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Rhiannon is a beautiful name, wynter is a bit of a number but the pronunciation is immediately clear so I think it's fine.


Thank you! I think it’s funny cuz one time my Psychology teacher was running out of ways to break us off into groups so she had us all separate by alphabetical middle names. I’m standing with a group of all boys cuz their middle names are all William, Willard, etc and they’re all like why are you with us? Sigh, Wynter. Lol.


You could've been Wynona, Wren, Whitney, Willow, Winifred... Why would anyone be surprised that you were standing with the group of boys? It's not like girl names starting with "W" don't exist 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I've got a cousin whose middle name is Whitney. She thought it was Grace for the longest time because she was such a klutz as a child that everyone said that Grace was her middle name.


My grandmother called me Grace. My daughter’s middle name is Grace. Oldest has dad’s first name as middle. We wanted to give her a name for me, but neither my first or middle worked. So her middle name is Grace because my grandmother called me that every time I tripped or whacked into something.


I found my people! 🥰


Haha! My aunt thought my name was “Grace General” because she was sent a birth announcement note and they mixed up my name and the hospital’s!


Omg PLEASE take my upvote, as I’ve been laughing with tears running down my face for the last five minutes … because I have a similar story!


lol if we went by what our grandfather called us I’d be Grace for exactly that reason. Youngest sister would be Pearl, because born on Pearl Harbor day. Middle sister didn’t get a nickname until she was a teen, then it was Richard. After Richard Petty, the race car driver. As if grandpa had room to talk there!


My friend’s brother was like that... They don’t have middle names, but until after he was old enough to know better, he thought his middle name was Osceros. His first name is Ryan!


It was a small class at a small school lol. There were only 10 of us, our grade graduated with only 42 🤒


Wendy, Wilhelmina, Wanda...


Wanda , Wendy , Willona


lol clearly only boys can have W middle names


Plus all the people who have family names as middle names.


I mean, WENDY has been there since Peter Pan.


I don’t have a middle name… would have been awkward


Neither my dad nor my brother have a middle name. It’s uncommon for males in my family to have a middle name. People always think it’s just the strangest thing lol.


I have heard that first name a few times. Common, no, but a known name for sure. This is how you do unique names. Not silly things.


I feel like one of the factors that makes a true tragedeigh is a degree of confusion about how to pronounce it. There's no real way to mispronounce Wynter. No silent letters, no sneaky combination of four or five letters to make one sound. No letters that have to be pronounced as their letter names to have the desired effect (I mean, if you *wanted* it to be a tragedeigh, you could start insisting it should be pronounced *Why-enter*...). It's a pretty name, and a great story for parties.


I'm confused why you think 'Wyntr' would be Welsh spelling. Winter isn't a Welsh word and spelling it like that doesn't make it Welsh. The Welsh word for winter is gaeaf. So neither the spelling your mother wanted or the spelling you got have anything to do with Wales. Rhiannon is a lovely name, though, and, as you presume, very common in Wales. She is a character who appears in The Mabinogion, which is a 12th century codification of much older Welsh legends and mythology passed down through the oral tradition.


On this particular topic I feel justified in putting my faith in one whose username begins with Ll.


Gaeaf would not be a good name.


It isn't a name. It is the word for the season. My point is that changing the spelling of winter to wyntr does not make it Welsh - that's not how language works!


Complete agreement with you. It’s funny how someone can go through their entire life thinking their name means something or they come from royalty. Went to my family reunion and found out I wasn’t related to anyone in the room.


Ok that sounds like a story


Wyntr is Middle English and Early Modern English, though. And for some reason, it was a given name in Ohio and indiana in the early 1900's, for men. Maybe a surname. Wynter with an E is definitely an English surname... but it was also a Welsh surname, from English families who moved to Wales. So in Brecon, when an English guy named Walter married Gwenllian daughter of Gwilym, their son was named William Wynter. And his son was named David. And then his sons were named Morgan and Jenkin, and they married Joan and Angharad. And so on.... So you've got a nice medieval Welsh name, from a certain perspective! And neither spelling is a tragedeigh!


I agree that neither name is a tragedeigh. And yes, families have moved to Wales from all over the world, bringing their surnames with them, which is why I went to school (in Wales) with kids with surnames like Assirati, Utoblo and Patel. Families with those names can be Welsh, but the names themselves are not Welsh in origin - just as there are families in Wales called Winter, yes, but the name Winter is not itself Welsh in origin. My point being, still, that Wyntr isn't 'the Welsh spelling of Winter', which is what OP specifically claimed and clearly believes. The Welsh language has a whole other word for winter, which has no relationship with the English word. If someone wants to give their child a Welsh name because they love Welsh folklore, or whatever, changing the spelling of an English word isn't the way to do it!


Curious, how is it Gaeaf pronounced?


babe wake up, new spelling of Jeff just dropped


LOL see that would be a tragedeigh, but no, that's not how it is pronounced.


*Gae* rhymes with eye (ETA or, I guess, the word 'guy') and then *af* is av. So, essentially, guy-av. The letter f represents a v sound in Welsh (for the softer English f sound, we use ff).


I’d say the Gae is more like Gay, like Gay-af but maybe that’s a regional thing


Yeah, there are regional variances. It's closer to guy where I am, but then, as with a lot of Welsh phonetics, it doesn't really map 100% onto English examples anyway, so we're working with approximate representations here.


Kids tend to pick on kids with goofy names. You might wanna rethink naming your child Gay AF.


Are you American by chance?


Thank you!


I had a very good friend whose mom loved Fleetwood Mac. My friend's middle name was the same as your first. :-) My friend passed away about 12 years ago, and to this day, I can not hear the song without thinking of my friend.


I almost named my daughter Rhiannon. Wish i did because she ended up with a popular name 🤦‍♀️


I seriously considered this too. Top 5 options.


Honestly, your story sounds like one of those stories that you could tell at a gathering to break the ice especially when you're meeting new people. I don't think it's tragic at all.


Aw, Rhiannon is beautiful, I love it. Have you listened to Rhiannon Giddens? She's a bluegrass/Americana musician and she's great. Wynter isn't too bad. Bit of a tragedeigh I suppose but we've seen much much worse. (Duolingo tells me the Welsh word for winter is "gaeaf" so it could have been that!)


Technically Oprah’s name was a misspelling. So you’re in league with Oprah!


It’s fine. Lovely Name. Rhiannon Wynter.


The birth certificate officer who let your dad make a change after the form had been signed really needed some re-training. I wonder how many other errors she helped cause.


Cute story makes it endearing. It's not a desperate grab from a parent to make the name so unique with complete disregard that an actual person needs to live with the name. Even your mom had clarity at the end and your dad was sweet in trying to respect her wishes. Anything that has cultural meaning and spelled correctly for that culture auto gets a pass as long as there is a genuine connection to the culture.


It's alright. It's not a bad name to be called and he didn't go completely off the rails by spelling it Weinghter, Wnter, W-ntr.


Rhiannon is a beautiful name and a great song!  Winter would be better imo, but it's a middle name so Wynter it's fine.


oh that's a pretty name, how did your parents come up with it? My dad's illiterate in Welsh.


I happen to love your name, Rhiannon, but I can understand how hard it must be to go through life with the name of a wildly popular song. I named my oldest son for a movie character, Hamish, middle name Campbell


Not a tragedeigh at all!


please tell me you have three other siblings named Spring, Summer, and Fall 😄


2 girls in my Midwest high school class had your first name.


I didn’t meet another one til I moved to the city. I grew up in northern Michigan and met my first other Rhiannon when I moved to Lansing


Rhiannon is a great song, if you haven’t heard it. Fleetwood Mac. ETA: It’s also the name of my next door neighbor’s daughter. She’s 28. She’s from NJ and lives in California.


That’s the song I’m named after lol. Was my favorite song ever when I was 2. As a toddler I’d always brag I had a song named after me (toddler logic) and my brother would shoot back that he’s the king


I was named after a Donovan song from 1965; I’ll leave you to guess which one, lol.


It's a funny story you can tell at parties. Don't shy away from your middle name, it has history! Plus most everyone will never know it if you don't reveal it.


Tbh the middle name Wynter is sick. Not that weird but allows you to add uniqueness if you ever need


Tusk is an odd one but if you enjoy the name, no trageighdy.


My youngest was named Rhiannon until they transitioned a few years back, so I'm a bit biased on your first name. And Wynter is fine, as well.


I dont think it isa tragedeigh. Also if your name is what I think it is I have a cousin with the same only with a U added which may be considered a slight tragedeigh by some lol


Nah. Well, I guess it could be a lot worse.


Winter sounds good.


Nah, just a funny story. Now, you could be named Skyi. And yes, I just recently saw that one. Or Bry pronounced like Brie.


I had a student last year named Wynter. It’s not awful.


A couple years ago when I started working at a daycare there was a pre-k girl who was named Wynter! I was like woah! I thought I was the only one with that spelling! So in introducing myself to her parents I mentioned that my middle name is spelled like her first, and gave the short version of my story. They said it was a distant family surname that they loved. Her twin was Rose.


Nope. Not a tragedeigh. You have a beautiful name.


Let’s get to the standout question from your post: Your brother’s name is “King Arthur”???


Lmao just Arthur. But definitely named after the King. Parents had parrots named Merlin and Gandalf, too




Rhiannon isn’t