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Lane selection for semis.


And simulate what Olympics are like


this is the main reason. See what the above average people do with three rounds.


Yeah, some people can run a really nice race, but can you do it 2, 3 days in a row? If you can’t, then you probably should represent the good ol stars and bars 


And how do they select the lanes for prelims?


By your seed time coming into the meet (best time of the current season).


Okay. I just don't get what is the point of doing this extra round to determine who has the lane advantage in the semis when some already have the lane advantage in this round. Maybe solo time trials in lane 6 would make sense if the point of this round is to determine lane asignments for semis, so everyone is equal at the 1st round, but that would be extremley unwatchable.


Does lane assignment really affect results/time?




Who you can see around you plays into your ability to let off the gas or push to stay in the lead, among other things. This is why the fastest seed always gets lane 4, in the straight races. (100m, 110hh) In races with a curve, there's a trade-off between running a tighter curve and being able to see the runners ahead of you in the stagger. So that gets more complicated, but here's a poll someone ran about it: \ https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprinting/s/ODmwCd2b0F


I believe late scratches played into that too. Allowed the remaining to all qualify.


Yes, the top 5 in each heat plus the next 7 fasted times. 27 people were supposed to qualify based on that since there were 4 heats and after the stratches 27 people were left so was just an ironic thing to happen.


They Scheduled to have more people running. But with enough scratches, the prelims this time are basically meaningless. And they had them run anyways for lane placement in the semis, and so it wouldn't mess up the scheduling.


There was a time when the 100 and 200 used to have four rounds - heats, quarters, semis, and final. Carl Lewis had to run four rounds of each in 1984 to win both (not to mention a few long jumps and the anchor of 4x1).


Force you to run three times to win. Running the rounds is something you should need to prove you can do since we'll be doing that in paris


I feel like they should eliminate about half the people each round. Maybe have fewer semifinals.


How would that work? Currently, the US accepts 36 athletes to nationals in the 100m, and 35 in the 200m and 400m (see https://www.usatf.org/events/2024/2024-u-s-olympic-team-trials-—-track-field/qualifying-information ) How would you set up the meet so you get to the top 3 athletes? Keep in mind that these are 9-lane tracks


Very easy solution.... Only have two semifinals.


Yep, they could have 36 in round 1 (4 heats), 18 in the semifinals (2 heats), and then 9 in the final. Personally I feel like the drop from 36 to 27 is too small and then the cut from 27 to 9 feels too big.


I don't even know why they have 3 semifinals for the sprints. I'm assuming its to try and preserve the marquis matchups for the finals?


Yeah this seems like the way to go for 800m and down.


Olympics are going to have 27 to 9


Yeah but at the Olympics they start with more than 36 (I believe it’s 48) so cutting to 27 after the first round makes more sense.


They want simulate going from 27 to 9, since it is one of the most difficult things for athletes to do in the Olympics. If more people would have gotten the trials standart then they would have the cutdown From x to 27. In my opinion USATF should lower the trials standarts. It would be good for athletes and good for TV to have more amatuer athlete stories, but I guess Max Siegel has strictly forbidden good ideas from USATF.


I agree for the 800 down. Especially with the times HS kids are putting up these days. Could help build more young superstars the sport desperately needs. Even if they don’t make it through the all the rounds and onto the team, it’s great exposure.  


You'd get more young athletes the experience of being in the trials.


So only accept 18 athletes to nationals? Please spell out what rounds would exist, how many competitions there would be in each round, and how many athletes each round would be able to accept


How does two semi finals imply only 18 athletes in the event in this context? Look two comments up and you’ll see someone suggesting that they should eliminate roughly half the athletes every round. 36 in the prelims/heats -> 18 in the semis (two races) -> 9 in the finals.


for them to have a plausible reason to not show field events


Yeah I was wondering the same. There’s no point to prelims here, they should just assign lanes for semis based on season’s bests or something else.