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I met a Thomas (age 4) the other day, and I could not stop telling the mom how much I like his name. 50 years ago no one would have thought twice about a kid named Thomas!


This thread showed up in my feed somehow and now I'm worried for the US (I assume) lol! Thomas/Tom would be a totally normal name here in the UK, still ranked in the top 50.


It’s in the top 50 here too. But I think when the plurality of names are “unique” even the top 50 aren’t that common. I don’t know any Thomas or James or Peter under 15 and I’m a teacher so I see a lot of names.


Yay. Named my baby boy Thomas. He is 6m currently. Named him this because I am bilingual and I want him to be able to nicely pronounce his name in English and Spanish.


I heard an adult call a 4-5 little girl Stephanie. She said it twice, so I wasn't mishearing.


Always! It’s like a sigh of relief when I ask people their baby or kid’s name & it’s normal.


Exactly! I wish more people would give their kids normal names or at the very least give their kids names that don’t scream “I didn’t think of my kid past childhood”


It feels like there’s a worldwide 1-uping contest going on between all parents, people have such giant egos that they think that because their child has their “special” DNA, that they are the most special child in the world, and therefore need the most special and unique name in the world… it’s so pathetic 😂


I blame the raise of social media because think about it, how many of these tragedeighs do you find plastered on these mommy “influencer” Instagram pages?


Started with Mormon moms tbh. Those ladies are REALLY overprotective about names, and they would start spats if Janes sister named her kid Felix, but that's the exact name she wanted, so to make the name different, Jane spells it Phelicks


Sounds like my SIL - she got mad at me after we had babies 3 months apart. She named hers and I named mine, but she was pissed that I took a name that she wanted for their next baby! Get over


I think it's not super common for Mormons outside Utah. Either that or is just the more recent generation. I have a pretty normal name and my parents are Mormon but they were not from Utah, never lived in Utah, and converted. Most of the kids I grew up with had pretty normal names. I also haven't been an active member for almost 10 years either. I shudder when I hear of kids named Nephi or Moroni though, now you'll forever be associated with Mormonism even if you leave.


Definitely a correlation with the rise in dumb name ands with parents aware of concept of DNA


The answer is yes




My issue is taking common names and intentionally misspelling them. I just don’t see any advantage to that other than being able to claim a spelling nobody has ever made before, but you’ve forever cursed that child to have to explain their name to people when you know damn well that person is going to get tired of it. It’s a burden. Why would you intentionally burden your child at birth? Their name isn’t your canvas to express yourself. They’re the ones that have to live with it forever. 


Another thing I’ve heard from people who pick other than “normal” names is that they believe a different sounding name will lead to their child being “cool” and having a better life.


That’s funny, because usually the opposite happens. Kids with highly unusual names get passed over for jobs and other opportunities all the time.


Yeah, but the issue with that is that it’s hard to separate the effect of the name vs. the assumption of what racial group the name leads people to think the applicant is a member of.


It happens within racial groups as well. Certain names are associated with “trailer trash” in white America


All of my siblings named their kids really normal names but I'm pretty sure my cousins picked their kid's names from old Russian novels


I feel relief cuz I'm pretty sure i can't hide the confusion, amusement, or disgust from my face. My words may be kind but people read my thoughts like a book.


My face doesn't have an inside voice, either.


THAT is the funniest line ever!! And so wickedly true. Thanks for the laugh.


Yup. Last time I asked I was told “Maverick” and now I’m afraid to ask, LOL.


I work in childcare, currently have my third Maverick in 4 years. I just cannot with that name, and the Mavvy nickname. That's a dog's name; specifically my dog I had about 15 years ago...


You don't even know the half,lol,I ran into a high school classmate and she told me her grand kids names are Colt,Remington and Winchester,I shit you not 🙄


They can have the kids hold their namesake for holiday photos.


If my parents named me Maverick, I'd become a collector of Ford Mavericks, both old (i.e., the car) and new (i.e., the truck), and become a fan of the Dallas Mavericks!


I know a Shelby that drives a Shelby Cobra. Literally the only reason they wanted the car lol


Honestly, I am with you. Ran into a family of 4 boys - Grayson, Branson, Coleson, Jaxxson. Two f\*cking Xs. I know because I had to write down the names of these boys and when I spelled it Jackson, she corrected me. There are worse out there, but it was all I could do not to roll my eyes at her.


I'm in rural Northern Ireland and my cousin and his wife called their boy Jaxxon. They're pregnant again and I'm waiting with bated breath for the next tradgedeigh


Waxxon. Followed by Waxxoff. Bonus if it’s a boy.


Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon


DaBrickashaw Ferguson






Zaxxon would be a cool sibling name. And a fun game on Colecovision.


Watch it be Phoenix spelled like *that one* that was like feeighnoux or something


I had a student named Feenix. She thought that's really how you spelled it. Oy🙄


She has a typo for a name….omg


Like when the kids spelled out psych like sike?


If the second son is the larger version of Jaxxson, they could be named Maxxson!


They combined the names of two common gas stations in the US, Jackson's and Exxon 😂


Sibling could be Valdese


I’m also from NI and that’s wild 😂


I have a Jackson but it's spelled normally. I also did not count on it being as popular as it ended up. We had one in my daughter's grade spelled Jacsun, there was at least one Jaxson and also a Jaxon. I grew up with an odd spelling, although it is just the French version, and us more common now that I'm not as insulated. In my graduating class of 168 kids, we had an Aimee (me) an Amy and an Amie. Lol


“Jacsun“ is just FOUL


Aimee is a normal spelling to me because it’s how my cousin’s name is spelled.


I know a Jaxen….


What's tragic about those names is that Jax is fine if you're a fan of Mortal Kombat.


I have a Jaxson nephew, fortunately it's his middle name.


I work at a petstore in california. the amount of times I think people are calling their dog but they are actually calling their kid is insane 💀


Oh no. You've got to make a post with some of the wilder examples. That's hilarious.


This is why you give a dog a weird name and give your kid a not weird name


"This is my son, Spot, and this is my dog Robert."


OMG, there’s an evangelical YT couple with a son named oakley and a dog named levi. I thought the same ☠️


Son named after sunglasses and dog named after jeans. (Yes I know Levi is actually from the Bible.)


My dog’s name is Todd. He came with that name but it works for him.


And this is why Justin, the gray standard poodle with his glorious 5th Avenue Clip, lives rent free in my head as dumbest dog name I have ever encountered in half a lifetime working with dogs. Justin… the Poodle.


"We named the dog Indiana"


i work at a pharamacy in the deep south. it’s a nightmare pulling up children born after 2016 “I’d like my daughter chloe last-name’s medicine.” “the system isn’t pulling her up. spell the first name for me,” i say, thinking it must be cloe or khloe. Khleoeigh is what she spells out to me. like first off, why are the e and o switched like that 💀 And this stuff happens a couple times a day it’s awful 😭


Yeah, that definitely reads as Klee-oh-ee.


“We could’ve technically spelled it with four letters but we thought nine would be way more fun.” I’m reminded of that old trend of spelling the word “shop” as “shoppe.”


Why are people so stupid? I can maybe be fine with Chloe spelled with a K but that seems like they’re intentionally trying to make their daughter’s name hard for her to live with


Haha 'The name's Bob, spelling B-O-L-Z-75-Apple-Sunbeam'


I found Elon!


My boys John and Robert are both unique in their classes. Who woulda thunk it?


This is brilliant 👏, to ensure your child is unique, name them a "common" name.


My niblings all have classic, timeless names that have been commonplace for centuries (think along the lines of James, Catherine, Edward, Anne, etc.) None of them have ever shared a name with a classmate. "Normal" names have become quite the pro strat!


I named my kids names like this and here are the two reactions I get: Surprise and usually relief at a normal, classic, adult-like name on a kid Or Amusement or borderline contempt for a normal, classic, adult-like name on a kid. Like who do I think I am? Naming kids names that have been around for centuries. The very idea.


People really need to be reminded that you're not just naming a child. You're naming a future adult.


THIS PART. Talk to me in 20 years when little Braielynnleigh or Jyac'sunn are chronically unemployed because their resumes are getting instantly tossed due to their ridiculous names and you, their parents, just can't understand why no one wants to hire your extremeleigh younieqke children who are stuck living with you for the foreseeable future...OR they legally changed their names to Bree and Jack the instant they turned 18 and now they don't call you anymore.


I need to know the tragedeigh to toxic boy mom pipeline lmao


Yes! My coworker has a young kid named James. She shared a photo of his preschool class and his name was the only “normal” one - and certainly the only James. I do hope classic names make a comeback.


Lol. My coworker just had a baby and I held my breath reading the birth announcement. Welcome, little Alexander. I legit had to look twice.


A coworker and her husband welcomed their first child, a son named Joseph, last fall. She said that one of their neighbors was disappointed they gave their kid such a "normal" name.


Yep. My kids are in high school and so far only 1 Johnny and 1 Tommy in either of their grades.


I named my daughter Mary. Everyone is familiar with it, it's easy to spell, yet no-one nowadays seems to use it. Best of both worlds!


It is a pretty wild difference now that I've got kids. My daughter had a swim class with 5 kids in it. 3 of them were named Porter.


I hold my breath when I'm waiting for the newborns to be renamed in the system. When they's scheduled for their first visit it's in as "Mother's last name, Mother's first name (boy/girl)" and it's a waiting game to see if I'll be calling them back by the name or just going "You can come on back!" because I'm not trying the mess they were bestowed.


Met a newborn named Mark the other day. I was thrilled.


Mark is such a funny name for a newborn but it is a relief


Oh hi Mark 👶


I always wonder about that, like a baby Glenn or baby Brian sounds so funny to me 😂 


I live in Utah so... big same.


I had my daughter in Provo and her name is Diana. The nurses commented on how classic and normally spelled it was.


I thought you were saying you named your daughter Provo at first & was concerned


diana has always been a favorite of mine, it’s beautiful and strong and timeless!


Those nurses have seen some shit. I can’t imagine the families of tragedeighs they’ve seen through their careers.


Wow Diana is beautiful


“Oh, not Dyennaugh?”


Bless you for being a part of the solution instead of the problem in this weird ass state.


Same. Met a neighbor with a lot of kids and I was shocked how normal and classy every single name was. Nothing "common", but all of them recognizable. Think along the lines of Alexandra or Genevieve.


How am I going to maintain a straight face when my normally named child grows up and decides to marry a Bexley or Braelynn? (Half sarcastic, half serious...)


I’m just praying that all the Bexleys and Braelynns change their names when they turn 18 or at the very very least go by unassuming nicknames


The real problems arise when you need to hire a lawyer and get one named Kemmerxen Smith, or go to see Docter Leighklynn Brown.


I live in a deeply Christian area and the names are 90% buckwild, so when the very sweet, very pregnant checker at the grocery store and I started chatting about her soon to be son's name, and she told me they'd settled on naming him after her grandfather, Mitch, I almost applauded. No special spelling, no weird add-ons. Just Mitchell, shortened to Mitch. BUT: she had to fight her partner - hard - against naming the baby Xerxes. It's not a particularly bad name, but they are very white and per mama's telling, dad only knows the name from 300, and didn't know Xerxes was a historical figure until she told him... even though he's a big enough fan of 300 to want to name his kid Xerxes. I bestow many silent blessings on her for being a sane person every time I go through her line.


Xerxes is a very cool name, just not for a child in the 21st century


Great cat name


what kind of middle name do you give to a kid named Xerxes? 


My immediate thought was Andromedus. Xerxes Andromedus Smith. Sounds like an absolute wanker lol.


If he had a unique last name though, especially something Greek or Persian, that name would sound so badass


I knew a woman whose sons were named Cane and Walker. I wondered, if she had a third son, would he be Wheelchair?


Nah, he’d be Crutch.


Mobileetiegh Aede


Unique names aren't bad, for me. Flat-out incorrectly spelled ones are a different story.


Right? This kills me - "My son's name is "John" but we spell it with an e and two silent ks. Jkoehkn. Isn't that fun?" No, ma'am, you are a sociopath.


Husband had a student last semester, college, named Kenny spelled Khenne. Poor kid


I do the same living in the Utah-Idaho area where there is no shortage of inscrutable names. Even more uncommon but normally spelled/pronounceable names are a relief. My neighbor announced her twin grand babies were Wren and Finn and I was elated because they weren’t Wrynnleigh and Fynneaux.


Just had a baby. Gave him a normal traditional name. Every medical provider we have told his name looks relieved and says “what a nice traditional name!” They then ask if it’s a family Name bc apparently those are the only people that give traditional names now.


yesssssssss Bible Belt here too... So glad to hear AND *SEE* normal names! Oh, you named your kid Madison? and spelled it normally? John, huh? and no odd letters thrown in there?!


I saw the movie Splash in the theater when the name Madison was read off a street sign and it was a joke line that a woman would be named Madison. It wasn't a classic girls name.


yeah madison isn't the greatest example to use, its not a tragedeigh but its a tragedy of some kind


At this point, little Madisons can probably take any job as adults without prejudice. They have reached critical mass.


I recently saw a Henry. I loved that name! My daughters is Victoria. I don’t get the crazy names.


I love both of those names! Aside from Henry raising in popularity, I feel like Victoria is one of those names that’s familiar enough where people have heard the name but uncommon enough to where not a lot of people will have that name


I feel like here in the UK I come across a lot of Vickys but rarely do I see someone who actually uses Victoria on a day to day basis (but the name itself is still popular, maybe the long arm of Queen Victoria lol)


My daughter was born in 2012 and I named her Sofia (my family is from Argentina and no one speaks English, and my husband is American, so I wanted a classic name that could be pronounced the same in both languages). I was mad when I found out that Sophia was THE MOST popular name that year and for a moment wished I had picked something else, but nowadays I’m so relieved that at least she’s not a tragedeigh 😂 I had a son in 2016 and his name is John (like his dad) I have yet to meet another John his age.


Sophia/Sofia is a gorgeous name! It’s popular for a reason! I also like John, as well as Jonathan, you picked lovely names ❤️


My sister went with Chloé for her daughter since her husband is Quebecois and they wanted a name that sounds similar in French and English.


I’m a speech therapist at a middle school, I don’t think I had one unique name this year. It was beautiful! Not even a Nevaeh. We have a large Hispanic population and I’ve noticed they typically have really cool traditional names. They aren’t about this nonsense 😂


I regret to inform you that Nevaeh is no longer a "unique" name.


I regret reading that. Let's pretend it is.


I was surprised to learn recently that my 17 year old step-sister's middle name is Neveah. I could not believe that trend is now 17+ years old! Also it's not even spelled backwards correctly, a double tragedeigh.


I’m not sure what Hispanic people you know, but I find that a lot of them name their kids fusion names.


My friend and his girlfriend just announced their baby’s name. Wyler Bo


Wy(ler) Tho?


Oh please lord no


When we told the nurse our son’s name was Vincent, she said “spelled normally?” Yes. “Oh thank goodness.”


Yes! I’m a kindergarten teacher, and at my school there is a family with children named Katherine, John, Ryan, and Adam. It’s so refreshing!


Teacher here too. When parents name like this, they instantly get more respect.


Sean, Daniel, Lila, and Calvin for one of mine. I could kiss those parents!


I’m working with three guys this week named Bill and James and John. It’s so fuckin nice.


I don’t know why but I’m just imagining 3 middle aged men in overalls with those names😂


Canadian here! When the nurse asked us to spell our daughter's name at the hospital (Natasha), she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "oh, the normal way". Still trying to figure out 5 years later what the tragedeigh spelling is 😅




Thanks I hate it


One of my friends introduced Elisabeth Claire to the world this week and I was so happy it wasn't Ellizuhbethe Klayrre or some bullshit 🤣 signed, a concerned midwestern white woman.


i’ve seen a khehlsei before (had a 2024 leavers jumper)


Is it true in the Bible Belt, girls get double name? Like Carol Anne, Mary Lynn?


I know a Mable Lynn. Maybe she was born with it, maybe it’s Mable Lynn.




I used to work with an actual Maybelline 😊 She was lovely. Old and Southern.


Hi, I’m Emily Elizabeth! And this is Clifford, my big red dog!


I know a teenager who was named this by her older sister.


boys too! John Michael, Shawn Michael, John David, John Luke, James Avery...sometimes even paired with a whole other middle name, think : "John-David Wayne Smith" kinda thing 🤷🏽‍♀️ back to girls, I know at least 4 people named Mary Elizabeth


John David Wayne Smith.... That sounds like the ultimate presidential assassin.


I used to have a boss who’s name is Johnallen Keithlee


😳 his folks shoulda just had another boy lol


Yeah, the deeper south you get, the more common they are, too. I live in AL, and I have plenty of family with double names/called by their first name and middle name.


I went to school in Georgia with a lot of girls named Sarah Katherine/Kate, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Kate, Hannah Kate, Katie Rose, Anna Beth, Anna Blair, Anna Claire, Anna Grace. A lot of the ___ Kates used their initials as nicknames (MK, SK, HK, etc)


Down in the South too. My name isn’t even a double-name, but it magically turns into one whenever I run into an older Southern lady. Or when my mother’s angry with me.


I live in Mississippi and it’s true. So many double names. And it’s monogrammed on everything. My daughters got simple old classic names.


My sister named her daughter Ellie-Mae Grace.. Like why.?? I told her it was stupid then and it still stands. I'm hoping she drops all the extra as an adult and simply goes by Ellie or Elle.


When i was 8, i had a build a bear named Ellie-Mae Grace. Ellie-Mae because i loved the name, Grace because it was my middle name. This was very jarring to read, lol


its an older generation thing for the midwest/south that was more common in the south and its just their first and (short) middle name said together (mae, sue, lee, ann, kay, dale, wayne, ray, joe, etc.), its not really as popular as it once was though


this one time this random older couple fawned over our new born in a parking lot. just making conversation, they asked her name, and their response was “oh my, how nice, thats a real name!” i dont know if they were comparing it to a tragedeigh, but ill always remember their response cause it made me laugh


I kept pretending I was my (adult) child who would have to introduce herself on the news or something “I’m Everly LastName” just wasn’t it


Every boy in my area is an -ayden


I have this reaction every time my cousins have kids. 3/4 have normal names, and I was pleasantly surprised to be honest. Rhett, Lyla, and Knox, while incredibly southern, are at least normal. Krew, on the other hand, I hate it. I love the little boy but he needs a better name. Lol there had to be one in the family I guess especially since my cousin is a #BoYMoM


I like Rhett,Lyla,and Knox but if I see one more BoY mOm name her son Crew/Krew/Cru, I will eat my shoe because it’s such an eye roll that screams “Like how trendy I am”


Yeah, but did Mom spell it correctly? Where I work, I occasionally have to write messages on cakes. Have had a fair share of tragedeighs like Braileigh, but in the last 2 weeks had 3 normal name tragedeighs: Mary spelled Mari Amy spelled Aymee Nancy spelled Nannci The Amy and Nancy made my eye twitch


In defense of Mari, was she from an Hispanic household?? If so it could be the nickname of María, Mariana, Marisol, etc...


Always so relieved to see a normal name! My coworker just had a baby and named her....get this, Mary! #incredible


Hell yeah. I just found out that Mindy Kaling named her new daughter Anne. I am in love. I love the name, I love Mindy for being reasonable, I love the kid for being easy to be around for her whole existence (in the name way, anyway).   Anne.   How perfectly elegant. Edit: formatting 


Anne is such a lovely name!


Honestly it doesn't seem to come up for me much in real life! Maybe I'm just fortunate to live in an area with fewer tragedeighs? I do appreciate seeing a lot of "normal" names on my kids' class lists, and I find a classic name quite refreshing (like something not as common these days but unquestionably classic like Emily), but I'd say 98% of the unusual-to-me names I come across are just foreign names. The ones IRL that make me roll my eyes are usually not true tragedeighs but just "trendy" names like Jackson/Grayson/Brayden.


Tragedeighs (or just plain dumb names) seem to be more common in the Bible belt/deep South, where I live. Idk why. I personally know kids named Bentleigh, Raelynn, Kinsleigh, Tinslee, like 3 Paisley/Paisleighs, Braylen, ect. My daughter's name is Charlotte and I get comments all the time about how 'uncommon' and 'old-fashioned' her name is, despite it being a top 10 name 🙄 Normal names are not as common in my area lol


Not really. I like unique names that are actually unique. Not tragedeighs where you take a standard name and butcher the spelling to make it unique. I have a coworker named Sunbeam, and while that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, she goes by “Sunny” and even “Sunbeam” has meaning for her parents and they chose to give her that name. I would’ve hated her to just be named “Jane” but spelled “Jaiynne” or something.


I once met a girl named Heather, spelled normally. She said she was the only person in her college class who didn't have to tell the professors how to pronounce her name the first day.


Anything but Sue


If it's a boy, especially.


I have a work colleague whose school age child is named Bruce. That did not bring me down. (yes I know the lyric is Groos, but it originally was Bruce).


C’mon now, Bexley and Braelynn are perfectly acceptable names for lots of horses.


A friend of mine has a son who had a baby in his late teens. He and his ex were discussing names one day while I was there and I was hearing some crazy ideas. Dangyr was probably the scariest, but there was also Blissee, Axyl and Persephone. A few weeks later my friend texts me a picture of a newborn with the message "Christina is here!!!" I was convinced it must have been an autocorrect.


That’s SUCH a relief! Part of me kind of wonders if they were actually considering those names or if they were just joking around Christina is such a lovely name and I’m glad they went with that!


I'm indigenous (Anishinaabe) and some people seem surprised I don't have a cultural name. When someone asks me if I have a "Secret indian name", I tell them it's wiijigaamaawan meskwandibed Which roughly translates to "Dances with redheads" ;)


“Dances with redheads” That’s hilarious😂


Unusual names don’t bother me when there is actual thought/deep meaning behind it. I find it annoying when it’s done solely for the sake of being edgy and wanting to stand out.


I used to do ultrasound and parents to be often told me their planned names. I was always ridiculously thrilled when they told me they were naming the baby "Jessica" or something.


I was relieved to find out my friend named her baby Violet. But she’s a third grade teacher, so she’s seen a LOT of stupid names.


Some of the names I hear at my kids daycare. Omg. A few times I struggled to keep a straight face. Luckily for the most part the kids names there don’t seem to be too bad.


Yes my friends just named their new baby Jack and it is so refreshing


My niece Jaxxsynleighynnebraydenly wants a word


I went to school with a Phillip... his siblings were Zeruiah, Jeremiah, Jerubbaal, and I think 1 or 2 more His parents WERE REALLY religious...


My daughter doesn’t have a middle name because it was the custom for girls in my family to take their maiden name as a middle name once they get married. (Yes I am aware how sexist that is.) Her first name is from Hebrew (think Rachel or Esther.) My in-laws are old-fashioned Catholics. Many of them urged me to give her a “saint’s” middle name like Mary, Anne or Elizabeth. (Esther Anne?) As an adult she follows neither custom.


I always get so surprised when I’m at Walmart and I don’t hear a “Cuntley, don’t grab that”.


[insert name] sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Imagine having to spell your name: > That’s square bracket open… no, not an accolade but a square bracket… yes, like that… insert… no, with a lowercase i… then a space behind insert… name… no, no! My name contains the actual word *name*… yes, lowercase… square bracket close… yes, like that. That’s my name.


Yall should go to school 💀 the bus name cards are atrocious. They’re filled with kymberleighs / kymberlees and jaxtons and braighleighs and it’s awful. I mean I could seriously keep going there’s like 5 normal kid names per bus and the rest are ridiculous. Some aren’t even names I swear.


I was telling a guy that I know a kid named Daxton and how stupid it was, only for him to tell me he has *TWO* grandsons named Jaxon


The older and more mature I’ve become , the more cringe it is when you hear a child’s name & think “ these people tried way too hard / way overcompensated “ with xyz name.  I used to think , oh thank goodness they made an effort instead of picking a top 20 name. But now I have more respect for the classics. 


Reminds me of the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy can't make up her mind what to name their baby.She says "I want their names to mean something,like something unique and euphonious." Ricky says,"Okay,Unique if it's a boy and Euphonious if it's a girl." Lucy :"Those aren't names, they're words!"Ricky: "Well, they're the best sounding ones you've come up with yet!"


I have to look at kid’s birth certificates at my job and I have a very expressive face. It’s SO hard to keep my composure when I’m staring at a piece of paper stating that someone actually named a human being Ashhlyunn.


BEXLEY 💀absolute frankenstein monster of a name


I’m at an age now where a lot of coworkers and friends who I was close with in college are starting to have kids. I love it when they post an announcement and they say something like, “Welcome to the world Emily Jane.” Like YES. DEAR LORD YES. The world doesn’t need another Emyleigh Jayne.


Remember when people just had kids. And it wasn't all that special; everyone seemed to have them. And They and their parents didn't believe that they were ultra privileged and in need of special treatment just for existing. And they had rather humdrum names that didn't signal uniqueness. We did okay, though, didn't we Anne? Didn't we Jim?


I’ve noticed a lot of Gen-Xers give their kids last names as first names.


So Bible Belt babies don’t have biblical names?