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No point in quitting when you have 270k followers on instagram. He needs to monetize himself as much as possible.


To a shoe company that is worth wayyyyy more than being another 10.0 guy. He will get a contract


As someone with 600K followers, it's really not worth much unless you have an engaged following and can build a business around it. It's not like you're automatically getting six figure endorsement deals.


He does tend to get a large amount of views as well so I’m sure he could do very well with it if he focused more on his socials


Dude I follow you nice 400 time


I see the most value coming from your YouTube channel which has 590K less than your Instagram. Thumbnails just need some work, but, even then the people in the comments seem engaged and appreciate your content.


I work in the industry and I know that companies (including my own) started trying to court him last year. Him going in to trials without might have just been a strategy to get a bigger contract in the case that he did qualify. I hope he signs and is able to continue training - he seems like a nice kid.


Thank you for the insider insight.


I figured. There’s no chance there weren’t companies sending him offers.


He’s still a top level 400m guy. I’m sure he’ll get a contract, I’d bet that he has been in talks w/ sponsors but wanted more.. he has quite a social media following. FWIW I know a couple pro runners who made it to the trials, none of them so far have made it to the finals, but still make enough to live on their own w/o a job and train full time as a living.


i assume from sponsorships?


Yeah should have mentioned that, sponsorships that aren’t crazy $$ but still enough


It's so tough being American. The guy is an Olympian in every other country in the world and getting a gov't paycheck to train.


On the other hand, he’s where he is today in part by benefiting from of the incredible funding for American track and field. If the system wasn’t so effective he’d have less competition but also would likely be less competitive himself.


If only 200m/400m bowling was a sport.


Why is this downvoted so much?


it appears the track and field community has a very strong dislike for puns.


Looks like we managed to come back from a 40 vote deficit


is this the comeback of the century?


Quite possibly. 


Lmao nice


Not in South Africa, Botswana, Jamaica.


I bet he keeps competing and if a pro contract never shows up he’ll just have to work full time and train on the side. It’s a grind, but if you think you’re Olympic material, it’s worth it. 


There’s so many other slower, older sprinters than Matthew Boling still training and chasing the dream. And they also don’t have nearly the social media fame that he has. He’s absolutely going to keep trying


Just look at the breakthrough year Doom is having right now: 400m World Indoor Champ 4x400m World Indoor Champ Won the Diamond League meet in Marrakech 400m European Outdoor Champ 4x400m European Outdoor Champ Smashed the national record both indoor & outdoor. He currently has a PB of 44.15, which is a really good time.


Seems like European guys have only really just figured out how to run super quick for the 400 metres. Him and MHS have improved a ton in the last few years.


Yeah like Vernon Norwood only made it in the relays. Prandinni is still running she’s like . 32 all he has to do is improve down to like. 44.20 and I’m pretty sure he’ll make atleast. A world championships team.


He should’ve been a decathlete tbh, but probably too late to start now. I honestly think he would’ve been a medalist level talent in the Dec.


He should’ve stuck with the long jump. IIRC, his college PR would’ve made the team. He’d arguably be the fastest LJer in the world right now so there was probably quite a bit of untapped potential there.


That is, until a certain "crazylongjumper" does justice to his moniker :)


I just want to highjack this comment to say that in the Tokyo Olympics, decathalon gold medalist Damian Warner's decathalon long jump of 8.24m would have won the bronze medal in the *actual* long jump. I discovered this stat myself a few years ago and I've never heard it or read it anywhere else. I feel like this should be noteworthy!


In the European champs in 2022 Ehammer did something similar. He jumped 8.31 and would have come second in the actual long jump, 25 cm ahead of third. We’ve seen a few really big long jumps in decathlons and it somehow seems to be the only event where a decathlon can hit genuinely world class marks. Something about the technique being more simple than some of the other events and suiting the kind of conditioning that devastates tend to do maybe.


It’s also because the long jump has been historically a hit weak in the last decade tbh.


Also won bronze in the long jump with the same distance few weeks ago. It does make kind of sense that long jump is one of the better events since it’s usually trained from a young age and requires just the kind of attributes many decathlon athletes posess. It’s not quite as hard as throwing events or the pole vault and their body types are more suited to it than high jump for example.


I’m pretty sure there was another time he jumped 8.40 in the quali’s too and didn’t match it in the comp, I can’t remember exactly when but I think he would have taken the win if he’d matched it


Yeah those happen sometimes. Quali’s are a bit different since you don’t need to win it and there are fewer tries. Tentoglou had a one decent jump there this year but then beat the world lead with pretty much every try in the final. It’s part of what makes these competitions exciting. To perform when it matters most.


That *is* impressive for sure.


Nafi Thiam would have won gold in the high jump at the Rio Olympics with her 1.98m set in the heptathlon. She would have also won the EC in 2022 with her jump during the heptathlon that year. She has a PB of 2.02m though, which is crazy for a heptathlete. She could also become a very good long jumper if she specialized in it (she even won a Diamond Leage meet once in the long jump).


His college PR was well below the entry standard though, not sure what the world ranking cutoff looks like atm.


Over 27 feet is his best.


Whoops, went off his indoor PR. Still shorter than the standard but the event is weak enough that he could definitely make it. Certainly a stronger case than 45 in the 400 IMO


Well the best long jumper in the world is only 10 or 11 inches better than that.


His best is 44.94






He can improve to atleast 44.45 by next year.


400m field is getting stronger IMO, even if he improves will become increasingly difficult to make US teams.


Difficult but not impossible third place ran a 44.42


Right, but the point is that the field is improving faster than he is.


That’s debatable and he’s young so sky’s the limit stop hating. Terco


Yeah but he will make relays even if he gets 5 th or sixth. And long jump


I was going to post the same thing! I bet he could get up to speed. The pole vault would be the biggest obstacle.


He ran a race where he took off too fast. He needs to settle into the tempo and train to not fade. His first two 100 splits were too fast and he faded at the end.


he seems to do this every time i see him race the open 400


It’s hard to make the transition from 100 to 400 but he’ll get it eventually.


WVN always went out fast, and Matt is probably right to emulate his racing style. I think its just harder to go out fast when have the sharp turn of the inside lanes.


Him being unsigned could mean he wanted to wait until after the Olympics to sign, rather than sign before. He'll probably run in the relay pool (he's been solid in the 4X400 and mixed, and has improved his open 400m times by 0.3 in the last year). I doubt he hasn't be offered contracts, he just didn't like the offers. Don't feel bad for him. In track, you eat what you kill. He's faster than 99.999999 percent of the planet, just needed to get a bit more speed endurance to solidify his 400m. Regarding the Decathalon (what some people bring up as his next event), it is freaking hard to stay injury free through the 10 different events.


I must say, when people try to tout him for decathlon, I wonder if they are deranged. Never going to happen. And certainly not world class. It's just crazy talk.


True that. people think you can just become a 2m+ high jumper and 5m+ pole vaulter off one winter block of training. I can’t think of one example of an elite transitioning into multi events. You have to come through the age groups with the technical ability developed across all the events.


Precisely. Perhaps the greatest all round talent (of athletes who specialise) I can think of currently is Grant Holloway who could have been top class in several events but even he would not be able to do it. It's clear that some people have no idea about the sport.


Yeah, I would suggest Christian Taylor or JuVaughn Harrison as other examples of really good all round talent, and even they wouldn’t be competitive in a decathlon even at NCAA level.


He’s too popular to quit. I’m sure he’s making money somewhere. I’m sure the shoe companies/ Contracts are there he just hasn’t accepted them for some reason.


He needs to compete in the LJas well The USA winner jumped what Boling jumped in highschool. Just saying.


He was just in the finals for the national championship in the 400m, an event he just set his PR in this year. He's sub 10 in the 100m, sub 20 in the 200m, and sub 45 in the 400m. I don't really understand this post. He's not going to just quit at this point. He's still one of the best sprinters in the world even if he missed the most competitive olympics team in the world by just a couple places. He's got at least one more olympic attempt in him and he's got every other kind of championship in between then and now as well. Even Michael Johnson didn't even set his 400m world record until his early 30s. 24 is too young to be done when doing this well. I don't think he's even peaked yet in the 400m.


I think in 400 Michael Johnson was 29. When he broke world record.


Well it's the [easiest thing in the world to verify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Johnson_\(sprinter\)#1997%E2%80%931999). > He recovered and won his fourth 400 meter world title with a new world-record time of 43.18 seconds at the relatively late age of 31 years and 11 months


True and is Matt boiling on peds.


So do you think he'll do Diamond League events? Pay on his own dime? Or do you think he'll get signed to a sponsorship?


He went to a [private catholic high school](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strake_Jesuit_College_Preparatory) that cost more per year than most universities. His father is the [founder and CEO of some energy company](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-boling-1ab79a58?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F). He comes from a very well off family. The last thing I'm worried about are his finances.


"He's sub 10 in the 100m, sub 20 in the 200m, and sub 45 in the 400m." he is not, in any of that. where'd you get that from. he finished last in the 400m. granted he made the final, but he is not olympic level, and nowhere close to it. personally, i think expectation coming out of high school were not nearly met.


> he is not, in any of that. where'd you get that from. Okay this is the 2nd stupid comment today denying basic empirical information that is easily verifiable. What is with you guys in this thread? Here's his official PRs from [according to world athletics](https://worldathletics.org/athletes/united-states/matthew-boling-14774788): Event | Time -----|---- 100 Meters | 9.98 200 Meters | 19.92 400 Meters | 44.91 Yes he is all of those times I said he was. Where did *you* get it from that he's not? You just made it up. > he is not olympic level Well go look at the [olympic final times](https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/tokyo-2020/results/athletics/men-s-400m) from the last olympics and tell me 44.91 isn't olympic class. That's ridiculous. He's simply competing in the most competitive country in the world for the 400m.


lmao. you mean he maybe once ran these times. the fact remains, and you did not refute it, is that he cannot run those times. maybe once upon a time he ran them once or twice, but i thought we were talking about the here and now. he is no van niekirk.


He just ran that 44.91 four days ago in the semifinals for these Olympics trials. I never said anything about him being van Niekerk. If you're gonna be a dense ignorant troll then do it elsewhere. Bye.


He has broken all of those marks once (twice in the 400). Look it up.


Three times in the 400m (once before the trials, and twice at it).


He PR'd 3 time this season right? Of course he hasn't peaked yet (unless he gives up now). Just needs to build up that endurance and time his race strategy a bit better.


He just moved UP to the 400 last year, IIRC. & he’s shown improvement. I don’t think he’s cooked, think he’s just getting started. Especially since the 400 isn’t necessarily strong for American men.


The 400 isn't strong for Americans? It's literally the deepest event!


Hurdles is the deepest.


I think the 200 is as deep, but the 400m has plentiful relay positions.


USA has 9 of the top 11 in the world in the 110m hurdles right now.


Outside of Norman, USA doesn’t really have any of those big names that we had in the past 5, 10, 15 years. Sure we have a lot of fast people but it doesn’t really ever seem like we have confident, poised, highly experienced people in the 400. It’s been Norman then a myriad of people. There have been a few people in and out but none have consistency and seem to fall apart when it counts or capitalize/peak to qualify for worlds/olympics.


Just looking at the top 15 400m runners this season, 7 of them are American. Nearly half. In 2023, it was 5 of top 15,8 of the top 15 in 2022, and again 8 of the top 15 in 2021. So the USA has been pretty darn deep as far as 400m talent.


Not arguing that. Consistency and poise are a different story. Some of our relay legs are difficult to watch (both relays). I would rather pick someone a little more strategic and able to stay composed the last 100 rather than someone who has a one off faster time but tenses up the last 100.


If heard if you don’t make the Olympics, they take you out back Old Yeller style.


He has so much more speed than anyone else in the 400m. His second 200m is so incredibly slow right now for the level of 400m runner he is. I feel like with some speed endurance he could consistently be in the low 44s and constant team USA guy


Doesn’t hurt that he’s white, attractive, comes from money, and is still really competitive. There are many ways for him to monetize on the opportunities he has- whether that’s an Olympic athlete or an influencer remains to be seen.


Can you elaborate on the “coming for money” part? I don’t see anything online about what his parents do ?


His father is founder of an energy company


Okay, so his dad might be successful, or the company might not be so successful. Not all entrepreneurs have inherited wealth…


Who cares


He was literally just asked.


It is very unique to see a white American athlete be somewhat competitive in the sprints, which are dominated by black athlete. It definitely adds to the appeal


Don't want to contemplate that. Hoping he's on a relay team. His gold medal in the 2023 World Championship mixed relay should help him with a possible Paris relay invitation. Several 400m finalists ran slower in the final than the heats. Matt was one them. He tied up the last 50-75 meters, probably because his first 200 was so fast. Hoping he goes to Paris and carries on.


I think it’s iffy. They are obviously going to bring Norwood and Deadmon. That leaves 2 spots. If they take Boling over the 16 year old there will be an outcry because Wilson beat him on time all 3 rounds. That leaves Boling, Robinson, Mccrae for 1 spot.


Understood. It's tough.


He shouldn't. He's been consistently a top 8 US runner for the past couple of years. With this being his first year focusing mainly 400m.


I think some day he can place fourth or top 3 in 400 meters. And silver or gold in long jump.


Some people just peak early and I think that's what's going on with Matthew Boling. He's going to need a change in training tactics or something if he's going to break through.


I don't think he peaked early. He still hasn't peaked. I think he had access to quality coaching earlier (he has continued to improve throughout college, others just improved more quickly or caught up once they had access to similar coaching).


I feel like his strides are too long. If he could fit in a few more steps every 20m, his times would drop. But what do I know?


I think he just needs to relax, breathe, and build his ability to punch through the lactic threshold. He runs plenty fast. I think he needs to focus on quarter squats. That basically the only exercise that RCTs show increases your speed because it focuses on hip flexor and butt, and lets you load way more weight than a full squat or power clean (and less risk than olympic lifts). But what do any of us know. He poached Fred Kurleys coach so he's getting good advice.


I think the lack of a sponsorship is more of a negotiating tactic than inability to get one. Many other fresh out of college athletes are unattached and not for lack of ability. If Josephus Lyles can get sponsored, Matt Boling can too.


Josephus is likely packaged in because of his brother.


He would be world champion if 300m was a standard distance.


Don’t usually speak up for Lyles but he literally has the WR in it lol. No way boling beats Lyles or Norman.


Tebogo has the WR at 30.69.


My info is out dated I guess. 300, 500 and 600 gets broken every time someone runs it


You are actually right that he does have the indoor 300m record. The outdoor one was just set this season. To put it in perspective, Tebogo's 30.69 compares to 30.81 for WVN, 30.85 for Michael Johnson, and 30.97 for Bolt.


Crazy that the 400m wr split 31.0 300m


That is the truth. Boling is not close to the top guys, whether it’s the 1,2,3 or 400.




Isn’t he only like 20 years old running against guys in there late 20s and some cases early 30s?


No, he’s actually 24 now.


Still young Vernon Norwood is like 32


In my view, he can develop in the 400 and join the sub 10, sub 20, sub 44 club. But he isn’t one of the best at any event, and right now he’s losing to a 16-year-old in the only event he has a chance at. From his Instagram, he seems more interested in food than competing.


To be fair, a lot of fast runners lost to that 16 year old!


Yeah and there’s also 17 year old Chinese runner. Running 45.60


That doesn’t make it any less bad for his career. The goal should be not to lose to 16-year-olds.


When that 16 yo is generational, I think people can get a pass 🤣


The goal is to get as fast as you can.


Agreed a guy with sub 10 speed should be able to go sub 44 if he focuses on that event. Right now he has some shit for endurance factor.


Very few people have run sub 10, sub 20, and sub 44 (3). Only 7 ever people including Matt have gone sub 10, sub 20, and sub 45 (Wayde Van Niekerk, Tyson Gay, Michael Norman, Fred Kerley, Kenny Bednarek and Letsile Tebogo). Endurance+speed is hard.


Most people will run the shortest event at which they can be successful. When a fast individual is willing to move up, that is when you have sub 44.


You are bringing his age as if he is the norm for 16 years old,stop making dumb arguments. It would be like saying the goal shouldn't be to lose against people with physical handicaps when Oscar Pistorius was running. The statement doesnt match the uniqueness around the specific situation 


Yeah I think he needs to work with a nutritionist and sports psychologist.


He needs Knighton's butcher.


Also some peds.


You forgot long jump


I hope he finds a good path forward to keep running. It's crazy how competitive this sport is. It's not enough to be the best in your year, esp for US athletes... you have to be top3 in your generation.


He will be on the mix team.


There are a lot of places to lose points across 7 other events!!


Well it’s seems American men in 490 are getting tougher. Winner ran 44.17and norman can run. Under 44 s


Let's hope he doesn't quit. I wouldn't consider the trials a failure, in fact, I think he had a very successful olympic trials. His career is comparable to Ronnie Baker, Jenna Prandini, TT Terry and Treyvon Bromell. They all have found success and they're very competitive but just not consistently as the ultra elite. Besides, who are we to decide what he does? He should do whatever he wants just like everyone else.


Matt Boling is not done, neither is Quincy W, Elaine Thompson -Herah & others not qualifying for '24 Olympics. Surely, we have all heard the mantra,  "never give up." When T & F & other sports r no longer fun & lucrative, Matt & others who did not achieve  their dreams will be back or will in time successfully progress to the next opportunity & stage in their lives.  Most setbacks, set us up for amazing opportunities, brighter  future if we persistently work hard. Life is full of ups & downs. Its what we do with the "downs" & struggles that build character.  Perseverance & gratitude for blessings known & unknown r all great qualties to strenghten our foundation for success & balance in our lives. Its about stick-to-itiveness.


He just needs to get on gear if he hasn’t already. Boling seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t want to take drugs though.


He does need the peds bro.


He will get some sound coaching that will tell him to long jump. He has crazy potential at that


I always felt he needed to learn to pole vault and hurdle and become a multi-eventer


He needs time to Adjust to the 400m. I think he makes the relays.


Decathlon make sense for him? He would win 100, 400 and LJ easy


he would get cooked in the: * pole vault * high jump * disc * shot * jav * hurdles pretty sure almost every high level multi athlete grew up doing multis


Question, I know a lot of distances have different caps in terms of general ages when you stop improving and it’s more about maintaining. And distances like marathon you can be very successful into higher ages then the hundred meters. What age do people generally stop improving on the 400 m and it’s more maintenance. And reading the comments about people telling me that long jumpers qualifying for the Olympics were not as far as his high school career. If that’s true and he really wants to make an Olympics we will probably see him transition in the next 24 months to that. Most athletes only have two possibly three max Olympiads in them. From a competitive standpoint, from a physiological / getting injured or from a financial one.


Hes been picked for the mixed and men’s 4x4 for a while now. I think he will make it. Hes done really well for them in the past.


No he’s elite at long jump. He’s close to bronze medal status. And can improve to silver or gold medal status.


I honestly think his strength would lie in the 200, but the 200 is just way too deep for an American right now. He’s better suited as a 100/200 guy than 200/400, but you gotta follow where the opportunities are. I do think he’s leaving something on the table by not pursuing LJ, but I understand why


Why didn’t get try and compete in the 200m? I thought he was going to, but didn’t see him on the list of preliminary heat results.


Good question. Maybe he knew he was not up to it, his 200 times this year were no where close to his best times.


I think maybe he heard he was making the relay pool and didn't want to get hurt. Otherwise, why not go for it? He'd make the finals fairly easily (he ran the qualify times in his 200m split for his 400 race)


He needs to long jump


Can't he make good money running in Europe? As a 400 or 100-200 sprinter LJ specialist? I don't understand there is no demand for him in Europe during the Summer track season -- not this summer Obviously but in non-Olympic years. What is the read on this?


Hope not, he really has great potential I trust that he will find his way soon


He lost sight of the eight ball. Too much social media fluff. He’s good but is he strong enough and whose his coach. He reminds me of Abby Steiner…good but not good enough When it matters.


No, Matt Boling is not done, neither is Quincy W, Elaine Thompson -Herah & others who fell short of not making it to '24 Paris Olympics. Remember the mantra, never give up. When track & field or other sports r no longer fun & lucrative, Matt & others who did not achieve  olympic dreams 4 various reasons, will be back or in time, successfully progress to the next opportunity & stage in their lives. Most setbacks, set us up for better opportunities & brighter future.  Life is full of ups & downs. Its what we do with the "downs" &  struggles that build character & sticktuitiveness.  Personal fortitude, perseverance & gratitude for blessings known & unknown can get athletes/us through rough times. They strengthen the foundation  for success &  balance in our lives. Ignore doubters!


I always thought he was overrated


He wasn’t really overrated. What he did in high school had never been done before. Even though his 100 time was wind aided, his form and top speed was impressive.


He’s overrated in the sense that people thought he was a competitor to make the Olympics without relay inclusion


He was able to compete in Olympics for sure long jump.


I guess some thought he would progress in the 400, but obviously he is still at least half a second behind a handful of others. I don’t think at this point he’s going to get there.


Yeah he also ran a legal 10.12in high school. Very few people have done that.


Only person to ever go sub 10, sub 20, sub 45 and jump 8 meters in long jump at 24 years old. Overrated? He should train to be a decathlete.


Go Decathlon.


I think he was too good too soon… His form is so terrible in the last 100m of his 400m. He probably has never had to focus on race fundamentals before doing the 400m.