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So one part of it is what u/cranberrycactus said - this isn't the Russian government using the Russian secret service and government funded anti-doping labs to avoid positives/cover up if testing positive. But it goes beyond that: a big part of the reason why so many are getting caught right now is \*because\* the Kenyan government has committed a ton of resources towards fighting doping. Last year Kenya committed to $25mil USD over 5 years to tackle systemic doping ($5mil a year) on top of what they were already spending. This makes ADAK (Kenyan anti-doping) now one of the best funded anti-doping bodies in the world per capita despite Kenya absolutely not being a super wealthy country. E.g. Kenya is now spending twice as much on anti-doping measures as Canada despite comparable populations (50 vs 40million) and the fact Canada has a GDP 20x that of Kenya. [https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1135456/aiu-kenya-first-report](https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1135456/aiu-kenya-first-report) To put that into context, the Athletics Integrity Unit - the body responsible for managing the global testing pool, has an annual budget of just $8.8mil in 2022. [https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/know-us/en/Annual-Report-2022-ENGLISH.pdf](https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/know-us/en/Annual-Report-2022-ENGLISH.pdf) From chatting with agents + council reps for WA, the general sense is while in many respects they feel such widespread doping might warrant a ban, they want to reward the government for throwing the kitchen sink at the issue. Again, the only reason so many Kenyans are getting caught is because the government is cracking down on doping. To ban Kenya now sends the message "don't fund your anti-doping agency too well otherwise you might get banned." It has been implied to me that because of ADAK funding the AIU has been able to increase testing in other locales, chiefly India which is a growing doping hot bed. Further once things settle down in Kenya, I imagine WA will turn their attention to Ethiopia.


So basically this list is athletes that Kenya caught themselves, not some other party.


Great explanation. The real scandal should be that China only has one page of banned athletes vs India who have more than Kenya (and obviously much larger population). With what’s known about how china got their swimmers off, it’s clear they are not serious about doping controls. And of course national doping authorities are responsible for the vast majority of testing, especially out of competition. It really seems like people want to shoot the messenger for doing their job.


India is a growing concern for me. They have had a dozen plus athletes have break out times this year out of nowhere and when you combine it with stories like the Delhi State Championships it's tough not to raise your eyebrows. [Bathrooms full of needles at State Champs](https://x.com/AndrewAmsan/status/1705568381259464900) [Athletes literally running away from drug testers](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/02/1202959552/runners-track-meet-india-drug-tests) Literally one athlete started the men's 100m once word spread anti-doping was at the meet. Hilariously, that one competitor [wound up getting banned.](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/more-sports/athletics/sprinters-lalit-himani-get-4-year-bans-over-doping/articleshow/109805187.cms)


That’s wild and depressing. If there’s any good news it’s that the doping authorities are feared (if not enough to stop doping) and apparently doing their jobs, with bans for both failed tests and whereabouts failures.


This proves the opposite.


“Again, the only reason so many Kenyans are getting caught is because the government is cracking down on doping” Well I’d say the fact that so many of them are doping is also a pretty good reason why they are getting caught. I don’t care how we want to explain or justify why so many are being caught, the numbers have gotten completely outrageous and at this point it’s getting hard to trust any Kenyan’s results.


Your argument is basically sticking your fingers in your ears and repeating yourself


>So one part of it is what [](https://www.reddit.com/user/cranberrycactus/) said - this isn't the Russian government using the Russian secret service and government funded anti-doping labs to avoid positives/cover up if testing positive. Yeah, I get that. But say (olympic) weightlifting gets a bad rap because of the PED use; Thialand had a bunch of sanctions in a short period, and ThiaWL had to sort fall on its own sword an impose a country self ban to Worlds. It wasn't a state sponsored drug program like Russia. You gotta punish the countries own athletic federation at some point


You should only punish countries athletic federations for not addressing the problem. If when countries crack down on doping and inevitably reveal higher rates than seen before and they are punished for that then they’ll lose the incentive to regulate themselves.


100% - and that's what was happening. WA said to Athletics Kenya - we are going to ban you if you don't do something drastic. There was a WA Council meeting where a full ban was discussed and the Kenyan government stepped in and said would you not ban us if we threw $25mil at anti-doping? WA decided that was an okay compromise to continue with. The AIUs new funding model for road testing started the constant trickle of positives which led to WA considering the ban. The enhanced funding for ADAK led to the avalanche of positives we are currently seeing. Tbh, as a coach, I am way more stressed about Ethiopia than I am about further hitting Kenya, as their athletes are still performing as good as ever but have a fraction of the positives that Kenya does and the anti-doping infrastructure in ETH is way less sophisticated than its Kenyan counterparts. I'm personally looking forward to the day where WA turns its full attention south. Like look at the women's 800-10000m right now and Ethiopia is dominating in a way Kenya never did.


it’s because kenyan athletics is making an effort to crack down on doping on their own end


Russia was a state-sponsored program & cover-up, I don't think there is any insinuation that the widespread doping problem in Kenya is supported by Athletics Kenya or the government.


Still quacks like a duck


That's nice, but where is the evidence 


Actually exactly the opposite. The Kenyan authorities are doing the doping control leading to all these sanctions. Compare that to countries like China who try get athletes off of positive tests.


O my bad. I didn't realize athletes getting caught was my fault. Chumps


I need sleep, I thought the title said “Kanye” and not “Kenya”. I was wondering why he should be banned from the Olympics. And at the same time I agreed, Kanye should be banned from attending the Olympics.


I don't think kanye should be, but what event would kanye do best in?


i feel like he’d have a fun time with the steeplechase idk why


Swimming, apparently he likes fishsticks…


I feel like that’s where the spectators would have way more fun with that one


Rhythmic Gymnastics.




All of them


I was thinking Kenya Moore at first, like why would she be banned?? Too much reality TV I guess


I thought it was one of my real housewives boards, bc kenya moore just got kicked off the show, and was like, why would kenya be going to the olympics anyway?


Kanye would do best in the BROAD JUMP‼️😂‼️


I wish this doc listed the substances they popped for. For reasons...


I’m also want their best times (legal or not) to know how competitive they would have been.


Great - it means Kenya are now actually bothering to crack down on doping.


No, Kenya anti doping nor athletics integrity unit aren’t going for their a listers who are being let dope to the gills. You watch the Kenya trials? See the new 10k WR? Farcical


My biggest surprise wasn't Kenya. It was in fact India! I couldn't believe the sheer number of Indian athletes on that list.


After knighton was left off despite a positive test, you just sound like a hypocrite


yeah, I haven't made a decision of Knighton, I'd have to read the Arbitration minutes. The Nandro-burrito girl was def guilty. There have been a few of the legit Tren-beef cases that have been excused. A lot in South/Latin America IIRC....because they use those hormones to an even greater extent. Also, I'd expect the USA to have some sanctions, just due to "the scale" .... how popular sports are, and how many different types of and levels of sports (pro, quasi-pro, amateur) there are, and 340 mil people. But Kenya is off the charts! Lolz at India too (as others pointed out). Kenya you got what? (mostly) distance running, and maybe soccer, and only 54mil people. What that said, step into the sea my bro


Relax, Karen. Russia was banned because the doping was state-sanctioned. Go out and get some sun


You know Karen is a Russian dudes name?


The list of caught athletes? Ignore that and you can make any argument you want.


Do they do stringent doping testing at the olympics with an Olympics-funded "3rd party"??


We should ban Nike sponsored athletes. Same Energy


heres another [https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/disciplinary-process/en/AIU-24-074-Jackline-JEPTANUI-Decision.pdf](https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/disciplinary-process/en/AIU-24-074-Jackline-JEPTANUI-Decision.pdf) If the idea these countries are to police their own to root them out before they get out onto the world stage ....its not working.


oh and another new one [https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/disciplinary-process/en/AIU-23-323-Beatrice-TOROITICH-Decision\_FINAL.pdf](https://www.athleticsintegrity.org/downloads/pdfs/disciplinary-process/en/AIU-23-323-Beatrice-TOROITICH-Decision_FINAL.pdf)


What did Kanye do to the Olympics? Calm down


Almost all athletes are doping, Kenya is just particularly bad at hiding it. Hilariously long list.


It seems the other way around. Kenya isn't trying to hide it, they're actively trying to expose it.


They certainly are now. But probably only because Kenya has been such a hotbed of doping for so long, and their in-country testing was a joke. They probably feared wide scale reprisals if they didn’t do something. I think it’s very good that they chose take such drastic action.


“Almost all athletes are doping” Um… nope. 


Why am I being downvoted? Most athletes are for clean sport?


Every single athlete is doping except the one you’re talking to


Completely naive take


They are all juiced stop acting like Kenya and a handful of others are doped and the 85-90% are clean. 99.9% juiced


I think Kanye should jump back in the presidential race. Trump thinks he’s getting all these black to vote for him. Just another example of his delusional thinking.


I am conflicted on the targeting of particular countries, not because it cannot be justified but because it has always been selective. In the early 2000s Wade Exum, the former head of the US Olympic Committee's anti doping programme disclosed under oath in a court case that they covered up over 400 positive tests in the 80s and 90s - and no action was taken by international bodies. Either the rules apply to all or they are meaningless.


If you ban enough Kenyan athletes, there won't be any left to go to the Olympics.


There won’t be any doped up Kenyans left, sure. That’d be fine.


Exactly. Give the honest runners a chance. I am sure there are plenty in Kenya.