft estrogen shrank me to 5'8 haha and I am so happy I have had a number of people try to tell me thats impossible and I'm just like 😐 yeah okay.. sure tell that to the 3 or 4 inches I lost haha


190 Lego bricks tall (which is too tall tbh :< )


I'm 6'4" and would give alot to be 5'7".


Slightly above world average, exactly what I would consider average in north Europe Unsurprising height for either gender


Regular Normie ass height.


I'm 5'5. It's a little on the taller side for women in my county. Not much but a bit. But i've met plenty of (cis)women taller than me and plenty of (cis)men who were shorter. Hope it helps


that seems like an average height


I think I'm obligated to call you short because I tease my partner about it all the time and I think they're around your height. Me and a number of our friends are over 6' though, which is part of it though. ... the other part is that like, the only thing being tall has going for it **is** teasing other people about being short. *I miss being short...*


5.5" height, average of my parents' heights, am enby gremlin and life is good in terms of height :3


I don't know I only know European units (meter etc)


All the comments on this post: yeah I'm 6'+ Meanwhile me, sitting here at 5'5"


Well 5'7 is considered tall for women but short for guys so... Depends on how people see you ig?


I'm 6'3, I would kill for a way to become shorter Probably one of my biggest sources of dysphoria, and will never change... :(


5,7''?? i converted these freedom units into something usefull and these are only 170cm. thats short, lol.


Definitely not tall, but it depends on your surrounding. Almost every other girl ik my age is considerable shorter then me (im 1.69{definitely the real number that hasnt change in the last two years cuz im not in denial} and most of them are around 1.60) so it always made me feel super dysphoric when im hanging with the gals, but by the amount of 1.80+ girlies i see here you can count yourself very lucky And for the gun loving eagles: 1.69 - 5.65, 1.60 - 5.2, 1.80 - 5.10


I am a 6' masc(for now) presenting enby, people will judge you based on their own bias. Whenever someone does a value judgment, it is not about you, but about them and their own issues/bias. There is no need to please everyone. As long as you are pleased and happy with yourself, that is what's important.


Am nearly 6ft1 and i have so many heels but have no confidence to wear them out 🫠 do you have advice to get more confidence :(


4'11 is me. i require a magnifying glass for me to be seen


You are less than 7ft, and are therefore tiny.


5'7 is honestly my perfect height for myself or someone else. You're big enough to be big spoon yet there's also chance you're small enough to be little spoon. (All my friends are 5'4 or men, so I can't be little spoon.) Very sad :(


Low average for men and high average for women. I'm around that size and there are plenty of cis women taller than me.


I’m hovering around the 5’6” to 5’7” mark depending on the day. Short enough to feel small but tall enough to still be able to sorta reach things:3


If you're shorter than someone, is it normal to want to climb up them so that you can see more than you normally can? Is it also normal to then have a panic attack because you forgot you were afraid of heights?


could you please share the picture of this meme, because i wanna be able to just link people a cute anime girl, who shrugs with shrug unicode on her top :o


As a 155cm, please use normal human measurements and not guns/burger³ 😭


Tbh *just* cm is also weird, why not metres


1 meter 55cm. The conversion is easy


I know, i use it myself, I just think saying it in metres is better for understanding scale


For my european fellas that woud be about 170cm. Anyway yea my friends do that too and i am about the same hight and my strategy is to just never go out and onöy meet them online


5'7 let's gooo It's perfect for girl and for boymode, plenty of choice in clothing stores and not too out standing. I'm pretty proud of my height, since I live in the tallest people country


You're taller than me (I'm about 5'5) but shorter than some people I know.


i think im like 5'9 now, down from 5'10


As a Dutch person, you are extremely short


Im 5'7 too and back when i thought i was a boy i was a short one at that in comparasion to boys. Now that i found out im a girl, im like higher end average for fellow girls. (I hate being taller than ppl) Its very confusing, always felt small and now i meet ppl like 5'1 and like HOW??? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!


If you have shorter roommates, you can hide your snacks on the top shelf or on top of the fridge.


I’m 5’9 and convinced I’m tiny. Even at the high school I work at I feel short compared to most of the kids. It helps that my area is very diverse. The fact that there are a lot of black students pushes up the height average a little, and so being average height and white makes me feel relatively short. So, I guess, in conclusion, hang out with tall people. (hopefully ones who are comfortable with their height, but dysphoric tallies need friends too!)


Ideal girlie height but short (As a 6'1 person)


Basically youre in the middle. Im 160cm (5’2) and Im definelty too short haha


I wish I was that short... Basically ideal height imo


5’10” here, wishing I was shorter! 😅


When I was growing up I was always 5'7" from middle thru college. Then after college I grew 3 inches and I love my height


I don't get people and their obsession with other people's height.


Perfect hug height


I stopped growing at 5’11”, which actually would’ve made me the second shortest guy in my family (immediate or extended) if I hadn’t been trans. As it stands now I’m slightly above average for my female relatives.


For a girl you're tall-ish but not unusually so


Wow, so many trade comments...


Height is such a stupid metric for society to judge anyone by.


Same height and I'd love to lose a couple inches be like 5.5 or 5.4 even


Same height here. It's a cool height! The perfect height I would say


155cm around 5'0 I would love to be carried by u


That's exactly my height too. Average height depends on where you'll live. In my country that is pretty average for a woman. Before I transitioned, it was short enough to people note that I was short, but not enough to be made fun of. I think it's a pretty ideal height. I'm eye level with most people I want to kiss, and if I'm ever in the mood to tower over someone I can get some heels.


My best friend is cis and she’s 5’7


I'm 6ft which was initially bad but now I'm just sort of leaning into it, I do pole dancing aswell for exercise and because the ppl I met there are all amazing so I've bought 8" platform heels aswell, and I'm already a goth. Just leaning fully into the tall dommy mommy goth archetype (despite not being very dommy lmfao)


5'7" is a perfectly acceptable height for a human.


I'm 5'8 (173cm) so I understand the duality xD I get 'made fun of' (in a friendly banter way) for being short more tho because I have, to quote my friends, 'short person energy'. idk I'm just vibing out here.


5’9 for AMAB and 5’3.5 for AFAB (without height effects from HRT) is average in the US. So if compared to other AMAB people that’s a little short but compared to other women that’s a little tall. Although if you are concerned about this pre-transition, know that estrogen often decreases height by a couple inches lessening any gap and plenty of cis women are also in the typical height range of cis men and are comfortable with their height.


Ur short


I’m only 5’2 and feel like I’m too short—5’7 seems perfect.


You are above average height but within a standard deviation for women.


Bc everybody just wants to hate and people want what they don’t have and think that will solve their problems. You’re the perfect height for you


I'm roughly 5'11 and I get the same comments. You aren't too tall dw!! :3


I'm 5'7" too and I feel like it's a good middle ground. I can feel short / average with flats and tall with big boots or heels


perfect height, I'm 5 4 and have to get people to grab things off shelves for me.


Just above average lol


Being around that height is actually fairly average for a girl depending on where you live; it is on the tall side of average. Guys may still call you short it’s just what they do. I’m around that height and before I came out a lot of guys would call me short.


Don’t care how tall you are you’re short


6'1 girly and still growing ;-; I'd kill to be 5'7 oml help meeeenfnffhcx


Help I’m 5’5” bordering on 5’6” and same 😭😭😭😭


To me you’re a shawty but that’s because I myself am tall


Twinsies!! I am also 5:7 :3 I would consider it in-between-


Haha short


Id say perfect size personally. Perfectly in the middle id gladly trade you. Im an absolute giant and while ive gotten over my height dysphoria i still blame my father for making me 6'4 xd. All in all 5'7 is pretty nice!


I'm also 5'7 and I'm okay with my height.


i’m 6’1 and i hate it. 5’7 seems perfect.


As a 5’4” girlie I would love to be 5’7”-5’9” so idk what to tell you girl


God I wish that were me >:( https://preview.redd.it/51hw8ylwfj7d1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1806b0823cb0830a3f28241c94124660f564b14


I'm 5'10 and feel the exact same way, sometimes it feels like I'm too tall other times people call me short so idk :3


As a 5'9" girlie, I take great pride in being 69 inches tall


I too am 69" tall 😊


eyyy thats around my height :D


nah short as fuck (im 5'8)


Bruh, I’m at least 6’1, I would kill to be your height


It's gay to have higher, i'm like 5'9


I'm also 1.7 meters and I'm about 5 cm taller than most women I see. There are a lot of women both much shorter and much taller than me, it's wild distribution around here.


Tall is good, I’m 5’8 and love it


I'm also 5'7 (well technically I'm 5'6 3/4") and while I meet plenty of girls who are my height or taller I unironically which I was waaaaaaaaaay shorter. Like, I was 4'8 going into highschool and I wish I'd just stayed there. I know that's suuuuuuper short but the heart wants what it wants. I want even the short girlies to give me uppies.


I'm 5'1" and have been my whole adult life. I used to hate it, but now being a woman it's actually really nice


Tldr: I'm tall. Tall feels bad, but is actually cool. I’m 6’6”, and I used to get a lot of dysphoria about being too tall, but it helps a lot to remember that despite the claim of fragile men with glass masculinity. Most people actually don't prefer women who are shorter than them. I've heard that the desired height for models is over 6', and with characters like Wonder woman and Starfire. The 7' Amazonian dommy mommy aesthetic is very popular. I have been hit on in public before specifically because of my height, which is a pretty good feeling when you feel like your least desirable trait is still something positive. Being "too tall" does still bother me sometimes, but it's less about dysphoria, and more about feeling like I can't be the small fragile one in the relationship. Oh fuck, I did a therapy post didn't I? Oops.


Average height. I know lots of cis women who are taller than you. I’m 5’6” and no one tells me I’m too tall. When I was still pretending to be a guy, I was made fun of for it, but I found that it was a blessing years before I began transitioning.