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I think big part of it is that it's pretty retro in the way that the stores operate, but its products are super trendy and have high appeal to younger people.  The olds love TJ's because it's a place where actual human people are happy to help you, there's no self-checkout, and almost no computers anywhere. Very old fashioned.  So it's a youthful vibe with a lot of trendy products that appeal to the influncesters, but it's super welcoming to the older crowd who like to shop the old fashioned way. 


What I love is they pretty much only sell food. Not like a traditional grocery store that has toiletries, clothing, etc. plus no temptations like Diet Coke


Except they do have toiletries. Not the traditional name brands though 


Mine doesn’t


Mayhaps you’ve never gone down that aisle? I worked for TJs for almost two decades and any store I went to in the country had HABA(health and beauty aid) 


Yes frozen foods at TJs are like takeout where you can actually read you are overdosing on salt with every serving


The store has such a small footprint. They have one kind of a thing and the stock all business day. You can get a whole list of groceries super fast. When my kids were toddlers, this was key.


👑Trader Joe’s 👑


My favorite thing about Trader Joe’s is the lack of decision fatigue vs a regular big grocery store. Ya need noodles? There’s the noodles. No need to value judgment across multiple brands


I never knew this was one of the reasons I loved trader joe’s until I just read your comment. It is 100% a bonus I never really considered before.


This is exactly why I shop there. I hate the over-stimulation you get from like the 20 different brands of toilet paper you can choose from at a regular store. I know a lot of people treat TJs as their "fun" store but I genuinely shop for my grocercies from there 90% of the time.


Same yes. TJs lacks a few staples in our house, most notably egg noodles, but we go there first mostly because it’s so much less stressful.


They burger sauce is like omg 😱


I love that buying tj saves me a lot on delivery because I can have something different, somewhat healthy that only takes a few minutes to prepare.




The fact that I never have to wait in line is another genius aspect that they figured out.


I take it that you don't live in a major city lol. Cause... In LA and NYC, there's always lines. NYC has a line person that tells you we're the middle of the line is and where the end of the line is, cause it wraps around the store 😝 but it does move very efficiently!


Haha yes. The Philly store we went to had a line starting at the door during busy times. The line would wrap through the entire store and you’d just shop while in line. It was surprisingly quick


In SF you had to wait in line to get into parking lot, one car out, one in, with someone directing.


The Philly store had a line for the parking lot


I love trader joe's. I grew up going there, I went there on my own in college, and I still go there regularly. The vibes are immaculate, it's just cozy in there! Why would I want to wander a huge, soulless, poorly lit grocery store when I can go to TJs and know exactly where to go, enjoy the creative art, some samples (esp pre covid) and friendly convo at checkout?!?


After doing delivery and TJ's for years, I went into a big box grocery (Meijer if you're in the midwest!) that I used to frequent and almost had a breakdown. It was absolutely overwhelming. So many choices of EVERYTHING, clothes and housewares in the main aisles along the food rows...I was so anxious that my hands were shaking! I'm clearly part of TJ's target demographic because I can get almost everything I need, I enjoy the atmosphere and people, and I come home looking forward to making the meals instead of stressed.


Also the employees at my local grocery stores look absolutely miserable. Not at TJs. The employees look happy, friendly, satisfied.


Trader Joe’s is a relief for a less obvious reason: lack of choice. Having all the options is so overrated. It causes mental fatigue and in some cases paralysis. Shopping in TJs is a joy because the stores are smaller, you are not hit with endless brand competition and they do make food shopping fun by putting the effort into thoughtful offerings and pleasing packaging. And thus you go in for a jar of bread & butter pickles and end up with a cart full of groceries and are glad for it!


You’re so right. I know what I like and I know what I don’t. I’m in and outta there in half the time it takes me to get through Sprout’s, with more stuff to show for the time


This is the right answer. It’s simple. I don’t want to be overwhelmed with 80 options for bbq sauce


More like the European grocery stores. Do it right and you have no competition!


This! I just want pasta sauce, I don’t need 100 different types and brands, I get overstimulated and all that choice is driving me nuts. TJ offers bare minimum and that’s all I really need


> you go in for a jar of bread & butter pickles and end up with a cart full of groceries and plants 😂


I buy a plant at least once a month there.


lol. 1/2 my plants are from TJ’s. And I intended to buy exactly zero of them when I went to the store.


Same. I tell my partner they fall into my cart.


I just moved walking distance to one and really just appreciate how cheap it is compared to other grocery stores


This ☝️ if they were as expensive as Publix, I’d probably only go occasionally for treats. But because they’re so cheap I get everything I can there, and fill in the rest at Kroger


The main reason I go is to look at “fun” foods, things I would not normally look for in a regular grocery store or add to my weekly list but looks different and delicious. I can’t live my life on restaurant take out anymore but get so bored cooking for myself.


I don't feel like I'm being manipulated at Trader Joes by corporate brand marketing. I recently listened to this podcast and learned about "slotting fees" big chains charge suppliers and got even more turned off: [https://www.sporkful.com/the-hidden-battle-over-grocery-store-shelves/](https://www.sporkful.com/the-hidden-battle-over-grocery-store-shelves/) People should be able to buy necessities like food without being exploited for profit.


Your average chain grocery store (disclosure, I wear a Hawaiian shirt to work these days, but have worked in and around grocery for decades) doesn’t sell groceries. They sell real estate and customer data to agribusinesses. Anything they sell to you is just a bonus.


Love Sporkful!


For those of us in high COL cities Trader Joe’s is often one of the cheapest options. They don’t price gouge us for living in a city. Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s is legitimately half the cost of my nearby grocery stores.


yes!!! i'm shocked more people aren't saying this, i wonder if they live in the suburb/more rural areas? my bf and i recently switched to doing most of our basic necessity shopping to trader joe's, filling in the gaps with local chain stores, and the difference is almost unbelievable. a full cart at a local chain will usually run us around $300, but we manage to get the same amount for about $150 at trader joe's. god bless mr joe and his cheap cheese


This! When I lived in NYC, TJ was the cheapest grocery store.


Still true


On top of all the solid points mentioned, one thing I enjoy is the music. At least at our TJs, it's approx Boomer: 60s-70s soul/R&B, reggae, British, some folk-rock, emo etc.


Music?  I've never heard music in the Bay Area (CA) stores.


Wow, really. I go to the one in Rockridge/Oakland, next to that BART station.


I live in the South Bay.  But no music.  


Lol! Mine is 80’s alternative/new wave.


I like your cheese selection, the bread, cheap but delicious cakes, some of the premarinated meats for a quick tasty dinner, and the frozen cheese pizza that I can dress up in a pinch. These are just some of my go to items


Unique, tasty products at good prices!


It also helps that the staff is incredibly kind. No two registers open with lines to the back of the store either. I can also walk up to someone and ask them about a very specific snack item and they actually know what I'm talking about.


This is one of the reasons I go there, in addition to the obvious. It's consistently a pleasant experience, thanks to the management who values and hires good staff, who are a pleasure to interact with.


Right! I don't think I have ever had a negative interaction with a tjs employee. After years of shopping there across multiple locations I'm always left with a good impression from the staff / my cashier. Do they just select for nice people in their interview process? Do they train them to be nice? Do they drug the water cooler in the break room? Idk but whatever it is it's working!


They dont care about your resume. They interviewed me three times to get the job. They don’t want bad apples at their stores - literally and figuratively. 


Also, their re-heatables are the best. Anything you buy there frozen *will* be good.


I love shopping at TJ's because the cheese and wine are cheap, the bread is good and most of all the crew members are fun.


Let’s be real their business model is based off of people coming in for cheap good wine and picking up snacks while they’re at it.


it me


I see people buying real food!  As a one person household, buying a single onion lasts me almost a week.  Salad fixings too.  Frozen veggies and fruit (but not prepared meals) are ideal.


I believe the TJs that opened in my county (65 miles long) was the first to open (2004) in a county that did not allow any alcohol to be sold in grocery stores. We were lucky to get them. Somehow, about 5 years ago, they got a permit to sell wine and beer, and they are the only grocery store in the county allowed to do so. We have lots of other chains - Stop and Shop, Shaw's/Star Market etc. that aren't allowed to sell it.


Unless you live in a state where you can’t buy liquor in a grocery store :(


cries in NYC which now has NO wine access at all.


What? When did this happen, and why am I only just hearing about it?


Last year? The employees tried to unionize and TJ's... was not kind.


Maryland checking in :(


Yeah I’m not Utahman2022 for a reason


For me, it’s fun. I get some staples there (Greek yogurt, olive oil, pasta, bagels) but mostly I go for snacks or speciality / specific items, like halloumi which almost $8 cheaper at Trader Joe’s. I would never attempt to do my weekly shopping there.


Yeah I do this too. Specialty items are far cheaper than at Wegmans (my local grocer) but stuff like flour and sugar, etc I wouldn’t try to buy there as they just can’t realistically match bigger store prices.


I like having one option for each item. I don’t have to stare at a wall of 87 BBQ sauces comparing the flavors, price, and nutrition info.


Omg so much this! I remember when I first moved to the US and on the first day went to a local Safeway for as simple as a pack of diapers for my toddler and just getting lost in the gazillion brands, types, price tags. I just left without buying anything.


This. I read an article about TJs a while back that focused on the economy of choice. Too many choices can be overwhelming and you don’t have enough info to know you’ve made the right pick. When you have less options, you’re more confident what you got is good. Combine that with the confidence people have in the Trader Joe’s brand, and you have customers who are happy with their purchases.






I go to a locally owned grocery store that it like shopping in the 1980’s. Literally, this store hasn’t been upgraded in forever. It’s a regular grocery store. It doesn’t have self check out or anything new. Trader Joe’s is not that at all. It is an extremely well catered store to a specific demographic of shoppers. If you love Trader Joe’s, it’s cause that store is curated with all of your favorite things or staple items you need on a weekly basis. Same with Costco. Some people love that store with their heart and soul and do all of their shopping there. But it’s not for some people.


Can someone explain the appeal behind Costco? Because I don’t get it. Driving out to the suburbs for basic ‘stuff’ is what I see, so I must be missing something.


I don't get it either, and mine isn't all that far away, maybe 15-20 minutes. They don't sell gas, there isn't that advantage. I asked a friend who has a membership if I could go with her to check it out. Lots of people I know have memberships and love it, so I was curious. I can understand it if you have a family, especially a large family, and lots of storage space. But it's just me and my dog, so buying huge packages of anything isn't going to work for me. The $5 chickens are nice, but I'm not going to pay for a membership just for that and a few other things I might like. Honestly, for normal sized things, I didn't think the prices were that great and I don't think I bought anything. So it just depends on if Costco would work for you or not.


Gas price.


The prices are really good. If you go you realize how you can get a lot more for a good price. Some of their items (like rotisserie chickens$ they actually lose money on to get people in the door


Gotcha, guess I'll drive up and check it out. I grew up on rotisserie chicken, so I can get that appeal. TJ and the asian market are conveniently down the street from my place, vs 30 minute drive one way for Costco.


Yeah I don’t live near one either but it’s great to stock up on stuff - especially things like toilet paper. I think you can order stuff online too


Bro just said he thinks Trader Joe's is a good business bc they know what they're doing 💀


Bro, they’re good at it because they *are* 🤯


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