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He did un-cool things


He changed a lot.. In season 1, he shot his gun at Ricky's wedding, so Ricky wouldn't go to jail by himself.... In later seasons he was a total dick


Ricky even tells him he’s changed in the episode where they’re trying to get rid of the crabs


Dirty pinchy cock suckers! 🦀


I think that line is supposed to be ironic cause Ricky’s been doing the same thing since grade 6, I watched that ep recently and that line made me laugh the most


Keep in mind the main plot of Season 1 was Julian trying to get Ricky to marry Lucy to get Lucy off his back.


True, but going to jail for Ricky was selfless


before you but after this other guy


For me it’s “Say Goodnight To The Bad Guys”… Julian hoarded all their money for a year saying it was best to sit on it until the heat died down, while simultaneously spending it freely on himself while Ricky, Bubbles and Ray starved and barely made ends meet. I suppose in some weird way he honestly believed he was doing the right thing but it comes across as so incredibly selfish.


Basing all his decisions on DeNiro movies was insane man


Fuck Joey Demirno and those other movie dicks, I’m fucking broke.


when he didn’t go get ray from jail


Ray deserved it


"Yeah, what does that book say about lying to the government and pretending to be handicapped there, huh?" "Well it's left up to interpretation" "Yeah it's up to interpretation. See ya soon" lol I get it, the dude needed it all to go well without Ricky or his dad fucking it up, and he wasn't even wrong lol 'yeah how's about you look at yourself there Ray," and "the guys all fucked up rolling backwards through shots and shit" nah he was a supreme piece of work


Stole sixty bucks from julian too


"Well nobody's proud to admit they ate 16 cans of ravioli but I did. I mean, the first two or three are understandable, but after that the fourth and fifth tasted pretty good, pretty sure I burnt the last few, but anyways if someone's already taken the blame for it, I can't take the blame, because it's already been taken."


There aren’t any seasons after Countdown to Liquor Day😂


Idk dude, those episodes with Snoop were awesome lol "Man what the fuk is in this? Are you sure it's weed?" Maaaan" lmao Rickys weed really got Snoop that fucked up


Snoop was never on the show


Lol either you're joking or you haven't seen season 10 episode 8 for some reason. They bring in two guest stars that really fill out the episode (technically three, Snoop, Tom Arnold, and someone else I forget)


There’s no Season 10 of Trailer Park Boys


When that dude offered 10k to bang Lucy and he approached Sara and told her the guy would do it for 5k


Lol, Sarah takes a greasy cut too




2 grand could change your life


when ricky gets a job at the mall and julian sabotages it and sends good ol’ cory and trevor to plant a car stereo in the boot of his car


We’re going to take a car stereo, and put it in Ricky’s trunk


Basically after Season 2- I think originally his character was supposed to be a greasy character with a good heart. I think they abandoned that when it overlapped with bubbles too much. They tried a few other times to force a softer side to Julian but less and less as the shoe went on.




I don’t think it was unreasonable for him to not want Lucy to shove someone else’s child onto him because her real father is dumber than a turnip


Yeah but they had layered Season 1 throughout the entire season that Julian might be the father. You've hadn't caught that. Lol. It's everywhere in Season 1. Then they purposely dropped that moving forward other than a nod every other season with an Easter egg alluding to it for the entire run of the series. Even Trinity now on her Twitch stream says she finally knows the answer to who her real father is but only found out this year but that the rest of the cast knew since day 1 but she was too young to be explained a backstory of that nature. She said she wouldn't tell us. I'm thinking it's in Season 13 filming this summer (or was suppose to). Because why would they finally tell her (the same way Lahey thinking he was Ricky's father was always the backstory in the originals as alluded to by Dunsworth himself in a 2012 interview I posted on here).


In Season 1 when we were privy to what the park residents weren't privy to. That he manipulated his best friend Ricky to mary Lucy simply because of Lucy's growing dependence on Julian and the implications which came with that.


Bro that ain’t even selfish. That’s just getting a bitch off your back.


Yeah but he was still manipulatimg Ricky and being deceitful to get her off his own back. Plus they had layered throughout the entire season that Julian might be the father but no one in the park really talks about it and no one it seems to know for sure. But it's not a Fan fiction theory. It's everywhere in Season 1 as you can see how they layered it in many scenes (even with Lucy saying to Julian lets talk about responsibility). Then they purposely dropped that altogether moving forward other than a nod every other season with an Easter egg alluding to it for the entire run of the series. Even Trinity on her Twitch stream says she finally knows the answer to who her real father is but only found out this year but that the rest of the cast new since day 1 as she was too young to be explaineda backstory. She said she wouldn't tell us. I'm thinking it's in Season 13 filming this summer (or was suppose to). As why would they just tell her now (just like how John Dunsworth in a 2012 interview that I posted on here and how in it he alluded to the fact that Lahey always thought he was Ricky's father and is why Tammy left the park).


I never got that. Outside of the scene where Julian talks about hooking up with Lucy that one time and blacking out. Where are the hints that Trin is his? I think fans like to infer it a lot


It’s very heavily implied throughout the entire first season. Trinity refers to Ricky by his name, not calling him dad. Lucy shows heavy interest in Julian and none in Ricky and is caught trying to sneak into Julian’s trailer. She is jealous when she finds out about Candy. During the candid camera interviews at the wedding, Trevor and Cory talk about the previous “secret” relationship between Julian and Lucy. Lucy leaves Julian a message on the answering machine saying Trinity has been asking about her father. Bubbles even tells Julian that he needs to stick around for Trinity because he knows what it’s like to grow up without parents. I’m sure there are more examples because it is so heavily implied in season one and pops up occasionally in following seasons.


In Season 1 though it has nothing to do with fans reading too much into it. It's definitely the subtext which is a major part of what's going on in that Season. It is threaded into the main storyline. That's on you for not catching it. 🙂 Because they certainly layered it in on purpose so there would be more at stake for the main storyline when you realize what's really happening. === *Subtext doesn't equal fan theory in Season 1.* === Subtext of Season 1 interwoven into the story: *We are first introduced to Trinity running into Julian's arms and not Ricky's. Julian seeing her first (Julian making sure he says this is Ricky's girl). So Julian sees her even before Ricky does as she asks "Is Ricky out of Jail too?"* *It's no coincidence that her first scene is with Julian and precedes her first scene with Ricky. Clattenburg chooses where to place this scene. It's not willy-nilly. Most shows would have had the daughter be introduced with her father first.* *Trinity says to Julian "I missed you, are you going to come and visit my mommy?" Why would she ask that? It's just a subtle line placed strategically. Nothing too obvious. A casual comment for subtext.* In the second episode of Season 1 Lucy leaves a message on Julian's answering machine which is heavy on subtext: *** "Julian I need to talk to you and Trinity needs to see you. Why don't you return my calls? Can't you at least do that, hey? I'm coming over there and today's subject is responsibility."**** As we hear Trinity yelling in the background "I want to see Julian" as Lucy is in frenzy. *The fact that she is making Julian feel guilty by saying that Trinity needs to see him and talking about responsibility is crazy. On the surface Julian has no responsibility toward either of them.* Then we are introduced to their hookup at Ricky's party when Lucy was 17 which they also mentioned in the 1999 movie called Trailer Park Boys. I don't think they are saying this was the night Trinity was conceived. But probably the only hookup that they'll half admit to only because the park knows about it. This is not that important. But part of the layering. Lucy leaving Trinity with Julian in front of Ricky is part of the main storyline. So Julian starts feeling the pressure and his wheels start turning right then and there and he freaks out. The first thing he does is give the Shitmobile to Ricky so Ricky can impress Lucy. The second thing of course he does is to manipulate Ricky by lying and saying the park residents think he's gay and then convinces him the best way to stop that rumor is to have Ricky ask Lucy to marry him. We'll get to that later. *In Season 1 Episode 4 when Ricky and Julian are outside the hospital Trinity calls Julian's cellphone, not Ricky, but Julian hands Ricky the phone immediately.* Then Lucy starts leaving messages on Julian's answering machine about how she just broke up with Ricky and to come over. So the pressure is on now so he lies to Ricky about the gay rumor and he and Ricky go steal Lucy's engagement ring and then Ricky proposes to her while she's hoping to get with Julian tiptoeing around Julian's trailer. Lucy is jealous of Candy. Again part of the story. Lucy is leaning heavily on Julian to take care of the wedding as if she has the upper hand and has him sighing audibly once he hangs up with her. *Trinity calls Julian and says "I love you". Bubbles says to Julian "you're like a second dad to her" which he would be even without the storyline subtext but I thought it was worth mentioning.* But then Bubbles says in a closeup: *"...make sure you don't fuck around on Trinity. Make sure you're there for her. Because I know what it's like when parents fucking leave on you".* Anyways they do the robbery to secure the wedding, the wedding starts and we know what happens at the end. ===== As far as the once every couple year nods I have to do these from the top of my head so I'm sure I'll be missing a lot: *Season 5 Cheeseburger Picnic Lucy says to Julian as she leans into his ear and half whispers:* *"You know what? Trinity has been asking about you."* That's a crazy nod. *And there is a motiff where Trinity by story circumstances goes to Julian first when she needs a father figure fast.* *Like in Season 6 when Julian needs to pretend he's Trinity's father so she can pass grade 6. And look closely at Lucy's and Sarah's reactions when he decides to do this as Lucy says "Perfect" and Sarah says "I wouldn't miss this for anything".* *In Season 8 by circumstance of story and design, again it is no coincidence that Trinity goes to Julian first to tell him she's pregnant. And notice her ever so slight eye roll when Julian yells excitedly "I'm going to be an uncle"* The eyeroll might be the only thing I might be reading too much into or imagining. 😀 But I'm pretty sure she does one. Maybe not. *In Season 10 by circumstances of the story and design it is no coincidence that it is Julian who walks her down the "aisle" to Jacob. As normally that is the father's duty*. === The nods in the other seasons can be argued against but not the Season 1 subtext. They just decided to drop that angle.


The Season 6 bit was the heaviest hint imo. He looks at Lucy dead in the eyes and says he’ll pretend to be Trin’s father, and everyone gets all 👀👀👀


Yeah for sure. That would be my first pick too. The season 5 intoxicated lean in and half whispering into his ear "Trinity has been asking about you" is a close second. And the responsibility message in Season 1 that Trinity needs to see him is no slouch either.


Oof I forgot about the “Trinity’s been asking about you” bit, lol


Holy fuck boys. I think he’s onto something here. I’m perfectly fine with this also. It’s just that it’s kinda done away with after season 1. If it was an ongoing thing throughout the seasons. I could see it. But that’s some spot on information there.


Yeah they dropped it. But there a few nods throughout the seasons. Once every 2 years maybe. If that.


Julian will do some goodhearted stuff every now and then, like taking care of other people’s rent in the park when he has cash to burn. But since season 1, he’s also shown himself to be a dirtbag whenever the shit hits the fan. Season 1, he manipulates Ricky and Lucy into marriage, just because he’s tired of Lucy flirting w him. In later seasons, he’ll still occasionally do stuff like give every resident their trailers back, after he buys them all and fixes them up, but then when he’s low on cash, he’s back to conning everyone, even Ricky and Bubs, whatever he needs to do to make a greasy Buck.


This gets brought up all the time and no one ever mentions how Julian looks out for Jacob and the alien Trevors (“they’re students Ricky”) and Ricky couldn’t give a fuck (“I’m not going to jail, those idiots are”). Julian thinks money is more important than everything but at the end of the day I think he wants that money to help himself and all his friends just be able to live in peace


How quickly would Julian have thrown the students under the bus though if one of those students didn't idolize him to the point of massive awkwardness? Julian's interest in taking Jacob under his wing is pretty transparently ego-driven, just like nearly everything else Julian does.


Ya I mean he abandons them faster than you can say “Amanda get back in the Argo” but in a universe where the smartest guy we know is about to get everybody shot with a crazy international drug smuggling puppetry shit show I feel like we gotta give the boys some credit. Julian did at least some what attempt to stick up for people who really were just there for jail cover to the point of trusting Jacob and getting betrayed.


This is the take. Julian is the most selfish character when it comes to money. But he's always chasing money so that he and his friends can "retire." He just wants stability and success for his core group-- and even the entire park if he can afford it.  I feel like this is more evident in earlier seasons. But I feel like that's less to do with Julian's character changing in later seasons and more to do with the fact that the stakes increase substantially over time. In season 2 they've got a small trailer filled with dope. By the last few seasons, they're trying to save the trailer park itself.  


He didn’t screw ricky over, Ricky never got his phone call to register for the cruise right? But yeah Julian is super selfish. Biggest one is when he tried to pimp out Lucy but first time I noticed is when he robbed Dennis and Terry behind Ricky’s back.


How was Ricky gonna get a phone call when he lives in a car with no phone 😂😂😂


When he forced Ricky to watch Mrs. Peterson's dog. " because it's your fault Ricky."


After they sold the cigarettes from the train dope deal...these the scene where it's Julian and he says something like " I made $400.000 on this deal" when he did lesser of the work. It wasn't his dope. Or his train


Yes $480,000. And he was the only one who got to spend any of it before Barb and Sam took it in the Showcase Series Finale. He bought a secondhand DeLorean. And in Countdown he didn't give Ricky any of Rickys side of the liquor store takedown. Julian just bought a car with the whole take (though he did light it on fire later for the insurance money so Bubbles could get his Kitties back).


The Bible pimp episode. All Ricky wanted was one night off with his girl and some sweet n power chicken and Julian fucked that up, and couldn't grasp that he did anything wrong. He blames Ricky for ruining *his* date...


All so he could go out with cinnamonroll head


In Julian’s defense she’s the hottest lady we’ve seen in the show. The dancing scene? Damn


She's pretty and she still got upstaged by my girlfriend Sarah in her blue dress.




The red-headed angel of Sunnyvale


She was hot AF.


You’re here to sell drugs, fuck school Moments later Look at all the books!


I love the part where Ricky lights up before going into the interview and bubbles is like “you can’t smoke!” So Ricky takes a few quick hits and just throws it on the floor 🤣🤣


Christmas to me is about one thing - money


Gotta remember that Julian is an alcoholic and when things get desperate, his addiction comes first.




Julien is in charge of everything on the show. If you start watching a season, he puts everyone into place for his own gain


Pretty much immediately, wasn’t that the whole schitck, he was the smart one who came up with plans that put ricky in danger and then reaped the profits himself


it goes back n forth, i think season 5 he remodels everyones trailers after randy kicked them out and gave them back to the people. he does greasy things just like ricky, lifes greasy sometimes


Making it very hard for Ricky to get his Grade 10


When he left the airstream to go on a date with cinnamon roll fuckin' head.


I think the bar for selfish behavior is different when you're dealing with Ricky who screws up any chance he gets


For fucks sake, I’m having some trouble talking, but I am smart


When he wouldn't share his girls with bubs




In the “pilot”. He is a much better person in the series. He puts himself first but at least has a soft side.


Sometimes life is greasy, mans gotta eat.


gives lahey 7 grand instead of bailing ray out of jail


I’m sure this will be controversial but regarding Erica’s ticket technically he did nothing wrong - ye it was stupid to have Ricky’s ticket as the “bonus” ticket knowing that Ricky would have to acctually physically answer a phone call, but it was also stupid how The boys always delegated the hardest taste to Cory and Trevor for fucking half the show (and then to Cory and Jacob) and still somehow got upset and acted surprised when they failed despite trying 😂 For me, and this is a subtle one, Julian’s selfishness stuck out in s5 e1. Small detail as I said but when the boys go to Terry and Dennis’ for Ricky to buy dope, they get into a row and Julian keeps telling everyone to “leave it.” But the minute his name is mentioned (when the flappy bird brothers slag him in a foreign language), he’s up in their faces. Just went to show me that he expected his mates to shrug off conflict but the minute he was even mentioned in a bad light it’s game over.


Christmas special....grand prize tv...oh and I'm just gonna Ricky my grandma's car so I don't have to deal with his whore.


Meant to say best light for Christmas bought from him gets tv...


Probably the first rewatch.


when he and ricky burnt down bubbles shed. I know that was more so ricky, but Julian couldn’t have cared less