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People made Bethany work somehow, and Moriah, and Jordan has been a thing for a long time, so I guess Galilee could be next.... Dead Sea is definitely not going to make it.


“I’d like to introduce you to the twins, Sodom and Gomorrah”


>Gomorrah Who knows, maybe in a few years it'll be considered Marvel name rather than a Biblical one


Who IS Gomorrah...


That's Godzilla's friend, the big turtle right?


WHY is Gomorrah


My son wanted to name our dog Gomorrah after the character from Guardians of the Galaxy. I felt bad saddling a puppy with that so we settled on Zoe the actress that played Gomorrah.


Her name is spelled Gamora FYI


Hey, one of King Lear’s daughters is named Goneril. Maybe there’s a chance.


That sounds like a drug for an STD


It sounds like the STD iteself.


This post is a choking hazard 😂


For some reason, their older brother Jonah just wants to get them into trouble all the time


And Sharon is an established name.


And Carmel/Carmen isn’t that just the name of a mountain in the Bible? 


Yes, I forgot about Mount Carmel!


Yes and I believe that Carmen is an alternative spelling to Carmel and Carmine is another alternative spelling depending on what language you are speaking because Carmel is the feminine of the word and Carmen/Carmine is the masculine of the word


Carmen = Maria del Carmen You will also meet some Lourdes and Fatima in Spain, after the cities with Virgin Mary sightings


What's interesting is that Fatima is a Muslim name too and it's apparently where Fatima Portugal (where the sightings allegedly happened) got its name. So you get people from 2 different faiths naming their daughters Fatima for different reasons.


My mom is from Carmel By The Sea, CA, so it's getting used still for places. ☺️


Ohhhh! Good one! I forgot that one totally.






I taught a student named Shekinah one time. That is high-pressure being the literal glory of God.


Shekinah is relatively common. Emphasis on relative obvously. 


It might be the atheist in me but I associate to LotR when I see Moriah written down, not the bible


It's not just you...and I'm a minister.


Makes sense - we all have our own associations. Interestingly, Tolkien was a devout catholic and who knows what his inspiration was in the names he used.


It's in the Bible? I was wondering why they were talking about the mines.


That's Moria, no 'h'


We'll probably see DedC pretty soon.


My youngest daughter's name us Bethany (born in 1987) She goes by Beth or Beny


I don't think Samaria is gonna work either


I knew someone with that name. I also met a woman once who named her child Berean.


While not tragedeighs, both the girls names are horrible examples parental self-indulgence. I don't hate Galilee, as it's no worse than Brooklyn or Paris, for example, but Gethsemane is cumbersome.


> Gethsemane is cumbersome  And not exactly cheery...who TF thinks "yes, I shall name my child after the place where Christ begged to get out of offering himself up as the entire world's sacrificial lamb"?  Edited for formatting 


Next kid will be named Golgotha


And we'll follow it up with Gomorrah


If it's a girl, yes. A boy... Goliath maybe?


I think there might be a man in Indiana named [Mount Olive](https://www.whitepages.com/name/Mount-Olive-Chur/Evansville-IN/PR35wbwd0q9)


That kid WILL be Goth.


It still beats Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barebone, son of Praise-God Barebone. He went by "Nicolas."


Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer.


Thank you for saying this. This was my first thought 🤣


Visit-The-Infidel-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets (Constable Visit for short)


That one had me screaming when I first read it!


he shouldve gone as the acronym UJCHDFTTHBD


UGH. Puritans...


Wait is this actually true?


Had to look it up but good lord it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Barbon?wprov=sfti1


Same. Galilee is not the worst but unless she's particularly religious people will always feel some sort of way about her parental indulgences.


See I feel the opposite at least Gethsemane sounds like a name for a human, naming your kid Galilee is like the Christian equivalent of calling them Paris or Camden. 


I could understand visiting the Galilee and wanting to name a child after it. Beautiful wildflowers, air that smells fresh and good, and a relatively cool and moist climate compared to the aridity of its surroundings.


Yes, I spent 5 days covering it by foot and it is lovely. Incidentally I have a friend with a daughter named Galilee (they call her Gallie) and it’s not my favorite name but it’s not a bad name either.


Is Camden a place?


Yes, camden town is in London


Also significant to Baltimore baseball fans.


Also Camden New Jersey


There's also a Camden, SC!


Gethsemane is a place, it’s where Jesus went to agonize over his upcoming death and cries to God to relieve him from suffering, and then he is betrayed and arrested there. That Biblical connotation makes this name way worse IMO.


You think Gethsemane sounds like a human name?


Honestly, Galilee and going by Lilly is kinda adorable… gethsemane on the other hand lol


Yeah I kind of like Galilee honestly and I'm not even religious. To be fair it IS actually still a place haha, no different than naming a kid Brooklyn or Asia


I have a friend called Galilee, she's not religious at all. She says she likes it because no one ever forgets her name!


My friend who is 50 is named Galilee. Dad is a pastor. She named her daughter Anna Lilee


If the names are spelled correctly, then they are merely tragic but not tragedieghs. On a side note, in my experience, the ones who have to publicly flex that hard about their religion are often the worst people.


Can confirm. Cousin and her husband are born against. Named their son Godson. Husband is a member of the Proud Boys and spent time in prison for assault and illegal possession of a firearm. He is not exactly walking in the footsteps of Jesus.


I love your very appropriate Freudian slip: “born against”! Many Christians are extremely unChristlike.




RIGHT!? They feel the need to justify that they’re actually good people so they name their children after the holiest things when those children grow up to be AWFUL


Why do I see that so much in here? I thought it was pretty clear what a tragedeigh is lol


Yes, but many of those families tend to create tragedeighs within their pious attitude


Galilee is ok but the second one? Getsunheidt!


I submit the American Family Road Trip assholes, JD and Brittany Lott. They have a bazillion kids, and some of the kids' names are fine (Gunner, Kinsey, Boone), and then you've got poor Schofield and Uriah. I don't remember the other two or three names, but it sucks. I believe there's also a fundamentalist (offspring of Jill Rodrigues) who named her son Spurgeon? That might be a joke, though.


I’m just gonna point out that Gunnar is a real name. Gunner is assault and possibly also a tragedeigh.


all of those names are surnames (even Spurgeon) except for Uriah, which is a normal first name. surnames as a first name is the new trend so a tragedy instead of a tragedeigh since they are spelled correctly and actual (sur)names


Not a new trend at all. Very old naming convention that’s tricky, because the surnames of yesteryear are now totally accepted as first names. 


Spurgeon is the son of Jessa Duggar


Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892 was a famous evangelical Baptist preacher.


Spurgeon is Jessa Duggar's kid. Jill Rodrigues has grandsons named Nehemiah and Newman.


All of those kids are named after military stuff/generals.  


This is how I imagine that conversation going: “Hey hunny…You know that place where Jesus suffered our sins and lived through the worst pain imaginable?? “ “You mean Gethsemane?” “Yes! We should name our daughter that..” I seriously don’t understand some people….


To be fair, I think that’s a specifically LDS teaching about the events in Gesthemane. Non-lds Christians have a slightly different understanding of that story — specifically that Bible Jesus went to the garden where he and his disciples regularly went to pray, begged god to spare him the “cup of wrath” he knew he was about to drink (being crucified), felt sorrowful and abandoned by god and his friends who kept falling asleep, but ultimately submitted to god’s will. And an also an angel came to strengthen him.  Like mentions Bible Jesus being “in agony” and his sweat becoming “like great drops of blood,” but no one outside of Mormonism teaches that he literally bled from every pore and experienced all sins at once. Most christians locate Christ’s “suffering for our sins” in his actual crucifixion and horrific slow death.  Maybe this family is lds, though, so you might be spot on. Either way, the name of the garden translates to “oil press,” so it’s still a weird name for a kid. 


Thank you so much for telling me that!!


Literal bleeding sweat and agonizing pain in the garden is Catholic teaching as well. I've occasionally heard similar teaching from Protestant pulpits, delivered emotionally to elicit a guilt response from the congregants.


Perfect, it'll go great with that lake Jesus walked on and the disciples pulled fish out of.


If they're thinking of another kid, maybe suggest Golgotha?


They could call the kid "Golly" for a nickname.


Sure, Methuselah


I had a friend who named one of his children Phineas. For those who aren't au fait with the story of Phineas, otherwise known as Pinchas: Pinchas saw a couple having illicit sex, acted self-righteously, and speared them both through with a spear, killing them both. My friend explicitly said *at the baby-naming* that he hoped his child Phineas would be inspired to fight against all illicit sexual relations, especially homosexuality. One could not even. Not a friend any more. Never followed up to find out if young Phineas ended up gay.


this tragic naming is particularly bleak. I hope that child is okay.


Fucking yikes! Poor child. At least kids nowadays are **much** more likely to associate the name with *Phineas and Ferb* than that hateful story?


There are plenty of nicer biblical names. I.e. Caleb, Esther Noah, Marian, Jonah, Eve, Isiah, Mary and Joseph.


Right?! So many lovely names in the bible, why pick the American reality tv star options of biblical names? 


Gethsemane? No no no


The alternative was Golgotha


Yes, “the place of the skull” is an excellent name for a human. Metal AF.


Excellent band name though.




Get Semen is gonna be easy leap for bullies.


My family loves singing along to Jesus Christ Super Star and whenever I want to listen to to Gethsemane, I shout “Alexa, play Jee-SAN-thu-mum,” because my lisp makes that word really hard for me to say.


Gethsemane is the name of the main character in a series of novels, as well as the Hallmark movie based on it (starring Tamera Mowry). I watched the film and still have no idea how to properly pronounce that name.


Geth semm eh nee. I have no idea how to show something phonetically, but that's how you say Gethsemane.


Geth-SEM-uh-nee. Capitalize the syllable with the stress.


I mean... *ɡɛθˈsɛməni*


Why not Nebuchadnezzar?


Good suggestion, for those looking for a suitably hideous, but rather catchy, name!


My friend wanted to name her son Hezekiah, Hessie as a nickname. Glad she had a girl.


Thank goodness she didn't decide on Hepzibah (Hezekiah's wife) for the girl!


Hezekiah is a normal name where I’m from. Most of them go by Zeke..


That would have been amazing. Keenan Wynn in *The Great Race*.


There are plenty of female Biblical names they could’ve chosen from that are considered completely normal and even popular. Why do people do this to their *daughters* specifically? 🤦‍♀️


I have an acquaintance who has 7 kids with biblical or biblical adjacent names. 4 of them are Aramaic names. Because Jesus spoke Aramaic. So some of them are similar to Hebrew names but so obscure I’ve never met a Jewish and/or Israeli person with those names. 3 of them aren’t normal names per se but they are at least words you can spell and pronounce. Well, one of those is spelled wrong but close enough. Both parents have totally normal common names. And no, they aren’t LDS but are super-evangelical. They are also very politically conservative (not surprising) but one of the Aramaic/Hebrew names is Che. Which most people obviously associate with Guevara the communist leader lol


> Che That's not a Hebrew/Aramaic name if it's pronounced like Guevara's. "Ch" isn't a sound in Hebrew/Aramaic.


It’s reasonable to assume she was totally wrong about this too lol


I had a cat named Galilee for many years! I had wanted to name a boy kitten Galileo but got a girl :P We called her Glee as a kitten and Gal as an adult!


Galilee is kinda dope


I'm sensing that your step sister and her husband have "faith and family" decor all over their house. Those names aren't tragedeighs. They're spelled the way they should be. If they were Gahlileey and Gethsemoknee they would be tragedeighs. These are just words they pulled from the bible. She could just as easily have gone for Dead Sea, Bethlehem or Nazareth.


But there are so many actual names of people in there, why not pick those? They did for the boy…


I agree. Those are geographic places. They scream religious zealots.


Right?! Mary, Rebecca, Esther, Delilah, Eve. Etc.


I was raised fundie. I have so many Biblical tragedies. (Autocorrect won't let me spell it wrong lol.) Two sisters named Bethlehem and Jubilee. Another two sisters, named Selah and something super biblical sounding... I'm blanking right now but it wasn't Esther or anything. Lol


When I saw Galilee I immediately thought of Jubilee. I don't hate them, a bit odd but not terrible. Gethsemane though. . .


When I was Christian all of these were on my list of baby names.


I knew a family with 8 kids, boys had normal Bible names, but the girls were Heidi, Hannah, ... Another H name I'm blanking on but was pretty normal.. and anyway when they had a 4th girl around 9/11 they named her Hope America. 😅🙄 That name isn't gonna age well 😑


i grew up hardcore evangelical. the amount of Isaiah’s, Elijah’s, Jeremiah’s, and Josiah’s i knew was insane. I never knew that many women’s Biblical names. i know a girl named Philomena, I had never heard the name before but thought it was so pretty. i googled it and she’s a Catholic saint, and she mentioned her parents are devout Catholics


Catholic saints have really good girl names often with really badass stories to go with them. Had a few on our girls name list despite neither of us being Christian's. 


In Ireland we have a very famous (for all the wrong reasons) family and they all have biblical names... Enoch, Ammi, Elijah, Esther, Isaac, Jemima, Josiah, Keren, Simeon & Kezia... Unfortunately not only are their names tragedeighs, but also as people they are tragedeighs 😂


My God, it’s like the Duggars, but with actual intelligence and higher education. The Mom runs a school and is actually a qualified teacher?! I didn’t even know that was allowed. I mean, 💯 asshat religious crackpots, never doubt it.


After reading a couple articles, I'd place the Burkes somewhere between the Duggars and the Phelps family of Westboro Baptist Church infamy. At least in terms of public behavior. Ideologically, I'm sure they have lots of shared interests and opinions.


Omg, The Westboro people are 100% reprehensible haters, cultist, and scary. They should all be jailed, or mind-wiped. Duggars are bizarre, and the pedo is reprehensible, but they harm one another more than they harm the general public, though I could be wrong... I really am reactive to religious zealots, though. I find them incomprehensible, dangerous, and delusional. It always seems to turn people into self-righteous haters. ugh.


Did you catch this in the Burkes’ Wikipedia article? > On 19 February, Fred Phelps Jr, pastor of the notoriously controversial Westboro Baptist Church in America, stated that though he supported Burke's position, he felt he had "gone too far".[69]


I'm from Ireland, who is this family?


Have you been hiding under a rock? How can you have missed the [Burkes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burke_family_(Castlebar))?


American, never heard of them. Holy crap they sound awful. I was thinking this family is just as horrid as the Westboro Baptist people (mostly the Phelps family) and then I got to this: > On 19 February, Fred Phelps Jr, pastor of the notoriously controversial Westboro Baptist Church in America, stated that though he supported Burke's position, he felt he had "gone too far".[69] The Phelpses are far cagier: they instigate fights by being outrageous (they’re the ones picketing with those “God Hates F—s” signs and then sue. And many of them are lawyers and know exactly what they can be on the right side of the law. They really are a criminal enterprise masquerading as a law firm masquerading as a church.


i know a sinai lol


Why do people do this to their daughters?


Because they never intend to take their daughters seriously as people, why should anyone else?


That's so sad for the girls.


Because they wanted sons.


Galilee isn't too bad, but I work with lots of cemeteries and Gethsemene is a really common cemetery name, so that's all I can think of, lol. It would be right up there with "this is my son Calvary" to me.


I dunno Gethsemane is kind of cold. Isn't that the garden where Jesus begged for his life?


Gzus Cryst


I love biblical names and was prepared to come and get excited but yikes! 




'Bubba' for short.


Next kid — Golgatha (hill where Jesus was crucified).


Golly Gee, what a cross to bear


There are literal biblical names that are actual people names, and she went for Gethsemane? There are even unique ones that aren’t common!


True, but Eden and Bethany are both biblical place names. I’m not really defending these choices, but they might not be as terrible as they could be. I think there are people names in the Bible that are much worse than Galilee and Gesthemane.


Am I the only one who started humming “Puff the magic dragon”? Oh wait, he’s from Honilee, not Galilee.


Galilee is my cousin's name lol


> They go by Lilly and Minnie. LMAO.


Hey she could have named them Numbers and Lamentations!


I’ve met a couple of Génesis’s. Not a single exodus.


Le sigh. Its not like there aren't any options for female Biblical names that would actually sound normal. Let's see: * Eve * Mary * Rachel * Dinah * Hannah * Rebecca * Abigail * Ruth * Leah


Damn they couldn't just go with Semane? You don't really see names starting with GETH in English.


My boyfriend’s family are all super religious and one of his aunts named a cousin Jerusalem. I feel bad whenever they mention her name.


Seems like a lot of work for Minnie and Lilly...


I have a cousin who named her kids Banner, Nation, Anthem, Honour, and Justus.🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh, those are remarkably unfortunate names. There are SO MANY normal female name options in the Bible, too, I feel like you have to go out of your way to find ones that weird. Rebecca? Ruth? Mary? Esther? Nah, *Gethsemane*.


Im glad they contrived Minnie out of Gethsemane, instead of going for Semane


I knew an Israeli guy whose little niece was Galilee. I think that's a lovely, happy name.


Had a customer whose name was Latrene. Went to an office. I get there and tell the receptionist I have an order for Laaa tren. A head pops out of an office and says that’s Latrine. Some parent actually named their kid latrine.


Was hoping they named the kids Sodom and Gomorrah


I follow fundamentalist religious people for entertainment. Girls usually get the shit end of the stick when it comes to names. They aren’t seen as important as boys and get stuck with names that can’t really be taken seriously.


If Minnie becomes a rapper she can go by Gethse Mane.


As a Shadrach (who goes by Chad) this is terrible. I mean, at least some people know the Beastie Boys song … or the story of The Three Young Men But jeeze, Gethsemane is just terrible *and not a name*


At least they’re spelt right.


Galilie is fine, Gethsemane is more cumbersome Both are spelled I'm ways that are familiar I'm pretty sure this sub is for people who think Quricetal is pronounced crystal People use biblical place names all the time My younger sister is called Bethany, I have a friend call Talitha. They could have choosen nicer names but it's not evil


Galyhleigh and Gythsymaneigh would be tragedeighs


Galilee isn't bad. It's feminine and bright, with a nice open ending. You could go by Gal, or Lily, or Lee. Hell, even Gali or Gale would work. Gethsemane is a war crime.


They named their daughter for the place Jesus prayed before he was betrayed by Judas???? I mean, do they even try to read the damn thing?


At least it wasnt Gomorrah.


I knew a girl named Dorcas. Her dad was a pastor and wanted a biblical name too.


My great aunt was Dorcas. I’ve known my husband for almost 30 years now and he fully guffaws every single time she is brought up in any context.


That’s simply tragic.


I figured out I have a lisp trying to pronounce the second one.


i dont see the problem with Elijah, i know an Elijah, (technically, the spanish version of Elijah), but Galille and Gethsemane strike odd to me


Poor Minnie got it worse than Lilly.


At least the girls have decent nicknames.


Bethany is a biblical place name.


Indeed. My kids are Kristen and Bethany. Christian? Yes. Fanatical zealots? No.


My SIL's two boys have 4 kids between them. The one boy was given a normal name and the 3 girls all have tragedeigh names. I think its more common to do this to girls.


I knew a Galilee growing up and always loved the name


Nimrod isn't an unknown name in Israeli/Jewish circles. For people who speak English it's definitely a tragedy. Don't know if the insult is known in Israel.


Wow those are horrible names. I do not doubt they will be changed lol


If Gethsemane didn't have the associations it does, it's a really pretty name.


My kids went to school with a Nehemiah. She went by Nemo.


Oh no, poor ~~Gothsemen~~ Gethsemane


In my friends family, they did something similar… But to the extreme. They have 10 children. Five boys, and five girls. All of them have names ending in an “ah” sound. The boys are named Elijah, Isaiah, Nehemiah, and I can’t remember the other two. The girls are named after places with middle names things like faith, joy, hope, etc. The girls are named: Caesarea, Samaria, Judea, and two others. It’s so trippy to me.


May I introduce you to the opposite, my brother Jesus is friends with a Lazarus. Lazarus is probably THE most kickass name why isn't this used more often!


Gethsemane? The poor girl… even Bethel would have been better. The only Biblical location I think works for a quirky name (besides the more common Judah) is Jericho, and even that is a bit controversial.


Ha, I’m the 666th upvote. Feels rather fitting for this post!


Elijah and Galilee not bad at all.


Gethesmane sounds like a Elden Ring boss name


Eden was right freaking there. At least it wasn’t Bethlehem but call her Beth. 😂


Galilee could easily be “Gail.” But Gethsemane is very close to “Get thee a man.”🤷🏼‍♀️ poor kid. “You named your baby what? That’s so funny. I actually went to school with a girl named Gethsemane. She became a s+r!pper.”