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Idk how big estrogen pills are as I am ftm, but I’d recommend getting a non clear bottle of allergy pills, emptying that out, and refilling with your pills way from everyone. Then hide that pill bottle under your bed mattress. That’s my suggestion, wish you the best.


I feel like hiding the pill bottle makes it more suspicious if found. My thought would work best if OP has other medication that doesn’t have to be a secret, plus something like a multivitamin and then could put the pills in an allergy bottle, put it with all of the other pills in her room and keep them together so it’s more of a hiding in plain sight thing


Good point on not hiding the bottle though it would also be sus if she didn’t already have pill bottles in her room to begin with. The reason I suggested an allergy bottle under the mattress is because everyone uses allergy pills. Keeping them somewhere where anyone could grab could mean your bottle ends up missing. Rarely anyone (except very oppressive parents) Checks under mattresses for anything and if it were found she could just say she has bad allergies and didn’t want to share her pills. Another place to hide the bottle would be in a drawer in a pants pocket.