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The time is official at 9.79 (+1.5) btw so it will count as the world lead


Best 100m time since 2022.


Might be unofficial, but things are looking interesting for Paris. Could be the fastest olympic final we’ve seen in years


I hope so, it’s been 2 years since anyone has gone under 9.8


Officially now 9.79s


I doubt it. The men's 100 has been terrible this year.


They aren’t trying to peak now. The Olympics are still almost 2 months away. The caliber of performances is almost definitely going to improve in that time


We now have 3 guys below 9.85, and one just ran the fastest time we’ve seen in 2 years, AND we’re still a month out from the games. I agree we had a slow start but you can hardly call this terrible anymore.


That looked like a false start to me.


Which lane false started?


The little fella who finished third.


I think he was just leaning into his set position when the gun went off. He didn’t look like he started pushing out the blocks until the gun. But it’s hard to see his legs so I’m not too sure.


"just leaning into his set position" = MOVING. No competent starter would fire his gun until everyone is in set position. I can't tell if it's lane 3 or 4, but there is definitely movement in one of the middle lanes.


Yeah I don’t think it was a false start, it was just a bad official not letting everyone settle into their set position.


https://preview.redd.it/xwt781jgtq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2cc00afe52aaeae81997d7fabefce41884673c0 He ran 5 of his top 10 times in Kenya. With the fastest non Kenya race at the preclassic where he finished 3rd. I doubt he can reproduce this time in Paris


Why? He ran 9.93 in mauritius for the African Championship so he can handle the championship style meets. Obviously the Olympics is a different animal but not sure why you're so dismissive of him only being able to run in Kenya


if he can reproduce the 9.86 he'll be in medal contention


I’m guessing it’s a mental thing for him? Like Asafa Powell he runs extremely well with no pressure but flops during the big races. I really wonder why this happens to some athletes.


Some people can't calm the nerves. I was similar when I ran track, although no where near the top level. But I choked even at local meets and couldn't handle the pressure I put on myself. I can't even imagine the pressure of running at the properly big races like the Worlds or the Olympics, but I can completely understand how you can choke.


Nairobi is 1,795 meters above sea level.


This\^ .... 1800m and +1.5w. Who knows about the wind gauge there. And its doubtful he will get legitimately drug tested on his home soil.


Not bad at all but corrected for wind and altitude it's not as impressive. I guess I'm just skeptical because he always pops one in Kenya than relatively disappoints in the championships.


Impressive. Let’s hope something great happens in the 100m. Been dull for too long


Hey, it’s Mr. I only run fast in my home country. It’s at altitude with a 1.5 m/s win. I would take the result with a grain of salt.


It's Mr hater


Well Omanyala puts up some ridiculous time every year in Kenya, yet he has no WC or Olympic medals (and he hasn’t even come particularly close).


He is bad at running rounds and he always peaks in February. Now I think he can at least make the final.  


Let me know when he does this outside of Africa. Or in a world championship.


Lol someone definitely false started


What makes it unofficial? Some procedures not followed correctly?


I think they just need to verify the time and wind. It could still be an official world lead after that - it only just happened.


Pre verification time


It was likely in Nairobi at elevation, which is faster for sprints.


But that shouldn’t make it unofficial, that should just give it an A next to it




I think they mean A for altitude lol


So not unofficial then.


Was that Ben Johnson in Lane 3⁉️😂🤣


Needs to pass drug testing


Tbf, it's the distance runners in Kenya that are notorious(because of the money that can be won which can prop you up for a very long time in Kenya) but I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they've started to improve with the drug testing now in Kenya, hence why you had the recent wave of bans to Kenyan athletes.


Got a flier


Name is Nigerian. Must have changed citizenship realizing that fast twitch muscle fibers are as are as polar bears in Kenya!


Pretty narrow minded view of Kenyans. He's from the Luo tribe in western Kenya who typically have last names for males that start with 'O'. E.g. Obama. Have a look at the Kenya rugby 7s team if you are looking for Kenyan polar bears.


Someone is forgetting David Rudisha's father too lol, they can produce sprinters, it's just not as common as other parts of the world. Also when your country gets good at one particular sport/event, and it obesses over it, then well the youth are gonna look up to that more than likely and probably prefer to do that and be like those athletes rather than do sports/events they don't have role models or have heard success from. Also, long distance has more 'easy money' and opportunities to make money than sprinting which is another reason. Other reasons are better development in long distance training and more long distance training groups, same with Ethiopia I believe, there's a more of a focus on distance running in their training groups and clubs. Tbh if they focused on sprinting like they do in the carribean(like JAMAICA), then they'd produce alot of sprinting talent I'm sure, one of the reasons in fact that western countries have a spread is because we don't put all our focus on one event or sport etc.