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The name Aelias makes me assume someone didn’t know how to spell the name Elias. 


Same, I was like absolutely Aelias is a tragedeigh for Elias then I read the whole post. It's still a tragedeigh. Changing the spelling of a common name to be unique/uncommon = tragedeigh. Changing an already uncommon/unique name = tragedeigh. Changing an already uncommon and unique name to be MORE unique and quirky, but at the same time making it look like a tragedeigh of a more common name is just... Tradgique.


As a Greek, I concur. Changing the spelling of an ethnic name just because you don’t like how the spelling looks doesn’t sit right with me. But at the end of the day, he’s renaming himself and he can name himself whatever he wants.


"I like this Greek name but I don't like how those damn Greeks spelled it."


To be fair, the Greeks spell it in Greek.


I am Greek, too. This....


My phone's autocorrect thought it was Amelia's. Definitely tragediegh.


When I saw the headline I just assumed OP has been reading too much ASOIaF literature because that looks like the name of a Targaryen. Except they would spell it Aelyas.


Oop Just gonna put that spelling in my pocket for a story character, thank ye very much


Elias is a pretty common name in where I live


Elias is a pretty cool name. OP should go with that


My nephew is Elias. It’s a brilliant name and not all that common round here.


But they said it pronounced "alias," as in also known as. Like, a criminal's alias. Not Elias, which is a great name. Alias sounds you're sketchy as fuck.


Alias McPseudonym, suspect-for-hire.


Or the word alias


changing the spelling is a Tragedeigh. but Naming yourself Alias for a new "alias" is pretty funny


I think similarly about the name Monica (which is a pretty name I like) because in my accent it sounds identical to moniker. 


Er/a endings plus a New York accent (in my/my families case) has caused some funny misunderstandings. The one I always laugh at is my grandparents dogs name. Her name was "Cinda." For my entire life this was her name and I never once questioned it. I actually really liked it even though I had never heard the name before, it was just always her name since before I was born. I moved away to Florida and went back up years later to visit. One of my cousins mentioned my grandparents dog "CindER" and I'm like "who TF is Cinder?" They're like Grandma and Grandpa's dog, the little black one???" Like I'm crazy since they had only had one dog. The dogs name had always been Cinder but no one ever pronounced it that way. It was meant to be like Cinderella. Once I heard it I made the connection but it bugged the shit out of me.


I just assumed they were a big Jennifer Garner fan and can’t spell.


Sure love OP coming here to ask for judgement and then disagreeing with every verdict given. If you’re changing the spelling but pronouncing it the same way it’s a *DUN DUN DUUUUN* tragedeigh by definition in this sub. You don’t have to get approval from others for it, but you did ask. You don’t have to agree but now you have the knowledge of everyone telling you that, yes, it is a tragedeigh (by the subs definition) And you can carry on with your original plan the only downside is your kid will grow up with a constantly mispronounced name and the potential that they find this post one day and see you bullheaded moving forward(because I think your friend made you feel kind of silly for wanting to be euneek) with your misspelling choice. All they have to do is google their name with their spelling and boom, here we are. ETA: Read the post slowly guys read the edit!! Pay attention to flares and abbreviations(oof)! Don’t make the same mistake I did! Op is picking a name for themselves!! NOT a potential child!!! *Sorry Op, if you read this, it’s still technically a tragedeigh, but if you’re old enough to name yourself you’re old enough to not care that it is one and go with your flow, make it a joke with your friend, let it roll off your back even if it’s silly, it’s YOUR silly, it’s not like you’re naming another person who might grow to dislike it, again, I’m sorry for my initial mistake!*


He is picking his own name.


Oh no! I apologize to Op for my mistake! I read too fast and comprehended nothing! WELP- minus all the kid stuff (oof) the name is still a tragedeigh and it’s still funny op asked for the judgement and then disagreed with all of them.


That was my first reaction.


Alias. Like the TV show. Everyone will just call them Alias. You may as well saddle the poor child with the name "Name".


That’s also not how Aelius is pronounced.


Yes: Aelias makes it look like the parents are the type to spell Isaiah as "Isiah."


Also feels a little too on those nose to me. Choosing Alias (phonetically) for your new name? Literally making your alias, Alias? Just makes it feel kind of jokey. And no, I'm not trying tomake a joke of OP's renaming. I have all the respect in the world for his choice and I hope he's happily living his best life as who he was always meant to be. I just don't want to see others interpret it as a joke.


Aelius is the Latin version, not Greek. If you don't want to have the "-us", you could go with the Greek version, Ailios. But maybe it's even worse to pronounce in English than Aelius. -as is definitely "wrong" in this name.


My doctorate in Greek literature concurs.


That's a cool doctorate to have!


Ailios kinda slaps as a name tbh


sorry that your friend made fun of your choice. it is a tragedeigh though. it’ll be a headache for you in the future, but also do what you want, it’s your name. and you can change it later if you don’t like it


If you are changing out letters bc you just didn’t like the original spelling … yes. Also are we sure it sounds like Alias?


Alias is still a terrible name, spelled wrong it's god awful


Sounds like the pen name of a writer on a satire website. I’m sure they’d love it if you posted it on r/writingcirclejerk


If you decide to live life as a criminal will your “alias” be your own name? 🤣


My kid's name is Aelius. I disagree with her pronunciation. It's ee-li-us.


His name. Post is confusing because we’re used to ftm being ‘first time mom’ but here they clarify ‘FemaleToMale.’


It’s a common experience when you first go to the baby bumps subreddit to be confused by how many trans people there are hahaha


Yeah! Initially I was like ‘wow I hadn’t thought this would be such a big thing but I was wrong!’ Lmao. No. I was wrong.


I was so confused when I joined a pregnancy group on Facebook. A handful of tradwife looking ladies would call themselves "FTM" and i was like, huh, ok, they look like a girly Sunday School teacher, but all right. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out what they meant.


I legit couldn't get the trans meaning out of my head and had to ask. Then felt dumb. Especially because it was on a post about the mom (who referred to herself as FTM) not wanting to nurse, so I thought, "well I guess that could make sense if it causes dysphoria" but no one else was saying anything about this person being trans so I just asked because it felt like it must mean sometbing else.


That's definitely my mistake, then.


To be fair it's a Roman name believed to possibly come from the Greek word helios. The Greek pronunciation of ae- would be ee I believe but the Roman (Latin) pronunciation would more likely be ay or eye so it would sound like alias or eye-lius


In Modern Greek ae-, or rather ai-, (αι) would be pronounced with a vowel similar to the one in "bed", but in (Attic) Ancient Greek, it would be pronounced similar to the Latin version, i.e. "eye"


Actually I'm greek, and Elias (that's the correct spelling of that name) is pronounced as Ee-lee-us. u/LoopyLabRat is correct


Would you really pronounce Αἴλιος that way?


I would expect the original Latin pronunciation to be /ailjus/


I for sure didn’t pronounce it like she said it should be pronounced… sorry op, it might be a tragedeigh.


\*he. I'm a guy


Heads up cuz I didn't know this originally either (sorry if you already saw this) ftm means First Time Mom in a LOT of these name groups. Threw me for a loop. At first I was wondering wtf a parents gender identity had to do with naming their child and mildly surprised to see so many posts from trans parents looking for a name


Yeah lmao. I learned this today


I think every queer person I’ve known who joins a pregnancy group was thrown by that - and disappointed that “wow, so many queer and trans people!” Turns out to be a false impression.


*raises hand… yep when I first became a parent I joined a bunch of parenting groups and was like “hell ya! Look at all these queer parents! Then I learned they were referring to first time mom… and the only other queer folks were lesbians and we had nothing in common.


Lmfaooo I can imagine


I was super confused the first time I saw it because it was on a post where a woman who identified herself as a FTM was looking for advice on formula because she didn't want to nurse the baby. So in my head I'm like, "yeah makes sense I could see that causing dysphoria for a trans man" but NO ONE in the comments acknowledged that, and multiple people called her "her" without any correction. So I was like, "what the fuck does it mean in this context?!?" But I could not for the life of my guess at it because the trans meaning was so stuck in my head. Then, when someone told me, i was like, "oh. Duh."


Just so you know, in the context of these subreddits (this goes for a lot of naming subreddits as well) FTM means First Time Mom. I’m not trying to direspect you, I’m just telling you that ftm usually means something different in these parts.


I learned this today xD


I had no clue. I’ve only heard it for trans men. It’s funny when you get out of your regular groups and the jargon is totally different. Like seeing wedding planning people using “STD” for “save the date.”


Haha nice. So ya that’s why people think you’re a mom naming your child :)) Honestly now that I know you’re not naming a child and that you’re naming yourself, I think the name you’ve chosen is fine. Most people here I think get bummed out at the thought of a baby being given “tragedeigh” names.


I feel like it changes it a lot. I would never name my son this


If you would never name your child Aelius, then please, please, please don't give that name to yourself. Most people don't get the unique opportunity to choose their own name. Don't squander that opportunity and name yourself something that—as pretty much everyone in this post has pointed out—is a complete tragedeigh.


Aelius is a badass Latin name. Unfortunately the change does make it a tragedeigh especially for particularly wonky Latin language reasons. (Aelias would be feminine plural of the accusative form).


It is. I'd prefer AKA myself


It is a tragedeigh, but you do you! However, expect a bunch of “Elias” pronunciations and having to spell it every time.


Not only that, but there are 2 common pronunciations for Elias. (El-ee-us and uh-LIE-us) Aeleias will never be spelled correctly or pronounced correctly. It will be a headache. (I'm not even sure if I spelled it correctly and I just read the post 3 minutes ago)


If you have to put the pronunciation in brackets, it's likely a tragedeigh 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yup, brakets means likely a tragedy. And "didn't like the original spelling so I changed it" is by definition a tragedy lmao


I like this rule.


I don't love this rule if only because there are plenty of names in other languages that need help if you don't know the rules (looking at you, Irish names). But otherwise, this is a very good rule


If your actual NAME is ALIAS — god help you.


It especially feels wrong for a trans person, if I were trans I would want to make it as clear as possible that my new name outwardly reflects my true self rather than an implication of deception


So I don't know how it is in english but in german "Alias" means "fake name" or "also known as" I think it is not a good choice. Especially cause people could use it to dead name you as a joke. Like "my friend Alias *deadname* “


It means the same thing over in English. It's a pretty weird word to use as a name.


OP can call themself "Pseudonym". That's greek


But spell it Ps3udonaem, because the correct spelling is not youneek enough


Nah go with the branding like Sudafed. Sudanim.


Or one step further: Sudanimh


The secret of NIMH


“youneek” sent me LMFAO


“Aelius” is a masculine name. If you change it to “Aelias”, it will come across as feminine, as it will be closer to the feminine “Aelia”.


Thank you for actually knowing the language this person is ignorantly engaging with! At least understand or learn the basics of the language you're using for your name IMO.


This needs to be higher.


Is Aelias an Alias for Elias?


I thought it was a feminization spelling for Elias or Alias. I also first thought ftm was first time mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone else said if you’re naming yourself then it’s fine. You’re choosing to live with it. However, if you’re already sensitive to the light teasing from your friend, just imagine how you’ll feel going through life with strangers mispronouncing it and/or mocking it. I’m not discouraging you from choosing your own identity, just advising you to really think it through. And yeah, it is tragedeigh, sorry


Yes, it is a tragediegh.


Not just a tragedeigh, but a Greek tragedeigh.


Underrated comment.


Actually Latin, but props for a good joke. 😛


Alias literally means fake name.


Can only hope this is a fake post.


Like others have said, it just sounds like you tried to make the name Elias yoonique. I would just go with Elias.


Tragedeigh aside, given the deadnaming issues, a variation of "Alias" is maybe not the best idea.


Just a heads up, in parenting subs online, ftm is first time mom so that's a lot of the confusion happening here. As an adult choosing a name for yourself, that's a whole different thing because you are choosing to have to explain spelling and pronunciation for yourself which is fine in my opinion.


Same. To me there's a difference between picking your own name and picking one for a child. If a person wanra to make their own life more difficult, go for it. 


I have so much to say, but I would definitely choose a different name. 1. Yes it is a tragedeigh, you are changing the spelling of an actual word to something that does not exists. 2. Aelius is not pronounuced Alias. For starters latin is a dead language, therefore we cannot actually know the pronunciation, but looking at other romance languahe as well as medieval latin, it is most likely not pronounced Alias. 3. Aelius is second declination latin which is male, but by changing the suffix you can make it first declination which is female. So Aelius is male while Aealia is female. I don't think being FTM you would want a female adjecent name.


Absolutely a tragedeigh. Especially if people are telling you that you’re pronouncing it wrong.


Take it from another trans man who went by Janus for a while: it’s not worth having to correct people all the time on how your name is pronounced. Genuinely I’d just go with Elias.


If you have to ask….




My main problem is it sounds like something you'd name a Games of Thrones character


Then it would be Aelyas.


Yes. The Greek name wouldn't be pronounced like you think, in Greek every letter is pronounced... So it would be A-El-Ee-Us. You'd be intentionally misspelling an already difficult name... It's a bad choice. Very bad. Definitely a Grique Tragedeigh. Unless it's for a pet... They won't be forced to correct people and explain their dumb name for decades.


Changing the original/traditional spelling of a name to make it “cooler” or because you didn’t like the original is the definition of tragedeigh.


as a fellow trans person (also ftm though now identify as agender or transmasc) I can promise if you're altering the spelling of a name it's probably a tragedy... also do you really wanna name yourself what essentially means "fake name"???? Save the stuff like that for middle names (I picked Lior as a middle name and my name is C Tomas 2-more middles then surname. even my northern european spelling of Tomas instead of Thomas is kept as a middle/double-first name so it can be dropped) take it from someone whose first chosen/legal name is NOT a tragedeigh... make it as simple as possible because people still mess up my name lmao just do yourself a favour and pick a first name you won't have to stand around and explain spelling or meaning or pronunciation unless you can toughen up and deal with peoples bs.


I kinda feel like you're drawing attention to the fact that it's a new name. An Alias, if you will.


Well it definitely is not Greek, it is the Latin version of Helios (sun), not to be confused with Elias (the prophet from the Bible). But I guess the confusion is unavoidable in any case.


Your friend that poked fun is your only real friend in that group because everyone else would have stood by and let you call yourself that and then talked about it behind your back. The real friends are the ones that will let you know you’re fucking up even if it’s uncomfortable. You should be thanking her for keeping it real.


It's pronounced "ill-ee-us". Half my family is Greek.




You get to pick your name, and yet you're going with a tragedeigh. Titus, Alexander, Nicholas are all good Greek names.


It is a tragedeigh. Spelling reads very feminine, and the name itself is very very clocky. Just go with Elias. (Yes I am a trans guy myself)


Are you seriously going to name yourself “alias?” As in “fake name”, “other name?” Pretty or not look up the definitions before you go even further in this madness.


You liked a name Aelius but rather than respect that name you changed it to something else. Clearly you didn't like the name at all!! Plus it means "name" in most interpretations so your kids name is literally "name". Rethink??


It doesn’t just mean name, in English the meaning behind it conveys that it is specifically a name for a fake identity


As a fellow trans guy... I'd rethink this one. This name might cause some issues for a few reasons: 1) Your name will probably get you unwanted attention for gendery reasons even if you choose something conventional like John (unless you pass & are stealth at some point). 2) People are going to be confused by the fact that your name sounds like "alias." 3) You will probably have to repeat & respell this name often since it's unconventional and sounds like the more familiar name Elias. Think through all the future scenarios where you will be using your name - job interviews, government offices, introducing yourself in a loud bar, etc. Do you want to deal with all that every time someone hears your name? Unless you really love this name, it probably won't be worth the trouble. Also, this may or may not matter to you, but that name doesn't automatically read as masculine to me. If you want a name that signals male to other people I'd go with something else. Of course you can try it out for awhile and see how it feels. :) Best of luck!


Another trans man chiming in here: absolutely to all of this. The political climate in the US (and most of the world) means it’s getting less and less safe. For gods sake, don’t pick the most “trans” name you can think of. If you want a ridiculous name, make it your middle name. You won’t want to be 40 and called Aelias.


Sensible answer right here




Yes it is. It sounds like you’re trying to be clever and play off Alias.


It's a misspelled name, so yes, it's a tragedeigh. Not a terrible one, but one nonetheless. I'd be happy to give you some name ideas, if you want?


It’s a confusing name. It’s not established in any language. It’s not intuitive in any language. That makes it a tragediegh. Sorry OP. I would keep looking. (And I mean it’s not established in any language because someone with Greek background in the comments has already challenged OP’s pronunciation.)


Trans man here: don’t do this to yourself. I get that you’re excited to be able to name yourself and probably want to call yourself something related to your current interests, but don’t. Keep in mind that this will be your name forever. Do you want this name on your gravestone? Do you want to be called this by your nieces/nephews? If things keep getting worse for trans people, do you truly want a name this clockable/obvious? If the answer to any of those questions is no, pick something else. Seriously. Pick something you like, but also something normal. Aelias is absolutely a tragedeigh. If you like the general vibe of it, go for Elias or something.


I am telling you now as an FTM, please do NOT name yourself something like that. If you're going to go for any name, I recommend looking for something that 1. is realistic to your race and region, and 2. Easily recognizable and pronounceable. Save yourself the regret later on




yes it is a tragedeigh


I would pronounce it A-Elias or just Elias, thinking it's a tragedeigh. Also, with all respect, a name pronounced Alias as a transperson will give assholes a lot of opportunities to make fun of you. Spare yourself the pain. There are a ton of nice names out there. You will find the perfect name for who you really are:)


Alias means fake name, which I fear would be especially bad for someone choosing their own name


I am unsure if this is actual young misguided ftm trans person or some transphobic weirdo making fun of a young person's name. Either way there's not a chance to spell it correctly. Just back out.


I think it's a pretty name and since you are picking it for yourself, that you like it is what should matter. Alias (the pronounciation) means "a borrowed name". Usually, a fasle identity. Just putting that there because it's a word that's used in English, too and in this context, it seems relevant. Besides that, I wouldn't say it's a tragedeigh, but maybe unusual. It can be shortened to Ali, which I see is a good nickname in case people struggle with it.


r/namenerds might actually be able to throw some new ideas at you. IMO there are some interesting things that are less likely to cause confusion: Elias (ee-lie-iss) Eilis (eye-liss) Ellis (ell-iss)


Oof. Tragic name. Keep looking kid. I work in a very LGBT area and aside from clocking a mile away it is the names that are ALWAYS so U'Neakk that is the final nail. 9/10 it's another beacon of , "look at me! I'm SOOOOO different.". Like Skyra Lolita or Ryder Maxx, take your pick. Sorry friend.


Is no one else going to point out that an alias is someone's alternate identity, or name? Like, Dwayne Johnson's alias is The Rock. Or James Bond's alias is 007. Many artists use an alias instead of their real name. Aliases are used as a means of identifying otherwise unidentified people, such as hermits, the homeless, serial killers, or spies. When they are eventually identified, their alias is attached to their real name. "Jack the Ripper" is an alias. Why would you want to add confusion to telling people what your name is? Unless you actually want Elias, then do something more similar to that. Try not to let your new name add confusion to your life, that's all I'm really wanting to say. You don't have to pick a normal name or normal spelling, but try to stay away from things that are going to attract unnecessary attention, such as border agents or police officers. They might actually think you mean an alias, and will grill you for your legal name.


You’re naming yourself….does it matter what we think? You like it and you’re the one who has to live with it. Can you live with it? Think it through. You’re going to have to spell it out and teach people how to pronounce it and be asked about what it means every single time you meet a new person. I have a very uncommon name - not a tragedy - just uncommon. I’ve never ever introduced myself to someone and not had to repeat it, repeat it again, correct their pronunciation, spell it out, acknowledge they got it right, spell it, then had to tell them it’s a Portuguese name. Every. Time.


The problem by and large with this is that changing to an “as” ending literally makes it a feminine noun in Latin (also plural), as opposed to the masculine “us” ending. It seems polar opposite of what you’re aiming for to do it that way. Additionally, the classical Latin pronunciation wouldn’t be “Alias” but “AYE-lee-ass”.


Yes. If you have to ask, the answer is yes. If you have to explain how it needs to be pronounced, the answer is yes. Pick a normal name if you don't want a tragedeigh.


Hey! I'm also trans and named myself with a Latin word. One thing you might want to keep in mind is that Latin words actually decline to be gendered versions of the same word. For example, my name Nova is 1st declension nominative, which makes it feminine. Novus would be masculine, and Novum would be gender neutral. Aelius is the masculine form of a name, and it's the nominative form i.e. the subject of a sentence or a proper name. Changing it to Aelias would make it ... Plural accusative in the 1st declension I think? You'd be taking a masculine name, and making it feminine, plural, and the object of a sentence. Like instead of meaning "Aelius the dude was cool." It would fit into a sentence like "balls were being thrown at the Aelias girls." So for anyone with an understanding of Latin it would be kind of a weird choice as a FTM guy.


A lot of people are going to pronounce that like the name "Elias." Saying your name is "Alias", regardless of spelling, sounds kind of like a bad joke. Keep in mind we are talking about your prospective \*government name\*, not just a fun nickname you're giving yourself (and that's putting aside the inherent weirdness of trying to pick one's own nickname). I strongly urge you to anchor your choice in practical considerations about your future (jobs, school, marriage, legal documents, court appearances, etc.). There's a very fine line between "interesting, uncommon name" and "giving yourself a pretentious and/or ridiculous name out of a need for attention." (Additional context: I'm an old gay trans woman who transitioned long ago. I've seen \*so many people\* (usually white AFABs, if we're being honest) give themselves ridiculous names and then get all surprised when strangers don't take them seriously because they named themselves something silly like "Loki" or "Riot". I'm a very gnc butch lesbian, so I'm hardly an assimilationist, but there's also no sense in arbitrarily making your life harder or just making yourself look like an immature dumbass to other trans people.)


That kid will be correcting spelling and pronunciation his whole life. Tragedeigh.


Yes, it’s a tragedeigh. Why choose a Greek name if you don’t like the Greek spelling? What is your connection to Greek culture that makes this approach logical to you? It’s also just plain tragic. Why not just choose a top 200 name from the decade you were born in? What are you trying to communicate with this name? I’ve known several trans people who named themselves after obscure video game or manga characters and it’s very adolescent. I wouldn’t recommend it if your goal is either passing or being taken seriously.


If you have to clarify the pronunciation then yes, it's a tragedeigh, I'm sorry.


Half of the trans people I know have a tregedeigh (said lovingly). I say if you like the name go for it LOL


It’s definitely a tragedeigh, but other than that, considering you’re ftm, I would strongly urge you to consider the connotations of the word “alias”. I would think that naming yourself something that means “not one’s true name” would literally be the exact opposite of what (I assume) you want, i.e. a true representation of your identity, no?


Changing your name to the word for using a name that’s different to your given name is a bit pretentious. Just one random idiot on the internet’s opinion.


Another Greek tragedeigh.


Yes, it’s a tragedeigh. Your friend was right to make fun of you. Go to the baby name list for your year in your country. Choose #40. You’ll thank me later.


Not to be rude, but maybe give yourself a more normal name? Less headaches in the future for you i bet


Dude, yeah, it’s a definite tragedeigh. I’m not even sure I understand how it’s supposed to be pronounced - Alias like a fake name or Elias? Also, even if it’s pronounced Elias, do you really want to change your name to something that people will pronounce as the word meaning “fake identity”? On top of that, all of my trans friends have had a hard time getting some people to take their transition and chosen name seriously, and picking a name that looks like some eyeroll-y trendy BS does *not* help.


Honestly, it doesn't matter as much when you're naming yourself. Any consequences you may face because of the name will be your own, and will not get some kid bullied, so do what you want is what I would say - A fellow ftm


I’m not trans at all and I concur. Name yourself however you’d like (and I like your spelling).


Alias: a false name given to hide one's identity. The English teachers might have a fun time with this one


As a viral YouTube video once eloquently stated.. "What the hell is even that?!" It looks like Alien, Alias, Areola, Anal... The playground will turn that poor baby's name into 'Alien Ass'. Edited to add: I know this will probably hurt your feelings, but you came here asking for *strangers opinions*, which while very brave, the responses that are upsetting to you should always give you a glimpse into your child's future. They will face *strangers opinions* of their name their whole life. You don't want to make them feel the way you feel reading these responses, know what I mean?


They're transitioning and changing their own name, not naming a kid


Thank you so much for this correction. I really appreciate it. Cringing inside, glad you let me know.


Technically they are naming a kid. Op is 16


You got me with the technicality


Edited to add: Hey, I apologize. I totally interpreted your post wrong somehow, and left my comment as such. Take only what you need from it. All the best. ❤️


This is funny because my kid's name is Aelius (pronounced ee-li-us, not Alias). I like that it means "sun or sunshine" and part of Hadrian's regnal name.


Super handsome. Looks like Aurelius to me.


I've always liked Marcus Aurelius. Wife doesn't like the name so I suggested Hadrian/Adrian. Eventually we ended up with Aelius.


Oh yeah.




Years ago before all ….this….a friend and I had a joke about his name. “It’s spelled N A T E but it’s pronounced nah-TAY.” I guess we were ahead of our time. It’s pretty TAME (pronounced tuh MAY) by today’s standards.




I really don't know if this is a tragedeigh. I will say that since you are picking a name for yourself and not for a child that has to live with any repercussions or fallout, then go with whatever you like. My question is, have you thought about the repercussions of this choice? My first thought was that you'll get numerous bad jokes along the lines of "Your name is an alias? How many aliases do you have?" when meeting new people. Even if they don't joke, it may confuse people due to the meaning of the pronunciation. In the end, choose what's right for you.


Tragique, yes, it is


Sorry, this is definitely a tragedy. Ugh


Of course it is.


Why not Elias? Aelias is a weird spelling and I wouldn't understand how it's pronounced.




Pretty bad




yes. plus, it looks like you don’t know how to spell the name Elias. plus, a name that rhymes with alias is…not the best idea, IMO.


It spunds like you don't know how to spell 'alias'. Yes, it's a tragedeigh.


The moment you change the normal spelling of a name because you don’t like the normal spelling, the you’ve created a tragedeigh. In this case, a Greek tragedeigh.


I might be on team Elias, take the inspiration and forward it to something still uncommon enough to feel a sense of identity.


Do you plan on working in a regular job? Being trans is already though, putting yourself out there with a tragedeigh name because you felt like changing the spelling isn't the easiest path. It's your name, your call, your life, it's not messing with a little innocent baby's future.


The a seems a little feminine (like Aela). I would go with Elias for a male.


Sorry but this is a tragedeigh. And also you'll spend your life saying "no it's not an ALIAS, my name is AELIAS"...


If you want a name that won't be questioned, look at the top 100 male baby names for your birth year and pick your favourite. Aelias is a tragedeigh.


As far as FTM names go, this is tame as hell. You’re doing better than Socks, Thread, and Steps, all people I actually know. Have fun with it!


A massive one ...


Tragedeigh or not, just consider if you're willing to have to constantly spell this for people and then have them ask you to repeat it/repeat it back to you to make sure they got it right. Any time you have to give your name for anything, doctors appointments, making accounts for bills, making reservations, starting a new job, etc you will never *just* be able to give your name. If you make your email address your name you will have the same issue with that, and trust me, people are not gonna remember how they spelt your name the first time for taking your email afterwards. You may miss out on opportunities or important documents/info because even with spelling out your name, people still might write it wrong. Your name will always be a point of interest for people, *everyone* will ask how its spelt, what it means, where its from. If you're okay with that then go ahead, but just keep it in mind.


You’re just setting yourself up for the jokes at this point. “Hi my name is alias” “Right. And what’s your real name?”


I am from Brittany, France, and here it is not surprising (although quite rare) to have people named just Ael (pronounced "A-el"). In Breton, that mean 'Angel'. You might consider Aelig ('Little angel'), which is also a common name. I find Ael to be really a great base for a name (although it is the name of a loved one of mine, so I might be biased), but considering etymology I am not sure of the -ias. It seems pretty to me, but I think it might be considered as tragedy. You could eventually keep Elias ? It is more common, but is a good name and can suits you if you liked Aelias


Just so you know, in parenting spaces, ftm means "first time mom" If you're naming yourself, do what you want. Consider how you want to portray yourself. I find in the trans community, unique names are more common. If your goal is to "pass" at some point (entirely up to you), you might want to go with a more common name.


Good thing I read the edit because I translated ftm to "first time mom" Anyway changing the spelling of a name is still a tragedeigh. But you're an adult and you're the one who has to live with it so idk you do you


Before anything: man you’re naming yourself! As long as this is your choice that you’re making for yourself, anything goes bc it means you’re not an oblivious parent making your kid suffer because of some uniqueness complex. Second, i love the name you chose anyway! BUT as a Greek i need to clarify some things. like others pointed out Aelius is latin so it’s DEFINITELY not pronounced Alias. It’s pronounced Heli-oos. It comes from the greek Ήλιος=sun! It has the Ae in the beginning because in ancient greek Ήλιος had a funky mark before the starting E that changed the pronunciation and made it longer. This mark (dasia) gets translated as Ae in latin and H in English (think Hercules for example- it’s Ηρακλής in Greek with the funky mark before the H). So the Ae isn’t a tragedeigh at all, and you can definitely call yourself Aelius or Helios (the greek word) for sun. It just ends in either an oos or an os, NOT an as. But! There is also the name Elias with the greek origin of Ηλίας. If you call yourself Aelias most people will assume this is just a version of Elias with a latinised spelling. It would make sense that it is spelled like that, because Elias has the same little mark before the E as Helios/sun in greek. Tl;dr: Aelias is not a version of latin Aelius but of greek Elias with a latin spelling. You can name yourself that, and you could also name yourself whatever you want and im sorry your friend hurt your feelings. I wish you all the best in your life in general and your transition journey. Lots of love :)


Absolute tragedeigh. Doubly so. That would be pronounced Elias. So not only would you be butchering an existing name but you would also be misspelling it to do so. It would be incredibly mean to force your child to correct people for the rest of their life. Edit: misread as partner and you picking out a name for a child. Since it is for yourself it’s fine for you to torture yourself. You just absolutely cannot get mad at people for constantly saying or spelling it wrong.


I'm also ftm. It's your name and if you love it go for it. But yeah, it's the definition of a tragedeigh, sorry.. And as someone who is ftm myself I really can't imagine wanting to name myself something that means "false identity" to most people. I think you would never hear the end of it.


It's pronounced eelius. You want a totally different name, you might as well be called Alias.


I read it as Alias, but the first comment I saw said they read it as Elias, so… I have no idea tbh.


It kind of feels like a Sith Lord name. Darth Aelias is the ham-fisted name given to a Sith Lord who specializes in having a separate identity for use in public to protect their private identity If you want a cool Greek name that starts with an A I’d recommend Achilles or Adonis Edit to add: an alias is a false name you use to deceive people regarding your identity, and I’d think if I were to be trans I would rather not go for a name that almost implies that I was faking it, instead picking something that would establish itself as being true to my inner self. If I were trans I wouldn’t want my identity to be “just an alias” Another edit to add: based on his lore, Achilles would be a kickass name for ftm since growing up he lived as a woman before going off to live the rest of his life as a man


Yes, OP, yes.


Just use Alias. There’s already so many other issues you have to deal with. Make the name not one.


FTM means first time mother in those circles, and most users here are naming children, just fyi. Personally, I think it's a tragedeigh.. when people are told of your new name, it sounds like you're just saying 'alias', like 'this is my new alias'. They're going to look at you blankly waiting for the rest of the sentence. Maybe less so for new interactions, but anything made up by changing letters is a tragedeigh by definition...


Yes. It is a tragedeigh. I would be so upset if my parents named me that with that weird spelling. Also, an alias literally means a fake name.... So it's a very weird thing to name someone. Please don't.