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What part of London roughly? Its a very big place with quite a few good clubs.


Hello, I’m not quite sure about the exact area of london, but somewhere towards luton, Watford


Clubs are the heartland of UK athletics rather than schools/colleges. Once you get to university there is perhaps more thinking to be had but still clubs will be important. Many really good and respected clubs around London so a bit more of an idea of where in London... Even north, south east or west would help us giving advice


Hello, I’m not quite sure about the exact area of london, but somewhere towards luton, Watford


Here try this https://www.englandathletics.org/find-a-club/ But for me, where I go to a city, I tend to search up local clubs, see what they offer on their website and where they train/, times they train, if it sounds suitable for my needs I phone them up or email them and ask if I can come down and train. Now obviously you'll want to enquire about joining the club so eventually you'll need to know about club fees and if you want to compete you'll need to pay England Athletics a fee that'll get you your Athlete licence. But they should give you some taster sessions before they go into all of that. Good luck with finding a club!