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Wow! Amazing recovery in the middle of the ring! I thought you were going down like the Titanic. Don't ever look down. Eyes level. That's all I'll say about that. Put the disc down, watch some yt videos of the greats. Pick a favorite. Compare. What's the same? What's different? Visualize yourself throwing like them. Look at your form critically, and figure out what needs to change , to align with the yt people. Fix it. One thing at a time. Most important thing right now I'd say is staying level across the ring. I found doing turns in front of a big mirror ( like the gym if you have access, or a sliding glass door) imitating said greats, helped me.


Thank you very much! This is the kind of help I need! Really appreciate it, we need more people like you πŸ‘


Haha thanks I appreciate it back :)


Something to add to the above advice (which is awesome) is that there is a youtube video of daniel hafsteinsson doing an analysis of daniel stahls big foul from a couple of years ago. It's in depth and really helped me get my technique in order because before watching it i didnt know what a good throw was. It probably will come up if you look up "daniel hafsteinsson daniel stahl analysis"


Thank you! I will make sure to have a look πŸ‘Œ


Slooooooow down. Work on your balance. Lead with your lower body. Your hips should start the spin after your wind, the disk should be then last thing that moves. I would suggest practicing the spin in sections until you can put each section together. Quarter turn, quarter turn, drive to the middle, half turn into the power position, throw. Start watching throws coaches on YouTube. Start here. https://youtube.com/@ThrowsUniversity


Awesome, thank you! πŸ‘


keep your upper body back (separation). Your hips should turn before your upper body out of the back of the circle. Also work your sweep leg


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it! πŸ‘


Eyes up chest up Keep center of gravity very important Wide out the back and fast to the center of the ring Like many others said though, slow down and work technique, diving is not good


Alright, thank you! πŸ‘


Linear. Your first step is way out of control. Step in a line, keep collected. Pretty wild right now. Slow, to fast. Get the steps right. Then throw and release


Thank you, that video was a while ago, and it’s a looking a lot better now in my opinion. But still, thank you.


Watch a lot of videos of pros throwing, follow accounts like throws university on insta and watch what all those athletes do. Visualizing the technique has helped me a lot though I am no pro and still improving myself


Thanks dude! I watch a lot of those guys, and very much agree that they are really helpful. πŸ‘